Katherine Lanpher discusses "Leap Days: Chronicles of a Midlife Move" part 2

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Continued discussion with Katherine Lanpher, former MPR "Midmorning" host. Lanpher left Minnesota for New York City, and returns to the MPR airwaves to discuss book about her move to the big city. Lanpher also answers listener questions. This is part 2 of 2.

Lanpher is also former co-host of "The Al Franken Show" on Air America Radio. Lanpher's book is titled "Leap Days: Chronicles of a Midlife Move."

Program contains pledge-drive segments.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

(00:00:16) Afternoon, good (00:00:17) afternoon. Welcome back to mid-day of Minnesota Public Radio News Gary eichten here. And you ask her majesty is back for our to Catherine land for is in the building right here in the midday Studio after intercourse cut apart. (00:00:31) I asked for this little modest little chamber Arrangement. (00:00:35) Yes, but it was the people with the sedan chair. We were (00:00:39) carried in his (00:00:41) kind of a giveaway, you know (00:00:43) shoot (00:00:45) after and for those of you who don't know cut a wide swath when she was here in Minnesota first as a columnist for the Pioneer Press. She was the host of our mid-morning program, but unlike Day 2004. She took the plunge. Moving to New York to co-host a nationally broadcast are America program with Al Franken. She is now out with a collection of essays that has the critics all atwitter and why not? It's a great book. It's called leap days The Chronicles of a midlife move heck of a book funny heartwarming and very very well written. Well she is here today to talk about her book about her experiences and to take your questions. So if you have a question or comment for Catherine land for give us a call at six five one two, two seven six thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight six five one 2276 thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight or you can send in your question or comment online at Minnesota Public Radio dot-org when you get there. Click on send a question. Also when you're online why not make a contribution $10 a month contribution and we'll send out to you a new copy of Catherine's new book and and a pair of tickets to the show that Catherine is doing at the Fitzgerald theater down. On st. Paul next Thursday night Catherine the show is described in the publicity materials as a freewheeling one-woman show is it kind of racy sounds kinda racy? No. No, I mean you're a big-time or now from New York, I guess, you know, (00:02:19) oh stop it. (00:02:20) You know, I can't it's I (00:02:24) think that we called it a one-woman show because we weren't quite sure what to call it is a staged reading of the book and what we mean by that is that if you go to sort of a typical book reading people to sort of stand there with the book and read I will be on stage with a grand piano and Chan poling from the new standards founder of the suburbs. He's composed of score. So it is a musical and spoken word event. I can see Gary's eyes glazing over just trust me. (00:02:53) It's going to be really cool. Okay, (00:02:58) it's fun. Because what I did was I sort of boiled the book down into your sort of basic, you know girl moves to New York girl loses New York girl gets New York. It's about the journey that I took with some looks back also at landscape and how it how it affects us because one of the things that struck me is that I learned to look at landscape a different one way here in Minnesota, and I've only been ice fishing three times in my life, but they have been formative experiences. I assure you and in New York New York taught me to look at landscape in a different way. And that's one of the things I look at and Chan has written some gorgeous gorgeous music to go with this we've rehearsed twice now at the fits and we both sort of laugh about just how schmaltzy we can get. So, you know, if you've got any love in your heart for a little bit of Vaudeville, please come (00:03:57) now, I don't even mean this kiddingly. Because your book is really has gotten great reviews and you were on National radio. And so are you kind of a celebrity in a star in New (00:04:08) York? I would say no, you know, I live in and around here but I live in a neighborhood with film stars transvestite prostitutes and trying to and screenwriters. I mean, it's where I live is hysterical to me I go to the gym and every now and then I'll see Julianne Moore and I you know, the beautiful red haired actress and she's will away and then and makes gazillions of dollars, but I can lift more (00:04:35) weight. We took our comfort where we can (00:04:39) carry. Yeah, although I will tell you that if I see minnesotans in New York, they will hail me and say hey, I mean they it's very nice to be remembered. I have to say hmm. (00:04:55) Paul says online I was born in mole. No, I know and I grew up across the river in Davenport. Congratulations on making the big (00:05:05) time. I don't know if he means (00:05:08) Davenport (00:05:12) or New York (00:05:13) Dale says man. Is it ever good to hear your voice back on the airwaves? Welcome back just renewed got the book and thank you. (00:05:22) Oh, well, thank you and thank you for making that pledge. (00:05:24) Jim asks, please tell us a couple of words. That would help help you spot a Minnesotan in New York City and a couple of words. Only a New Yorker would use (00:05:36) Put you on the spot. I think that you can tell anyone who's visiting New York, not just minnesotans. But anyone by the fact that when they're lost they will stop dead in their tracks in the middle of the sidewalk to pull out a map. Now. This is not anything that I noticed until I had lived there for a while but there's a certain traffic flow in New York is actually one of the most polite cities on the planet. I really someone a native New Yorker explain this to me and I've decided that he is right because there are so many opportunities for conflagration and for chaos, and there's and it really doesn't happen