October 13, 1969 - Events, Issues and Ideas program, with news reporting on Richard Nixon's response to protesting and demonstrations, Bill Tilton and student protests, amongst other news topics.
April 4, 1971 - Benjamin Spock speaking at Augsburg College. Address was in honor of the Minnesota 8, sponsored by the Minnesota 8 Defense Committee. Topics of Spock’s address were on politics, social injustice, environment, and health. Spock’s speech was initially interrupted by women right’s protesters, reading excerpts from his book that the protesters viewed as marginalizing women.
May 9, 1971 - Writer and philosopher Ayn Rand speaking at the Ford Hall Forum. Rand’s speech is titled “The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution" based on a 1971 collection of essays, in which Rand she argues that religion, the New Left, and similar forces are irrational and harmful.
February 15, 1972 - MPR’s Bob Potter reports on local Corporate War Crimes Investigation Conference sponsored by the Honeywell Project.
May 10, 1972 - Audio clip of MPR’s Bob Potter live on location during "Eight Days in May" antiwar demonstrations and Dinkytown riot. Audio ends abruptly when police officers knock Potter’s microphone from his hand.
May 16, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow reports on University of Minnesota faculty and student representatives of group against President Nixon’s Vietnam War policy meeting with congressmen in Washington D.C. The protest delegation asked politicians about their positions.
June 12, 1972 - Jack Baker comments about similar goals of the state convention Women's Caucus and the Gay Rights Caucus. Baker states Women's Caucus is essentially tearing down and rejecting male chauvinism, and so is the Gay Rights Caucus.
June 17, 1972 - Tony Russo, a key figure in the Pentagon Papers case, talks with Paul Gruchow and Marvin Granger about social justice under the Nixon administration. Russo describes his personal experience in jail. (Please note - This is a "raw" interview, with audio prior to start of proper interview, and fluctuations in audio quality)
July 21, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow interviews Phil Easton, the publisher of the Stillwater Gazette, about giving furloughs to inmates of Stillwater Prison.
July 27, 1972 - Ron Edwards, local civil rights activist and member of Minneapolis Urban League, talks about accusations of racism and discrimination against minorities found in the General Mills Company. Edwards also comments on a boycott of General Mills products.