Governor's Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Minnesotans makes recommendations in report on Minnesota gay quality of life

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Listen: Task force recommendations in report on Minn. gay quality of life

MPR’s Chris Roberts reports on the Governor's Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Minnesotans and their recommendations in a report on Minnesota gay quality of life, which determined that gays and lesbians are targets of widespread discrimination. Report includes comments from members of task force.


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CHRIS ROBERTS: The charge of the 16 member task force was to examine the quality of life of Minnesota gays and lesbians, and if necessary, to recommend ways to improve it. The group was made up of both men and women from a variety of racial and occupational backgrounds and included gays, lesbians, and heterosexuals. Task force vice chair Leo Treadway, a Lutheran ministry associate in Saint Paul, told reporters that the task force had no hidden agenda.

LEO TREADWAY: These recommendations simply did not come out of thin air. These were not things that we as a group were necessarily all committed to in the beginning, but this was consistently what we heard from citizens around the state. And I think that's why we've included it, why we've made the primary recommendations we have.

CHRIS ROBERTS: Because the task force determined that gays and lesbians are still a target for widespread discrimination throughout the state, one primary recommendation calls for the inclusion of sexual orientation in the state Human Rights Act. Task force members said while testimony wasn't unanimous, an underlying theme at public hearings and briefings was the need for legal protection. The last time such a bill was introduced was in 1983, when it was defeated by a handful of votes. Task force member and Minneapolis State Senator Allan Spear plans to introduce another measure, along with Minneapolis State Representative Karen Clark on Monday, and says the task force report will help the effort.

KAREN CLARK: One of the arguments that has often been made in the past is that we have not made the case that there is widespread discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the State of Minnesota. And I think this task force report very clearly documents that this is a serious problem. There is widespread discrimination. And people outside of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, the only two communities that currently have this protection, are desperately in need of it.

CHRIS ROBERTS: Spear says Governor Arne Carlson is behind the measure. The task force is also recommending that the state's sodomy law be repealed. The group says the law represents an intrusion into privacy can only be erratically enforced and makes an improper connection between criminality and homosexuality. Task force chair Geraldine Sell, who works for South High School in Minneapolis, admits repealing the sodomy law will be difficult.

GERALDINE SELL: I'm sure that there will be opposition. I mean, when we had public hearings around the State of Minnesota, there were many people who got up and testified against this thing. There is some perception among some people that these laws apply only to homosexual people which, of course, is not the case.

CHRIS ROBERTS: Minneapolis representative [? Linda ?] [? Waitzman ?] has already introduced a measure to repeal the sodomy law, which has received criticism from religious groups around the state. In addition, the task force is calling for requiring all public employees, such as law enforcement, teachers, health care, and human service workers, to receive education and training on gay and lesbian issues. Another recommendation to establish an ongoing commission to continue the work begun by the task force has already been approved by Governor Carlson. Task force members say Carlson has reappointed every one of them to serve on that commission. This is Chris Roberts reporting.

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