Katherine Lanpher discusses "Leap Days: Chronicles of a Midlife Move" part 1

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Katherine Lanpher, former MPR "Midmorning" host, who left Minnesota for New York City, returns to the MPR airwaves to discuss book about her move to the big city. Lanpher also answers listener questions. This is part 1 of 2.

Lanpher is also former co-host of "The Al Franken Show" on Air America Radio. Lanpher's book is titled "Leap Days: Chronicles of a Midlife Move."

Program contains pledge-drive segments.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

(00:00:09) Start Spreading, the News I'm leaving today. I (00:00:18) want to be a part of it, New York New York (00:00:27) these Vagabond. Yeah, she's back. Good morning. Welcome to midday on Minnesota Public Radio News Gary eichten here our guest today old pal Catherine land for who is back in town after and of course used to star on mid-morning. She went off to New York New York to star with Al Franken. And now she's the author of leak days collection of essays about starting over in midlife a book that's winning way rave (00:00:53) reviews (00:00:54) top of the Little town blue Catherine's doing a show at the Fitzgerald next Thursday, but she's come by midday today to say hello talk about her book and take your questions. Lan fur is in the building. And if you have a question or a comment (00:01:21) we have you have a question or a (00:01:23) comment for Catherine, give us a call earlier, six five. One two, two seven six thousand or 1-800-222-8477 or comment online go to our website, Minnesota Public Radio dot org, and then when you get there click on send a question Catherine, welcome (00:01:40) back. It is so lovely to be here and thank you for that wonderful introduction. (00:01:45) Well, I mean, it's been almost three years now. It's (00:01:48) been damn one two and a half and you're you're a big star now, you're (00:01:52) still talking to us little people and (00:01:53) everything. Nice. Try very nice. Try. (00:02:00) You have gotten great reviews for your book and justifiably so it's funny heartwarming pretty cool (00:02:07) deal. Oh, thank you very much. I have to say it's been really gratifying to have have people respond positively in a nutshell. (00:02:17) What how what people say. Well, what's your book about? What do you what do you (00:02:20) say my book is about the fact that midlife is not necessarily a chronological point and that it transformation are reinvention is possible for all of us. I say that because a lot of people say, you know, middle-aged. No, no one wants to say their middle age. I think I'm the only person who's like stepping up to the plate and going. Yeah do the math. I think I'm living to a hundred. So I'm getting up there to me midlife or middle-aged is when you hit that point where you realize in life. Hey, this is not a dress rehearsal. This is finite and if there's anything I want to do any changes I want to make I better do them now. Hmm. And the reinvention of the fact that it's a book about reinvention to me is because I do think that as we get rooted in settled in life, we think that it's too late for transformation and it just isn't hmm. (00:03:13) I was reminded when I read your book Catherine. I was reminded of Mary Tyler Moore Mary Richards standing out in Dayton and front of Dayton's with the hat throwing a hat and are kind of bright-eyed bushy-tailed open-faced. Oh, I'd be a great adventure is is underway and fair fair (00:03:35) comparison. You are not the first person to make this comparison. Although I confess I've always thought that I fit more of the Rota a model but but more than one person has a made this comparison. And of course if you move to Manhattan from Minnesota people are going to make that and it's so funny because you know, when I first moved out there, I guess I had a sort of deer in the headlights look, you know, oh my God. What just happened to me and people would say to me. Well, where did you move from? And I'd say Minnesota and they'd go. Oh, oh like I was like a newly-born Shar-Pei puppy no real skin to speak of someone had to take care of me. Ya know it friends of mine have joked about about how we need to reverse the The Mary Tyler Moore thing and send someone out to a middle-aged lady goes out to New York and that'll be our next hit sitcom which I can only say mama needs a condo (00:04:28) Catherine land for is our guest. She's back in town. She getting ready to do a Big Show at the Fitzgerald a week from today and she's come by the studio today to talk about her book and take your questions. Give us a call here regular call-in line numbers 6512276 thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight or as always you can use our online service go to our website and a sort of public radio dot org and click on send a question. Adam has sent in an online question for your Catherine. Adam says I just moved back to Minneapolis from New York after nine years. What do you miss most about the Midwest the State (00:05:12) Fair? I will confess to certain pangs 4434 things during the state fair days. When I happened to be in New York Pronto Pups, you know come to mind and the Miracle of Life Barn which always used to be near the Minnesota Public Radio stage. They've moved it know they have because you know, we have a picture still here in The Newsroom of me holding a piglet and doing the show. I'm pretty much that was radio Nirvana for me, you know, holding a live farm animal and broadcasting at the same time. I miss my neighbor's I missed the de Lena some of my life here. You'd be surprised how much of st. Paul especially I hold on to I by Mighty here still I buy my glasses I delight and nothing more than buying some of my clothes here and my visits back so that when people in New York say, oh that's cute. Where'd you get that? I can say beautiful mysterious st. Paul. Mmm. Thank you very much. (00:06:09) No, you said that for quite a while. It was it was hard to answer the question. You know, I Are you now A New Yorker? How do you answer the question (00:06:17) now? I actually still can't answer that question and I have now devoted many column inches to figuring out what exactly it is. That makes a New Yorker. Although I will tell you that the first time I involuntarily said yo was this summer and it did give me pause I thought isn't that