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On this special State Fair edition of Midday, Mike Hatch, Ember Reichgott-Jung and David Lillehaug, the three Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidates for attorney general, visit with MPR’s Gary Eichten at the MPR booth. Hatch, Reichgott-Jung and Lillehaug debate the campaign issues and answer questions from the fair audience.

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Good afternoon, and welcome back to mid-day on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm very active or broadcasting live today from the NPR Booth here at the Minnesota State Fair. If you're out at the State Fair, make sure you stop by the booth. If not during the broadcast and this afternoon this evening whenever we've got lots of goodies for you and great to a meet people that I should listen to this station election day, of course is just 11 days away now and most of the media attention I think understandably enough has been focused on the Lively race for governor, but there are other interesting and important races on the primary election ballot today. We've been joined by the three candidates involved in probably the most interesting other race that's going to be on your ballot namely the three-way dfl contest for State Attorney General current attorney general. Skip Humphrey is running for governor. So the seat is wide open this year who ever wins the dfl primary goes on to the November general election with an expected match up against state representative Charlie Weaver and if hisFree of any guy that whoever ultimately gets elected as Minnesota's new Attorney General of the state stop law enforcement official can expect to hold the office for several years and significantly affect public policy in this state. We've been joined today by all three dfl candidates for attorney general. The party's endorsed candidate is state. Senator Amber rights got young also on the ballot former US attorney David little hug and former Commerce commissioner my couch. Good morning. We also invite you to join our conversation this our know if you have a question for the candidates, and you're here in the audience, all you have to do to participate is just to step up to the microphone, and we will put you on the radio. If you're listening on the radio, give us a call or Twin City area number is 227-6002 to 76 thousand if you're calling from outside the Twin Cities, you can reach us toll-free and that number is 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 802-4228.To a couple of notes before we get started here. First of all, there aren't any of the traditional rules and regulations that govern these political debate. So I would love to have a more freewheeling discussion this hour now, we've asked all three candidates to identify themselves when they speak. So those of you listening on the radio can keep track of who's saying what so if it sounds a little goofy from time to time these people don't normally do this, you could invite them over for dinner. They're not going to say my name is Mike Hatch. And so that's what that's all about. But it's a little easier for me to keep track of all so we're going to ask each candidate at the end of the program to give a little pitch for 1 minute so they can give you a reason to vote specifically for them. Other than that of the say no formal rules and regulations. So let's get started here.any single issue that that you folks think is the most important issue that dominates the campaign the thing that the voters out of think about. Who who do you want to go first? Whoever that say. I were pretty much in agreement of a discussion being Prime Healthcare Family Farm. I think that for starters via many of you know, what compose much of the issues that we talked about during this campaign. This is my story. This is David little hug. This is an historic attorney general election. Skip Humphrey is leaving the office after 16 years. Those are some pretty big shoes to fill because he's been a really good attorney general. And so I think the main issue is who has the experience to fill those shoes and who has the experience to get the job done. I was the United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota upon recommendation of Senator wellstone an appointment by the president for about four and a half years and I was the chief federal law enforcer and it seems to me in this historic election that that probably is the best experience to become what you call Gary the state's chief law enforcer and whether it's an issue, Reducing crime and violence dealing with gangs crime prevention whether it's in the issue of the environment or standing up for people as a consumer Advocate. That's what I that's what I bring to the table and I'll try to shed Norwegian modesty in and talk about that little bit today. Young and I want to thank Minnesota Public Radio for having this debate. I firmly believe that the greatest challenge that we face is protecting our children and families from violence and we can't meet this challenge unless we have the courage to take on prevention with the same Vigor as prosecution as attorney general. I won't be satisfied until we do the whole job and that is preventing the crime before it happens and ensuring a consequence for every crime that's committed. That's what I've done for 16 years in the Minnesota Senate and that's my pledge to you the voters as Attorney General. The question was just what are the issues but I see patients being bullied out of H him. I was particularly senior citizens being bullied out of clinics by hmos. I see Farmers being bullied off the farm by corporate processors. I see gangs blowing people out of their neighborhoods. There does need to be an activist attorney general. I think that I've got some experience in that area. I think all of these candidates are excellent, but I bring to the table a history of representing the underdog a very activist involvement is Commerce Commissioner of representing patience is a private attorney and I'd like to bring that to the tables attorney general about Northwest Airlines and its dominance here in the market. Is that a legitimate issue for attorney generals to be talking about it's a very legitimate issue and in fact almost just didn't make the debate today because I stopped by to see the flight attendants at the rally at the state capitol, you know, this is a fundamental issue of Economic and moral Justice. This airline has not been treating its employees. Well, it has not been treating Minnesota consumers. Well we have Paying inflated ferrets for a long time because of Northwest dominance in Minneapolis-Saint Paul Hub. It would be one thing it would be one thing if they rewarded