Bud Grant on the Vikings / Soma Records music, part 1 - The Big Hits of Mid-America Countdown!

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Bud Grant, former Minnesota Vikings and Hall-of-Fame coach discusses the Vikings team history and current strong season. After Grant interview, a report from Chris Roberts on the music history of Minnesota’s Soma Records. Begins highlights of the top ten releases from label and is continued into a second hour program with MPR’s John Rabe (aka Johnny R). Program contains pledge drive segments.

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Good morning at 11:04 with news from Minnesota Public Radio on Greta Cunningham. St. Paul mother charged with killing her six children and September pleaded not guilty today on all six charges of second-degree murder cool hers. Lawyer say they may pursue a mental illness defense Ramsey County district court has found her mentally competent to stand trial. There's no trial date yet, but it's likely to take place in February defense has filed a motion for change of venue based on the case of high-profile. The six children ages 5 to 11 years were found dead in their home in September 3rd, according to police transcripts her called nine-one-one that night saying she had killed her children hearing date is set for December 15th Minneapolis City Council Members voted yesterday to put a security system in each of their offices at a cost of $3,500. Each system would allow councilmember to activate an alarm system if they feel in danger decision follows have disrupted meeting two weeks ago and reports that a city park worker was charged with making death threats after saying he wanted to kill about 8 City officials.But city councilman Steve men says, he'd favorite metal detectors at the front door instead. I don't think there's anything wrong with a general effort to reduce the risk of having weapons brought into the building. I think that's for the General Public Safety going to start investing $3,500 per office for security systems. And I think you're overstepping the need in the current situation council president. Jackie cherryhomes says are on the rise the forecast for Minnesota calls for cloudy skies in the north with a chance of snow showers cloudy in Central and Southern Minnesota. Today's highs ranging from 38 in the north to 45 in the South. That's a news update on credit Cunningham 6 minutes past 11 programming on NPR is supported by inmate the Minnesota Association of professional employees State professionals committed to providing minnesotans with high-quality Publix.purposes Dr. Penngrove commenting on the day here Melanie summer joins us into a good morning everyone. This is this is hip Melanie last a week day of our Drive. We're all done tomorrow going we got a great mid-day show plan for the day. You can tell him you're you're around midday Community about that in a moment. But this is I feel good. We've done a really wonderful job our listeners you all have responded. So well in the last 3 days of this pledge drive today is the last week day. We got one more day the whole thing ends tomorrow night's and you're helping us out here. We we told you we were going to try this shorter compact membership drive this time around and see if we can raise the same amount of money in the fewer days, and we're on track to do it, but we still need you if you haven't called yet one. 800-227-2811 is the telephone number to call and make your flights to Minnesota Public Radio. $8,000 is the goal for this hour and we hope that you can help us reach that goal goal here $8,000 and we really do need to hear from all of you and You keep hearing that over and over again, but that's the only we're going to be able to make the goal. Now. We have a special deal a couple of minutes. We're going to be talking with former Vikings coach Hall of Fame coach Bud Grant. Yeah, we're going to be talking about the Minnesota Vikings. I'm not a surprise great season. The Vikings are having and Coach ran over here to take your calls will be chatting a little bit about the team and a special offer for those of you listening to midday today from 11 until 1. If you call in you don't even have to pledge, of course, we hope you will but if you call in between 11:00 and 1 today, we will put your name in a drawing and at 4, we'll have the drawing this afternoon. Somebody will win an autographed Vikings. Jersey. Robert Smith is autographed Vikings jersey Weiss. We have to Vikings caps one signed by Jake read the other by John Randle. So three people who call us between now and 1. Clock this afternoon will automatically get entered into that drawing when some great biking paraphernalia your pledge to Minnesota Public Radio and 2 midday and also try to win some of those cool Vikings frises. That's that's great stuff. I did Robert Smith is having a great year that will all of the Vikings are and but he is just having a great year this year one 800-227-2811 to fledge for Minnesota Public Radio to get down on that drawing and also the drawing for the iMac computer if you pledge at all during the day today or tomorrow, your name will be entered into the drawing for a brand new iMac computer system, which is which is great first tech computers in uptown has contributed that to the car is here and it's one of the hottest new computers on the market these days. So then you get that the media one high-speed connection to go with it for a year. And so all you have to do is give us a call. Even have to pledge to get in on both of those drawings, but you do have to call this one. 800-227-2811 $66 is the basic membership rate. A lot of people are joining at the $84 level or the $120 level. It's all tax deductible. You can pay on a monthly basis. The important thing is that you make that call. It's really critical that we make our goals and I know a lot of you are already members and you're out there cheering your fellow listeners on if your if it's time to renew give us a call take care of your renewal. If you can make an additional contribution that will help under any circumstance. You'll