interesting that wasn't in my vocabulary before in the book. I say that when I first moved to New York a friend would call me from st. Paul and he would describe the Moon that he saw and I would describe the Moon that I saw and that was one of the ways I knew that we were on the same planet and I think that if I moved back to the Midwest, I would have to call someone up in Manhattan and ask them to describe what the Moon looked like over the Manhattan landscape. I'm I feel actually sort of wetted emotionally stitched as it were to both places now. Hmm. This was your first (00:07:11) book. What was that like Could you use use you indicate that you've always wanted to write about not always but it's been a long (00:07:21) time. Actually. I have always wanted to write a book and it was almost I think I had made it into something some huge insurmountable obstacle in my head and I interviewed Natalie Goldberg on mid-morning several times and one time. She said to me that writers sometimes writers have to have their throats slit before they're real voice can come out that something traumatic has to happen before people can can sit down and really right and I think for me the trauma if I can use that word of giving up everything I knew and and going out and starting over in my mid-40s was enough for me to suddenly. I couldn't people I know I've heard authors say this forever and I've always sort of rolled my eyes and thought yeah. Yeah. Yeah you and the Muse but the truth is a truth is I had to write this book. I would come home at night and take notes. There was narrative always running in the back of my head, which I realized makes me sound like a crazy New Yorker but I'm telling you there is always narrative. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know what it is. There's there's the human pageantry is on such a large scale there that you can't help but be inspired true story friend of mine from Minneapolis was visiting in New York this week. She got dressed in what she thought was a Sheik Ensemble and got off the subway and a homeless man who sells cans was coming off the subway and he looked at her up and down and he said nice outfit, hon. She almost went home and change and then she got he's wearing plastic bags. Why am I taking his fashion advice? But my point is what I love about New York is everyone feels entitled to offer an opinion about the human landscape in front of (00:09:10) them. I can't well I'm not going to pass this along in a few. And it's here. This is Deborah says since its pledge drive time. Can we please hear the infamous? Get off your keister from Katherine? (00:09:27) I have no idea what you're talking about. This is a keister free zone stay tuned. Maybe we have to hit a certain place goal (00:09:40) before we hear they have to have a we have a goal before we get to that. I want to get back to his business about write in the book fascinating line you had in your book you said when you finally decided and knew that you were going to be able to write this book and taught met with the Publishers and so on you said I felt like a bride. What did you mean by that? (00:09:59) I um, I was very inspired the first summer that I lived in Manhattan. I was not to put too fine a point on it pretty homesick. And I really didn't know many people. So I spent a lot of time by myself not unlike the few first years I lived in st. For 22 years and the first few years. I knew one person when I moved to st. Paul and so when I'm lonely I read and I read a beautiful Trilogy of Memoirs by a woman named Mary Cantwell who grew up on the East Coast, I believe Rhode Island and then moved to New York when she was in her 20s, and she has a Trilogy of Memoirs of her life spanning childhood to a few years before her death and she talked in the last few pages of that book. She talks about how she realized and looking back that New York was her groom and I was very caught by that imagery and when I walked out of that Publishers office and realized that I was being given this chance of a lifetime to sit in an apartment in Greenwich Village and write a book about my life. I still get choked up talking about it. I realized that I had been offered this amazing opportunity this true chance. Reinvention and I did feel like I was making a commitment that was going to change my life. I felt like a bread. (00:11:22) Did you teach yourself how to write and I say that because it's this book is very well written. (00:11:28) I was lucky enough to work at the st. Paul Pioneer Press during the 80s when there were a series of editors who cared very much about writing newspaper journalism was in a far different economic State then and the big goal was to have magazine quality writing in your daily newspaper and I worked with all of these Pulitzer Prize winners. If you look back on that particular Newsroom, I believe there are eight published authors from that time period John Camp who writes is John Sanford. You have Chuck Logan. You have Theresa Monsour. You have Larry Mallette who's done these elegant Sherlock Holmes Mysteries that where he has Sherlock visiting James. Jhil I could go on and I think that there was this sense of we were all striving. To improve our right? And also I I was self-taught in that when I left school. I moved to st. Paul again. I didn't know many people I would hang around the bookstore's I have to tell you when I was 23 years old. The only thing I wanted in life was to be able to sign the wall of Oda guards bookstore. I would go in and just study that wall and dang it. It's not there anymore. If I finally have a book they always had authors signed the wall. That's what I (00:12:40) wanted. You can sign are low wall here Catherine Catherine land for his back on the on the air today. She's come by midday today to talk about her brand new book leap days Chronicles of a midlife move talks about Katherine's move to New York. She's here. And if you have questions for give us a call here, six five, one two, two seven six thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight or send in your question or comment online at Minnesota Public Radio dot org. Meanwhile Miz Lan fur, we should do a little bit of business here because people I'm sure Ari, To pick up a copy of your book and they can do that very easily. All I have to do is make a contribution of what $10 a month and they get tickets