MPR Special: Gubernatorial debate in Hibbing with Norm Coleman, Skip Humphrey and Jesse Ventura

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General election gubernatorial debate, sponsored by the Hibbing, Grand Rapids, Virginia and Cloquet Chamber of Commerce, and broadcast from Hibbing. Norm Coleman, Republican candidate; Skip Humphrey, DFL candidate; and Jesse Ventura, Reform candidate, participated in debate.

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Good morning, and welcome to a special edition of midday here on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary I can you glad you could join us election day is Drawing Near less than 4 weeks away now and the race for governor is definitely heating up. What's more unlike some any election campaigns and previous years. This one is already featured several three-way candidate debates with several more schedule to follow the debates, of course offer voters a great opportunity to compare the candidates and Huron. Midday. We're going to brush broadcast just as many of those debates as possible coming up on Monday for example will be featuring a forum on education issues. So mark your calendars that's on Monday. Today. We're going to broadcast a lively debate that was held earlier this week in Hibbing one that touched on a wide range of issues will have that debate then it about 12:30. We'll be talking with our political analyst and opening the phone lines for your questions and,The debate in Hibbing held at the Hibbing High School auditorium was sponsored by a number of organizations including the Hibbing Grand Rapids, Virginia and Cloquet area Chambers of Commerce. The begin each of the candidates presented a brief opening statement Republican Norm Coleman invoked the name of former, Minnesota Governor Iron Range native Rudy perpich. Said it's all about jobs jobs jobs repair pictures, right? That's what this race is all about. I'm the only candidate on this platform that has done more than talking about growing jobs. I have done it Republican Norm Coleman Reform Party candidate Jesse Ventura referred in his opening statement to his third party Outsider status. I am not here to make a career out of politics. This is not my career. I'm here answering a call that I think Minnesota needs answered because if you look nationally look at what the Democrats and Republicans have done Reform Party candidate Jesse Ventura and dfl candidate. Skip Humphrey in his opening statement called for civility that want to give a challenge to my opponents here so we can speak on the issues that we can address our agenda without the attacks on each other. Let's see if we can challenge ourselves to an hour and a half of that. Dfl candidates skip Humphrey part of his opening statement at this week's debate among the candidates for Governor that was held in Hibbing after those opening statements. The candidates answer to series of questions posed by officials of the sponsoring agency. So let's get started now with that segment of the Great Northern Governors to be held Tuesday night at the Hibbing High School auditorium. Mr. Humphrey. The mining industry generates about 6,600 jobs in one and a half billion dollars to the economy of North, Eastern, Minnesota. But mining companies believe assistance is necessary to update existing plants to stay competitive with foreign countries. Also a coalition of steel industry groups claim foreign countries are dumping Steel on the US market at below-cost prices as Governor. What action would you propose to help Minnesota's mining companies maintain their Competitive Edge, thank you for that question. I think we need to take action before any of us become governor. I think we need to stand and very strong support with the unions and with the steel industry and say that we are going to stop this dumping that is taking place in the United States. That's bottom line. What's happening right now, we need to stand United and I know that I suspect that all of the candidates here feel strongly about that bottom line. We need to be able to have not only free trade and there are some that talk about free trade all over the place. Let's globalize those markets. That's wonderful, but you have to have a fair trade. It's got to be Trade that is responsible that is not below cost that is not gutting an industry that has improved Itself by more than 250% that is put substantial investment into new Machinery new competency and has really become the most competitive in the world. But the reality is you can't do that if your gut net with unfair Trade Practices and I'll tell you as Governor. I am going to make absolutely certain. I'm going to be the most aggressive person you can see to go to Washington and see that we get that done within the next 50 days. That's what has to happen. So I will be a governor elect if you will so both that way to see that we get this job done immediately. In fact, I'm making those calls today as we speak and to call on all of the people to stand strong support from the Minnesota perspective. We ought to encourage the kind of investment that is taking place. That's exactly what we need in order to see that we haven't even stronger steel industry you got I have a strong steel industry in the United States if you're going to have a strong United States of America bottom line, that's what it means. Mr. Coleman The great the great history of of northern Minnesota is it's been tied to the mining of steel industry and it's not about yesterday has to be about tomorrow and see if you're absolutely right when we need to stop The Dumping. We need Washington to be a little stronger U have got Governor. Janklow & South Dakota. Now with grain basically stopping trucks IB weight. We have to take some action, but we need some help from Washington. We need some help from Washington and we haven't gotten it. It's not just about free trade. It's about fair trade and we've got to make sure that we get that help. Otherwise we're going to be gone and got bored is like they're doing and South Dakota. We also got to look to the future. We need a strong I Triple R B. We have to look where we going direct reduction the Next Generation and we have to be looking at making that commitment so that our kids understand that they going to have an opportunity to be here to work here and finally you got to have lower taxes and you got to have fair and find out the regulation. I know the mining industry is looking at the logging industry and say what's going to happen. It's get we don't need the action that we had. For instance when you went after Marvin Windows and almost brought them to their knees we need good Common Sense. We need sound science when he Fair environmental regulation. We need to look to the Future to see that d r i become spot of it and we need to have fair and free trade we used to do those things. We will have both a strong today and a hope for a brighter tomorrow. Mr. Ventura I'll repeat I come from the Reform Party and if we want a backup a few years ago remember when Ross Perot said NAFTA was no good. Remember when you said it Ross was right because the jobs are leaving and the industries are suffering again. I'm a vested Union member. I believe in Union and I believe in collective bargaining and I think what we need to have happened. First of all is less government in our lives. We need to cut down the size of in scope of government that must happen. If you cut down there before you can cut taxes you have to cut down the size of government because government is very much like a an engine in a car engine the larger it grows. The more gasoline or taxes must be used to propel that engine. So the first of all we have to do is cut down the size of government that puts more money back in your pockets and more money into all of our pockets and we should be spending the money not the government. Let's remember something government when they can doubt a dollar here. They had to take it from somewhere else government does not create any income and the chances are government took $2. Cuz they kept one for them self before they passed a dollar on very true. We need a strong steel industry in the state of Minnesota. And Jesse Ventura will work for that by deregulating inmate giving an affair scope in the world economy. And again, we also do need the help from Washington to take the handcuffs off. Mr. Humphrey 32nd Street bottle, please once again, I challenge myself and I challenge my colleagues here. Let us speak to the issues without personal attack. Let us see if we can do that. I just like to try it once, you know, let me tell you what I do stand for there is no doubt that tax cuts for Working Families centered upon families that make the difference are what we need and that's why I proposed over 1 billion dollars of income tax cuts permanent income tax cuts in 340 million dollars worth of permanent property tax cuts. I think that will go a long way to helping all of us. Mr. Coleman, let me just briefly