get in on both of these special drawings. And if you're not yet a member then we really need you to step forward 85 thousand people are paying for the service making it possible and they'd like you to help him. Frankly 1 800-227-2811 7 callers on the line Melanie. I'd always we always stay our listeners are the most important people that we And the most important people we listen to in the people that we rely on the most the most money in our budget every year comes from you our listeners. We are so grateful for your continuing support amazed every time that you come through for us. And so that's why I once again, we're asking you to do it again one 800-227-2811. Think about the programming you listen to think about mid-day think about the political conversations you had over the last few months. Listen to hear on. Midday. He maybe had a chance to call in and ask a question yourself a one of the candidates may be held to decide how to vote on November 3rd, if those kinds of programs are important to you that now is the time for you to attach a value to that and then call and make that pledge one 800-227-2811. Do you have a child who is a Vikings fan even though they know but you know, you're a Green Bay fan. If you do you really just give us a quick call here. Even if you don't want to pledge because I know you want your name in the drawing for this afternoon 3 p.m. Are going to win some autographed Viking materials. So autographed jersey Robert Smith to Vikings caps. John Randle. Jake Reed kids would love it and maybe even if you're a big kid, no, absolutely one. 800-227-2811 is the number to call. We have 10 callers on the line. Now, we need to pay raise $8,000 this hour and it can be done one call by one call by one called and again lest you think your call doesn't matter. Think about the election last week. There were a lot of people who thought. Well my won't matter what the heck I might as well try it. Might as well try it. They tried it and look what happened. This kind of operates the same way $11 on the line one. 800-227-2811. We always say that one or call her by collar individual by individual we get that much closer to our goal and then we get that much closer to paying for all the fine programming that we bring you. everyday eye Minnesota Public Radio the program that you rely on and that you listen to for information for entertainment for conversation for enjoyment and now is the time for you to step up and help us pay for it one 800-227-2811 everybody who calls in right now will be entered into special drawings. So you'll have a shot at winning the either the Robert Smith autographed Vikings jersey or the Jake Reeder John Randle biking camps that drawing will be at 4 this afternoon, and the only people eligible the only people eligible are those of you who call in during the midday program was Great Mills barriers on either side of this. So you'll have a great chance to win one of those three items that of course if you call in now you will also be entered in the drawing for the iMac computer and the media one high-speed connection, so you can't beat that with a stick friends one 800-227-2811 That's right. We want to hear from you. Now. We're going to be hearing from former Vikings coach Bud Grant in just a few minutes and Gary will be chatting some about the Vikings success this year. That'll be a starting in just a moment or two, but that we hope that you'll take a moment to call and make your pledge while you're listening to that interview one. 800-227-2811 dig. The phone's ringing we're going to talk with Coach brand here for a few minutes, but keep those phones ringing. We really need to hear from all of you. No doubt about it. Of course, the biggest Story by farthest wall has been the election of Jesse Ventura is Minnesota's next Governor, but another big story has been developing for those of you who don't follow Sports allow. The Minnesota Vikings are back on the front page. They have a new owner all their star players were signed during the off-season. They came up with a sensational rookie to add to the mix their wide open style of play is filled the dorm and there is serious talk that the Vikings might be headed back to the Superbowl joining us this hour to share his thoughts and whether this team is as good as it appears to be how it can be Where is with great Vikings teams of the past and generally put all of this into some perspective is the man who led the Vikings to their last Super Bowl as a matter fact a man who led the Vikings to all four of their Super Bowl appearances Hall of Fame coach Bud Grant and we don't have a lot of time today. But if you'd like to get in on our conversation, give us a quick call. That number is 227-6002 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828 us this morning as the Vikings are off to a great start 8 and 1 people are all abuzz about them. Are they in your mind as good as they appear to be record, but I think you see more than that. They see if he could see the enthusiasm you see the skill level. You see the way that they are playing they play hard and there seems to be a better. Just seeing what they do and certainly a skill level because it's probably has a great appeal not only with their record, but just what they that they represent us so well know many of these players we're players that the Vikings have had in the past. Why are they so much better this year than they were last year operation. It doesn't you can't do it with one two or three or four or five players. You have to have it all at least 30 players that are contributing and I think this thing's got to run in Cycles on the other hand. The Vikings have done something that I think most teams haven't been able to do and that's to keep some of their players that they have trained free agency is really throwing football. Out of whack a little bit in that day. You can't. Draft a player with the knowledge that you can keep that player for 10 years training and then not worry about that position. You can go on to another position in the train of player their draft a player to get a trade or