that often. I mean when you go to a Subway and the subway car arrives and the doors open People automatically waiting for the subway make a path for the people to come off the subway. Mmm. Seriously when you think about that no one has instructed them to do that. They're just doing it. Everyone's trying to so my point being that when you're walking down the Walk and you're a New Yorker you are moving man. You are moving you do not want to impede traffic flow. And then bam, you know, you hit someone from Topeka you just do (00:06:46) because they've gotten lost and they're out there with their (00:06:48) map and the middle of the sidewalk so that would be one way. Also I write in the book at one point. I describe myself as a mid someone who has a Midwest Meehan meaning that I have a very Midwestern face and I described it as being as open as a bread pan and sometimes I can look at someone and go. Yep. My (00:07:09) people definitely my (00:07:12) people and in terms of New Yorkers, yo would be I mean yo said as you know an actual word, like I said, I found myself using it earlier and I was sort of amazed that it came out of my mouth. I was trying to get someone's attention and I just said yo when I was in wow, I can't believe I said that went bad happen. (00:07:33) All right, let's go to the phones here up. At your question, please. (00:07:38) Oh, this is Kathleen. (00:07:39) Oh, I'm sorry. All right. Yes, I push the wrong button. Go ahead Kathleen (00:07:43) Kathleen. Hey, hi Kathryn. Well, we miss your voice and miss your mr. Laughs but it's the trapeze story and you're the only other woman I've ever heard. You did something like that because I did the same thing at about 41 at Circus World with my three children my in-laws and my husband and they said if you would like to try to trap he's come to the front. My husband said I was levitated to the front of the arena there people all over the place and it was me at 41 and to very slender 19 year olds, you know, they came to my class (00:08:18) too. (00:08:21) So he said to me I think because I was older and a little rounder. He said you were going to be the star of the show. What you are going to do is you are going to swing out and back and out and back and out and then you're going to pull your knees up to your chin. You're going to flip back. Let go and you're going to land in the net right? So the first moment of of Hysteria was realizing how high up it was. Yes, as I ascended the ladder then the other moment of Revelation was that you don't just stand there and hold onto the trapeze and swing you have to leap for it. And so I did the same thing that you did it came. He said jump I didn't came again jump I didn't and finally I made that leap of faith and is what it is out and back and out and back and out. I pulled my knees up to my chin. I let go. I did a backward somersault into the net and I was the heroine except my children who were horrified. (00:09:22) I'm very impressed that you did the the knee and the backward flip because my story is a little different. I was so impressed that I was flying back and forth. They said do you want to do the flip and this is what you heard from me? (00:09:35) No. Thanks (00:09:38) cat. I just had to share that with you and we send mr. Giggles and and you and your wonderful sense of humor. Thank you so much. Thanks (00:09:47) Kathleen. Now, we're going to get pat on the air. Go ahead Pat. (00:09:51) Yeah, Kathleen. I just wondered with the association with their American General and Al Franken. I do listen to several of the talk shows and try to get a balanced of you and with the air America what appears to be kind of headed the wrong direction if you felt that a done much for your career. (00:10:08) I think that it afforded me opportunities to work with a man. I'm still very fond of and respect and that would be Al Franken and you know, he gave me so many opportunities and I saw the country we toured the country. We like to joke with each other that I learned a little bit about comedy and he learned a little bit about journalism and the truth is he's being very modest there because he is a very very smart man, and I really have never Anyone work harder, so I you know overall it was a very gratifying experience and I you know looking back, you know, if you had told me everything that was going to happen what I have done. Well, who knows? I don't know the answer to that in the same way. I don't know the answer to a lot of questions. (00:10:57) Did you see the movie about out the Al Franken (00:11:01) movie the documentary? Yes. I had a private screening which was nice and then I actually went to the New York opening a few weeks ago (00:11:11) pretty pretty accurate depiction of who (00:11:13) Al Franken is well, I've become friends with the filmmakers who did the War Room there, you know legendary filmmakers. Yeah. I think I think it was I think that Al deserves credit for telling them. Okay, you have all access just film what you want and I thought it gave you pretty much a 360 view of El I was in I was impressed by it. I didn't know. Sara Lee like the moments with me on it. I mean, you know there that the odd thing about that experience was that it was very well covered, you know the first week I was there we had three different doc you three different documentary Crews following us and that was unnerving because I'm used to being the journalists not the (00:11:56) subject Katherine land fur is with us Catherine, of course used to host the mid-morning program here. She wrote a column for the Pioneer Press. In fact, she was the first woman to have a kind of a regular news column at the Pioneer Press. She went off to New York to co-star with Al Franken on air America. She has since left are America, but now she's a full-time writer and she's out with a brand new book called leap days Chronicles of a midlife move and Catherine is here to take your questions. If you have a question call us in a regular call in line numbers. Meanwhile, if you'd like to make a contribution to Minnesota Public Radio, especially if you'd like to