respond. I'd love to have a campaign on the issues. Tell people what you believe and be straightforward about it. I got an editorial in the Fargo forum today. If it says in political campaign candidates 10 to twist your opponent's words Humphreys operatives have been doing more than that with Coleman's Family Farm comments. They've been on the edge of lying they should stop it and again and again, let's talk about where we're at. And what we've done are the issue of environmental regulation. You went after Marvin Windows. You almost brought him to its knees the steel industry needs. Someone understands common sense and baron by Matt the regulation. Chester Ventura Are we in Hibbing or Washington DC? You know, it's interesting to hear the two candidates talk about cutting taxes. Where were they when they was a 4 billion dollar Surplus the easiest thing in the world to get back? And yet now I guess because they're going to an elections a short time a weight cutting taxes becomes very important. Mr. Coleman tourism is a significant portion of Minnesota's economy yet. The Minnesota office of Tourism has not had a marketing budget increase in more than 10 years. How would you respond to our state's tourism and travel Industries who recommended a permanent 5 million dollar per year increase to the office of Tourism marketing budget and a one-time technology investment of $2000000. First let me start by saying I fully understand that tourism is an economic development issue at the way to build strong communities is to build on your resources. But I've done in the capital city. We looked at the Mississippi River. We're blessed by the good Lord that to do. I live at the beginning and I will head what is the greatest river system in the world and we use it then as a sauce to bring jobs in to bring opportunity. And so the same is true throughout Minnesota and certainly Northern Minnesota Highview tourism as an economic development issue. And therefore it is an investment that we should make we should make the investment cuz it brings a return but I'll give you a difference then between myself and my opponents on this. We've got a 23 billion that we spend 23 billion dollars by ennio in the state of Minnesota. That's the budget. So rather than doing what the Attorney General does is make promises for about five or six billion dollars new programs. We need to go within that 23 billion dollars. They what are the priorities I will tell you that. My priorities will be tourism because it will be part of Economic Development. It's not a new issue. It's not an extra thing. It is one of those bass things that we need to do ensure Economic Opportunity. So I have understood that and have governed in the capital city which by the way Jesse every year that I've been in office. I've cut taxes every year not just talkin about it now and when you do those things that you tap into your resources, you get more jobs and more opportunity and I'll do that with tourism in northern, Minnesota. Mr. Humphrey I think the answer the question was will you increase the budget of the office of Tourism so that we can have some marketing? Absolutely. We need to make sure we do that. I propose that in my balanced budget as I worked out with my my lieutenant governor candidate Rodger mole. We work together to propose a balanced budget. I'm the only candidate here that has laid before the public the manner in which we proposed to use the resources to turn back more than a billion dollars to you to make sure that Working Families have the resources Target right to children into the opportunity to go on to higher learning and all of those kinds of efforts, but we need to make sure that we're using Economic Development tools like the tourism office to make sure we move ahead that's very very important and we have included that within the budget that we have proposed. Now the other part of any kind of strong economy and economic development is exactly We are today this public school. It is centered. If you want Economic Development, you have to have a strong well-educated well-trained Workforce and that has to be the foundation for any future progress in Minnesota. And that means that we have to support strongly our public education system. I'm the only candidate that is move forward in that area. And it said that what we have now is not sufficient that we need to invest to make sure that we have better teachers more teachers smaller class sizes the opportunity to see the children and families have Choice. Those are the kind of things that bring about the strongest ability to see that we have Economic Development all across this state. Mr. Ventura, the question was on tourism not schools, correct? Yes or no. Thank you. Will get the school's right? We'll get to schools. Okay? Yes, I believe that more money needs to be put forward into tourism and I would wholeheartedly with agree with that because tourism right now is bringing in more money to the state of Minnesota through which taxes then what is being returned to the tourism industry. But what also must happen in the tourism tourism industry in the hospitality industry to they need a Level Playing Field. They do not have a Level Playing Field right now, and we need to work to make sure that they're getting that Level Playing Field by making it fair to every Minnesotan when it comes to hunting and fishing when it comes to gaming anything of that nature. It must be a fair Level Playing Field and Jesse Ventura will work to ensure that that playing field is level. 30 seconds for rebuttal. Mr. Coleman. We don't have a Level Playing Field is in the band on studs and snowmobiles, which is losing for us tourism in economic. Dollars proulx Wisconsin saying then I could have come here. We got to figure out a way to get rid of that van use the technology to promote the sports industry the snowmobile industry and the tourism industry in northern, Minnesota. Mr. Humphrey, I think we need to make sure we have a strong tourism industry in this part of the state. I'm pleased to see that. Mr. Oberstar was able to resolve the issues in the bwca. I think that's going to be very very helpful that kind of balance. It was brought we can open up even more the opportunity for tourism all throughout this upper part of our state. It's a magnificent area if not only for fishing but for hunting and for all of the opportunity and we want to make sure that people are coming not only from the southern part of our state, but all throughout the country to hear Esther Ventura, if I might follow up on the snowmobile studs, even the more important issue than that is as governor and his government we're here to provide Public Safety and nose stud should be returned to the snowmobiles for her personal safety on them. They've been taken away. We're already losing 35 people a year roughly to snowmobile fatalities with or studs are going who knows how high it's going to go. So let's put them back on the snowmobiles. Mr. Ventura people in Greater, Minnesota share a growing concern over our deteriorating roads in a lack of funds available for road projects. Would you support increased funding for road maintenance in Greater Minnesota? And if so, where would that funding come from? Well, first of all roads throughout the whole state of Minnesota can use some work not just Northern Minnesota also down in the urban areas in the farm belt of southern Minnesota what I've always supported his user fee taxes. We need to make sure that all taxes that are paid for transportation get put in a user fee category. So they go back to fix Transportation. You don't always have that happening right now many Transportation taxes are shifted into the general fund, which is what I called The Witches Brew and that's where the Democrats and Republicans can store them all up and nobody knows where they end up then. That's what the general fund is. Let's get all Transportation be a gas tax license tabs car licensing taxes, when you buy a car all of that stuff should be channeled into a user fee to go back to our roads. If that happens. I believe we will have plenty of money to fix the roads in northern, Minnesota. Mr. Coleman Road maintenance getting getting product to Market people have to come up and use the lake in the resource. That again is another Economic Development issue, and we've got to do better in addition to all the things Jesse mentioned that is also State Patrol. We take State Patrol dollars out of those funding. We really should put that in the general fund and then use the dollars that if they are to fix roads and highways in addition. You got to give great credit to Jim movistar. There's about a hundred and fifty million dollars of federal money that's going to be available and we should thank them for that. So we need to do all those things, but and I know the question wrong, but I got to ask comfy one thing you made reference to the oldest star resolution the bwca. Are you telling me that you're really support the oldest dog