whatever the Vikings of Heaven able to retain their key players and with the kontinuity that they provided. I think that's one of the secrets for their success the key players have been retained. They've added some people through the draft over the last three or four years. It's all coming together this year and I think that's the result Lord knows there's been a lot of hype about their one of the rookies Randy Moss their new wide receiver is some people claim. He's the best Wide receiver to come into the league in in years and years. That's the position you play. You are very good at it. Is he that good he only become great, you know, if you can continue to play over a. Of time like the Jerry Rice's the for example of greatness comes with durability having the durability the play every week play year after year and the achieve the recognition. I think he's off to a great start. I think it would be unfair to expect him to continue at that level that he did for the first three or four games throughout the year or throughout his whole career, but I think he could be another Cris Carter Kris came in and The Omen job over the years. I think that Chris did so well, he stayed healthy. He has a body this resilient an attitude is good and he's become one of the Premier receivers in the league a Randy's got a Way to go to achieve that but the prospect of they have him doing that is in you know, encouraging because he shows a lot of talent you can run you can jump you can catch and looks like he's adorable and if that's the case in another five years, you may take another look and say yes, this is it indeed in one of the great receivers are these pretty good guy is coach Grant of the Vikings have been criticized over the years for their off-field Behavior, at least the off-the-field behavior of some of their players are as a group. Is this a pretty good group of selecting the players and counseling the players, you know, there is if he gets 50 or 55 players, it's it's just of strata of society and they're all not going to be choir boys and they and their own lot going to be gangsters either. There's a know they run in the in the in that in that the middle there and what you get On the same page and I think that takes a little while and does some doing they see they create goals and I think they see the goals that they can achieve and I think this year you seen the result of of a really Wellness Group that says set their goals high and they're pursuing them with I think a lot of enthusiasm and I think that's very evident when you see them play a lot of enthusiasm in this in this particular group and it's such a wide open style that they're playing now in it some respects. It seems like it's so like at right off The Sandlot just run as far as you can as fast as you can and I'll throw it as far as I can and you jump as high as you can and everything will be fine after 5 or 6 every night during the week and now they're working at everything that they do so it may look like Sandlot but believe me there's an awful lot of preparation off lot of time spent in the classroom. Classroom time incidentally, then there is an unfilled time and what they're doing. So the game over Work World. The game plan is in all gone over and over and over and over and over so that in a matter of seconds. You got to decide what play what defense, you know how to make a change how to adjust all that. It takes place very quickly, and it's all practice during the week and what you see on Sunday is just a very very Pinnacle of the iceberg Hall of Fame coach Bud Grant joins us at this hour to talk about the current edition of the Minnesota Vikings. If you'd like to join our conversation, give us a call 227-6002 to 76 thousand in the Twin Cities outside the Twin Cities one 802-422-8288 your question, please Coach Grant actually, I would like to say what an honor it is to talk to you but I have a couple questions. It's kind of goes back to the old days number one as far as a toughness of the players and I will see Advent of sports medicine things have changed quite a bit. But what's your read or what's your field on the guys handle injuries Now versus the old days where it does seem to be more the good thing to do is to play in pain. The other thing I'd like to talk about is on kind of a fan a little bit. I'm a Vikings fan and watched you for many years, but I was really sad and when when the old Met Center was shut down, would you like to see football outdoors? And what's your feeling that I'll take my answer off the air? Thank you. Well the players I think I have evolved into a higher skill level than they were 10 years ago or 20 years ago or thirty years ago. I the roster. Larger, I can remember that we had if we have only had five defensive lineman and they played every down they played every week and you know, you were Chief brightness to durability. They're not required to do that. Now there if you notice the mass substitutions that are made in passing Downs running down the goal line to the kicking team's and whatnot squads are bigger. They can utilize the players a little bit more as far as tough. This is concerned of all football players play with pain at some level at some time or another whether they can play well with paying that's the other thing. I don't think the today's player or any any less durable than the players of the past as far as playing outdoors. I think is pretty well a consensus of most people that you'd rather see a football game on a beautiful, you know, Autumn afternoon or Sunday afternoon or even a winter afternoon is as a profession professional football goes now, but you know, we had to have the Dome at that time. I think it's a new air. I think if we Stadium it would probably be an outdoor stadium. I think that's what the public would like and that's what the memories that linger or not the games that have been played in the dome since 85. It's the games that were played outdoors in Mets stadium that linger in our minds think that's because of the stadium or because your teams were so so good for most and people go out to be entertained and