to your (00:13:23) show. Yes. I mean I have to say I'm just looking at this could we have made this more $10 a month $120 a year you get a copy of this book and you get two tickets we're doing this amazing show I can say this because I think it's Chan poling who's making it amazing founder of the suburbs. He's now with the group new standards. I approached him. He's doing a whole original score for a reading. I'm doing from the book and he's doing a new original song those tickets get thrown in when you pledge your support to Minnesota Public Radio. Amazing how the pledging skills. Come back here. (00:13:56) Just remember. This is a k free zone (00:13:58) so far 1-800 to to 728 11, you know, you know, you're going to make the call. Let's just like talk seriously here for a minute. You know, you're going to make the call why pussyfoot around just pick up the phone and do it now 1 800 Juju 728 11 and how will you feel afterwards? You'll feel like you've done a good thing (00:14:16) join us online if that's easier. A lot of people doing that Minnesota Public Radio dot org, it actually saves us a little money in terms of administrative costs, Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to 278 11 get your contribution in by the way special challenge today Catherine. Yes, the pledge pooh-bahs tell us that if we can convince 3,000 people to make contributions today any amount 3,000 contributions. We will earn an extra $50,000 $50,000 from the members. Nobody's lot of good radio that comes from the members challenge fund. So here we are and we've got 1670 contributions in house already 1332 go 1-800 to to 7 2011 1800227 2011 or Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. (00:15:12) No. I just want to say if you are. The fence here about supporting Minnesota Public Radio and you're thinking to yourself. Oh, everyone else will do it. I just want you to know as someone who lived here for a long time and then moved away. It isn't like everyone has been a sort of public radio. It's true. I love New York Isle of Manhattan. I in fact a member of WNYC because I believe in trying to support the public radio where you live and while there's fine programming there there is not the kind of I like to call it door-to-door service that you were going to get that contributes to the Civic life that contributes to the cultural life that contributes to your day-to-day life. Not $10 a month, please I ask you you spend that what in three days a bind the fancy coffee or, you know, it's a bring lunch once a month to work and you can afford $10 a month to support a world class institution that you can't find anywhere else 1-800 to to 720 at 11 (00:16:10) $10 a month contribution, and we will send out to you as a special. Thank you gifts. Catherines new book leap days and really I'm not prone to I don't read that much. Let's let's let's let's cut to the chase (00:16:24) here talking turkey ladies and gentlemen, (00:16:26) don't read that much. But and you know, I'm not prone to sing the Praises of books all that much. But this is a good one. And I think you'll you'd really get a kick out of reading reading Catherine's leap days $10 a month contribution plus plus will send out a couple of tickets to you. So you can go to Catherine show at the Fitzgerald theater downtown st. Paul. Next Thursday night seven o'clock is the showtime. So it's even early enough for those of us who go to bed. What 802 to 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot org, hoping hoping hoping to get to 3,000 contributions today be they big contributions leadership Circle level contributions little contributions contributions in between. Whatever works for you. 1-800 to to 728 11 or Minnesota Public Radio dot org (00:17:18) leadership Circle what happens if you joined the (00:17:20) leadership Circle leadership circle is $100 a month contribution is you'll recall but it's tax deductible as you'll recall so actually out of pocket, you know, 70 80 bucks or back in cable TV range now and for that let's say you get to come over here and tore the brand new facilities and it's a pretty nifty building. Yeah. Let's see you get the vase the new 40th anniversary commemorative (00:17:48) base Redwing pottery vase where you been out keywords here Gary, it's red wine. (00:17:53) Sorry. Well, I like to use deal. Can we say it can we call it a Voss (00:17:58) know what we all will be have to say is Red Wing and people like my mother would be in the (00:18:01) car get your name on their personalized very cool. Yeah, and this is all over and above the the traditional 10,000 Northwest Airlines will perk miles. Wow. Such a pretty good deal. I was just going to say all Stops in between little contributions leadership Circle contributions, maybe want to join us at the $10 a month level pick up a camp copy of Catherine's book, Minnesota Public Radio dot-org join us online or give us a call 1-800 to to 728 11 (00:18:31) 1-800 to to 728 11. I know even though I don't live here anymore. I do try to keep an eye on what's Happening back here. And I know that this has been a tumultuous election season, we always think it can't be topped and then it is and I know that you turn here to get your news and that U-turn here to get news that you can trust to help you make decisions. Now, the money that you pledge actually goes into news coverage. That's one of the things that I've always been most impressed about with Minnesota Public Radio, and it's one of the things that keeps meet pledging. So all I can say to you is if you've ever paused in your car the top of a parking ramp because you want to hear the rest of a speech on midday. You want to hear the rest of an interview when Gary is talking to a group Of politicians who are going to have an impact on your life that I think you need to call 1-800 to to 728 11 1-800 to to 728 11. You can give $10 a month and you can get my book, but you can also be supporting Minnesota Public Radio (00:19:31) Catherine land 4 is in the studio again, if you'd like a copy of Catherine's book, we do need your contribution of going to make this goal. Can't let the $50,000 go wanting 1-800 to to 7 2011. That's the pledge line number but better yet join us online, Minnesota Public Radio dot org. Meanwhile, if you have a question for Katherine call us in our regular call-in line numbers and you'll remember those numbers to be 6512276 