Rams Beth proposal? Cuz I do I always thought they supported the vento proposal, but I want to know if you really do support with Jim Oberstar and Rod Rams have done because that's the right path that's multiple use that's common sense. In addition you made reference to education about school choice and just today yesterday. You criticize me for supporting school choice. I'd like to know today if you support school choice. Hey. First let's mr. Humphrey finished. First let's talk about Transportation. Minnesota needs a Minnesota Transportation initiative. We've got to stop the fighting between the metropolitan area and greater Minnesota in particular Northern Minnesota. If you want Highway 65 16973 or any of the others fix, we've got to have the kind of balanced approach where we reach a consensus that this is what we're going to do with regard to Transportation. I firmly believe in in are balanced budget with proposed more than a hundred and ten million dollars for transportation needs additional new hundred and ten million dollars that will meet the needs when combined with a significant dollars that are coming from the federal programs in place that we will be able to see a much improved transportation system, but we need to know exactly where we need to go and certainly this area D needs and deserves to have the kind of attention that it has lack severely for the last eight years. I want to see that take place. That's Most important it's key that we understand that the gas tax is separated and that money is separated into the highway trust fund and is not to be touched for any other purposes and that is critical now. Mr. Coleman talks about Choice folks what he's talking about our vouchers and I am opposed to vouchers private school vouchers. I am for public education and I want to see that the next Governor support public education Public Schools kids going to schools like this. Mr. Ventura I'm not sure what the Revival should be. I mean a question was transportation and all of a sudden we're over to education. I guess my only Revival would be this my two children attend and go to public school. Mr. Coleman We've moved from Transportation education to Observation. My kids go to religious school and I'm a very proud of that and public education. Skip there's no voucher debate. Stop waving the red flag. We have a system of tax credits and deductions. That's what you've challenged. That's what you say. You may roll back that helps parents in public school private profile school as well as home Salon. That's what we need to do. I merely say this I thought I saw a picture the other day of somebody carrying this Giant Beetle pen folks. I plan to work with you to see that we move our state forward but I guarantee you if a bill that says we're going to have voucher system in Minnesota shows up on my desk. I will veto it immediately and I asked whether any of these other candidates will do that. Yes, I said yes. It's like asking whether it's going to snow in July. Come on, as long as we're on the subject of Education. They're on the subject of Education. Minnesota school districts is expected to drop 20 to 30% in the next decade resulting loss of state aid will resent the financial crisis for those districts, which will be faced with cutting teachers and programs. What would you propose to help maintain the quality of Education in Greater Minnesota? I really appreciate that question because this really is the centerpiece of what we have to look forward to in Minnesota. If you want to move our state ahead all of you know, the foundation of success particularly of the Iron Range and people here in Minnesota has always been our public education system and its we meet challenges first and foremost. We need to stop that drain into the metropolitan area. That's not good for the metropolitan area and it's certainly not good for here. That's why Rodger Moore and I have proposed revolving funds to encourage businesses to reach out to Greater minutes. To expand to diversify the economy to leverage and bring about greater partnership between the private and public sectors to work with the blandin foundation and others to see that we accomplish that but first and foremost, you got a fund properly public education. I not only fund the current values of public education and meet Minnesota's commitment on that but we encourage and more than double the effort in the early years that age from 0 to 5 years of age the kids are ready to go to school. Then we encourage and give the provide the provision for an opportunity for the basics to be taught accountability standards to be put in place and the choice for parents and kids to be able to make those kind of choices for the kind of quality public education. They want with additional resources once again targeted directly to education. That's where we need to make sure we put our resources because that's where we get our greatest return and I want to see for sure that happens and then we give targeted tax cuts for those who are going on. Higher education and we want to encourage those to go on to higher education. That's the way we encourage the kind of quality Workforce that will ensure that people return and stay right here on the Iron Range. Thank you. Mr. Ventura Mr. Ventura, mr. Coleman followed. First of all, I'd like to state that right now Mei shung can die. And of course, I've chosen May shank is my is my running mate for lieutenant governor and many times. She can accompany me at all to any political things because guess what she's doing teaching. She's there with the children doing her job Monday through Friday and what we need to do to Target money to ensure that the out state area can still compete is I believe personally we need to have the state take over funding and a greater capacity that will also provide property tax relief because to me the property tax system is awful and it needs to be destroyed as we know it. One of the things to show that there's wasteful spending an education is right now may Shunk and I are found out that class is there is already a law that says class sizes are supposed to be 1 / 17 / 280 $1000000 in the last couple years has been dedicated to that yet. It's not reaching out to the schools to do that. It's being sent out to the local schools and it's being lost because of loopholes in the law and I feel bad about that considering mr. Mole heads the legislature that he would allow something like that laws to be passed like that and not to be properly funded and taken care of May schunk and I will ensure that smaller class sizes Prevail in the special EK through third grade because that's the most important time when children are learning and need those small class sizes show up. I will ensure a great education here in the state of Minnesota because we believe in the public schools and you know, there's an old saying when you go into the military They always ask if not me then who and they also if a war is just if a war is just you know, how you determine that is a leader. Would you send your children to it? Well, if public schools are just will you send your children to them? Mr. Coleman The Attorney General is is absolutely right about the importance of a commitment to public education and it is our future opportunity for kids to get the jobs of the 21st century and I share that commitment but the question to answer the question isn't just about programs. It isn't about revolving funds. It isn't about having a program for every problem about jobs opportunity so that you can generate the kind of tax base so that you can forward to support your school to support your community who understood that as well as anyone ever has I was talking to a school administrator Northwest Minnesota kitchen County and we started to talk about curriculum said mayor don't talk to me about curriculum. Then I haven't I'm not I'm losing my parents the people in this community aren't having kids moving away. It's about jobs. It's about hope it's about opportunity. I've seen that in the capital city you cut taxes to make sure that this is a competitive place to grow jobs. You don't roll back workers comp reform you protect Injured Workers, but you don't put Minnesota at a competitive disadvantage with growing jobs in Wisconsin or North Dakota South Dakota, Iowa you work to do the things we talked about here use your natural natural resources as an economic tool your work with the steel industry your work with the logging industry. You make sure that there's a future for our kids. It's not simply about more programs cuz somebody's got to pay for the programs and ultimately that causes taxes to go up business to flee jobs to leave and then there's nobody left. We can do better we can do better than you do it by focusing on jobs and opportunity commitment to funding education, but then understanding what it takes to grow jobs. I've done it I've done it and I will do it for, Minnesota. Mr. Humphrey rebuttal, please. public education about kids