Us by treating their employees fairly but we bailed him out in the early 1990s. And now look how we're being treated. This is an issue for the Attorney General we ought to get an antitrust investigation going of Northwest Airlines the new governor and the new attorney general out of convene at a sports to figure out ways to reduce the dominance of Northwest Airlines and at the same time stand up for the employees many of whom have been employed a lot longer than the check. He and Wilson and aspart crew. John dasburg is pulling down a million bucks a year. Why doesn't helium self off first and let about 40 flight attendants stay on the payroll. That's what I'd like to know. You know. First thing that must happen is that Northwest Airlines has got to get back to the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith yesterday. When I was talking with The Machinist were laid off and at the unemployment lines that was what they were asking just come back to the table and bargain in good faith. I was there yesterday with The Machinist because I was there with the workers in the family is of Northwest Airlines 8 years ago when I voted to save their jobs and also voted to expand their jobs and Northeastern Minnesota my question for you. Mr. Little hug is why when you were us attorney, didn't you do more when you could do that with the justice department to investigate the predatory pricing that's going on in these hubs. Why didn't you make that happen? Why didn't you get those results when you were us attorney, you know, you're talking about these things now, but talk is very different than action. I yesterday called on Northwest Airlines to do something that we can do something about and that is to help the consumers to get the refunds if they deserve. I don't know how many of you out there hold Northwest Airlines tickets, but they're holding on to those refunds and you're not able to get them for six to eight weeks those credit card refund. They're holding consumers hostage and the end what they're doing is saying that you have to buy another ticket on another airline without getting a refund first. Those are the kinds of things that I want to do right now is attorney general and I believe that we can make a difference for consumers right now short-term and long-term my involvement here short-term. I every executive officer of the stage should be knocking on the door of the executives at Northwest and the unions to get him back to the table serving as communication serving with not interfering with a federal mediator for trying to get the job done. Second is long-term. And that is we got 70 actually up to 80% of the gates at the airport least the one Airline. And Mack the Metropolitan airports commission, which Lisa's host facilities indicates that other airlines will not come to this state and I think we should check with those Airlines cuz if they won't come in the reason is that they won't, because I can be driven into the ground by predatory pricing and that is undercutting their rates until a company goes under and then Jackin the rates back up to a monopolistic level are then we should be taking action as attorney general against Northwest Airlines for those violations Dave a little hug. You want to respond to Scott young comment about why you why don't you do something about this when you were us attorney's I will as those of you in the audience will notice she read that off that question off a note card. So this is a setup and I'll give the same answer that I have before. I've been taking on Northwest Airlines for a long time including on the board of the South Metro Airport Action Council standing up for the people of South minneapolis-richfield, Eagan Highland Park and so on for the noise that's been generated by the sea. I know some of that is necessary and important but the attitude of this Northwest management has been arrogant all alone. And as United States Attorney Ms. Ray Scott young. She should have the experience to know the US attorney doesn't have jurisdiction over antitrust matters, but I did win with officials from the antitrust division of the US Department of Justice and suggest that there was an unhealthy dominance of this Hub and that we were paying grossly inflated fears and that they all look at it and a Miss Young has read the newspaper. She knows the US Department of Justice is taking a look at that and the US Department of Transportation has proposed a rule to stop predatory pricing not just at this Hub, but throughout the country attorney general. Skip Humphrey and 25 other Attorneys General have signed down and support of that rule. And that would be one of the first things I do is attorney general in Minnesota David. This is Mike Hatch and frankly. I think Amber is correct on this one. You were the US attorney for 4 years during which time there was monopolistic practices allegedly occurring I frankly think they were occurring in this state blind. Southwest Airlines you are signed with I went through all the clippings. We're trying to find some time when us attorney David will a heart made any public comment about it it never happened. And as far as I know, there's no correspondence with a justice department if there is you want to share it with us because this is been going on for a long time. It's easy to give speeches at this time. It's easy to go through a little Napalm out of the fire. But if you were in public office and you failed to do your job don't come in here and think you're going to do a better job is Attorney General. And the question is timing and mr. Hatch is right. You raise your voice now, but when it's time to take action, I took action with the people at just stand by the families of Northwest Airlines 8 years ago. There's a real difference there. Yes, I will work as attorney general with the other Attorneys General around this country to push for investigation into predatory pricing that is appropriate and into antitrust practices. I'm concerned the Northwest Airlines and the other three major carriers are engaging they're talking to each other. They shouldn't be doing that and I want to investigate that I also am afraid that the leases at the criminal have not been negotiated for year or more and if those leases are not done with between the mac and the airlines for the gate, I as attorney general next year and going to call for approval Power by the Attorney General. So I will be a watchdog for consumers. I will be a watchdog for the workers when those leases are negotiated to ensure that there are competitive. Directions in those leases. That's the role. I believe the Attorney General can play that's what I'm going to propose to be the Watchdog for consumers and workers in the state of Minnesota