October 25, 2012 - Minnesotans are involved in a passionate debate about marriage during 2012 election season. The two sides began squaring off more than 40 years ago. This project draws from MPR's extensive audio archive to explore the origins of this election day showdown over same-sex marriage.
November 19, 2010 - All Thing’s Considered’s Tom Crann talks with Lee Greenfield, former state legislator from Minneapolis, about his friend Senator Allan Spear and Spear's posthumous autobiography "Crossing the Barriers." Spear was one of the first openly gay Americans serving in elected office.
October 13, 2008 - Morning Edition’s Cathy Wurzer talks with Roger Moe, former DFL Majority Leader, about Allan Spear, former President of the Minnesota Senate, who died at the age of 71.
September 2, 1999 - On this special live Midday program from the Minnesota State Fair, a debate about the idea of a unicameral legislature. MPR’s Gary Eichten moderates a discussion with DFL State Senator Allan Spear, who supports unicameral, and former Republican Party Chair Chris Georgacas, who opposes unicameral.
October 28, 1997 - Midday offers live two-hour coverage of the legislative Special Session with a debate on the Twins ballpark/stadium in the Minnesota Senate. Debate includes gambling as a funding source. MPR reporter Martin Kaste joins Gary Eichten to provide analysis as debate plays out.
May 20, 1996 - State Senator Allan Spear reacts to US Supreme Court decision on a Colorado amendment.
March 22, 1994 - Midday focuses on how public policy effects the use of alcohol. Allan Spear, Minnesota state senator; and George Hacker, director of the Alcohol Policies Project of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, discuss legislation (both state and national) intended to stop alcohol abuse. Spear and Hacker also answer listener questions.
May 20, 1993 - MPR’s Chris Roberts reports on the various efforts by Minneapolis DFL mayoral candidates to capture the gay and lesbian vote in city. Report includes various interviews and commentary.
March 18, 1993 - MPR’s Mike Mulcahy describes the scene as Minnesota Senate debates and votes to extend the Minnesota Human Rights Bill to include protections on one’s sexual orientation. Report includes clips of Senate floor speeches.
March 9, 1993 - On this Midday program, DFL Senator Allan Spear, who is the author of a gay and lesbian human rights bill; and Independent-Republican Senator Tom Neuville, who opposes it, talk and take questions about topic.