pick up a copy Of Catherine's book and a pair of tickets to her show at the Fitz next Thursday night seven o'clock. Call us on our Contribution line at one eight hundred to two hundred seventy eight eleven 1-800 to to 7 2011 $10 a month contribution or join us online make that contribution of Minnesota Public Radio dot-org now Catherine. We had set a fairly High bar here for the use of the k-word not there yet, but we're where (00:13:05) are we here? We've got we've got Nineteen Hundred and twenty-eight people who have pledged so far today and if we can get (00:13:11) that to 2000 and I think we (00:13:14) can then the k word could be uttered the k-word could be uttered but not and you like almost said uttered like UD D. ER then oh, no, I turd you tter Ed it could be there, but you have to go ahead and go to Minnesota public radio dot-org right now. I know how easy it is to do because I pledged that way myself or you can call one eight hundred two to seven 28:11. I want to talk (00:13:40) to you for a minute about what Minnesota Public Radio is because you know (00:13:44) what you Don't Know What You Got Till It's Gone you don't realize how impressive Minnesota Public Radio is until you move away I was at a dinner party this is no lie few months ago in New York and was all minnesotans and we started talking about what we missed and everyone at the table agreed we missed Gary eichten, I want you to imagine a world without Gary eichten it is like the world without Mozart imagine a desert no water bleached skulls of animals lying around that is the world without Gary. Eichten. Do you want that to happen? No, you don't pick up the phone what 802 to 728 11. Do you want a journalistic desert or do you want quality programming? I think I know the choice my friend 1-800 to to 728 11 are going to Minnesota Public Radio dot orc what you broke your hand use your nose just push the mouse over there. I know you can do it. (00:14:43) She hasn't missed a beat. (00:14:44) Eat it. Is this how hard is it to pledge? $10 a month for radio. That is the Envy of the country. I asked you pull over the car put down to the kid pick up the phone or move the (00:15:00) mouse. She's actually starting to levitate over the chair. Now. It's just a matter of time. (00:15:06) You know, Gary hardly knew ye really it's been so long since we pledge it's nice to know we can still do it and you know what you can still do it and 1-800 to chew 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. This is the radio you rely on and you know (00:15:25) what they rely on you. So, you know, we only are 64 contribution short of that. Mm Mark 64 of you wherever you are. If you make a contribution now, you'll get us closer to that mm goal and once we get to 3000 by the end of the day, we will earn And dollars in additional money for the programming at this station. It is a heck of a deal doesn't matter how much you (00:15:52) contribute (00:15:54) what's important is that we get 3,000 contributions in so, you know, if you've been meditating thinking well, gee I'm just going to contribute a little bit that will count. This is the time to make that contribution Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 728 11 like to thank Ansel the Wonder Dog for renewing his membership. Ansel has been on the air a (00:16:19) good many (00:16:19) times. Yes, Kate answer doctor Hunters Wonder Dog. Ansel has renewed his membership. He listens regularly to my programs make of that what you (00:16:31) will want to stay in pledges coming in and you haven't pledged, huh? I mean, it's pretty bad when the dogs get in line ahead of you. Come on. To 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. I know this is the radio you rely on but they rely on you really this doesn't happen with no. I'm talking to you don't look away from me. I'm talking to you right in your ear. I'm pushing killed button. I know it's there. Hang on. There it is. There it is. How are you going to feel once you go over to Minnesota Public Radio and Dot org and pledge you're going to feel great. You're going to look better to I'm telling you man that guilty conscience of yours. That's 10 pounds right there. Just go to Minnesota Public Radio dot-org call 1-800 to to 728 11 and reinvent yourself (00:17:21) leap into pledging 6062 go to that 2000 Mark there enough of you listening right now. I think we could get to that point. If you not yet made a contribution heck even if you have an additional contribution will count it all counts on this first day of our fun drive and why not join us at the $10 a month level make a $10 a month contribution will send out Catherine's new book leap days. Story of her or adventure to New York. I was going to say Adventure in New York, but that sounds like she's back. Unfortunately. She's just back here to do the program. But but it's a great book. So we'll send that out to you and a pair of tickets to Catherine show at the fits next Thursday night one woman (00:18:04) what how do they describe that? I will freewheeling one-woman show. Okay, that's just a titch of hyperbole. It's going to be a great spoken word and music event. We've got the ultimately cool and groovy Chan poling who from the suburbs and the new standards. He's composed a score that is going he's going to play Live While I read and then he has an original song that is going to be doing is there's even going to be a touch of Gershwin it is going to be a lonely evening. Yeah. It's gonna be really cool. I really I can't tell you enough how much I want you to come by a week from tonight at the Fitzgerald theater, but what I want you to do right now, you know what I want you to do right now, come on. And why are we even pussyfooting around here? You know what I want, you know, I want it now Minnesota Public Radio dot-org call 1-800 to to seven twenty eight eleven ten dollars a month. Let me tell you friend you waste 10 dollars a month. I know you do because I do so don't waste it invest invest it in radio that works 1-800 to to 728 11 just (00:19:06) 45 more contributions to go and we'll be at that 2000 Mark. How