thousand or 1-800-222-8477 service at Minnesota Public Radio dot org, Scott says Catherine words cannot express how great it is to hear you back on MPR your energy your Right. You are missed good to hear you. Again. Thank (00:20:18) you Scott. How much did you pay for that Catherine cousin? (00:20:25) And then there's you and then there's Corey who raises the k-word question. Corey says Catherine. I've been a fan of yours since the days on mid-morning since its pledged time again, would you please say hmm. I'll make a donation. (00:20:40) So sorry, here's the deal. I think that if we can get 30 people on the phone at once isn't that usually when steam comes out of the ears of the volunteers and the yeah, we can get 30 people on the phone. I could you know, my words could form the consonant (00:20:55) sound. All right, Sam, you're you're on notice. Now you let us know as soon as we can get 30 is 30 people calling in or logging on same time. You let us know and (00:21:05) then the way let me know when we're like a (00:21:07) 25. Yeah when my you might want to let us know when we get close. Yeah, it would be medicine amp it up a little. (00:21:15) No, no, I know, you know, I was going to come in here and tell you that I turned over a new leaf and that I was calm. I've studied, you know pledge etiquette now I can (00:21:24) tell you're starting to get kind of (00:21:25) Twitchy. I'm getting Twitchy. It's true. It's true. I was going to be so good. I was going to be so cool and elegant, please pledge. Please do (00:21:37) 1-800 to to 7 2011. Meanwhile if you've got a question for well, that's no that's the number to call to get your contribution in if you have a question for Catherine 1-800-222-8477. 6,000 Caleb. Go ahead (00:21:53) please my name is Caleb. I'm from Minneapolis and I've been listening to Catherine. I guess since the day she started I used to read her in the paper. And this is sort of a challenge to someone out there. I'm a person with bipolar and three years sober now and what I did was I used in PR a hundred? Set to get sober when I was what I guess you'd call withdrawing. I listened to it 24 hours a day and I went from living outside with a tiny radio to being very stable now, but still I don't quite make enough I get $550 a month which pays rent and a little bill. So I want to challenge somebody in the name of I guess sobriety to donate for me until I can do it myself because this station is it's just served. So many people that can't afford even to contribute and I grew up in New York City and I know how hard it is to make it there. So I want to congratulate Catherine and just to say good luck and again somebody needs to donate for me until I can't do. Hey lip Caleb. Yeah, didn't you just traded one addiction for another? Well, yeah Caleb you take care now you hear thanks a lot. That's a different kind of. Alan Grant absolutely. Hey great first (00:23:17) first chapter in your book start right off with the trapeze story. Tell us about the trapeze. Would you you want to hear it? Oh, no, we're gonna do you want to read it. Now, (00:23:27) whatever you whatever you looks let's wait on that. Wait on that one. Yeah. Katherine's going to read a (00:23:31) couple of segments from her book here during the program today. But but you know, it's deferred gratification is right. There (00:23:41) we go. Along with the you-know-what word. I'm a I'm going to be they'll be story time and just a few minutes but I I live near the Hudson River in the West Village and long along the river down by Tribeca is a trapeze school and I would ride my bike past it every day and I would think to myself boy that looks like fun and I hate heights so I don't know why this was so appealing and but something in me just kept saying go do the trapeze go to the trapeze go do the trapeze and the first week after I left the Al Franken show and I realized I had six To write this book, which is a pretty intense deadline. I something images said go and take a trip. He's lesson so I did and it wasn't until frankly. I was flying through the air that I realized, huh? Yeah, right. This is a great metaphor for the book. That's what I wanted to do this but I have to say it was sort of a macho thing. I am I walked around with pretty much horse bruises on my sternum from the safety harness of the trend piece and I felt I felt pretty cool. So it's a great story though about (00:24:47) getting up the guts to let go and take the (00:24:50) leap. My mother to this day says now you made that up right? It's like what I'm James fried. No. No, I didn't make it up. Yes. I did that (00:24:57) speaking of mom and dad and there's also some great stories in your book about growing up in Moline, Illinois (00:25:04) farm implement capital of (00:25:05) the world another great line. We don't all get to be (00:25:08) Barbies (00:25:12) explain please. (00:25:14) I am the A jazz bar be and Madonna which is about all we have in common but I have always sort of followed Barbies career with interest and if you are a woman who came of age in the 70s as I did who was born in the late 50s, as I was there were certain female iconic references that sort of told you what the world was really like and for instance, you know, Betty and Veronica and the Archie Comics. Well, you either get to be disabled haired spoiled daughter of the rich guy or your perky Betty, you know, it's just the way the world works and for my particular age group. You were either Barbie or you were Midge and it was just so clear. I wasn't Midge, you know, Barbie Barbie gets to go out with Ken Barbie gets to wear the Solo in the spotlight evening gown and you know sing songs at nightclubs and Midge, where's gingham? Okay, she has freckles. She's got a little brown hair and a flip do it. What can I say? You know Barbie is never going to go through menopause, but that's why we don't see me. She's off somewhere really pissed (00:26:17) off but Barbie taught you about the possibilities of Limitless possibility. (00:26:21) Well, I will say that my Barbie unlike some other Barbies. My Barbie's went on job interviews in New York. This is really embarrassing to admit. It's Charming in the essay. Okay. It's a little it's a little more embarrassing to say this in person little hokey. But yeah true my Barbie put a big picture hats and shook her toy luggage and she would fly through the air and it's