about parents about great buildings like this that is restored This Magnificent Auditorium. But I got to tell you folks, there are plenty of public schools and public school buildings around this state that need assistance repair need the technology improvements need to have smaller class sizes need to be able to have the teachers in the classroom. Those are critical Investments and you cannot do it unless you place your money where your mouth is and that's the bottom line. That's what we need to do. If your support public education, then you've got to be able to walk the talk. Mr. Ventura No, I'm fine. Mr. Coleman again. It is about public education. We put 858 million more in public education the last by any but you also know you got it's not just a matter of pouring more money into things cuz I was made drives away the jobs at then support the schools. We got a 23 billion dollar budget. We accommodate growth and education. Let's do we can do for our kids what we need to do, but the answer isn't always another program another program which will be higher taxes which will drive away jobs for her schools. Mr. Coleman minnesotans of Express growing frustration with recurring state budget surpluses in the state government's failure to return Surplus dollars to taxpayers to limit surpluses in the future what taxes would you target for elimination or reduction? And how would you propose Distributing future surpluses? First when we talked about Surplus, I want to get back to that point I'd made again. And again, we got a 23 billion dollar by annual budget and the challenge of leadership of government used to do again what I've done in st. Paul say this is what we got. And if you want to do something new but what isn't working in my department head to come in I say if you want a new program tell me one that isn't working and let's get rid of govern and the time I've been mayor of st. Paul the growth in spending in my budget has gone up less than the rate of inflation and yet anybody come down to the capital city, you'll see 10, 20 30 x the economic activity so you can do it. I've got a very simple response to this and it's one I share with mr. Ventura we argue over who said it first, but we share it and that is when you have a surplus what you do is you have a trigger mechanism that says Let It Go Back automatically they do this in Oregon. What it does is that it takes away from the legislature of the responsibilities. They have to worry about What to do with your money it is your money. I think that support if there is a fundamental difference if you only trying to drown myself on this it's on this issue. It's about what to do with your money. I got criticized by him the other day. He said I was stealing government's money that the backhoe money by giving it back to you said he needs to go back to you the tax players. He called that a willy-nilly tax cut know it's not about stealing your money. It's not about more government programs. So what you do with Surplus is very simple you put in effect a trigger mechanism when surpluses get collected they go back to the folks who paid it very simple very easy, and then we need to be smart enough to figure out how to live with in 23 billion dollars and growing Mr. Humphrey The question was what do we do with the Surplus? I want to make absolutely certain there is a 1 billion dollar tax cut permanent income tax cut that I have proposed + 340 million dollar permanent property tax cut. My opponents don't talk about property tax cuts. If you don't provide that resource for that permanent property tax cut. Guess what folks tomorrow next year. They're going up. The reality is we need to make sure we have those permanent cuts across the board. Yes, but also targeted to Working Families to those families that are struggling to make ends meet and to meet the requirements of child care to make sure that we have the opportunity to have young people go on to community colleges and Tech colleges and to that Higher Learning that is needed but also working families that are helping elderly parents stay out of nursing homes. Those are where the targeted tax cuts are that we are talking about. Those are terribly important. That's the kind of effort that I think makes the difference because it allows those of us that are working so hard day in and day out to make the ends meet and to make this state even a stronger place. Which in a better place in which to live? Mr. Ventura First of all, I'll repeat it again when there was a 4 billion dollar Surplus. I was the only major Party candidate who stood at the steps of the Capitol and said give it back. Neither my two opponents were anywhere around to do that second of all, there is no argument over who came up with the trigger mechanism first, I did. Because and I can back it up because that was a question asked in the Star and Tribune July 27th about budget surplus. I answered it accordingly. Mr. Coleman came up with it on August 18th discussing it in front of the Rotary Club in Bloomington again, and I'm glad we can agree Norm the trigger mechanism should be in there. I'm glad you're on board with me on that one because it should be given back absolutely and I get confused a little over. Mr. Humphrey all of these programs that he's talking about implementing and then yet cutting taxes on the other side. There must be a lot of pork and it on a lot of wasteful money in that 23 billion dollars sitting over there at the capital's to be able to do all of those things. Mr. Coleman, 30 30 seconds for rebuttal a billion dollar tax cut. You have a quarter that aimed at families to make $24,000 less. That's the income tax cut about $100 a family. That's what it is. All the rest are variations of spending programs are tax credits, which means if you spend money for child care government will give you a little back but they are credits when sex spending programs tied and then to the 5 billion dollars worth of other spending tied into the billion dollar hole in you and your budget. Skip you're going to raise taxes cuz you spend too much. Mr. Humphrey We both have tax cuts mine fits within a budget that has been proposed and shown to you. Mr. Coleman has never produced a budget so you don't know where it's coming from the bottom line. We need to make absolutely certain that we do have those permanent tax cuts and I emphasize once again the property tax cut that is so terribly important. Jesse the fact is the legislature did give about 2 billion dollars worth of property tax rebate. So the cost in the but you're talkin about if they really did that likes it when I like, I'm sure the time will come back. I would like to just say in the case of my property my tax cut was here, but then the assessor raise my value so it was nothing but a shell game. Please don't don't hold me to the Applause. Now. I get my full-time. I have a back off because of that. The other thing I want to remind you of this is tax and spend that spending tax because you know, you can talk about cutting taxes but take a look at the bonding and shape all its skyrocketed that's buying on a credit card. We all see those ads on TV. You can buy now and you don't have to make payments for a year from now. So go ahead and buy but you're eventually going to pay in. So St. Paul. Mr. Ventura area Minds pay approximately 95 million dollars annually in taconite production taxes. This revenue is distributed to area cities townships counties and school districts that awful also Fun by Triple R B, which provides Economic Development grants and Loans to local governments and businesses. What is your opinion of this method of Distributing tax dollars and what changes if any would you propose to this process? That's a Tuffy. I would I would have to back off on that and say I need to study a lot more because I'm very honest and if I don't know the answer, I'm not going to sit here and try to BS the people. IHOP I certainly would have to look at those long. What is that list of letters again the IEEE? What is it? Certainly? It's a government agency. So naturally it needs to be looked into. Any government agency is going to overspend more than the job that they do so I would definitely look into it to see if they're doing what they're supposed to be doing and make the corrections accordingly. Mr. Coleman at as I stated in one of my earlier answers at the IEEE Latvia's is really critical to the to the Future economic Vitality of this region know if we're going to make a transition to redirect reduction. We need the capacity of the eye Triple R B, by the way to do bonding Jesse so that we can make sure that we keep jobs here. So clearly we need to work together. I always love cutting taxes. I would try any tax cut to some commitment to create jobs that would be about the only circumstance what we need and I Triple R B. Let me also spend the rest of my time explaining a little bit about Economic Development and bonding. It's like this is not a game but being up here. It's not about