Report on rules debate over delegate selection on day one of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention at St. Paul Civic Center. Also includes an interview with uncommitted delegate.
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And along with dick daily, this is Bob Potter at the GOP convention at the Saint Paul Civic Center via convention convened about 745 officially denied move through some Opening Ceremonies and is just now getting into what may very well be a lengthy perhaps touring debate on the rules by which national convention delegates will be elected earlier today the rules committee adopted the provision requiring that the national delegates the 18 national delegates to the convention be elected by a majority of the delegates here that move was favored by supporters of President Ford and the pool is by backers of Ronald Reagan.Play earlier rule the one which would have provided that the top 18-volt gutters on a single battle at the elected National delegates would have given the Reagan supporters a chance to get perhaps as many as six of the delegates Reagan supporters in the rules committee argued strongly that there are forces should be represented in the delegation that Minnesota sends to the National Convention said that the Reagan supporters make up a sizable minority of delegates perhaps 45% of the people here that was back in the majority position argued that since majority rule governed delegates election in six of the seven District Conventions held earlier this year the same principle auto reply after the state meeting. Will you vote in the rules committee was originally a tie vote 8 to 8, but I had to be broken by the chairman of the committee James hetlandAnd right now the committee rather the full convention floor is beginning debate on this issue. One of the members of the rules committee who was most articulate on the matter this afternoon in the session was Jerry Arnold. He is just moments ago got finished addressing the convention here dick. Can you start a set the stage for what? We're about to hear. Well as you indicated Bob, but Jerry Arnold who was a delegate from northern Minnesota in from the 8th District, in fact up here and either two years or 4 years ago against of the successful Democratic candidate for the eighth the congressional district seat. It took the floor here just a few minutes ago and gave a very spirited defense of the even already position on this whole voting question. Among other things Arnold told the delegates that they in fact are at this convention because the votes taken at the lower political debt levels at the precinct. Caucus Saint Anthony senatorial district and congressional district levels all took place under the kind of voting which would be disallowed under the majority position is adopted to by the rules committee in that the controversy on move 9 to 8 this afternoon, and then Jerry Arnold a kind of summed up the whole thing this way you'll see a cross-section here and what you see everybody is concerned with being fair. The theme of this convention apparently says put it together. If we don't pass the minority rule it ought to be changed to take it apart. Thank you. Jerry Arnold a delegate from the northern Minnesota 8th congressional district. We made that recording just moments ago. And someone else is discussing the same question on the floor right now. It is emotionally charged issue of this convention. So far in the Life regret death struggle between the Ford in the Reagan forces for the 18 at large delegates available to the Republican National Convention. And I guess that's what I have to say on that right for the Moment by but the big fight has begun and will be staying with it here and have more reports later as the evening wears a lawn. This could very well go on for a for at least a couple of hours. I suspect there been a lot of other things happening at the convention for one thing Harold stassen came and he held a news conference about about an hour and a half ago. After winning some of the most impressive victories in Minnesota political history and the after earning the title of boy wonder is a matter of fact of the Republican Party stash and never succeeded in frequent attempts to gain High National political office, perhaps the best of his many presidential campaigns was in 1948 when he opposed Thomas Dewey for the Republican nomination for do we lost a Harry Truman many political analyst concluded that had been the Republican nominee Truman might have lost my little boy wonder is now 69, but the easily looks and sounds 10 years younger his political philosophy is based on programs to benefit the vast majority of Americans. This year's dassin says that he is the one candidate with a solution to our economic problems. I am confident that I could lead for Full Employment without inflation. And take policies that none of the leaders of either party are bringing forward for one thing. It requires a low interest rate. I hold that should be possible for anyone to buy or build a home with 5% money stanson's long involved in politics gives him an easy familiarity with history. In fact, you vividly recalls events in the forties and fifties wonders why policies which work then cannot be yours. Now. I find the people don't realize it in the eighth Eisenhower years. The prime rate for the eight years was below 5% Unemployment was below 4% and inflation average 1% for the eight years. These were tremendous sound solid economic conditions admits that his chances for winning election in 1976 are not good. But he naturally retains the optimism which seems to be Universal among politicians unrealistic to know that it may be that I'm advancing a kind of a platform or it may be that I'm just establishing a kind of a legacy. But either way I'll do it and neither President Ford Noir Governor Reagan and get a majority of the delegates. They're practically neck and neck and the uncommitted are remaining uncommitted. If polls are taken which show that I could lead to a victory over Jimmy Carter and Lee decisively in that direction, then that's the kind of major political fact. That will change the thinking of Republican leadership Harold stassen outlining a possible scenario, but she hopes might lead him someday to the White House. By the way for Minnesota Governor will address this gathering tomorrow afternoon pick Bob. I've been following this A continuing debate on the the whole rule 22 question. I know that each of the four microphones have quite a lineup at this point of people at them in some if you look down here. I see a perhaps a dozen people waiting to speak their turn on this controversial issue the speeches at this point are very very brief. And so they're moving quickly. But if we said before it is the hot issue this all has to do with course with the selection of the yet to be chosen 18 at-large delegates to the National GOP convention, but there have been of course a majority of the delegates from Minnesota already chosen if he can rational district-level, some of them were chosen Uncommitted basis and are therefore under considerable pressure these days at this convention to cast their lot with either of the four-door Reagan camps in the next few days both groups, of course looking great desperately for everybody. They can turn up one of those uncommitted delegates burn long of Pipestone to earlier today spoke with our John merli about why he remains I'm committed right represent to the 6th congressional district, which is basically a rural District of small businessmen and non-union labor and people and farmers and I'm concerned how each of these leading candidates feel about the issues that place us most directly. And of course that is Farm prices. How we deal with farm products? Should they be up for export which we know they are? I'm interested in all of these things that are very directly affect the people in Ezra basically rural area Southwestern Minnesota. You don't know what this point or don't know enough about either for the Reagan feeling. These issues haven't heard it directly from them. I've been following the news reports in the radio on the TV and newspapers and I haven't heard directly some of the issues faced up to that I'm concerned about then let me follow up and ask you if you have any opinions are one way or another about mrs. Ford coming instead of the president yet. Ronald Reagan coming. Is that the Strategic logistic? Does that bother you in any way or not? No, not really a job to do and I'm glad he's doing it. I'm sure everyone would rather talk to the president or be able to either individually or as a group pose a question to him. But no, I'm not critical that at all because he's without a doubt got to Jobs to do when one is to manage the Affairs of the country and the other is to go out and campaign in there's not enough hours in the day for that burn long of Pipestone. He's a delegate both to this invention into the upcoming GOP National Convention. He's from the 6th congressional district. And at least when he talked to John merli somewhat earlier this evening. He was uncommitted. We'll see how long he stays that way. Is this rule Fight 2 continues on the floor. Now we've been talking about having to do with the just what voting procedure will be used to select the 18 at large delegates to the National Convention are we should know that at least one other rule is somewhat controversial and may espark some debate as well of that has to do whether other platform issue should be discussed openly on the floor or whether they controversial one should Simply Be submitted to us bra vote of the delegate and particularly in limbo at this point is the whole question of how the independent Republicans gathered here in St. Paul convinced. Will deal with the hot Reserve mining milepost 7 issue will have more on the convention a bit later as circumstances warrant right now with more news. Where is Bob Potter?