when you went to the when you go to Green Bay or you went to the Mets stadium, it was a smell of the hot dogs and the people in the comradery in the parking lots in the preparations to go to the games what you're going to wear. How you going to get there? How you going to get back? What are we going to do after the game? Who's tailgate party? Are we going to all of that? I think Bill on to just not only the football game but the whole day question for Coach Graham place a call. I was wondering what the Possibility for a Super Bowl Vikings making it this year and if he would explain his stance on the American Indians Super Bowl opportunity is here. I mean, we're halfway through the season and they're probably rank. Probably number 2 on all the power rankings of just maybe a little behind Denver. Of course, we can look forward to lose two quarterbacks ever game or two perks to people in any position on the team as long as we can stay healthy. I think we can play with anybody and then I got to remember there's three things. You can't control you can't control the officiating you can't control the boss of the football and you can't control the weather El all influence a game unless you play in the dome in a dome team has never won a Superbowl. So those those three things we can't control it out of other things we can and I think we can get to the Superbowl if we can stay healthy as far as my involvement with the treaty situation that is now in the Supreme Court their first of the hearing the oral arguments will be Made in the first week in December will know a lot more about it at that time. We're all very hopeful that this 8-year struggle. We've been going through to be heard by the Supreme Court will turn out in our favor and we'll know the first week in December back to football here in terms of the Super Bowl and playoff games in general. It seems like the pressure on a football team is much much greater than it would be on a bank baseball or basketball team merely because you play so fewer games and it's a it's a One-Shot deal isn't that an immense amount of pressure? There's no other sport that can attach that label in all you got to World Series. You got to the NBA playoff. She got Stanley Cup, she got the, you know, lots of things that's four out of seven or whatever. They whatever that may be football is only one game winner take off. That's why we can say this is the Super Bowl and it's it's not unlike what we're going through in in a high school. Playoffs now, I mean, you know, if you lose your out ends up with one or two teams playing one game for the championship. That's what the Super Bowl represents and we're used to that in football because he start in in high school in two colleges now with the playoffs are going to have and now in professional football. That's why it has that immense appeal in this country winner-take-all. That's a you know, it's a great thing and that's why we the Super Bowl so popular I have to ask you a coach Grant a lot of old quarterbacks are doing real. Well this year including Randall Cunningham here at the Vikings who spent a year laying a tile is understand it came out of retirement to play last year and then this year he's really getting a chance to play a lot. What's that all about? You think when she get to be an old-timer you have to pack it in the quarterback is one position that you only get better the longer you play. You know that you have to be adorable to to play a long time at a quarterback. But if you look at all the you know the out to the great quarterbacks that are playing I mean the youngs and they always in the marina was in it mean they're all older quarterbacks Fran Tarkenton our quarterback. I think if I had this made my memories but not as good as usual but I think it through 25 touchdowns his last year he played and he played for Jennifer many many many years. You only get better if you can stay healthy again. That's the main Bugaboo and I think it's a little I think it's a worry that Brad Johnson. They not have the durability to have a long career because he's gone down, you know with various injury this it's no reflection on him as a person at all. But you find it. There are people that they get her 10 to get her to the maid to be maybe a different injury right along but you know that label I think it's an action that you can apply to a lot of players who you know, you can't be well you can't be the best half the time because if you went half the game just not good enough. The durability is a very important quality Cunningham coming back only proves as long as you can play the older you are the better you are. Is there any way to reduce the number of injuries in football at the professional level? Of course just week we've seen the Vikings top two quarterbacks get hurt in one game and got you you look in the paper in those long lists of a players getting hurt every week parents see more and more concerned. They don't want their kids playing football. As they're afraid they're going to get hurt. Is there anything that can be done about that? I don't I think everything that can be done is being done. I mean the protective equipment is better than it's ever been. I think the officiating and terms of rough play or you know, any kind of dirty play is being pretty well policed football is a is a rough and tough a ballgame. What you lose is a lot of players down the line. I mean that you know what high school players get her college to get hurt the ones who get to the professional level are really the ones who have survived all of those his real problems of the earlier in their careers so that it's a game that's going to have a certain amount of injuries to it. Most of them are Not from violence as much as they just a freak away to come down on your arm the way it's just twist your knee or get your leg caught in somewhere. Anthony Andrea courses the big Bugaboo. He's probably weren't made to play football if they trained. Well, they've lost the surrounding muscles are all strong as they can be it just happens once in a great while and if you played long enough, you've all