hard when I want to move on to another issue get through to get some questions on your listeners May wonder why they're beating up on David little hug on this and the reason is is the Pioneer Press that I start speaking out against Northwest Airlines management before it became cool for Democrats to do so, I've been the toughest on Northwest Airlines have any of these candidates. Mr. Hatch was the commissioner Commerce back when Northwest killed the Blue Goose Republic Airlines, and of course Amber Ray Scott Young's been in the senate for 16 year is having complete control over the airport. All right, let's let's take it. I agree. They have control over the airport. Go ahead. So we got to change that. Hi, I'm a little nervous cuz I'm cuz I can hear what I'm saying. But my question is a health workcare question and in particular I'd like to have mr. Linden hog little hug, but that's okay answer it. I'm a patient and I don't admire of dr. John najarian. This well-respected doctor you decided to take to court my only guess that you did it after the outcome with the judge throwing your case after thousands. If not hundreds of thousands of dollars spent the judge threw you out of court. Okay, so your question would be why why did he do this? You know, you save people around the world and get all their there's thousands of people he saved around the world since he's trained all the transplant doctors around the world. He's still the most respected person at the University of Minnesota where you took him out as chairman of the of the of the hospital and are why are you okay? Well, that's okay. Well, that's that's okay. Drop dead. Well, we want that. We want that in our system. But let me tell you why dr. John najarian was prosecuted. It's a very important principle of our system of justice that no matter how wealthy how powerful or how influential you are or for that matter what you've done in your profession. If you violate the law you're going to be charged and we can't have two standards of Justice in our country where one standard is for people with white collars or in this instance with a white coat and other people for the rest in our society. There was an investigation by the FBI. There was an indictment issued by the grand jury and our office charge that case sometimes when you take on white collar crime you lose and we lost that case will I tell you that if we saw the same set of facts we do it again with all due respect you sir? Yes, I would because we've had tremendous success and A skinny white collar crime in the US attorney's office and I'll tell you regardless of whether you think dr. Najarian violated the law. He did some bad things. There was a very real issue as to whether he had double-dipped on his expenses from the University of Minnesota. And there was not even a very much issue that there was an unlicensed drug being sold and I believe no person is above the law. I believe that prosecution showed it even though the result was a not guilty verdict. I have a great deal of respect for you as well in the sale of the unlicensed driver tried to defame this famous. Well respected physician at this time isn't just another Mark of Shame on your part David. The unlicensed drug is permissible if used for experimental purposes, it's going on between the University of Minnesota and the FDA for over 20 years regarding the subject your own staff at the US attorney's office has told me they thought it was ridiculous of that case was brought you spent 5 million dollars going after this well-respected surgeon at a time that a hundred murders occurred in Minneapolis Minneapolis get snow in the New York time does murderapolis. And what are you focused on going after people who save lives the fact he has any anti-india and the judge throws out the case and the next day. What do you do what you do something at know why I've ever seen done you hold a press conference and you attacked the judge you say I thought I was fighting a man in a white coat not a judge in a black robe that judge wasn't fighting. He was presiding probably one of the most well-respected judges on the federal bench in this country and to be doing today. Miss aloha I think that the questions raised about your prosecution of dr. Najarian and also the ship has a conspiracy case. I do raise genuine issues of judgment that you'll have to answer to the voters on. I look forward to the campaign. I really think it's important to focus on what you the voters what we can do to help you the voters and I have proposed something that will help you to get affordable access to get to healthcare as you deserve. I have proposed a 24-hour rapid response Lifeline where consumers will have difficulty with their hmos and their insurance companies where they tried to get their complaint resolved and they've had no luck. We'll have a place to go and that is the Attorney General's office and under my proposal. I will be there is a third-party Snapchat the person to bring the party together so you can get the answers you deserve from your hmos in your insurance company. That's what I think you want to hear. That's what I'm proposing. I believe the Attorney General should be in. Take it for patients rights and I will be that Advocate just as I have been in the state senate as to why this is happening why this is happening is that I was the United States Attorney for the district in Minnesota did a good job took on the gangs. That was a major drug dealers started to work in the area of domestic violence and hate crimes and took on the White Collar criminals and did a very good job and had a very distinguished record at that. That's the kind of experience. That is the best experience for Attorney General of the state of Minnesota. And so the only tactic that these other two candidates can use is to try to question that experience. Well, I think the voters of the state of Minnesota will know the difference and supported all across the state by tremendous number of Sheriff's County attorneys and police Chiefs who I work closely with they know that I did a good job. They know that I've got experience in law enforcement and that's why I should be the Attorney General. Speaking about police officers and in law enforcement that we all did it appear before the Minnesota police in Peace Officers Association. We spent a lot of time being grilled by 6500 member organization are they went to our credentials looked at her background and in the end, I received the unanimous endorsement from them a very proud of that but I only seek to point that out simply because of the the, there with regard to working with police officers. I can do that want to do that and I think the that endorsement reflects a a standard. Hopefully I'll live