because I used to watch that girl. What are low (00:26:47) Thomas gonna say, it doesn't sound like a lot of fun as a (00:26:51) child, but I'll well I was a strange job Kerry like everyone in public radio. We're all just lucky we found a home (00:27:00) you right, you know, a lot of this is very funny. But but some of its not funny it's pretty heartwarming moving and so on talked a lot about your marriage your efforts to become a mother. Both of which didn't work out? (00:27:17) No. No, they didn't but that doesn't mean they were wasted efforts and it's I think that if you are writing a memoir and you it's really funny, you know, I didn't really know exactly what I was going to be writing about when I sat down but those are some of the stories that have taught me the most, you know, those experiences have shaped me in very deep ways and what I found since the book has come out at so many people have related to what I wrote and have to come up and tell me their own stories, which is very gratifying very very gratifying (00:27:54) the year of living with infertility are people really that (00:27:57) nosy. You're referencing. Of course the fact that if you are struggling with infertility people want to know is that your plumbing. Is it his Plumbing? Have you tried this? Have you tried that? Yes, they are. Yes. They are. They are that noisy and I think it's sort of the inverse of when a woman is pregnant and everyone has to put their hand on her when you're not pregnant people basically want to put your hand on you still and just say, you know, is it you whe what can we do here? It's definitely a shaping experience (00:28:35) that the marriage thing. You're still now. Here's another great line from this book. I am still in love with the fairy tale of what I wanted my marriage to (00:28:43) be I think that many of us have a sort of fable that we write to ourselves about what we think a marriage is going to be and sometimes that Fable is the only thing that keeps you going that dream of what's going to be sometimes measures up. Life a little better than reality. And even though I'm divorced I have to be honest and say that sure there is some part of me that has that that still wishes that dream had gone on even though there were so many things in reality that said it's time to go. It's time to leave this person with respect and affection, but it's time to (00:29:19) go Catherine land for is back in the studio good enough to come by midday today to talk about her new book leap days Chronicles of a midlife move. If you have a question for Catherine about her her plunge taking the plunge going to the Big Apple. Give us a call here 1-800 to to 7. I'm sorry. That's the pledge line number. We're going to give that to you in a minute here. But if you have a question for her, I'm going to get these numbers right before we're done six five. One two, two seven six thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight. Now if you want a copy of Catherine's book call us at one eight hundred twenty seven twenty eight eleven or Care pledge contribution online at Minnesota Public Radio dot org $10 a month contribution will send out a copy of Catherine's book and and a pair of tickets to the land for program show at the Fitzgerald theater next Thursday (00:30:14) night. Now how many people do we have on the phone right now? Can someone let me (00:30:18) know. Well, we're going to try to get that squared away. Apparently. The Machinery is broken at this point. The phones are working. That's what I remember counting. Machinery is broken down (00:30:30) can't we just get someone to like run by the glass? Because the fingers we're (00:30:36) gonna fake it if (00:30:37) necessary. Okay. Well the truth is you do need to get off your you-know-what and pick up the phone. It is one eight hundred two to seven 28:11 1-800 to to 728 11 to support the radio that has become part of your day-to-day life. I mean, I know you I know that you have it on you. You got it programmed in the car, right? I mean, let's just be honest you do whatever you are driving more than five minutes. You have to turn it on you pause when you're at the top of the parking ramp so that you can hear the rest of an interview. You would not have survived for the last couple of years and all the news that has happened without all things considered without Morning Edition and you wouldn't be able to live in the community you do if we didn't have midday and mid-morning. So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone what 802 to seven twenty eight eleven ten dollars a month is gonna kill you. You're right. I'm getting a head up again Gary. I'm (00:31:35) sorry. She's actually starting to Twitch in her chair. You know, it's just a matter of time now Seventeen hundred and fifty two people have made contributions today so far now, why is that number important? Well, because if we can convince 3000 of you to make a contribution today 3,000 contributions today, we will be able to earn an extra $50,000. This members challenge Grant and it's really a terrific deal member challenge fund standing by 1754 people have now made contributions and all they have done is logged on at Minnesota Public Radio dot org or called us at one eight hundred to two hundred seventy eight eleven. How much of they contributed? Well, it's all over the park from grilled basic, you know, ten dollars one-time contributions to $1,200 leadership contributions right now Miguel thinks probably a number of people Catherine are contributing to $10 a month level. So they get a copy of your book and they should because it's good reading a copy of the book and a pair of tickets to the Fitzgerald theater to Catherine's have program next Thursday night seven o'clock. Whatever works for you. The important thing is that you make that contribution and do what you can you know, those of you who are concerned. Wow, my content and make any difference. The thing is it always makes a difference. But right now it would help earn 50 Grand not an inconsequential amount at all, Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 7 (00:33:04) 2011. All right, we've had a hundred and forty-one people who've either called inner they've gone on the web to Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. Here's the number we're going to go for Gary. Okay. It says right now that Seventeen hundred and fifty