about you? (00:19:11) I don't even know if I know how to say that word anymore. Okay, can't kiss and well work on it one which therapist (00:19:18) 0180. Yes. What 802 to 7 2011 or Minnesota Public Radio dot or keep the contributions that coming in. Let's see if we can make that overall goal, Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 7 2011. Meanwhile, if you have a question of for Katherine, give us a call on our regular call in line numbers and again for those of you who get confused here as I do. Those numbers are 6 5 One two two seven six thousand or 1-800-222-8477 Ahsoka public radio dot-org when you get there. Click on send a question. Gen Z your question, (00:19:57) please. Hi Gary at the hi Kathryn is great to hear you. Again. (00:20:02) Thank you so much. I really appreciate (00:20:04) that. Oh sure. Well, like everybody else that's called sulfur. We really miss you. And before I ask you my question two things number one coming from someone else who has a very distinctive laugh. It's don't worry about yours and don't change it. It's great. Thank you (00:20:20) so much. I appreciate that. You know the inner shy person in (00:20:24) me really appreciates that well making Gary (00:20:27) spit up. (00:20:29) He doesn't know he has inner (00:20:30) inner person is buried (00:20:32) so deep that it's (00:20:42) there we go. There we (00:20:44) go. Other comment is everybody listening has to okay, I'll say it get off their keister and pledge like I did because where else can you have this much fun and get your news at the same time good point. Yeah. But anyway Catherine on this might be kind of a philosophical question that's hard to answer but if the air America opportunity had not come up do you think that you would have taken the plunge in some other way to make kind of a big midlife change? (00:21:17) I think that's a really good question. And of course, I don't know the answer to that but I will tell you that because that opportunity came my way at the exact point. I like to say that I knew the rest with the rest of my days were going to be like the way I knew where the spoons were in my silverware drawer without looking I think that I had reached a sort of I was contended but I was also in a rut and and that's why that that up. Unity looked so attractive to me because I'd always meant to move out of the Midwest and hit it just never happened for a variety of reasons. So I don't know. I don't know what would have happened. But I definitely know that I was ready. So who knows what would have happened? Do you mind reels (00:22:03) do you think people who feel like they're stuck in a rod ought to do the same kind of thing you did which is not to say head off to New York necessarily but dramatically changed their life because you turned over all the (00:22:17) traces. Yeah. Did I tell people it was the life equivalent of taking your junk drawer and turning it upside down on the kitchen floor instead of just, you know, organizing it a lot of kitchen drawer analogies and I know they're close to your heart Gary. Yes. (00:22:33) Yeah. Yes. (00:22:40) I think that I mean well, let me tell you put it to you this way. Now I would say yes, it's worth it because I was able to write my own rescue as it was I was able to take my adventures and Misadventures and and Cobble together a book, but there were lots of moments in New York where I thought I have wrecked my life and that was hard that was really hard. It was very humbling to sort of sit there with all your mistakes in your lap and hold them up to the light going. Yeah. Okay (00:23:15) shouldn't have done that. (00:23:17) Did you mostly miss your friends back here or did you quickly make new friends in New York? And so yeah, you you miss some folks here, but boy there were so many new people in your (00:23:29) life where I lived here for 22 years and there is a richness to old friends that you really can't replicate and I had a day leanest here. That is very very hard to replicate. Yeah. I have I've made friends I Of but it's you know, New York is it's different people. There's very little I have one or two friends now after two and a half years where I can just drop by or I can call them and say come over tonight, but everything's very planned in the strata that I move around in people people tend to make appointments to see each other. Hmm. (00:24:08) Do you know any regular people in New York and by that? I don't I don't know how to exactly do. I mean people who are not involved in the media or (00:24:17) civilians. Yeah. I know any (00:24:20) civilians, you know people who are janitors and stuff like (00:24:22) that. Well, of course, I know them. I'm just trying to think because you're you're sounding like my mom know who you know, when I first met her I was like well, so it's a mixed theater costumes and shown shows a singer-songwriter and someone says a magazine editor. She said we'll have you met anyone (00:24:39) else. (00:24:41) It's like no Mom. I haven't I'm sorry. You know, I guess no one seems very normal to me. And I mean that in a good way, but I have met my neighbors and close to my neighbors. My neighbors gave me a book party which was very gratifying and I made friends with the group of people in the building that we had. The building I live in is called the Memphis for reasons that escape me and so we had the Memphis book club and on Sunday nights, they put on their jammies and make themselves a nightcap and I would go up and I would read to them hmm my work in progress and that was pretty cool. (00:25:20) Nate has an online question for you. Nate says Catherine, I started listening to public radio because of you. It's now a large part of my life. Thank you. When did public radio first enter your (00:25:31) life? That's a good question. I'm going to have to say it was probably Terry Gross probably in a car some night. I am when I say in I mean what I mean is, you know, there's you listen to public radio and then there's when public radio gets you and I was probably I think I was listening to Isabel Allende read something and you know what