up to To say to that in my 16 years in the Minnesota Senate. I've enjoyed the endorsement of the Minnesota peace and police officers Association because I worked with them on on things like making sure that felons with guns have a five-year mandatory penalty that they spend more time in prison. That was something that I sponsored last year. But you know, I've also work with police officers who believe as I do that the only way you're going to prevent violence. The only way you're going to prevent to protect families and children is to stop the violence and prevent the crime before it starts. We've got to stop we have to make sure that that young person doesn't want to get in the gang in the first place. We have to make sure that we don't have a foothold in the neighborhood for the games in the first place. It is both tough prosecution and it's real prevention. That's the whole job. That's what I'm going to do is attorney general now, we have a number of number of listeners on the phone with questions. We got a woman lined up here. Let's so let's get a Phone call confuse me get a phone call on and then we'll get to you. Okay, billiard your question. Please make a native of Commerce commissioner or track records. And that's the next Attorney General will be entering office right in the middle of a new Farm prices and not being familiar with the other candidates and the relationship the real issues. Would you have him speak on that, please? Attorney generals in farm issues. What's the relationship made primarily at the national level? And thank goodness. We got senator Paul wellstone in the United States Senate who's been speaking out vigorously for Farmers Family Farmers throughout the state at the state level. Of course there Commissioner of Agriculture is important and so is the governor but there are some things that the Attorney General can do I improve Family Farm that's that's the background of my family and I'm worried about corporate farming in the state. We got an anti corporate farming law, but there's some loopholes in it and some people are getting around it. And what were especially seeing as a problem there with respect a large Factory feedlots, which are undermining the family farm and they are undermining the environment. I mean, you you dump this kind of hog Factory feedlot operation in the middle of rural Minnesota, you're you're generating enough sewage comprable to 50,000 people and we don't have the proper licensing procedures the Minnesota Pollution Control agency has done quite a bad job. A regulating these Factory feedlots indeed. A lot of them don't even have permits. And so that is something that I would take on his attorney general. I was the best us attorney for the environment in Minnesota chemistry personally negotiated the largest criminal pollution fine in Minnesota History, and I will be the best but you're a best attorney general for the environment in Minnesota History as well. I believe first of all with regard to the family farm structure, there is a violation right now. People are not looking at the substance of the contracts. You'll see individuals. Come on by a hundred acres at when a girl kid many circumstances keeps his name keeps showing up in some of the transactions being financed by insurance companies mutual funds in some cases a Farm Credit. They've got contracts for operating a management going out for third parties to corporations that got procurement contracts going out to corporate cooperatives in a since there is no farmer running that feedlot know what happens with feedlots can happen with any other part of the rural Minnesota. It doesn't have to just be limited to that and we need to if and if I'm attorney general I will enforce the Family Farm Act II won't just look at the form of the transaction to say, oh that in and of itself as simply says it's a family farmer. It's not look at all the contracts put them together. You're going to find this corporate corporate ownership and transfer of economic control. Keep in mind in this Country we rejected the policy of a many other countries have large corporations profiting from the land. You have basic laborers working for the corporation on the land. We want to have a diverse agricultural base. It's good to keep the stable economy. It's good for the goose is good for a farm management number to is I do think we are implementing interest buy down program. One of the big issue is going on with Farm prices falling today is a course the Asian flu another the World prices with regard to add evaluation. I we need to I give these farmer some relief in the 1980s. We did it by doing an interesting I buy down program and I know that was part of that and I was part of that I administered the program for the state and I do think that we ought to be doing that have a program again it work then and I think you can work. Now number three is we ought to be doing more research and diversification one of the problems right now with weed up in Northwestern Minnesota. We do need to Bruce vacation in that area and getting into alternative food products that can help stable. Is that economy? This is Amber rice. Got young. There's no question that the Family Farm is the backbone of rural Minnesota. And that's why I over the years. I've worked with my colleagues from rural Minnesota very closely to ensure that we do have strong Family Farms. I remember last year last session. I went up in March to Crookston and halleck where they had farm crisis hearings about the the tragedies that I that we're going on in the Red River Valley. These farmers were talking about not just losing their livelihood and their Farms but the future of their communities and when we work together at the legislature we found ways to try to help the farmers there will Farmers around the state are suffering. There's a 30% decrease in income of the average family farmer in Minnesota. So what will I do as attorney general? I really do support the idea of a special session to do what we can to help the farmers. We did that we work with them in the Red River Valley. I don't think we're done. The job is not done. I also believe that we should work with a national Attorneys General to pressure Congress to do what we can to provide support for our farmers and finally for those Farmers that need to be involved in the cons conservation Reserve program that they that we should help to pay their cost in doing so bottom line is families of real Minnesota are in crisis. I have an attorney general who wants to reach out to families in crisis. I want to bring the Attorney General's office out to rural Minnesota. I want to be there when there are crazies like resulting from floods or drought or financial problems. One thing I