had some injury then the rehabilitation in the coming back from that is important most of the players that live with that but the big thing is don't ever complain about the money those players make because they put their health on the line every time they go on that field many of them have very short careers. So if you ever has all of the money, they make out over all of our career. It doesn't amount to as much as you think you got a lot of things that keep you busy. Of course. Do you enjoy watching football games at the Viking games? I also have had grandsons who played the high school football and I got a son who coaches High School I'll be in Rochester this evening watching them play a playoff game in Rochester where he puts his Eden Prairie. So I guess I have my I watch a lot of football with four sons who played high school and college football for grandsons who played a son who coaches I see a lot of football. Is there any chance that that your son's team meeting prayer? He's going to end up playing Jesse Ventura steam. What if they get to the finals which is a struggle be Rochester. The very very good team as is in all the tall the a teams left in the playoffs. But if if we can win a couple more games of chance and park him in a couple more games. Yes, we could end up playing Samson Park for the championship at the Dome. Thanks a lot for Vikings hall of fame coach Bud Grant joining us on our midday program today to talk a little bit about the Vikings successful season successful so far. They're eating one. They have a game Sunday against Cincinnati. And then of course the following week Melanie summer or the Vikings. Who are they playing then will let me think now could it be the Green Bay Packers at the Metrodome for a rematch? But you know, you never know. We have a great great offer. This is midday, dude. You just tuning in great offer here. For those of you who are interested in the Vikings or perhaps you have a child who's interested special offer during mid-day only from 11 to 1 everybody who calls in if you're interested everybody who calls in Weather without a pledge will enter your name and a special drawing we're giving away an autographed Vikings jersey this afternoon and to autographed camps Robert Smith, Jake Reed and John Randle / grab those materials will have a special drawing three folks who call in between 11 and 1 today only will I have an opportunity when those that's in addition, of course to the big iMac giveaways when your self a brand new iMac a computer the one that's flying off the shelves and in addition to that. We also add in a years free Media One Express high-speed internet service, right which is you know tens of times faster than your normal phone modem. So you don't even have to give any money to driven a money to get in on those drawings. But of course mail, that's the reason we're here to raise money to to 72811 make a pledge of support for Minnesota Public Radio 4. Good day for the other programs that you listen to Everyday twice a week couple times a month if you tune in if you like what you hear. We hope that you'll take the step of saying yes, I'm willing to help support that programme because after all it is listener-supported Radio, we come to you a few times a year ask you to help us pay the bills and that's what we're doing right now one 800-227-2811 and Gary. I just have to tell you that we had tremendous response as you know, the last us several days as our listeners have come forward and we've already raised more than $600,000 including Mark and rosemary from Minneapolis who donated $900 bless your heart. Thank you so much for your support course, not everybody is going to be able to go to afford $900. But whatever you can afford whatever level is appropriate for you. That is just fine would also like to thank Judy Redlands Ave North Saint Paul Nancy Kaufman of Minneapolis, Nancy Bayer of Roseville and Judith Garrison of Brooklyn Park all those Have also called one 800-227-2811 and made their pledge to Minnesota Public Radio one 800-227-2811 though we to stay on track to make our goal by tomorrow night. This is the last midday program that we're going to be pledging on eye when I can be here Monday. So if you want to get in during mid-day, this is the time to call to stay on track. We need to raise $8,000 this hour so far about to $5,600 to go 5600 to go keep the phone's ringing one 800-227-2811 and again special special note here. For those of you who would like to get in on that drawing for the Vikings autographed jersey and Cavs. This is the time to call between now and 1 and your odds aren't bad of the I can't say you're going to win but they aren't bad because you figure Melanie it with sunblock will hear from maybe 200 people. Maximum between now and 1 and we have three items to give away. So three chances out of 200 and I know a lot of kids and I know a lot of big kids who were some of whom are 50 years old who would love to have that autographed jersey Robert Smith signed in and out a couple of caps Jake Reed John Randle. So we have a Hall of Famer future hall-of-famer a potential Hall of Famer and a guy who's pretty good on 800-227-2811. They are saying yes, I support Minnesota Public Radio. Yes. I want to help support this service and we hope that you will do the same thing. Help us to reach our goal. This is the last day you have a chance to unpledge permit for a midday today. I mean we've shortened up the drive a little bit only three weekdays only three chances and this is your last chance to pledge for Midday, you know, we I have any room for procrastinators this time around. So we hope to hear from you one eight hundred two two seven. 