it was a midday speech actually it was Isabel Allende hmm giving a speech you guys have recorded the whole speech and you were playing the speech and I had to pull my car over because I didn't want to miss any of it. Hmm. So there that's when it got me you (00:26:10) came here and I might want to correct something in your book. Your book is otherwise an excellent book. Yes full of Truth full of wisdom heartwarming anecdote, but your flat wrong. Yes, you have a quote in here you say in the beginning Bill and you're talking about Bill boozing Berg who's vice president is Here (00:26:32) in the beginning bill was (00:26:34) the only person in the building that would be this building who thought I could host a public radio show, you know, that's not (00:26:43) true. You know, you're right that is sort of an accurate. Although it is sort of grown up as Legend. I know that that other people have said that what I do remember is before I came here. Someone told me who works in this building. I said, well, what's it going to be? Like when I go there are people going to be okay with me and this person said half the building is thrilled and the other (00:27:06) half thinks that you will destroy public radio ask. No it's (00:27:13) talk about a little bit about how you got started at the newspaper business great stories about that and being a woman in the business at a time even late in the 20th century when that was kind of (00:27:24) weird it. Well, you know, I am the recipient of two generations of women who went into news Before I did but it was I was you know, it's so hard to when I talk to journalism students about when I came of age in a newsroom. I'm sure that that they think I got to work in a horse and buggy that you know, it was so long ago because it when you describe it, you know men wearing eye shades so that they can edit copy paper copy on a horseshoe-shaped desk the fact that there were still typewriters in the building computers were you know about the size of a knotty or are you go I guess and and and were huge and you had to share them with other people and I was a minority higher because I was female which is very amusing to me, but I believe that that's one of the reasons and also I was cheap, you know, there's nothing like a 22 year old when it comes to cheap labor. It's the The Newsroom the journalism that I came of age in is it's it's not that the values are gone because I think that they're steady but that world is gone. I mean I can remember for instance going to cover the marielitos the Cuban refugees who fled will Castro released them and then they if you literally washed up on these Shores in the 80s and I was an intern at the Chicago Sun-Times and there was a big camp where they had brought a lot of the Mario Leto's and I came back from a story and I was writing about the media scrum that followed them the helicopters overhead the fact that this had become a circus and my copy was yanked out of my hands and an editor said to me we never write about ourselves the media never covers the media. Well, that's so not true now. No, no not now at all, and I'm glad (00:29:27) I (00:29:27) came of age in the journalism world that I did but I do the well, as you know Gary it used to be that you had time to follow a story because you didn't have to worry about someone beating you to the online version of it in the next five minutes. So you had time to pursue things. So I feel like I was able to get a leisurely education compared to some young people (00:29:51) Catherine land for is with us. She's out with a new book about her experiences going to New York how she ended up in New York what's happened since she's been in New York. It's called leap days Chronicles of a midlife move and she's here to talk about her experiences. Take your questions. So if you have one give us a call in a regular call in line number, six, five one two, two seven six thousand 6512276 thousand toll-free number on 802 for 22828, or you can send your question for Catherine in online go to our website, Minnesota Public Radio dot org and then You get there click on send a question meanwhile in the parallel universe in which we live. There is the first day of the fund Drive underway. And the goal here is to convince 3000 of you to make a contribution today. And if we hit that goal will have raised while will raise I should say an additional $50,000 from the member challenge fund. So that's the big goal before us and those of you listening to mid-day. There was a kind of a mini challenge set if we could somehow get past that 2000 Mark we would reward you or penalize you depending upon your Viewpoint with Al and fur a land for classic. So let me give you the first of all, let me give you the The Pledge line number here is 1 800 2 to 7 2011 or you can join us online Minnesota Public Radio dot org make your contribution $10 a month contribution will send Catherine's book out to you. The new leap days, but it's a great book really is great reading and a pair of tickets to Catherine show it the fits next Thursday night seven o'clock at the Fitzgerald theater. So you get the tickets the book all for a $10 a month contribution. What's not to like, especially now that we've reached the high point of the (00:31:47) program? (00:31:51) The stage is yours Miss Lanford, (00:31:54) right? I never thought I would be saying these words again. I left the hallowed Halls of Minnesota public radio in 2004 and one of the things that I thought I consigned. To the Dustbin of history. Is there one more I think so. Yeah. There we go. All right, get off your keister and get on the phone. All right, 1-800 to to 7 2011. We've got 2030 people who have called so far today. Can we get that up to 2,300? It's possible. It's possible that we would have had a thousand people who called in during mid-day, which is a fine fine recognition of the services that midday provides its how I first got sucked into public radio 1-800 to to 728 11. Come on get off your keister pick up the phone if you're in keister, Minnesota, you have no excuse not to pick up the phone. And yes, I'm