As contract ends, Minneapolis Police Chief Robert Olson looks back at his tenure

Types | Interviews | Special Collections | Minnesota Police | Grants | Legacy Amendment Digitization (2016-2017) | Legacy Project Remote Work (2020-2021) | People | R.T. Rybak |
Listen: Minneapolis Police chief contract ends tomorrow. Looking back with Robert Olson.

MPR’s Cathy Wurzer interviews Minneapolis Police Chief Robert Olson a day before he leaves his position.  

Minneapolis Police Chief Robert Olson's contract expires tomorrow, after a nine-year tenure. When he took over the police department, crime was high, and some people started calling the city Murderapolis. But Olson brought a new approach to crime fighting, including an initiative called CODEFOR, which uses computers to track problems around the city in “real time" and crime went down under his watch. More recently, the department finalized a mediation agreement with parts of the community that's expected to address allegations of police misconduct, use of deadly force and other issues. During his time, Olson even survived Mayor R.T. Rybak's attempt to buy out his contract two years early. Rybak has recently named Bill McManus, Police Chief in Dayton, Ohio, to take over for Olson later this month, if McManus gets the necessary votes on the city council. Chief Olson is going to stay on the job for a while to ensure a smooth transition. As his time as Minneapolis Police Chief ends, Olson says it's still a tough job.


In 2008, Minnesota's voters passed the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution: to protect drinking water sources; to protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish, game, and wildlife habitat; to preserve arts and cultural heritage; to support parks and trails; and to protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.

Efforts to digitize this initial assortment of thousands of historical audio material was made possible through the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. A wide range of Minnesota subject matter is represented within this collection.

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