Listen: Totino-Grace fires gay teacher, part of a pattern for Catholic schools

MPR’s Tim Post reports on a longtime teacher at a Catholic school in Fridley who says she was fired after she told other teachers she's in a same-sex relationship. It's the second high profile departure from Totino-Grace High School in recent months. The school's president resigned this summer after announcing he was in a same-sex relationship.

Such incidents are happening across the country as church doctrine collides with changing views on marriage.


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SPEAKER: A long time teacher at a Catholic school in Fridley, says she was fired after she told other teachers she's in a same-sex relationship. It's the second high-profile departure from Totino-Grace High School in recent months. The school's president resigned this summer after announcing he was in a same-sex relationship. Such incidents are happening across the country as church doctrine collides with changing views on marriage. Tim Post reports.

TIM POST: During a teaching workshop a few weeks ago, Kristen Ostendorf made this statement to about 120 of her fellow teachers.

KRISTEN OSTENDORF: Most of you know I'm gay, and I am in a relationship with a woman. I'm so happy.

TIM POST: Ostendorf, who worked as an English teacher, campus minister, lacrosse and swim coach for 18 years at the school, says it all came as a surprise to the roomful of Totino-Grace teachers. Not the part about being gay, but rather the part about being in a relationship.

KRISTEN OSTENDORF: Nobody says in a Catholic school when you're a woman, I'm in a relationship with another woman. And everybody knows the consequences.

TIM POST: Over the next few days, Ostendorf found out what those consequences would be. School officials told her she had a choice, resign or be fired. She refused to resign.

KRISTEN OSTENDORF: I don't feel like telling the truth should cost me my job.

TIM POST: Totino-Grace officials won't say much about what happened. The school released a statement saying the matter is a private one between employer and employee. The statement also says, quote, "Like all Catholic schools and organizations, Totino-Grace follows the teachings of the church and the employment policies of the Archdiocese," end quote.

Totino-Grace is ultimately overseen by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Employees sign a contract that details behavior that can cost them their jobs. It includes public conduct that is inconsistent with the faith, morals, teachings, and laws of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church opposes same-sex marriage. The archdiocese didn't respond to requests to comment for this story.

Ostendorf ouster isn't the first at Totino-Grace linked to the public announcement of same-sex relationships. In July, the school's president, Bill Hudson, resigned his spot after telling school officials he was in a relationship. Back then, Hudson said his pronouncement was freeing.

Before Hudson and Ostendorf, there was Chad O'Leary. O'Leary, who worked in youth ministry on campus, told his bosses at Totino-Grace that he was gay and in a relationship back in 2010. After a meeting with administrators, he felt his only option was to resign.

CHAD O'LEARY: It would not be compatible to be in an outward or be in a public relationship with my partner and also do my job.

TIM POST: O'Leary has since left the Catholic Church and now works as a youth minister for the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota. Firings at Catholic schools over same-sex relationships appear to be on the rise nationally, according to Francis DeBernado. He's the executive director of Maryland-based New Ways Ministry, a group that advocates for LGBT employees in Catholic institutions.

FRANCIS DEBERNADO: 2011, I would say there were maybe two or three cases like this. In 2012, there were probably six or so. And now we've had well over a dozen.

TIM POST: DeBernado says that's in part because gay marriage has become legal in more states like Minnesota, and that has gay employees of Catholic schools speaking up about their relationships.

FRANCIS DEBERNADO: The arrival of public affirmation of their relationships is going to bring out more and more of these cases.

TIM POST: For her part, Kristen Ostendorf says she hopes her firing prompts conversation at Totino-Grace, in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, and in the Catholic Church as a whole about what place gay employees have in Catholic schools.

KRISTEN OSTENDORF: I want to be the last person fired because of the gender of the person I love. I really would like that to be true. I have a feeling I won't be.

TIM POST: Ostendorf is currently looking for another teaching job, but says she has no plans to leave the Catholic faith. Tim Post, Minnesota Public Radio News.

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