could do is provide farmer lender mediation, for example, but all of those reasons are why I believe I can help as attorney general to reach out to those Farm families when they do have a crisis. How ridiculous and it really does hurt the farmer in the midwest in particularly in Minnesota and as attorney general, I would and I'm sure the others would hear lobby. Very strongly our Congressional Delegation to get changes in the farm bill asked to address this gross deficiency to this state the dfl candidates for attorney general and we're broadcasting live today from Minnesota State Fair public radio Booth Minnesota Public Radio Booth the corner of Johnson and Nelson again, those of you here in our audience. If you got a question for the candidates step up to the mic. We got a lot of callers on the line. So I'm not even going to give out the phone number right now. You'll just get horribly frustrated waiting in line, but we should also mention again. If you're just tuning in the candidates have been asked to identify their selves by name before they speak they don't normally talk like that in conversation. The fact that it's a board makes it easier for me to keep track of who's who your question, please. The microphone is too high. There we go. Now we're in good shape. Thank you. would like to swing I'd like to know. Lines to come in so they are not the only game in town which is what we are facing right now and we can talk about how they are. So unjust to us. But unless we do have another choice. There's really little that we can do that again. I would ask specifically that what the Attorney General can do about this is opposed to people in general. This is Mike Airlines coming in areas that immediately The Hub airline in this is happening other parts of the country as well drops the prices for against that Regional Airline drives them out of business and then once again live some up and there is some economic studies showing that when a hub Airline gets some competition from a regional from a smaller company coming in. They immediately will put out thousands of discounted seats on those planes. And once they drive that guy out of business with that that that. That other company out of business out goes the the number of discount seat. It's very easy. I shouldn't say it's easy, but there is data available there to show predatory pricing you simply can look. How the discounting levels are going with an airline when other competition comes in, what we have to do is first of all document that I mean right now we have evidence of it to a degree from Mac sang we go around and nobody will come in here and they won't come in here because the chilling effect that the Hub Airline will do namely Northwest hasn't been Supreme Court really narrowly-defined though what it considers to be unfair practices predatory pricing so that bringing any kind of a lawsuit in this area is very very difficult attention to the issue. We need to find the market and then you got a problem. If you find it depended regionally, you clearly a predatory pricing and those are completes antitrust issues. And that is something that we would work together with the Department of Justice on but I want to go back to what I said earlier and that is this. The reason that we are having these difficulties is because of the lack of competition at our airport what I need to know what I'd like to see is that the that the Attorney General be the Watchdog for consumers for the public for the employees when these lease Agreements are being negotiated between Mac and the airline because that's where the number of gates per airline are being negotiated and no one is representing our interest at the mac. And what I want to do is make sure that the attorney general has that oversight has that review has that approval process and be that watch. And as attorney general in January, I will be sitting down to do that if those leases are not yet negotiated a lot of what needs to be done about Northwest Airlines, but as people face a decision in the dfl primary on September 15th the question as to be who's got the experience and who's got the connections to get the job done as the former United States. Journey from Minnesota to work with the Department of Justice is antitrust division, but also somebody is work closely with skip Humphrey for 10 years and he's been a marvelous attorney general for the state. I'm in a perfect position to step in work with him and 25 other Attorneys General as they take on predatory pricing. This is not just a Minnesota issue. Although we've got one of the most in trenched fortress-like hubs in the United States because of those long-term leases at the airport. This is also a national issue and if we can break the gridlock at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport for that matter all of Minnesota North and South Dakota air travel with northwich Northwest Airlines dominates, we can have a profound effect on the rest of the country. We can help consumers by reducing those Monopoly like prices we can help employees because I believed that Fair competition Minnesota employee should do just as well or better than anyone in the United States in the world in the airline industry. A lot of them have been around a lot longer than this current management team that is running Northwest. Let me know. I don't want to bug Down here on Northwest. So keep your keep your answers short of a lot of callers and people lined up here. But this point it is the hometown Airline. There are eighteen thousand people who depend on another line for a job we get I guess by most people's standards. Excellent Air Service here that we otherwise would not have isn't there a danger that by going after Northwest hounding on Northwest but we're going to end up with is the loss of that Hub the loss of many of those jobs the loss of the Great era service. The key is to distinguish between Northwest Airlines, which I think is mainly represented by those minnesotans have been working for so many years and the management of Northwest Airlines the check he'd asperg Wilson crew that took over in the early 1990s that we immediately had to bail out. And now when the times are going very well cash in the stock options and will not lay themselves off when they lay off a lot of people completely innocent in any of the dispute. We need to deal forcefully with management Governor Carlson says the President should intervene. I believe the governor should intervene with the management of this Airline and point out. This is not the way that we do business in Minnesota Gary. I'll simply say this for that very reason. I stood with the families of Northwest Airlines 8 years ago 17,000 workers at the airlines to save their job and