six people have have pledged today, right if we can get that number up to 1800 during mid-day and I think that's possible. I think that you don't look very (00:33:26) well 1,800 now, it's not (00:33:28) enough. Okay. Well then, let's see. What's the number we should make it then mm. Whoo, ha ha ha. Oh, okay, if people want to hear the k-word, you know what they have to do. They have to get up there can and pick up the phone. One eight hundred two to seven 28:11. No, no don't turn off Pop. I saw your finger. We're just back to Turn up the radio. No, no, no, no. No my friend. I'm only here once come on. Come on if I can just wrap my voice around you let's just pull the car over. Okay, pull the car over put out yet because I want you to be safe. And then you just whip out the cell phone and you Dial 1-800 to to 728 11 if you're at work. Okay. Yeah. I've been through this one too. You're at work. You don't want anyone to know that you're actually listening to Minnesota Public Radio and pledge. No less. Come on. Just take the mouse over to Minnesota Public Radio dot org, you will be done in no time. And you know what, you're going to feel like a better human being because you have supported Public Radio 1 800 2 to 7 (00:34:30) 2011. This is great. You know, I can leave now for long periods of time and (00:34:37) this is about the only thing in my life. I am this Evangelical about but it's just because I believe Great journalism, I believe in the cultural programming here. (00:34:47) I did. It's a heck of a deal. It's a great return on your contribution. No, there's no question about his great return on your investment make that contribution Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800-273-8255. 2000 is the goal. Now we still have about 235 to go to do it. I think so too that 2000 level and then and then (00:35:16) the consonant the cake contest (00:35:18) will be used as the restrictions will be lifted. Katherine's going to be reading from her book here momentarily, but right now we want to get you signed up want a copy of her book. You should add this to your collection. Believe me. You'll enjoy reading it. Make contribution $10 a month level at Minnesota Public Radio dot org or 1-800 to to 7 28 11 235 more and we'll have some fun here, but do get your contribution in as soon as we get to that 3000 level then the the spigot opens $50,000 for programming at Minnesota Public Radio. Now meanwhile, if you've got a question for Katherine, give us a call in our regular call-in line numbers 6512276 thousand or one eight hundred two, four two two eight two eight Megan. Go ahead, please (00:36:09) yes. Hi Kathryn. Hi Gary. Hi. I did stay on my keister, but I did make a contribution today. Thanks Megan, and I was wondering why did you lie to the show? And I'm wondering why you To leave I really writing a book is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me and the springboard press is a new imprint at Warner books and they had a deadline they wanted me to be one of the launch Books and the only way that was going to happen was if I tried to finish the book by February or March and I didn't really have a serious offer from them until October and there was no way to do both and there was no way to let go of that opportunity. And I also I have to say say in the book that I didn't think are America was the right fit for me that that if they were in fact ideological evangelicals and I was more of an acolyte of the mainstream media. I was more someone who would come of age in a kind of Journalism that had homes elsewhere. Hmm. Did you (00:37:27) leave here for the big city to go to the big city or to go to work for are (00:37:33) America? The opportunity that was presented to me was we're going to take something that has the reporting and Clarity of national public radio and we're going to marry it to the Daily Show and we're going to get the original producer of The Daily Show. We're going to get a producer from CBS News. We're going to take this beloved comedian and we're going to start a new network and all of those things sounded like hmm. Hmm. Okay, how bad could that be what you should just never say because it's been very well documented that there were a lot of management Miss steps. I think it was really the more the sense of adventure the sense of I knew that if I turned down that job, I would be thinking I'd for the rest of my life. I might be very content, but I would always think what would have happened and I've always been someone who chooses. The the door where something is going to happen and not just stays in the same place. Is it fun? There were aspects of it that were fun. I think for most of the first year I was sort of terrified and aghast at what I had done. (00:38:52) Was there a turning point when you when you became comfortable in your skin as a New Yorker where you said, you know, I'd this is ok. I (00:39:00) lots of little teeny moments. I mean and by the way, I just want to make it clear that when we talk about becoming a New Yorker someone just said to me last night that it's probably harder to become a Minnesotan and I think that's true. I think you have to live in Minnesota a lot longer before you count as one little things that make you feel that maybe you're going to manage in the city. This is going to sound very silly. But it's true when I figured out how to get into the right subway car so that when the Subway at my stopped at my stop and I can walk out and go directly through the turnstile you feel like you have conquered Manhattan. Because you've avoided that the long line and the crowds. (00:39:46) Let's go back to the phones here. Merrily? (00:39:49) Hello, Kathryn. Hello, Gary. Hey Mary Lee. I'm not certain whether you recognize merrily from an otaku, but I was a long time and very devoted listener of view hosting mid morning Katherine and I have to say I miss you terribly because I liked the way you were able to marry a sense of obviously very very well informed well educated mind with a sense of humor and a sense of fun and I am frankly your topic picked for the mid-morning discussions were sometimes unusual enough to be way more interesting than anything else on the radio. I'll come on. I did my share of shows on ramp metering, but you were Abdullah spot of light and I miss your presence on mid-morning and definitely wanted to say that and I'm going to