2011 $66 is the basic membership rate and whatever level you can afford that Melanie was talking about. These good folks who contributed $900 Lee ER, you know, it isn't it isn't how much it's that you make a contribution that you step forward 80 5000 people think about that 85000 people around here have actually paid to be members of Minnesota Public Radio now, yeah, they could sit back and listen for free. Unfortunately. If a whole lot of them did that we would be alright, but they step forward and done their part in the urging you to do the same thing. And what a great time. This is really kind of a last call for those of you who enjoy the midday program. Great opportunity to get in on this very special drawing the biking paraphernalia available only to those of you listening between 11 and 1 or those of you call between 11 to 1 800-227-2811. And if you want to think about the other thank you gifts available to you think about pledge level that you might want to think about if you can afford $10 a month pledge, for example, you'll receive as a thank you gift the brand new cotton MPR sweatshirt, which is kind of the hot too hot item this time around. It's a nice athletic grey sweatshirt and beefy cotton preshrunk. So it's not going to shrink on you as a nice little NPR logo on the front and a nice little red tag, very subtle Robert Smith autograph football jersey a little tag on the back says, I'm listening. That's yours as a thank you gift at a hundred and $20 level $10 a month one. 800-227-2811 I have $5,000 to raise this hour if we're going to make our goal of 8000. We need your help if we're going to make that go away weeds. We've cut our Pines now. We're cutting Aspen's big changes in the Minnesota logging industry that meant a dramatic increase in the state's Timber Harvest listen for our state our forest a week-long series of in-depth reports on the future of Minnesota's Northwoods the series begins Monday at 5:30 on all things considered on Minnesota Public Radio weather forecast for the state of Minnesota cloudy across Northern Minnesota with a chance for some snow showers partly cloudy in Central and Southern Minnesota with eyes low thirties in the Northeast low forties in southern Minnesota partly cloudy in the Twin Cities through the afternoon with a high near 45 degrees. NPR's Main Street radio coverage of Royal issues is supported by the blandin foundation committed to strengthening rural communities and expanding cultural opportunities through the Minnesota rural Arts initiative. I thank the members of the Minnesota Corral for volunteering in the phone room. They've come here to answer phones friends. Let's keep those phones ringing and one 800-227-2811. You know, there is a great new CD set out that we're going to be featuring. The rest of this program is a matter fact it's available as a special premium and we'll be talking about that. The rest of our mid-day program The Collection is called the big hits of Mid-America the Soma record Story. The package is a great Nostalgia trip for folks in their forties and fifties Great Piece of Minnesota History for younger folks and a terrific collection of Minnesota music for just about everybody the set features the music of local Minnesota rock and roll bands of the 1960s long before Prince came along these bands put Minnesota on the knee. National Music-Map churning out hit after hit dance halls all around the region were filled with kids dancing to the music. The bands actually showed up. You probably knew some of them if you lived around here top 40 radio stations were playing these bands right alongside the Beatles and beach boys and all the Motown greats. It was really an unusual time in Minnesota. Music was a fun time and they were going to feature the top 10 songs from that compilation. We'll be counting down to number one. First of all before we join Johnny are in the top 10 Countdown. Let's get an overview for Minnesota public radio's Chris Roberts who would have thought that a bunch of teenagers with guitars and keyboard grinding out three chord wonders in basements and garages across the Upper Midwest could have created anything more than a headache for their parents. But if you allow your AM radio memory to drift back to the pre hippie days of 1963 to 67, you'll probably recognize the Twin Cities sound that blanketed the airwaves. What's the Beatles especially here. I mean everybody bought a guitar through their hair out and played in the band. That's local pop historian. Steve Wilson producer of the compilation called the big hits of Mid-America summer record story. It just so happens. A lot of those people were a lot more talented up here at that particular time. I think there's a lot of very talented people here and a lot of places to play a lot of places to grow as a musician and I think that kind of helps pain this whole scene obviously, it was every man's dream to crank out a hit and Wilson says to do that you had to have Soma records in Minneapolis behind you. So my record was founded by Amos, which is spelled backwards become soma high Witcher 2 mini call The Godfather of the Twin Cities recording industry. So I'm going to start it as a jukebox Vending Company after prohibition was lifted the business later moved into record distribution and Wilson says when Soma started its own label the hit started coming mostly early recordings actually in the fifties were more poke. An old-time that's what was really was selling at that at that point in time and then about like 1958-59 some Rockstar to creep in their Bobby V cut his first record Susie baby on Soma records in the nopsi went on to become a huge star mule Skinner Blues by the fendermen with a big National head to 1959 or 60. I believe it was was on some the records and just sort of graduated a little bit in in rock and roll became more prevalent in Soma became sort of the place to go and record their other small record labels in town. But Soma had had the most success and so I think that was the first door lock people not going when they wanted to cut a 45 If there was one song that put Soma on the music making math. It was the 1963 chart topper Surfin Bird by the Trashmen guitarist Tony andreason. Then a freshly scrubbed graduate of Henry High School in Minneapolis remembers the night. It came together and drummer Steve Wars had it was minutes before a gig Chubbs Ballroom in the Twin Cities. The place was packed and the Deacon of disks Bill deal was the MC Steve was in the dressing room. And he said, you know why I came