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MPR’ Brandt Williams reports on a Sunday evening worship service held in the State Theater in Minneapolis, where Black leaders told the crowd of nearly 500 that African Americans still face high rates of unemployment, poverty and health problems. They expressed hope that through church and community collaboration, those problems can be solved.

Speakers included Rev. Randy Staten and and American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder.


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BRANDT WILLIAMS: Several speakers at the Unity 2003 service asked the audience to pray for the troops in Iraq. However, the Reverend Randy Staten rallied the crowd to go to battle in another kind of war.

REV RANDY STATEN: We come here to unite and to wage a war until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

BRANDT WILLIAMS: Staten is the head of the Coalition of Black Churches, one of the organizers of Sunday's event. Though he says he supports the troops, Staten spoke out against the war in Iraq. He says America's greedy and decadent habits created the need for the country to go to war. And he took on the Pawlenty administration for proposed budget cuts of programs which serve mostly low income and people of color.

REV, RANDY STATEN: The governor said, we are rewriting-- we are rewriting the state budget so that we can address our value systems. Well, Mr. Governor, you need to know that your value system conflicts with our value systems.

BRANDT WILLIAMS: The service was also an opportunity for churches to present how they address some of the problems which affect the black community. Several pastors talked about how they go outside the walls of the church to reach those who need help. The Reverend Dr. Diane Thibodeaux is the pastor of Holding Forth the Word of Life Church in North Minneapolis.

REV. DR. DIANE THIBODEAUX: So in 1986, the Lord spoke to me about starting a program to address the issues of domestic abuse and family violence within the Christian community.

BRANDT WILLIAMS: Thibodeaux says her mission to address domestic violence has led to the creation of several programs which serve over 200 women, including a 24-hour daycare service for women who are trying to leave abusive relationships. The service included music by a mass choir made up of singers from nearly 20 churches. And there was also an unexpected guest.

REV. JERRY ACAFEE: And Stevie Wonder.

BRANDT WILLIAMS: Stevie Wonder appeared as the guest of Reverend Jerry McAfee of New Salem Baptist Church. McAfee told the crowd that Wonder was in the middle of recording a new album, but was so moved by the idea of the event that he wanted to come. Wonder says unity is very important these days.

STEVIE WONDER: Particularly in a time where we have so much happening that is on the contrary of unity. A kind of false unity. A kind of unity that talks about our father, God, or Allah. But we are hearing people talk about the goodness of God, but do the violence of Satan.

BRANDT WILLIAMS: Wonder also encouraged the crowd to keep up the fight for civil rights.

STEVIE WONDER: (SINGING) And I, I say thank You, Lord.

I say thank You, Lord.

I say thank You, Lord.

BRANDT WILLIAMS: Organizers say they will compile a report on the state of black Minnesotans, complete with statistics on the most pressing concerns for the black community. I'm Brandt Williams, Minnesota Public Radio.

STEVIE WONDER: (SINGING) Da, da, da, da da da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da da, da

Da, da, da, da, da,

Thank You, thank You

Thank You, Lord

I say thank You, Lord

And I, I say thank You, Lord

I say thank You, Lord

I say thank You, Lord

I say thank You, Lord.

I say thank You, Lord

I say thank You, Lord

Thank You, thank You

Thank you, Lord.

I say thank You, Lord

I want


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