be upset your Thursday show. I'm so excited. You're going to be at the show with Jan. That's great. Thank you. All (00:40:54) right Kim. Go ahead, please. (00:40:56) Hi. Kathryn is such a pleasure to talk to you and hear you on the radio and I just want to tell you I like the previous caller was a huge fan of you in the morning. I still love the program but you certainly are missed on that program in the question that I have. I'm happy that you chose to leave are America because I always see you as a little bit more not so sway to one opinion. So I appreciate you obviously with your public radio in the question that I have is you have any aspirations to do a national public radio show something that maybe I could hear you every weekend or New York Public Radio. I'm just curious to see after this book what your plans are. Well, of course, I'm far too humble to have aspirations like that. I just said that to watch Gary spit-up and you know what? It was really worth it. I have long had aspiration. We move in that direction. Bigger and bigger in here is plenty of oxygen left for you, please please please. Um, I I have been very lucky to be have been sort of folded in as a guest host on WNYC and I have sat in for Leonard Lowe Pate who I like to think of as the Gary eichten of Manhattan poor devil. It's a Wonderful show and a great staff and I love working with them. So I do get my public radio fix and of course, you know, I will tell you that one of the problems for me right now is that I have discovered, you know, it's funny you interview a gazillion authors like I have and you learn a lot about writing anyway, but writing this book has been really transformative and in so many ways and I know I couldn't do a Daily Show and write more books. That's just the truth. (00:42:36) Amy your comment, please. (00:42:38) Hi. Hi Gary. Hi Catherine. I just Turn on the radio on my way to pick up my son and I heard Gary interviewing and then I heard this laugh and I knew exactly who it was and God raised was a I miss you a lot. It's great to hear your voice and good luck to you on your book. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you so so much. You know when I was 13, I used to pray to God to make my laughs go away. I used to say, please please I want to be like the cool shot by girls who stand in the corner. There is no God kidding kidding kidding. (00:43:16) All right. Are you ready to (00:43:17) read? Yeah, I would love to read a little bit from the from the introduction if I may they're very beginning of the book. I'm standing on a platform to stories above the Terra Firma of Manhattan in my right hand. I hold the bar of a trapeze swing the swing pulls me forward and the only thing keeping me on the platform is the Sure hold my trapeze instructor has on the loop of my safety harness. This is not the time to think about my trust issues. My left hand is Frozen in its grip to a metal stand on the platform. I'm supposed to let go but I can't if I look straight ahead. I see the towers of Battery Park City close to Ground Zero if I look right? I see the blue gray Waters of the Hudson. I don't look left because I'm too busy looking down. That's where the safety net is Manny the instructor starts to talk to me gently the way you would talk to someone perched on a building ledge only in this case. You want the person to jump I've got you he says I've held onto Men Who weigh more than three times what you do? I've got you so you can Take your left hand and put it on the bar. My toes are curled over the edge of the platform. Just as Manny told me. I'm trying to Jet my hips out. Just the way Manny told me but when I lift my left hand from its perch of seeming safety. I don't feel Manny's. Hold on me. I feel the trapeze bar pulling me down down down to Trapeze Fatality and even worse embarrassment. I returned to my death clutch on the iron railing. You might ask how I got here. I could tell you it's because for more than a year now, I have cycled past the Nets and swings of this trapeze School set up by the river and I always stop caught by the spectacle of someone volunteering for flight or I could tell you that it feels as though I've already made bigger jumps Manny is pushing me a little now to show me he really is back there to make sure I don't fall my left hand goes to the trapeze bar and to my surprise. I'm right where I should be. I'm wobbling a little but I'm still there balanced on the edge of the platform. Okay. Manny says when I say, huh? You'll Jump The Cry Rings through the air 1 2 3 up I jump up in my feet and Spring right back onto the platform. I have gone exactly nowhere. No Catherine. I hear Manny behind me. You have to jump forward, huh? The same thing happens several times. It turns out I was great at jumping in place. And then I don't know of many pushes me or if I spring forward of my own will I am whooshing through the air hanging from the swing my body arcing as I swing forward and then back and forward and then back. I'm flying (00:46:10) Catherine land for from leap days Chronicles of a midlife move programming is supported by your (00:46:17) local Minnesota Toyota dealer with Toyota's hybrid Synergy Drive available in multiple Toyota vehicles Toyota moving forward and by our generous philanthropic Partners, including the McKnight Foundation working to strengthen families and communities and the General Mills Foundation champions for a stronger Community programming is supported by the law firm of Lohman ABDO focused on complex litigation appeals in business law also featuring an entertainment law offices in the Twin Cities Hudson and online at Lomond.com. (00:46:48) And this is midday coming to you and Minnesota Public Radio news. Catherine will be back over the noon hour. We'll talk some more about her. Her new book will have another reading from the book will teaser some more but in the meanwhile, yes, there's more more more to be done here. But in the meanwhile Katherine were hoping people will take advantage of the special. Offer $10 monthly contribution on this first day of our fund Drive will send out your new book and and a pair of tickets to your show next Thursday (00:47:18) with Chan poling from the suburbs and the new standards. He's written a score for a staged reading of the book. I have to tell you the shows going to be great. So week from today at the Fitzgerald Theater. Now