up with this kind of this idea and the others crazy voice and he said that we can't have rehearsed it in the dressing room. And he said I'll just shake my head all night. When I want to change we're going to go to be and come back down to a and said, okay, so we did it at never rehearsed it before in the kids went wild and Bill Deal went wild and he said you should record that record. And so we did and the first time we recorded it was 3 minutes and 30 seconds, and he said you got it short Set up to 2 minutes and 30 seconds. So we went back in the studio and redid it shortened it up to 2 minutes and 30 seconds. And the rest is history. If Surfin Bird brought national attention to some of them perhaps you could say Liar Liar by The Castaways turn the label into the Motown of the Upper Midwest. Keyboardist Jim Danna gradual with a few LaSalle High School in Minneapolis wrote the song in 1965 and worked it up with the rest of the band in his parents basement with typical Midwestern modesty. They decided it was good enough to record. We went down to Key Bank Studios, which was on Nicollet and Lake Street and we cut the record was by today's standards pretty primitive equipment and I'll for track studio and and we did it live, you know in about the second take and we thought it was had some potential Ira heilagur. Son of Amos was in the studio at the time love the song and immediately drove Jim Donna over to his father's house and help him. We're Amos listen to it on his fancy Hi-Fi system. Niece's son. And you guys do a recording contract almost sounds like the colonel or something like that. Just listen to the music got something they're going to send you guys to recording contract. So who thought of that strange almost Eerie kind of bending guitar Lick in Liar Liar about bulshada guitar player. He came up with that lick for whatever reason. I don't know. It's just something that we just sat down in the basement and we were basement band and the tune just kind of got put together that night. I think we rehearse Ferb only 2 hours at night and then the next day we went to the studio. I think there was a huge pool of talent back in the 1960s and there was actually a support system in place back. Then it does not exist today. I mean music stores in support of the bands like be sharp. There was a record company that was willing to take a chance and put out numerous 45 in the hope, you know getting hit like I said Amos highlighter Soma records there were booking agencies that book the groups. There were the ballrooms in the bottom operators. And there were people like Bill deal on the radio only came out in AMC the dances and generated some excitement be promoted them on his radio show. We had all these people working together. You don't love me no more. There was an energy that I've never seen since there was an anticipation of the bands coming out and when you started playing, I mean it was just magical almost it really was at that time. And this is before, you know, the flower children and acid rock is was a very I think it was a kind of a window of time that had a really high energy and it was a time where songs weren't making enough litical statements and they're what you know, they were just really good wholesome rock and roll songs that people love to listen to that you can hum to everybody was singing them and a lot of the players from this area were coming up with a lot of unique music that hadn't been played before and so it was it was a magical time and it was a window of time that that was there and then it was gone Tony andreason of the Trashmen and Jim Donna of The Castaways. Who's music Grace's the new 48 track come. Nation called the big hits of Mid-America the summer record story 1963 to 67 on Plum records. This is Chris Roberts, Minnesota Public Radio. And we are featuring that compilation today on our midday broadcast. It's available by the way as a special premium to those of you who call in at the $120 level pledging $10 a monthly will send out to you at a 2-disc cent complete with a great great booklet that talks about the times and the music and gives you information about each of the records available at the $120 level. This is plaid show week here on Minnesota Public Radio actually a week after just two four-day drive and this is the last opportunity for those of you to call in during our mid-day program. We had a goal of 8000 8000 and we still have about $3,900 left to go one 800-227-2811. If you'd like to make your pledge and again a reminder everybody who calls in between now and 1 will be entered in a special drawing available only to mid-day listeners. We're going to be giving away 3, Minnesota Viking souvenirs later this afternoon and autographed. Vikings jersey Robert Smith signed it and to Vikings caps autographed by Jake Reed and John Randle. All you have to do to get in on that drawing is to call us at one 800-227-2811. You don't even have to pledge. But of course, we hope you will because we need to make our goals and that we need to keep rolling along here mean while we're counting down to number one. We've taken the best of the best from the show my record collection to give you an idea of just how good some of that music really was and let us now begin the countdown off we go in the know time machine. Club a proud sponsor of the Dayton steam board. I'm John Raby. It's time to start the camera W top 10 countdown to well 1 800-227-2811 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Number 10 on the countdown the Del counts and let the good times roll Melanie Sommer. They're out dancing in the Halls the Catherine land for Action Figure seen Dancing In The Newsroom. We're going to have a great time the next hour and we're going over some of the great songs on this CDs collection. It's just terrific. No kind of takes you back to the you know, the sixties with some of these groups the trashman The Castaways all these great groups. He's great song. This is your thank you gift. If you can want to call in right now during this little music show here on midday one 800-227-2811 make a pledge of support