July 21, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow interviews Phil Easton, the publisher of the Stillwater Gazette, about giving furloughs to inmates of Stillwater Prison.
October 18, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman talks with Pat Huss, who discusses the results of Minnesota Public Interest Research Group survey on Twin Cities employment agencies.
January 1, 1973 - MER presents Greg Barron’s radio documentary “A Story About Dogs,” a feature which examines the plight of dogs caught up in Twin Cities area pounds. Program includes various interviews with animal advocates, dog owners, pound/kennel staff members, and various officials.
April 8, 1973 - MER’s Greg Barron rides along with Saint Paul Police Officers Joe Pelton and Keith Martenson as they patrol the streets of the city during the night watch. Barron captures events of the evening in dramatic fashion through sounds and actions that take place as they intervene in a domestic dispute.
May 14, 1973 - Walter Mondale talks about the Watergate prosecution of political crimes, corrupt practices, violations and conspiracies. In interview, Mondale says it's becoming obvious these crimes which affect democracy and freedom are rarely prosecuted and investigated as they affect political allies.
August 10, 1973 - MER’s Greg Barron reports on Reserve Mining trial, where issues of asbestos from dumping tailings into Lake Superior are being argued. Dr. Donald Baumgartner, an engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency, testified for the state using a taconite settling study that shows particles can carry great distances in Lake Superior. Reserve Mining claims taconite is carried to a 600 foot "Great Trench."
August 30, 1973 - MPR’s Kevin McKiernan reports that the Custer, South Dakota grand jury returned indictments against Russell Means, Vernon Bellecourt, Dennis Banks and several others. Some 20 policemen came to hospital in Winter, SD and make arrests. Report details information on charges and bail.
September 4, 1973 - MPR’s Stewart Stonick reports on court testimony from Dr. William Nicholson of the Environment Sciences Lab of Mt. Sinai Hospital. Nicholson is the 14th expert witness to testify against Reserve Mining's taconite dumping practices.
October 9, 1973 - Laura Nader, American anthropologist, speaking at Macalester College. Nader’s address was on the topic of community understanding, or lack thereof, law.
November 13, 1973 - Professor Herman Schwartz speaks on his critical view of the U.S. prison program. Topics include history of modern prison system, inhumane conditions, guards, and race. During the tragic inmate uprising at Attica State Prison in 1971, Schwartz served as the first intermediary between the prisoners and the prison administration.