listen to this you can take care of so much at once and if you were going to get the book anyway, and if you were thinking about coming next week, and if you were going to spend $10 a month, I'm Minnesota Public Radio, which which put your put your open up the wallet right now because I know there's a lot of you not all of you but there's a lot of you you've got 10 bucks in there right now that just think that's all you need a month to support public radio of the you are not going to find anywhere else in the country. And all you have to do is call 1-800 to to 728 11 you take care of the book perches you take care of the tickets and you take care of your public radio conscience because yes, I know you have one and I Know It nags at you because you wouldn't be listening. In to pledge if that wasn't true, right 1-800 to to 720 and 11. (00:48:15) We have 1833 people who have made contributions already today on this first day of the drive and that's a significant number because if we can get to 3000 by the end of the day, we'll get an extra $50,000 from the members challenge fund. That's a lot of money buys a lot of good radio. So we're trying to make that goal. We're not going to get to 3,000. I don't think during mid day to day but Catherine would be nice to get the 2000 your what and you know, 167 more contributions and we're good to (00:48:46) go here. It's doable. It is definitely doable and you know, how doable it is. It's you know, no I'm talking to you man. I'm talking to anyone else. No, no. No, the person I'm talking to knows that I'm talking to you 1-800 to qu 7 2011 don't look away from me. That's rude. I'm back a Minnesota 1-800 to to 728 11 if you're online just go. Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. Oh my gosh. It's even easier if you're online, but the truth is we're talking three minutes of effort less than that and you can have an easy conscious for the rest of the year because you're supporting the radio that we give to you free. Free free one eight hundred to do 728 11 get on the (00:49:29) phone. 1-800-273-8255 Sota public radio dot org some 213 contributions. I guess have been made during during mid-day so far Catherine, they have done excite hundred and sixty four more and we'll be right where we should be in terms of the overall goal and the Restriction will be lifted. The curfew will be will end any word on the k-word. You can speak the k-word I have, you know, I gotta tell you I was running an over-under on the kick. How many would we have? You know, (00:50:04) I I gotta tell you what have you Grant ran into me and said I get a nickel every time you say you know, that (00:50:13) word the word. Yeah that word their (00:50:15) word. Well, I mean and I do I really even have to say it because you know what to do you get off your you-know-what and you pick up the phone is this so hard one eight hundred two to seven 28:11. I don't mean to Hector. I don't mean to nag, but I will one eight hundred seven twenty eight eleven, you know, this is the radio you rely on or you wouldn't be listening right now. So go ahead take care of his $10 a month and you know what you don't have to get my book you can get something else. The point is you need to support Public Radio 1 800 2 to 7 2011, (00:50:51) but but I will add that I are you will want to pick up a copy of Catherine's book. If not today not with your contribution then at some point soon because it's it really is great reading. It's very very interesting and it's funny. Some of it is just funny and a (00:51:07) stitch. This woman it's hard to (00:51:11) imagine. I guess her telling jokes and stuff. I (00:51:14) suppose already self-deprecating humor. Yeah, and none of (00:51:17) that six one eight hundred two to seven twenty eight eleven. That's the number to call with your contribution better yet. Do it online Minnesota Public Radio dot org, it saves us a little bit of money in terms of administrative expenses, but the important thing is that you make a contribution be at $10 a month. Maybe you want to join us at that leadership Circle level hundred dollar-a-month contribution, but it's tax deductible. So, you know out-of-pocket costs 70 80 bucks maybe and you know, that's that's a significant amount but on the other hand you think about what it's costing you to get your HBO and that sort of thing and I would Scandal so much that cost. So it's not that outrageous and you get as a special thank-you gift that Redwing pottery vase with a personalized name on it 40th anniversary, Minnesota Public Radio celebrating its 40th anniversary. So it's special limited edition. Action all that stuff. You can come down and take a look at the Studio's down here get a couple of mentions on a day (00:52:15) of actually use those for anniversaries. Thanks us for birthdays. It's it really adds a lot to whatever celebration you're looking (00:52:21) at. And you get 10,000 Northwest Airlines World perk miles. Yeah. What so what what's the problem here? What 802 to 728 11 just 157 to go now and we'll be right where we should be. (00:52:35) Alright, that's very exciting 1-800 to to 728 11 and he's right. Of course, you can also go to Minnesota Public Radio dot org and a few extra coins go to programming and less de paperwork. But the point is we need you to make your commitment now 1 800 2 to 7 2011 (00:52:54) keep the phone's ringing and keep those mice clicking at one eight hundred two to seven 28:11 1852 contributions in the house so far. And again, I want to remind you the Those of you who want to go to Catherine show next Thursday at the fit seven o'clock every a great show. We can get a pair of tickets out to you. If you make a contribution at that $10 a month level tickets come with the new book. It's a heck of a deal. (00:53:25) Okay. I've been waiting to hear that. It's a heck of a deal. That's the way to end this hour. All right, (00:53:33) Minnesota Public Radio dot-org. That's our web address, or you can call us at one eight hundred twenty seven twenty eight eleven. We're going to break for some headlines. But Catherine will be back over the noon hour. It's just going to read some more from her book. We're going to talk more about her her plunge taking the plunge going to New York City how that's worked out get your questions ready. Meanwhile, let's take a short break.


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