June 24, 1976 - Report and interviews on the various items prior to start of day one of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention at St. Paul Civic Center.
June 24, 1976 - Update on rules debate over delegate selection of Ford or Reagan on day one of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention at St. Paul Civic Center.
June 24, 1976 - Outcome of GOP rules committee vote that any delegate elected to national convention must be chosen by majority vote at convention. Considered a major victory for president Ford in getting all 18 delegates.
June 24, 1976 - Report, interviews and comments following GOP convention rules committee vote that any delegate elected to national convention must be chosen by majority vote at convention, and not allowing bullet balloting. Considered a victory for president Ford in getting all 18 delegates, Reagan supporters express concerns on how it will negatively impact party.
June 24, 1976 - Report on rules debate over delegate selection on day one of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention at St. Paul Civic Center. Also includes an interview with uncommitted delegate.
June 25, 1976 - Summary report of day one of GOP convention at St Paul Civic Center, including speeches leading up to rules floor vote, as candidates Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan battle for Minnesota at-large delegates to the GOP National Convention.
June 25, 1976 - Broadcast of vice-presidential candidate Bill Miller's keynote speech at GOP convention held at St. Paul Civic Center.
June 25, 1976 - Delegate selection process detailed, as well as summary of discussion with state Republican chair Chuck Slocum.
June 25, 1976 - In this MPR Special Coverage report, delegate selection process is detailed, an interview with state Republican chair Chuck Slocum, and summary of Ronald Reagan and Betty Ford speeches.
June 25, 1976 - Day 2 of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention, held at St. Paul Civic Center. Brief reporting on events at convention, followed by speeches from presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, and Betty Ford, wife of President Ford.