rhetoric. It's about how do you create jobs? I brought about 8,000 jobs to the capital city. And the reality won the way you do it is not by putting bonding on the taxpayers butt by working with companies who you can get to come to your town and then they build and then you use the revenues they generate to pay back the Buns. So it's not on the backs of tax. It's on the it's it's there because you're working with companies to bring jobs bringing jobs isn't easy. It's easy to talk about it easy to say that I'm going to do it. But the fact is I have done it. I have done it and if there's one community in the state one area that understands the importance of jobs. It's this community this area and I will do it here as I've done in the capital city. Mr. Humphrey, I strongly support the structure of the eye Triple R B and of the local distribution of those in lieu tax payments. I think there are very very important for this area. I think they make sure that we are tied with the industry. That is the foundation of the economic success here allows a full distribution of those resources and I'm going to work very very closely with your legislators to see that in fact, we have the kind of this distribution that you would like to have. I got to tell you a governor does have the appointments that are made on the IEEE RB and I'm going to make absolutely certain that they are the appointment that will work with you and work with communities here and I want to see that done. Now let's just let's talk a little bit about Economic Development and we'll take a look at Saint Paul. The reality is when the mayor says hey, we want to have economic John bring those jobs and work with companies what happens he uses debt to go and take jobs from Minneapolis to put them in Saint Paul public dollars taken from one place to another that's not Economic Development. What economic Bellevue got to start with the basics? You got to have strong schools. You got to have affordable housing. You got to be able to have the kind of ingredients of give a better life. That's what's critical to moving Minnesota forward and you need to do that by allowing taxpayers to have the money back in working families. And that's exactly what I have proposed. 30-second mr. Ventura, you know what amazes me know where in the Constitution of the United States on the constitution of Minnesota does it's a government job is the government's position is to make jobs. That should be done by the private sector by getting government off the private sectors back. So the jobs can be created in the private sector without any government involvement whatsoever. Esther Coleman That's a that's a horrible Vision. But what you just heard from Minnesota's future jobs, you did that. The streets would be empty welfare would be off we'd all be paying for it to say by the way. Is anybody here mind if I take a few drops in Wisconsin and bring them to Northern Minnesota? Cuz cuz we do that it is about bringing jobs to our community. But but to say we were in in in a serious way that government should not be in the business of trying to bring jobs to a community that's absurd and actually very frightening. Mr. Humphrey the community college and Technical College system plays a vital role in providing students providing residence of Greater Minnesota access to higher education and helping train and retrain workers for industry in the mens cave system attend Community Technical and Consolidated colleges. How does the community college technical college system fit in with your educational plans for the state? Thank you very much for that question. I had a chance to be with students and with teachers and professors over at Itasca Community College this morning. I got to tell you it's a centerpiece. And I want to see it continue to grow and to be the vehicle for further training and retraining because in the 21st century. We're going to have to go back to school time and time again, I can tell you to that I'm I'm absolutely committed to the Community College. I have a daughter that's just finishing up a community conscience going to go on to the University of Minnesota. Thank you for that the effort. I really appreciate it. But bottom line it is critical that we not have economic barriers to allowing individuals to go to Community College and that's why the income tax credits were talking about built upon the Hope Scholarship of the federal government allows individuals who may have be at low or moderate income to say I'm going to go to college. I'm going to get that extra education and we don't have an economic barrier in front of them. That's what our proposal what my proposal will bring forth. But time and time again, we have got to make sure that our technology schools are Community Schools are tied directly to where the business Community has and we need to enter And use collaborative one of the many things that I saw this morning. Was it unique opportunity for teachers to get retraining to be able to be ready to meet standards and to be directly involved in a whole new experimental way of getting ready to go and teach. That's the kind of innovation that we need to see in our community college, and I strongly supported and I supported with the resources that are there those in our budget. Thank you. Mr. Coleman First a Technical and Community College is really our key to Future economic growth that they they provide the greatest opportunity to fill the biggest Navy that business has today biggest need for business today qualified employees. And what we need to do is use our community colleges to create the kind of Partnerships with the private sector to train the employees that we need for the jobs. He could be out there today tomorrow and in the future, we're doing it with the printing industry today in the metro area. We need to do it all over the state. So Community College with are a vital link to our economic future, which I keep coming back to again and again, and I just I have to comment that every time the attorney jobs and answer there's a program I can't compete I can't compete in that regard. There's a program for every problem the way that you create the opportunity is you cut taxes you give moms and dads the opportunity then to make choices with their money give him Freedom. They then can put it away then they will be available for them to make the choices. You create the environment that grows jobs which creates more Economic Opportunity but it's not about more programs in Skip it's not you don't have a budget the budget by the way, I could probably the books up to here with the attorney general is presented as a 23-page docking with a list of promises spending but it's not a budget. There's nothing in that document that says how do you find parks and it's in a budget? So what we both. It's presented tax plans might very simple permanently cut taxes. Make sure that it balances out over four years cut the marriage penalty tax provide some the whole of some economic development credits for Education tax credits, but that's very simple and work within the 23 billion that Jesse and I talked about and that's how you do it, but it's not a matter of more promises. You can't solve every problem with a government program. Mr. Ventura First of all, you have to cut government before you can cut taxes the government has to get smaller second of all getting back to the Community College and staying on track here. I'm a product of the Community College. I went to North Hennepin Community College and I think they are essential in life today because you're hearing about how do kids go to college today. How did the advance and go to higher education and right away everybody comes to the government with her hand out and and I've been in probably 20 debates throughout this entire summer and at some point in time no matter what special interest group you in front of they hold their hand out me see what is government going to do for me. And again if Government hands out that dollar they took two kept one for themselves, but they took 2 from somewhere else Community College and Jack schools are the most important and I will support them completely because what they allow, they allow the person that doesn't have the big money to be able to attempt to get a higher education. Cuz they are far cheaper than the big schools. You can get your core classes in that 2-year school before then you transfer over to the larger school. So community colleges are very very important. I was here last week and I spoke at Mesabi Community College you brought that great old memories of when I went to North Hennepin Community College. We must keep them intact because they are there to support many of the students who cannot afford to go to the big school right away and who have to get their feet on the ground and get their core classes in so I would support them completely. Thank you. Mr. Humphrey 30 seconds rebuttal I just want to let you know after the meeting with the students and with a professors