to expand those jobs a thousand into Duluth and the Iron Range. That's why I did it because Northwest Airlines is an important employer in our state but you know, I am angry. I'm angry because Northwest Airlines after all of that hasn't given back to its employees hasn't given back to the public hasn't given back to the consumers and when they are saying that the consumers or even holding their tickets and not refunding them for six to eight weeks when they're doing laying off their workers. I think it's time that Northwest Airlines take a second look at what it's doing and I think it's time to get back to the bargaining table. David you're on your question, please. I'd like to hear the candidates address the issue of civil rights enforcement specifically with respect to housing lending employment and most importantly some of the abuses by a small minority of the very law enforcement officers who have endorsed. I love you. Thank you very much. Is my cash I've been involved in the buzz is Commerce Commission? I think it was the first and only person in the state to take an action within falling redlining which has a weird insurance company will basically set rules passage that they will not sell in certain areas of a community as a private attorney at work with the NAACP in a red line in case in the city of Milwaukee. Which resulted in the largest settlement in the country in the country's history as it relates to read lighting practices. It does go on it goes on and has to be monitored and aggressively enforced and people don't simply say these companies don't go and say okay we're going to draw a red line around the district and we're not going to sell it. It's much more settled in that you have underwriting practices. It's a well we're not going to do it in a place that has off street parking but we won't do it if you changed your job in the last two years, we won't do it at depending upon with will look at the the addresses in terms of the the density of the population are there are other ways to exclude in terms of homeowners coverage and Eve. I don't encourage a to get to redlining when it comes to borrowing. It's the same type of thing and most most lenders. Although it's more of a human nature type of issue it in most lenders come from a r white or male. I when I became Commerce Commission, there were 50 Bank examiners. Most of those go on to become to become lenders. I believe at that time. They were 49 white male Bank examiners. And we looked on the Civil Service list and was basically white male candidates as well that type of process. We had a test testing process in the state that the frankly been thrown out at the federal level. And we change that we got rid of that task. We use other types of criteria to hire people in that type of activity needs to be consoling my monitored and enforced. Only by an attorney general but every public official in government gentleman is right. The gentleman is right there is discrimination in housing. And as attorney general, I will strictly enforce our fair housing laws that discrimination is as I see it against single mothers. I say it against people of color. I see it against families children and that's not right. I know how important it is to have a good place. You can call home. I mean when I was growing up my family never owned a home, so I understand what it is that this gentleman speaks up as attorney general. I will make sure that those laws are enforced. I will make sure that through my community crime-fighting initiative. We make our neighborhoods more livable so that we have safe neighborhoods and that we do take steps to make our neighborhood safer. I will also enforce those laws with the same Vigor as I enforce any other laws to protect families and children on the last part of the question because that's the tougher one. What do you do when Enforcement violates the civil rights of people first, you got to have somebody with experience to know when that's happening and when it is happening when the law enforcement officer is not to be disbelieved and I'm that person. I've got that kind of experience as United States Attorney we prosecuted. In fact I Minneapolis cop for slugging a suspect and it will attorney general Humphrey Ico can be in the Minnesota summer down he cries because he crimes are not just committed by average people on the street. They are committed by law enforcement as well. And this is not a thing law enforcement should be proud of their is discrimination in law enforcement against people of color and gay and lesbian people and a lot of those hate crimes are not reported because people are afraid to do so particularly when a law enforcement officer isn't is involved we need to apply the law even-handedly and again there is that principle that no person even if you happen to be wearing a badge is above the law the law must be enforced Siri your question, please Thank you along with its many other responsibilities. I have a strong impression that the office of Attorney General has a great potential for going to bat for individuals when they find themselves in a state where they have a grievance against a large organization whether it's a company or another government or whatever. Anyway, when I vote for one of you or both for Charlie weaver or mrs. Anderson, I feel like I might be hiring my own lawyer. I mean, I think you would be representing me now before I do that. I want to find out a little bit about your background tell me what there is in your various resumes that would Lead me to hire you as my lawyer. If I'm up against time David up against Goliath. I want to know which one are you I had a higher. I don't want to hear about what you will do or what you could do or what you would do under the circumstances. I want to know what you've done that would lead me to do that. It would end up being David and David Hogg against Goliath and let me let me tell you a little bit about something invite my background that would lead me that way. I am not afraid to take on people and organizations that are wealthy that are powerful and that are influential and probably the best example that we've got in that regard as senator Paul wellstone when he was running for office in 1990. He said he would take on the big oil companies the insurance companies and so on they have plenty of representation in Washington, but we need people in Washington who are representing the people and I would be that kind of Attorney General the people's lawyer. I'm not afraid to do that. I've learned a lot from senator wellstone in that regard. And we can go on about that. But those are some that that goes I think directly to the values that you're talking about. My name is Mike Hatch. And I think I've got a