very fond of you folks and keister. Come on 1 800 2 to 7, 28:11. You can also go to Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. This is amazing Carrie. How many people called in this hour? (00:33:09) It really is and called in older adults today already 2034 people keep the phone's ringing keep the mice clicking here, Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. That's the web address or call us the old-fashioned way 1-800 to to 728 11 doesn't matter how much you contribute. It really doesn't but every contribution will move us a step closer to that final goal of 3,000. That's the key thing so we can earn the extra $50,000. But if you're going to call any way make a contribution. How about $10 a month? It's not really all that much when you think about how you can go burn through 10 bucks a month on other things. So it's not, you know, it's not outrageous amount and as a special thank-you gift. You're going to love the book Catherine's new book leap days. You're going to love it. I take take my word for it and you get two tickets to our show next X Thursday night a freewheeling. Woman show it's described as I (00:34:08) love the description. No, no. No, it's spoken word with music. Come on. Carrie work with me 1-800 to to 728 11. You know what I want you to do. Come on. Just stay with me. I want you to get off your keister. And pick up the phone and can do it Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. You can also get up your keister and just push the mouse over that use your keister to push the mouse. This is the radio that you rely on. It is part of your day-to-day life did $10 a month. I please I know that too fancy coffees a month and I know you get them. Yeah the calf half-caf whipped (00:34:54) cream mocha caramel, whatever it is. Come on, (00:34:58) if you spend that on just coffee that goes down your gullet. Imagine. If you spent that on content that went into your brain, what a good trade-off 1-800 to to 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org use your keister to push the mouse or get off your keister and pick up the phone and (00:35:17) pledge and who are we talking to? Well, if you've never made a contribution and obviously we want to hear from you because we need you to step forward and and do your part here because we don't have commercials on The station it's your contribution that makes the programming possible if it's time to renew your membership or a great time to renew because we can contact contribution toward the this overall goal for the day. And if you just want to make an additional one-time contribution that to will count. Whatever works for you. The important thing is that you step forward here in these closing minutes 1-800 to to 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org 2048 people have now contributed and we're waiting to hear from you because we need to hear from you. Meanwhile last go around here. Katherine's going to read a little bit from her book. Take some more questions. If you have a question for give us a call in a regular call in line number six, five, one two, two seven six thousand or 1-800-222-8477 mid-morning like a million authors and stuff. What's it feel like to be on the other side of the (00:36:25) microphone really strange? I mean seriously seriously it I actually talked to a friend of mine who did media training and said well, you know, everyone can learn things and he started laughing and he said oh you journalists you are the worst at being interviewed and I think he's right. Actually I'm always used to phrasing questions not phrasing answers. So it has been an unusual exercise for me to occasionally. I'm at a loss for words. Why don't you read a little bit here? Okay, I will do that. Sorry. I was just looking for the right. I think I'll continue on with the first chapter on Leap Day 2004. I took an actual leap leaving behind the midwestern City where I came of age marry divorce worked lived loved and prospered for more than two decades to move to New York. I cried so hard at the airport curb that the strangers millionaire. He must have thought I was on my way to a funeral if they had offered me condolences. I would have accepted them. I felt in fact that a loved one was dying that a life. So known and dear to me was ending my old soon to be settled life. It former settled life in which I knew the tracks of the coming days the way I knew without looking where the spoons were in my silverware drawer. Someone was pushing that woman off the platform and it was me. There was no safety net before that day. I had been an Earthbound creature think root (00:38:01) vegetable. Now, I was on my way to a new (00:38:05) job a new life and a new city where I could count the number of friends on one hand. I was a few months shy of my 45th birthday a confirmed daughter of the Prairie who had grown up in Moline, Illinois gone to college and graduate school in Chicago and then moved to st. Paul Minnesota. I was as Midwestern as we coffee at supper and ham sandwiches at a funeral lunch. So, why was I getting on a plane to New York? Well as I like to tell people on Leap Day 2004. I moved to midlife and had a Manhattan crisis Midway through the Journey of his life Dante found himself in a dark wood Midway through my life. I found myself in New York and my own version of a Divine Comedy. I came of age in the midwest. I came of middle age in Manhattan (00:38:55) Catherine land further reading from her new book leap days, which tells the story of Catherine's decision to go to New York, kick-off the traces and try something different. She went off to co-star with Al Franken and are America for a while and now she's written this book collection of essays terrific book. And again, if you'd like a copy like a contribution, that's a great way to pick up a copy contribution on our fund Drive 1-800 to to 7 2011 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. Meanwhile if you have a question for Give us a call in our regular call in line number 2 six five one two two seven six thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight. Let's