MPR Special Coverage: 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention: DAY 1 - Rules debate on delegates update

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Update on rules debate over delegate selection of Ford or Reagan on day one of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention at St. Paul Civic Center.

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Happy Saint Paul Civic Center with a rather unusual opportunity to announce that we've had some difficulty technical difficulties with our broadcast transmitter at Collegeville at st. John's University. And hence the Western half of our Minnesota Public Radio Network for the moment at least is off the air without programming. We will of course continue with ksjn in the Twin Cities wcsd in Duluth and klse in the Southeastern part of Minnesota. We will have an interlude of recorded music coming up just momentarily until we restore service from St. John's University Collegeville, and they regularly scheduled music but this would give us an opportunity to update you on what's happening on this very controversial rules fight at the Independent to Republican party convention. Those of you who have been with us earlier know that there was a minority position and a majority position on the balloting process.Major to be used on how the 18 at-large delegates to the Democratic and the Republican National Convention are to be selected. This is a very controversial matter because of course the race between President Ford and former Governor Reagan for that nomination is so terribly close and each delegate has become very precious at this point. Bob Potter. You covered the rules committee and perhaps you could give the most Lucid explanation of just what's involved here in this rules fight of the majority and minority positions and then I can update our listeners on what the conventions doing about it at this point. Dixie rules committee met earlier this month. I think it was on either June 2nd or 3rd and approved one rule that would require that the top 18 volt batteries and Lee National delegate selection process be chosen there would be just one Bell in the top 18 volt batteries would go to Kansas City now today this afternoon.Lee and supporters of president for it came in with an alternative idea that it would take a majority of the delegates voting at this convention to elect any delegates to the National Convention. The idea behind that is that under the plurality system. It is possible that the Reagan forces could have nominated more than the 18 more than the Slate that the Ford committee has already proposing. They could have nominated 10 or 15 additional people. They could have just split the Ford vote and if they had kept tight control on their own delegates their own site of 18, it is possible that one of those one or two or three or perhaps as many as half a dozen of those people could have wound up among the top 18 volt batteries.Ford people of course didn't want that kind of thing to happen. And so because of their their strengths and their their first year they were able to push through in the rules committee the idea that it would take a majority to like the delegate. Okay in an ancillary that of course is the whole question of the so-called bullet ballot, which has been the term which has been bandied about here. This has to do with a proposed rule that each of voting delegate must vote for a full a slate of 18 nominees and that I need ballot containing either more or less than the names of 18 nominees would be invalid of that fits into this whole picture 2 because again had the Reagan forces of been able toPerhaps nominate some additional of supposed to four delegates from the floor and then the concentrate their votes on just a very few of potential Reagan people. They might have succeeded in electing some delegates here. Alright to former State party chairman and state Senator Robert Brown and in actual formal action here at the convention a proposed an amendment that would have eliminated this a bullet ballot provision. The thing that would have made invalid up a so-called bullet ballot. He clearly lost a very badly on that one on a standing vote here and then the chair called the main question. That is the majority report or The Minority Report on on this. So question of what voting procedures will be used to select a National Convention delegate. We felt that the Ford forces one out in in viewing from what is an exceptionally good vantage point ofThe convention floor there seemed to be more of a sea of body standing in favor of the majority report then in favor of the majority report the chairman of the convention however declared himself in doubt and so now has begun a paper balloting procedure among the eight delegations here representing the 8th congressional districts in the state of Minnesota. And so until that ballot is taken and counted. We won't know the outcome will be back a bit later with that report along with some actualities from the very Lively floor debate which ensued during this whole matter when we have that answer for you. We are informed also that ksj are our station in the central Minnesota area from Collegeville is now back on the air. We once have a at once again have a complete to network at this point. And so we will go back to Randy morning Collegeville for continued musical programming and have more from the state theConvention just a bit later. Don't forget to record this.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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