for Minnesota Public Radio say thank you for what the programming that you give me every day that I listen to that. I enjoy that I like and if you pledge at that $10 a month level that's $120 you or thank you gift will be the big hits of Midwest. A bit America from Soma records. I got to get that name, right? Anyway, that's at the $20 level and we're going to be teaching the music from that CD for the next hour and 10 minutes here on midday time machine momentarily here, but a reminder a reminder that we need to get $8,000 raised by 12 today just 7 minutes from now still $3,300 to go. There are 10 callers on the line 10. Midday listeners everybody who calls in from now until 1, you'll get your name entered in a special drawing. We're going to give away three pieces of biking paraphernalia three pieces of clothing souvenirs autographed jersey, Robert Smith, Jake Reed and John Randle that science and Vikings caps. What a great deal for kids of all ages and we will be drawing at 4 this afternoon, but it's only open for those of you call between now and 1 your chances. I would guess are about 3 out of 153 Oz 200 of winnings are they not bad? So give us a call. May I suggest you join at the $120 level take the Soma records collection get in on the Vikings draw and do yourself a favor by helping pay for great radio programming one 800-227-2811 the countdown continues. fun fun fun countdown Chancellor what is a pretty baby? mashed potatoes I want to do the dog. If you want to watch a movie. I'm at Potato Batman. mashed potatoes ready made Number 9 on the countdown the Chancellor's from 1964 and little Latin Lupe Lu and song most closely identified with the Righteous Brothers. You know, Melanie you're too young to remember this but the thing is at that time spent at that time. It was not only okay it was encouraged and or she had to do a good version by the lyrics to every one of these songs, which tells you a little bit something about you know, what kind of music Casey has good music taste is the telephone number for you to call make a pledge of support for Minnesota Public Radio. Listen to this great music for the next hour and if you want to get your hands on the CD collection, which is another hot item. I might add that some kind of flying off the shelves the lab. About their self this summer records collection. The big hits of Mid-America is yours at the $10 a month pledge level or if you have already pledged if you already a member and you want to make an additional gift $75 will get you that CD collection. This is really a great collection of Music obviously you agree with that. It's very fun. We got 10 people right now calling one 800-227-2811 calling from Minnesota Public Radio pledging their support for this program on this last week day of our membership Drive. We're having a lot of fun today, but we also have some business to conduct and we only have about three minutes to go before noon and the folks who do the numbers here tell us that we should be raising $8,000 by noon for the shower, and we still have about $2,500 left to go. So if you're listening at this hour if you've not yet called in your membership pledge during are abbreviated drive. We really do need to hear from you at one 800-227-2811 1 800-227-2811. Are we have shortened up the pledge Drive substantially this year you poke said well what you don't have to beat us over the head for a full week or so give us a 3-4 de pledge drive and we'll will contribute enough money and that's what we're going to try to do here. But we still need about $2,500 in just the next 2 minutes. So if you're listening right now, if you could take two minutes of your time, give us a call at 1 800-227-2811 a reminder everybody who calls in between now and 1 this afternoon going to be entered in a special midday drawing at 4 this afternoon. We're going to take we're going to award three Vikings Minnesota Vikings souvenirs. Robert Smith is on the graphed of Jersey for us John Randle Jake Reed at autograph Vikings caps your chances of winning probably about three out of 153 out of 200 and I just know there are kids of all ages who would be interested in that. All you have to do is give us a call. You don't even have to play. Get rid, of course. We hope you will because we've only got a minute left to go Melanie and we got about twenty-five $2,500 left to raise one. 800-227-2811 is the telephone number to call for you to pledge your support for Minnesota Public Radio to say yes, I appreciate the programming that I listen to to say. Yes. I want to help you pay the bill so we can continue to hear that great programming and we need to hear from you. There's the plain and simple we want to end this drive on X want to meet our goal this hour so we can stay on track one 800-227-2811 again to get your name in on the drawing for the Viking souvenirs to also get your name in on is the drawing for the iMac computer which will be given away next Monday or to take advantage of this great. Thank you gift a big hits of Mid-America at the $10 a month for sludge level one 800-227-2811 on will continue during the next hour counting down from 8 to 1 Johnny are will be back and he will March all the way up to number one. What's it going to be? Do you think those are you old enough to know whether you songs? Take a guess and we'll see if you're right. tappet brothers from Costco this Saturday. So to public radio 11 right here on Minnesota Twin Cities. This is midday coming to you on Minnesota Public Radio. Saturday is the grand finale of our fall membership Drive during A Prairie Home Companion from 5 to 9. Listen to the Steele family Kate McKenzie and Garrison Keillor with all the news from Lake Wobegon that Saturday night here on k n o w FM 91.1 you're listening to Minnesota Public Radio. We have a cloudy sky 41° at Contra W FM 91.1 Minneapolis. And st. Paul body skies are forecast through the afternoon with a high approaching 45° 20% chance for a snow shower tonight with a low around 30 are the cloudy and windy tomorrow in the high in the upper 30s.


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