pretty good history representing the underdog when I was Commerce commissioner for 8 years. I took on insurance companies Kevon Banks Securities firms real estate firms. I work hard for the family farmer. I sent that time and private practice. I represent over a hundred patients who are told by insurance companies in hmos in the state that they're not to have treatment, even though it is necessary to save their life and I'll tell you something you sit in the courtroom with a woman with breast cancer and eating a bone marrow transplant and our families they are and you look across the room and two guys and a blue suit representing a multibillion-dollar HMO in this state. Nobody gives a damn one way or the other whether she lives or not. He get you a real strong feeling about what's wrong in the state. We call people in this state public officials time and again to try to get the try to get help try to get a response for every one of those people that came in that I represented there were but there are probably a hundred I'm sitting home and dying and that's wrong this HMO system in this state is absolutely wrong. It needs to be changed. And I know I'm going to be on You got me wrapped up here, and I apologize, but I do think I care. I do think I bring I do represent the underdog I work hard for people. I always have worked hard for people and I will do that as attorney general. Thank you. This is Amber rice got young. There are really two roles of the Attorney General's office. And as a state senator, I have led the fight for the legislature and the tough fight against the tobacco company so we could keep tobacco out of the hands of children. I have led the tough fights to help senior citizens have choices in their health care when they are terminally ill or when they're in the late stages of their life like with living wills. I have fought those tough fight, but you know what the Attorney General is also someone who tries to solve problems try to bring people to the table and get resolved and that's what my experience of over about 20 years as a business attorney and a general counsel will help to do to prevent litigation to save the state from exposure to save you the taxpayers to protect you the taxpayers. I think all of that is part of what you want in your attorney general and I am the only candidate who has all of that experience to bring to the table. You know, we've heard my cats talk now three or four times how he represents the underdog I don't I don't know how much he got paid when he represented breast cancer patients or whether he did it all but we should also know that he's representing an over dog at the US Healthcare the largest managed care company in the United States singled out by the American Medical Association as being especially notoriously and infringing on the doctor-patient relationship listener should also know that he has for for-profit hmos which are banned from the state and Aetna's once HMO you think you got problems with hmos right now wait till for-profit hmos like at the US health-care come in the state. We need an attorney general who will put patients over profits and I will be that attorney general you keep bringing up the fact that I represented an insurance company not an HMO in a lawsuit involving a trade secret stolen by a Minnesota HMO and that was the nature of that lawsuit. I've never represented. Any insurance company, right Chemawa constipation never would but I do know. I think it's probably irrelevant. I've got to represent some people to pay for those patients. I represent in many cases for free, but I do not looking at your Law Firm that you represented you claim to be an environmentalist get your Law Firm what you were a partner into Revenue represented Amoco oil Unocal oil you claim to be representing workers, but you represented in your firm be&k and they biggest union busting deal in the States history. You and your claim to represent the consumer but you represented Edina Realty on overcharging with regard to the issue of sales by myself represented small Employers in a class action against an insurance company for price gouging and I believe that's the only time I ever saw you in court representing that insurance company. So I think we're going to look at who represents the underdog take a look at what Martindale and Hubbell has here and I think you're going to find a whole different answer. Here's the issue of hypocrisy at the very time. He's making as a central theme in his campaign taking on hmos. Mike Hatch just took $50,000 from for property to a for-profit HMO and it is an HMO. It's the largest managed healthcare company in the nation. What we think of skip Humphrey if he said I'm going to take on the tobacco companies in at the very same time you found out he was representing Brown & Williamson in a trade secret disputed you would say while she that sounds kind of hypocritical to me. I am running on my record as United States Attorney. That's what I'm running on and I am prepared to take on Wealthy influential and Powerful. I will stand up and I will not stand up with my hand out turn down and declined by an HMO and ensure the state did you ever take action as us attorney? Because of the antitrust the concentration It's Goin on by three managed care companies controlling 70% of the market know you didn't you started your campaign in a law office that represents a lobbyist for one of the United Healthcare a for-profit corporation that controls Allina and Medica has it spawn property chamos. I am in favor of competition David. All right, we've only got we've only protecting families and children. We need to have good affordable health care. We need to protect families and children. That's what this debate is about. I think we should be moving on speaking of moving on. We've only got a couple minutes before the closing statements quick question here, and that's what I'm going to do. I was born and raised in raise my children in Hibbing Minnesota and I happen to know Mike hatches from Duluth and his wife is from Keewatin. So he spent a lot of time on the Iron Range and in Duluth what I'd like to know for Mr. Layla Hagen and Miss Young is have you spent time with the people on the Iron Range, you know, do you understand them? Do you know why they have concerns in northern, Minnesota? You you better I have spent time. I do understand and let me give you some examples. One of the first things that I did when I became United States Attorney was go up to Duluth and meet with three people Sheriff of St. Louis County Gary Waller the County Attorney Alan Mitchell and the Duluth Police Chief Scott Lyons in and of course, I know Duluth in the Iron Range are different no question about it. But much of the iron