at Itasca had a chance to meet with the logging industry in the forest industry at the college the collaboration the cooperation of industry. And that college is phenomenal. That's the kind of effort we need and frankly folks. You can talk about not doing the program or whatever else but you have to have the resources to make that effort work. And that's what this is all about. It's making sure that our education system meets the needs of a high-class high-tech highly trained Workforce. That's what it's all about. Mr. Coleman Alta. I'll pass I'll pass. Mr. Coleman in a recent legislative sessions. It was proposed to stay help finance a new stadium to keep the Minnesota Twins baseball team in Minnesota. Minnesota. Vikings have also expressed desire for a new football stadium. Are you in favor of the state helping Finance new facilities for professional sports teams? And if so, how many assets to the obligation the responsibility of leadership is how do you preserve Community assets? But how do you do it in a way that the tax base feel that I'm getting ripped off. Stuff in something down. Somebody's throat. It's the way we did hockey in St. Paul. What we did first is we had a facility a Civic Center that had about 20 million dollars worth of debt Capital Improvement that we were going to have to put into that building paid for by the taxpayers. And so we have to get a business called the National Hockey League that was interested in coming to Minnesota. I got it to come to my my community and what they did is what the revenues that they generate by them being there. They got rid of all the cities obligation for that 20 to 30 million dollars worth of capital Improvement. They took over a facility that government was running but now they will run and every year that we were running it. We were losing money. But now that they run it we make money they pay around 6 million dollars a year which pays for all the city portion of of the construction as well as we make more rather than what we were doing was losing every year. We privatize the operation of the facility and then we went to the state and said we need you to be a partner because we needed that business and the state is getting out of that a new business that will generate anywhere from 3 to 8 million dollars a year in new taxes taxes. That wouldn't be there for ticket for the income tax alone is about 2 and 1/2 million dollars. It wouldn't be there if the team wasn't there so 3 million dollars a year of additional taxes and for that we got a 65 Million Dollar interest-free Loan. So the state gets a new business gets new taxes the capital city gets 1.4 million people more visiting it more economical. Opportunity and the interesting thing is we did it in Partnership. I had a d FL city council. They supported it. I had my house delegation and I'm telling you they weren't my political friends. They could have cut me off the news they would have they supported it. So we went and working with business with organized labor bipartisan. We got it done you do things in a way that the tax base H. The right thing. We should figure out a way to keep the twins here in a way that the taxpayer say. Thank you for doing the right thing. Mr. Humphrey No, public dollars, no tax dollars for a stadium none. Okay. I love the twins. I love the twins before they were the twins. They were the Senators. That was the first team professional team. I ever went to see went with my father, but I got to tell you. The twins themselves the business Community can come to grips with it and resolve it and I guarantee you folks are not only putting us up up against the wall. They're doing it all across this country and its attorney general. I'm investigating that we're going to get to the bottom of it. But let's make sure that we understand what's going on here when Mr. Call it says that he was working in Partnership. He walked right up to the life-size you're somehow or another there certain programs. It seemed to work just right walk right up to the legislature and said, I want 65 million dollars tax dollars tax. Wanted not alone. Alone a gift. He wanted it straight out now. That's not what I believe is a priorities Minnesota's commitments are to education to Quality Health Care for our seniors and our children are for making sure that we get crime off the streets and returning tax dollars to working people. They are not for stadiums. Will make sure that the twins are around but you know what the business community and the twins can do it together. Mr. Ventura Thank you know I will not commit any tax dollars to build a new stadium for the twins first and foremost. The Metrodome is only 16 years old. That is Young by all building standards. You didn't hear any complaints in 1987 or 1991 when we were winning the world championship did you? Now alternative methods, I have no problem with putting slots at Canterbury with a big sign above them that says help poor Carl. And if you want to go out there and make a contribution you certainly may do so but when move on until Pro Sports and I come from Pro Sports until they content can get their labor in the order moldvan turn down 34 million for 4 years. It wasn't enough. How do I look in the face of an iron Ranger or any other Minnesota and say help mole have a place to put ply his business. I cannot do that. And if you want to talk about the great deal of the hockey arena why couldn't it have gone to the Target Center, there was a brand new building right there. Now they're going to be in competition but there's a major difference between the to the Target Center. When if Whitney Houston comes in there to sing the money goes to the to the government We the People if anybody comes into the New River Center in Whitney Houston sings, the money goes to the hockey team as well as the concessions and a majority of the parking. So who and also a 63 million-dollar interest-free loan. It comes out 250 million a year. We figured it out over 10 years if they averaged five goals a game. It'll only cost the taxpayers 25000 to gold. Mr. Coleman Revival three observations. Whitney Houston isn't paying the tax payers six million dollars a year. Secondly. Skip we actually did go to the legislature for a long the year before but Rodger Moore killed it. So we had to go back the next year and 3 does anybody from moment in this in this order and believe they're pretty perfect for the governor. He'd walk away from the opportunities cuz he's mad about salaries or because he's he's he's angry about the issue use user fees at the people who enjoy it pay for it. But there's government can be involved to keep Community assets Community assets whether their business is in northern Minnesota weather there professional sports teams in the Twin Cities. There you go again for stadiums. I'm opposed to it. I'm opposed to programs for vouchers to private schools. I don't think we need to fund stadiums for wealthy sports club Owners bottom line. We have other priorities Minnesota's commitments. Come first will take care of stadiums and everything else long after that. Let me just say this eight of the ten owners of this new National Hockey League are major contributors to the man over on the far, right? Aronoff remember this Jesse Ventura does not accept any Pac money he comes with no strings attached. So he won't owe anybody anything when he gets over to the Capitol and I don't know Skip I thought Rodger Moore was on board. You may have a battle upcoming with your Lieutenant Governor has changed his position now because he was on board for a new stadium. I'll get back with you. Mr. Ventura Northeastern Minnesota provides much of the timber for a forest products industry that generate 8 billion dollars a year in Minnesota making it the state's third largest industry get many people from outside the area oppose current federal and state practices for harvesting Timber on public lands. What is your position on this issue? We don't need to go in and mass cut down. I think that I think if we do proportion cutting in the right way with the correct Timber and all that I think we can find a happy median to for the environment as well as the timber industry. It's an important industry that we must have it provides basic Woods wood to build homes and all that but we've got to do it in the proper good manner in which to ensure that we don't eradicate or destroy it because of all the trees go down in the end. They'll be nothing left to cut will there so we need to be planting as well as harvesting and do it in a good manner, you know, and Timber industry simply the government should just oversee to make sure that's being done and allow the timber industry to flourish as long as they is the proper methods are being done not to destroy the land completely but a good solid Harvest that will work both for the industry as well as the environment. Mr. Coleman Timber industry is absolutely essential to the economic future of of Northeast Minnesota indeed to the entire