see. We'll get you connected there Dave. Go ahead, please. (00:39:40) Well Catherine is good to hear you on talk the nation the other day and you mentioned Moline, Illinois. I did my graduate work there and there were a couple guys from New York. I went to school with and what they raved about was the size of that pork chops and Whitey's and they didn't have anything like that in New York. I wondered if you miss those two things when you were out there. Yes, sir. (00:40:01) I was just gonna say you make a reference to Whitey's Ice Cream. I mean really could have had a more wholesome All-American childhood than to have grown up around Whitey's Ice Cream. He it's very good ice cream along with Lago Marciano's. Um, for some reason that story reminds me of a friend of mine who was a singer songwriter in New York, and she had never been to the Midwest and just recently she was flown to Dubuque for a private gig where she was going to (00:40:28) For this party Midwest debut. (00:40:30) Yes our Midwest debut. They flew into Chicago good enough. You know that looked pretty much like what she knew and then they put her on a tiny plane and they flew her in to Dubuque and when she got off the plane and I love this woman for telling this story on herself her host greeted her and she turned to this person and said the yards are so big here and the person in Dubuque paused and said, those are farms. It still makes me laugh (00:40:59) now. Is it true that people in New York just to see if you're not actually in the city, you're somewhere in another universe that the the world actually ends at the city (00:41:09) limits. I think that there is forms of parochial parochialism everywhere as we know. I know people in Minneapolis who've never been to Saint Paul vice versa, especially when I first moved here, yes, there is definitely a breed of New Yorker who you could say Sippy Montana Minnesota, it's pretty much all the same thing to them. And sometimes we midwesterners get together and swap stories about things that we have been accused of or that people just simply assume of us. I mean, I have a friend who went out to work for Newsday the newspaper on Long Island and people assumed that because she'd come from here that she knew how to milk a cow. Well did she know she's not when you're from Edina. There's not much account milking opportunity (00:42:03) Chris your question, please (00:42:05) thanks for taking my call. Hey Chris, I agree with your father about your comments about parochialism. I lived on the west coast for a very long time and I couldn't believe how ignorant and they always got Indianapolis and Minneapolis mixed up. But anyway, you find New York a little more receptive or more. A friendlier towards single people (00:42:32) what an interesting question. It's especially interesting because I know that as we reach the 300 million Mark, there are literally more single people in this country. Yeah in a way I do know what you're talking about. I would argue that there is more acceptance there in New York of a single person sort of cobbling together his or her own family of friends. Whereas if I mean, it's it's an interesting world. We live in its always I think a little easier if you're a couple and it is a little bit easier out there if you're not I think that's an interesting question. But I also you know, I want to make it clear while I have an opportunity that this there's almost it's almost trite the whole, you know, girl leaves the small town goes to the big city, but st. Paul was never really a small town to me. It was beloved and I am New York is beautiful to me mostly because of the stories there are just so many stories there that if you're a Storyteller like I am you find yourself getting caught up in wanting to know what happens (00:43:43) next. Well, you've said that you can just walk out in the corner and it's like going to a free (00:43:49) movie. It's true. Really, I mean really really really (00:43:53) is do exaggerate sometimes (00:43:55) what you mean, you're getting a laugh (00:44:02) Gary. I'm ashamed of you now pretty much you really can you really really can I I have in the essay at one point. I note that there was a man with an orange. Ukulele who walked by me one day a bright orange. Ukulele and I followed him for a few blocks just to see if anyone would ask him why he had an orange. Ukulele they didn't and I thought, you know someone here in St. Paul would notice an orange juice. Lately, it's just it's the human pageant, you know, the carnival of human existence. It's just there (00:44:37) Cheryl your question, please (00:44:40) actually a comment I wanted to tell Catherine she was speaking about her hook into NPR and Catherine you were actually mine. I just happened to turn the radio on one day and happened across MPR and it was between 9:00 and 11:00 and it was you and it was your voice and your interviewing technique and now I listened to it 24/7. (00:45:01) Hey, I am so gratified to hear that that work. Thank you so much (00:45:06) as the adventure been worth it Catherine. (00:45:09) Yeah. Yeah. It has I didn't always I wouldn't always know how to answer that. But the truth is I have finally figured out how to write an air in a narrative voice and now I don't want to stop I it's been worth it because of the challenges I set for myself. And because of what happened, which is that I wrote a book and that I am you know, it's terrible Gary. I was trained to write 650 word homilies for a newspaper column. And now I pretty much exhale and 6,000 words around the page has become very long-winded which is good for books, but bad for everything (00:45:46) else. You're writing a second book even (00:45:48) I hope to be working on one. I've got ideas for a couple books out there. I find I find New York very inspiring and which is funny to me because you know, I when I was younger I always thought that once I had the right desk I could write and then it was well once I have the right room I could write then it was the right chair and the right computer and I have now finally written my First