ranges in St. Louis County and over the years. I've built the relationship matches with them, but with a police Chiefs on the Iron Range, and now when David little hug is running for attorney general St. Louis County Sheriff Gary Waller County. Attorney Alan Mitchell mere Gary Doherty of Duluth Police Chief Scott Lyons and the Iron Range police Chiefs Association are for me because they know I've got an interest in reducing crime and violence not just in the Twin Cities, but in Greater Minnesota, I mean and I'm speaking to the whole issue of Greater Minnesota what an increase in gangs we have seen in towns like Rochester Wilmer Marshall Worthington and up in the range as well. Two cents in here. Thank you very much during my 16 years in the Minnesota Senate. I work closely with my colleagues from the Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota. And for those colleagues on the Senate education committee. We went up to the Iron Range. We looked at some of the schools there to see what we could do to help when it came time to vote to expand the Northwest Airlines jobs. I was there for the people of Northeastern Minnesota in the last year-and-a-half. I have traveled to the Iron Range about 15 times to visit with people and their and in Duluth about their concern and I have been and standing by them throughout all of my years in the state senate. I am pleased to have Congressman Jim Oberstar support because I work with him so many years in the Senate on so many issues as well as Senator Jerry janicek Senate passing ridiculous in my colleague. They know what I've done. They know I've been there for the people of Northeastern Minnesota because I believe that a healthy economy in northeastern Minnesota means a healthy economy for the state of Minnesota. Very briefly. Mike doesn't like to be concerned about economic jobs. I know what is concerned about having a job. I know what it's like to be concerned about Healthcare. This is an area of the state that's very concerned about the economy about people working there a strong work ethic this entire State Radar Minnesota that I'm afraid. It's been neglected. I think my state government. I want to focus our resources on this entire state, but I want to make sure we don't leave out Radar Minnesota at a time of economic turmoil that is going through at this point. Okay now, unfortunately we have cut into our closing comment time here. So let me give you give us 30 seconds on why it is that you're the person that voters should select on September 13th. We need strong experience leadership for a safe minutes. And I talked a fair amount about my record is for me United States Attorney. I am running on that record of the chief federal law enforcer recommended by senator wellstone for that position. Now, I'm running to be the chief state law enforcement. That is the experience that I bring to this as we seek to reduce crime and violence stand up for the environment and be a consumer Advocate against the wealthy the powerful and influential that's why I'm asking for your vote on September 15th. My name is emperor. And I'm proud to be the dfl-endorsed and the AFL-CIO endorsed candidate for attorney general. I firmly believe that the greatest responsibility we face is to protect our children and families from violence. I intend to do that in our homes on our streets and in our schools a state senator. I led the fight to protect children from abuse and neglect to give prosecutors the tools they need to protect women and children from sexual assault. I work with Paul and Sheila wellstone to strengthen Minnesota's laws against domestic violence as attorney general, I'll enforce those laws. I fought to pass I work for tough new laws to protect children like getting at sexual predators on the internet bottom line. I'll help to make Minnesota a safe place to raise a family. I see a lot of innocent people getting pushed around in this society and I don't see a lot of people willing to help them see hmos blowing sick people out of the doctor's office Gainesville and people out of neighborhoods Farmers being pushed off the lamp by corporate processors. I know how to run a law office and I sure know how to step in for the underdog when the boys come around I did it for banks insure is in real estate. When I was Commerce commissioner. I continue to do it in private practice and applications denied access to treatment by hmos. I fought for people ranging in lawsuits ranging from race discrimination in our cities to Farmers in rural, Minnesota. I want to okay. Thank you very much. Thanks to all of you for coming by today. These are the dfl candidates for attorney general. They will be appearing on the September 13th primary election ballot over on the right side of your radio dial former US attorney Dave a little hog in the middle of your radio dial former Commerce commissioner Mike Hatch and to the left on your radio dial state. Senator. Amber rights got yacht. dfl candidates for attorney general Well after that concludes our program today here on midday coming to you live from the Minnesota State Fair like to thank all of you who've been listening to the program. Thanks for coming by today. There are good. He's here. If you want to look them over that that would be good also an invitation if you're going to be back out at the fair on Monday a lively program on Monday first or we're going to be talking with Garden expert Deb Brown. She'll be joining us to take all your gardening questions. That's at 11 on Monday Labor Day and then over the noon hour are baseball special if the stars are aligned right sometime Monday. Probably Mark McGwire perhaps Sammy Sosa will break the homerun record will see her will be here will be Talkin Baseball and that we hope you'll be able to join us out here at the State Fair. Also a quick reminder about the big bun tutorial debate on September 13th at the Fitzgerald theater. Turn on issues concerning families and children is supported by the Edward R as a net Foundation Sara Myers the producer of our program lots of help this week too numerous to mention Gary I can hear thanks for tuning in. I'm Lorna Benson on the next All Things Considered will look at whether the Northwest strike is helping other airlines get a better foothold in the Twin Cities Market. It's all things considered weekdays at 3 on Minnesota Public Radio k n o w FM 91.1 you're listening to Minnesota Public Radio. You're tuned it sounded sunny and 77 degrees at 10 o w FM 91.1 Minneapolis. And st. Paul should be sunny all afternoon with a high 80 to 85 Degrees clear in the cities tonight with a low in the low 60s, then tomorrow partly cloudy and warm with a high in the upper 80s.


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