Word of Mouth: Yes Yoko Ono / Peter Ostroushko CD party / Popular Creeps with Mary Lucia

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Listen: Word of Mouth 2001-03-16

On Word of Mouth, MPR’s Chris Roberts provides a radio guide to the local arts.

On this episode:

- An interview with artist Yoko Ono and a profile on her exhibit “Yes Yoko Ono” at the Walker Art Center

- A round-up of local art events, including Pillsbury House Theatre’s “Angels in America, Part Two: Perestroika,” Phipps gallery’s “Alchemy, Amulets, and Alters” exhibit, Hey City Theater’s production of “Smokey Joe’s Cafe,” and Christopher Danowski’s play “My Mouth is Filled with Babies

- An interview with Peter Ostroushko about his CD party for “Sacred Heart

- A profile on Popular Creeps with Mary Lucia as they say goodbye to Zone 105

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