Book on a space that is you know, not much bigger than a desk blotter crammed into a corner and I mean literally it is it is not much bigger than a couple feet by a couple feet. And so there you go. (00:46:28) After in land for is our guest today, she's out with a new book collection of essays about her Adventure in New York leap days. It's titled leap days Chronicles of a midlife move great book and available today. If you make a contribution on this first day of our fund Drive available at the $10 a month level will also at the same time give you a pair of tickets to Catherine show at the Fitzgerald theater next Thursday night one-woman show at the at the fits seven o'clock is the start time if you'd like some tickets, that's a great way to pick up a pair make contribution at $10 a month level. But meanwhile Catherine your magic you haven't lost the touch lady 2114 people have made contributions a good many of those since you went on the air and most of the time without the help of the the (00:47:24) k-word. Well this this represents 114 people who got off their keister and picked up the phone 1-800-273-8255 had to drag my keister all the way back to New York just to tell you to get off yours and pick up the phone at least you can do is do it. Now, Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. You can take your keister over to the computer click on that Mouse and get going 1-800 to to 728 11. How did you get hooked into public radio? Because if you're listening right now, you're hooked my friend you might as well Pony up the pennies. It's only $10 a month to support the programming that you've come to rely (00:48:08) on 1 800 two to seven 28:11. That's the number to call in and make your contribution or better yet. Do it online at Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. It's very quick very easy. If you do it online saves us a little extra money in administrative folderol. So whatever works for you. We do. Hope you'll make that contribution $10 a month. We'll send out Catherine's book and a pair of tickets. It's a great value. But you know, the thing is it doesn't matter how much you contribute. It does make a big difference though a huge difference that you make a contribution, especially today first day of the drive special challenge. If 3,000 contributions come in a by this evening, we will earn an extra $50,000 for programs here at Minnesota Public Radio, and we only have 878 contributors to go we can do this if fall of you who've not yet contributed will do so 1-800 to to 7 2011 or Minnesota Public Radio (00:49:08) dot-org 1-800 to to 728 11. Okay, because it's been so long since I've said it I'm just going to say it as often as I can get up the keister pick up the phone, you know that you rely on this programming to get you through your day to day life to (00:49:26) soothe you when you need music to. (00:49:28) Chain you when you want to hear a great interview to help you make decisions about how your community your town your state your country is going to be run 1-800 to to 728 11. Who else do you trust this much where else do you go? There is nowhere 1-800 to to 728 11 does should be like brushing your teeth flossing and making it an annual physical appointment. This is what you need to do. You're a grown-up now do what grown-ups do 1-800 to to 728 11 or go to Minnesota Public Radio dot-org $10 a month. Oh, please most of you you blow that much in a month, you know, you do you just wasted poof up in smoke come on invested in something that (00:50:14) matters 1-800 to to 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org something of a last call going out now, especially those of you interested in Catherine's book kind of a last call here in the last couple of minutes like to get you signed up yet. Book in the mail to you and get those tickets set aside. So you go Kathryn choe next Thursday night at the Fitzgerald theater seven o'clock is the start time that you're going to have a great time and we will if you make a contribution at the $10 a month level send the book out to you and set aside a pair of tickets for you. So have a good time at Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 728 11 about two minutes to go here. And then we need to wrap up send Catherine on her way. You're not you're not going right back to New York. (00:51:02) I am on my book towards (00:51:03) Chicago the Milwaukee then Madison and then I come back here to do that show with Chan at the fits. (00:51:08) I suppose big timer. Now, you know, (00:51:11) most people who I can. Whoo. (00:51:13) Oh, yeah. Listen to you. Let's see. I was just doing the math here Gary and those tickets, you know, when you by the time you add the book in the tickets and the programming here, huh? This is as someone I know would say a heck of a deal. Dollars a month. Come on go for it. Now, Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 728 11. You're going to get tickets to this great show. I can say it's (00:51:39) great because Chan poling is going to be there and I mean and you're gonna be there he's mr. Cool Gary. All right. Now you're you're (00:51:45) not bad yourself to me that the chance said he would do the (00:51:48) score for this reading. I'm (00:51:49) just tickled 1-800 to to 728 11 1-800 to to 728 11 or go to Minnesota Public Radio dot org and click ahead front. Use your keister nudge the mouse over. However, you do it. We want you to (00:52:06) pledge last call here last call, Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800-273-8255 ground. This song Fits you pretty well and fur. (00:52:32) Wake up in a city that never sleeps. (00:52:40) Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to 278 11 Last Call on leap days Catherine land fur. Thank you so much for coming in. (00:52:52) I was thrilled to be here. Thank you. It's up to you. Thanks for coming in. Catherine. Get after keister get on that phone. That's a good book, Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 728 11. Thanks to all of you (00:53:53) who've contributed.


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