State. And so we need a vibrant and strontium in Industry. I think we underestimate the capacity commitment of folks who live and work in an area to conserve their resources at the Stewart's live there. We can work hand-in-hand we can have good strong environmental stewardship working together, but do it in a way that allows us to tap into that incredible resource because if Mom and Dad isn't working when I going to be able to enjoy anything and the timber industry is essential to the future of Minnesota and I will work with the temp industry to make sure it will work on the environmental issues, but we'll make sure that it's rise and that it's vibrant and you have to ask yourself. The question of who up here is going to deliver on that because I get back to the issue of environmental enforcement regulation and I get back to the Humphrey record to the actions against Marvin Windows. Resented his environmental enforcement team and not nearly drove him into the ground his action against the Red Lion Sting If any remember that where he had a 61 year old grandmother arrested literally in handcuffs after she got rid of a half barrel of garbage that his office encouraged her to get rid of you. Also probably saw I had hearings in the Senate on that that kind of crazy environmental enforcement. I think should send a shiver of fear and do the folks in Timber and logging as to what's going to happen in the future. The fact is we can should have strong Environmental Protection. But Common Sense sustainable growth multiple-use, you know, you do it in that way we can make it work, but we need a very strong commitment to the temp industry in this state and I will provide that kind of commitment. Mr. Humphrey The logging industry is strong and its strong because it has voluntarily joined with all of its Partners in the process of age is a generic environmental impact statement and has developed on its own the standards. And the quality of Need for not only today but for tomorrow and in the long run, I think what the logging industry is done the forestry industry has done that's a good example of how we need to approach any number of issues that are going to confront this state. It provides for the full use of the resource today while preserving and in fact enhancing the opportunity for the use in the future truly that is sustainable logging and I commend the industry for its efforts that's not easy to do to sit down at a table voluntarily and say we're going to do this and I congratulate the legislature for establishing the framework within that concept of how it will work. I want to respond very briefly to the comment about Rodger Moe. The reason Rodger ball had to convert that into alone is because he was forced by Arne Carlson and mr. Coleman after coming up and demanding that they take the 65 million dollars all straight out. He was forced to make sure that that was alone in addition. He moved it from five days of public use two more than 50 days. He helped minnesotans and Minnesota taxpayers. He protected them from the ravages. office kind of Economic Development Mission Ventura Speaker of the House gets forced, okay. I would just like to say this again. I I support the environment very much and I support us taking care of our environment very strongly. But I also say this to you we humans are still number one on the food chain. So until it, well hold it until someone displaces us as number one on the food chain. We have to look towards us the humans to survive number one first and foremost. Krista Coleman two observations about about Rodger Moe rajamouli's about the strongest proponent of supporting the twins in the entire Minnesota Legislature and you've got the mole Humphrey budget. You got the response early shoes. You got Rodger Moore responding to everything but also known this issue. He's not going to be sitting in the background Rodger Moore will be there and I think Skip you go to Waze on this issue and then finally Jesse, right? We are number one and I'll support us being number one. I just want to tell you something about environmental enforcement. The state of Minnesota has been a national leader and has been the kind of example that many four nations have looked at because we have not only been willing to stand up and say when people when workers are threatened by actions of companies that don't act right that we will take the action on the other hand. We've been there for prevention and to make sure that we work in cooperation. That's why we have the land recycling act. That's one of the great things that's happened. And I guarantee you Marvin Windows has done an outstanding job as it has turned itself around become a model company and I think that's really positive. Gentlemen, we have one last final question. We'd like you to do this in two minutes with no time for rebuttal. Mr. Coleman, what individuals have play the largest role in shaping your political philosophy your values in your ideals. I start with the my mom and dad. That's why I think we always start thank God that there is still alive and they they taught me about hard work and they taught me about values about right and wrong. So I start with them like I bring in the good Lord and individual presides over all and I'm not afraid to shame to say that that I get on my knees every day and thank God for the opportunities that I have that my family has I look at folks like Abraham Lincoln. It was founded the Republican party great courage great leadership not afraid to stand up at the right time to be counted. I look across the waters at the folks like Winston Churchill Winston Churchill. When asked to describe his leadership of the British people during the dark days of World War II said it was the people who had the heart of a lion and he said I simply had the luck to give the Roar. That's how I've learned to govern. You've got the Heart of a Lion. I've Got The Look to give the r or I can tell you if I have the luck to Roar for you as Governor. I will Roar for northern Minnesota. I will reward for the sports men and women of this state. I will rock the jobs. I don't do those type of things that have to be done. So you started home you look up above and then there are few folks in history that have inspired you and I continue to be inspired and appreciative of the opportunity. I have to serve and I very much want to serve you as your next governor. Mr. Humphrey I have to tell you that there was a couple of people in my family my mother and my father. They taught me not only what was right in public life. They taught me what was right in pipe private life. They are my mentors. There's no doubt about it. And I'm very proud to be a part of this family in this family tradition. They taught me hard work. They taught me to be honest. They taught me to be loyal. They taught me to love this statement to love the people of this state and particular this region. I remember the first time I was campaigning in northern Minnesota and I went to my father and he was pretty sick at the time and he's listed off. I bet you a hundred names of people that he knew so they are very important guy named Harry Truman. A lot of people had written off but stood up and said we're going to tell the truth and the others aren't going to like it. They may think it's hell, but it's the truth. I think he has a lot to do with what I see in mentorship. my wife Who is willing to stand by me through thick and thin? Who sometimes when I get out of the way and get the too far out brings me back home? And my family there's a teacher an English Professor. The thank goodness. He grabbed hold of me and there's a law professor that said use at law for the will of the people. Those are my mentors and frankly the people of Minnesota. I learned an awful lot from you every single day. Mr. Ventura I just want to say this may be the hardest question of the night for me. And because my mentors are my mom and dad. They weren't famous. father has great education My mom was a nurse in North Africa. And he taught me what it was like to serve your country. Because it's those people that give us our freedom today not the politicians. It's the men and women that have to go fight the wars because of what failed political policy from the career politicians. So my mom and dad's dad hit Head and Shoulders above in guiding me to everything I've done today. I think that if you get into the political Arena, I would go to the founders of this country because I learned from them one thing. I think this country was founded upon the fact Let you go from the private sector serve and go back to what you used to do. That somehow we've allowed that concept to slip away in the 200 years somehow. We've allowed that concept to become career politicians to make careers out of this and I stand with the forefathers that created this country and saying Jesse Ventura is not a career politician. Jesse Ventura will step forward he will serve, but when he's done serving, he will go back to the private sector, which is what this great country was founded upon. Thank you. We're going to do a 3-minute close to get a little extra time here and we'll use the same order we used for the opening. So mr. Hooper, you are first Mister call menekse. And Jesse last first. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to come here. This is a very special part of our state. It has a unique relationship not only with a state but with each other this is a place where unions are strong. We're working families joined together though. There's competition. There's no doubt about it. I know that every one of your cities compete hard when it's on the sports Arenas and the Gridiron sand on the hockey arenas and all the rest, but there's something very special and unique about the caliber of work. The ethic that is scared of getting the job done and I'm joining together. You know what it means when you have the public and the private joining together. That's what has made this part of the state. So successful and you have brought so many high-quality people not just from here but exported them everywhere. The range is well-known all over this country and this world. I want to continue that effort. I want to see that the Working Families of our state have the best opportunity to move ahead because of working families are going to be the driving engines for tomorrow success. We need to take on that effort and how we do that is to make sure that you have the resources but those dollars back in your pockets. You earned it. And by the way some other people didn't learn until we met Church came here. That's why the tobacco settlement is so important. That's a lot of money coming forward to all of us that we can use properly. But I also want to make sure that we have good education quality public education accountable to the parents and to the community teaching the basics with the basics of change their not only Reading Writing and arithmetic but being able to work together understanding technology communicating together. And making certain that we have affordable health care. We haven't talked at all about the senior citizens of our state the senior citizens here that have worked so hard we need to make sure we take care of their prescription drug problem State many too many senior citizens are choosing between taking their prescription drugs and maybe not getting a meal for the day. We need to make sure that we take care of helping them. And we have 80,000 80,000 children that are not covered by health care and maybe that's a program ladies and gentleman, but that's a program. I'm going to invest ourselves. It's because we need to take care of our children. And we will continue our fight we will continue our fight against crime and violence not only by tough laws and making sure that we attack it on every level but we will prevent through good education good training dare program straight programs intervention programs learn and earn all of the programs. Yes, but bringing us together. That's how we're going to make it happen. I ask for your vote. I need your help to move our state ahead. Thank you very very much for letting me come and visit with you. The selection represents an important fork in the road for Minnesota in the path. You choose will make all the difference. Skip Hop Lee represent left Fork as you've heard tonight want to build up government solution to most problems is a new program out of Saint Paul. He's a decent man with Noble intentions. But almost every idea in his head will cost you and higher taxes or less Freedom or both. He will spend more money. He's already promised over 5 billion dollars in new programs. And yes, they're important things to be done. But if you don't make sure that Mom and Dad has a job if Government taxes you to death you're not going out the money for any of those programs and they become false promises and we have false promises you generate cynicism and lack of Hope He calls my responsible efforts to reunite you with your lost income willy-nilly tax cuts. The accused me of stealing. Tobacco money to give it back to you and Skip it's not your money for longs to the people of Minnesota for a different path. I will cut your taxes 3.1 billion dollars in my first term as Governor. I will knock the trigger, which will automatically return surpluses to the people. I will keep a lid on spending and give you better government not bigger government under the Coleman Administration. The DNR will no longer behave like an occupying Army, but will be a servant of the people. Under the Coleman Administration. Once again, the monster of jobs jobs jobs will be the reality in northern Minnesota and throughout Minnesota it all boils down to this. Skip Humphrey believes in government and will tax and spend and regulate. I believe in Freedom and will cut taxes and spending and regulation. So you can invest in the future that you want to build and the proof is in our records economic freedom has been rebuilt in your capital city and it will rebuild Northern Minnesota. I will bring the same energy determination and success the rebuilding this region that I brought to your capital city. I respectfully say to those who support Jesse Ventura that he makes a lot of sense, but he's not going to be skip Humphrey before you cast a protest don't think about what it would cost you in Freedom and Tack protesting is important. But governing is where it's at. I don't want to be complaining next year. I want to make changes politics is the art of the possible. I can actually accomplish the objectives that Jesse and I share tough times in my life and it's may have important important lessons. I want to cut your taxes to give your back more resources to invest in your children's future. I want all Minnesota to experience economic revitalization and the key to all this is freedom and not government I ask for your support to build a brighter future for all minnesotans. My name is Norm Coleman and I want to be your governor. First of all, I'd like to show, you know notes nothing here on the podium. I don't have professional speechwriters. I don't come up here with notes. I don't have professional handlers. That's the difference between me and the professional career politicians. And there's also a few other differences between me and them the fact is this and you heard it right now how arrogant and pompous is it to tell you how to vote. Because I'll tell you what you want to know. What a wasted vote is a wasted vote is not voting your heart and your conscience that is a wasted vote. No, thank you. Now how soon they forget I heard Abraham Lincoln mentioned a little bit ago of being a mentor. Let's go back that hundred and fifty years and imagine if the mindset you just heard talked about right now had prevailed 150 years ago when it was the Republican party. That was the third party. They were the new people on the Block and a bat. Mine said it prevailed back then Abraham Lincoln would have never been the president of the United States. Let me tell you this I vote for Jesse Ventura is just that it is a boat for Jesse Ventura and no one else. I want to leave this state because I want to bring into the true 3-prong check and balance of legislative executive and judicial. I will be ahead executive because I come from the private sector, you know, you've heard a lot of talk up here tonight about jobs jobs jobs from both sides will let me tell you something. I don't think either of these people could qualify for Social Security to have enough quarters in it with Chex they've gotten from the private sector Toya they don't have a fear of jobs because they've both been collecting government checks their entire lives. I know what it's like to lose a job. I know what it's like to go out and compete in that free markets to get a job that doesn't have government on it and doesn't come from the government. So I want you to think very hard November 3rd, and I want you to be the minnesotans that set the stage and set the message send that message not only the Minnesota, but across this United States of America. I'm embarrassed by the Democrats and Republicans in Washington. We can send a message electric Jesse Ventura as the governor, and it will ring across the America trust me and it will send a message to them to put that people before the party's. Thank you. The three major party candidates for Governor. Skip Humphrey Norm Coleman and Jesse Ventura debating the issues at a debate held Tuesday night at the Hibbing High School auditorium. The debate was sponsored by a number of Iron Range organizations, including the Hibbing Grand Rapids, Virginia and Cloquet area Chambers of Commerce a reminder that on Monday. We're going to hear from the candidates. Once again this time they'll be participating in a forum on education that actually will be held Sunday night at the University of St. Thomas and and will be broadcasting at starting at 11 Monday here on midday.


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