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Jim Ramstad, 3rd district Republican congressman and member of the House Ways and Means Committee, discusses issues facing Congress in the next two or three weeks before the election recess. Topics include taxes, impeachment, and outstanding bills in Congress. Ramstad also answers listener questions.

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Ikea Erik 6 minutes past 11 programming on NPR is supported by carousel automobiles. The audie's store featuring the arrival of the all-new A6 Avant Quattro wagon this fall 544-9591. Good morning, and welcome to mid-day here on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary Acton. Glad you could join us President Clinton says that Congress is putting partisanship over progress Hillary Rodham Clinton says Congress is operating in a parallel universe and the pole seem to indicate that the public may agree with the clintons ever. The last house Republican leaders say they will press ahead two weeks from today. The house is expected about to begin impeachment inquiry into the president's Behavior joining us today from Washington to share his thoughts on the Clinton controversy, and some of the many issues that aren't getting much attention these days as a result of the controversy is the senior Republican member of Minnesota's Congressional Delegation 3rd District Republican Congressman Jim ramstad, and we invite you to join our conversation as well walking this hour about what's going on in Washington to 276 thousand Twin City area number. 227-6002 Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free. Be at one eight hundred to +422-828-227-6004 1 800-242-2828. Thanks for joining us very good to be with you you served on the house Judiciary Committee for what two terms. Yes. I did for my first four years and wish you were still there. If I frankly they are all right in the midst of it. Why do you think Congress should Congress just drop this whole thing and get on with the other business? Well, we certainly need to put the statesmanship ahead of a partisanship and I am concerned that this is becoming a too politicized that committee is very polarized Gary the Republicans tend to be the from the far-right of our party the Democrats from the far left of their party. And and so I am my main concern is that we evaluate all the facts and evidence in a totally objective in and non-partisan way which after all is our constitutional obligation and then and then after weighing the evidence make the appropriate legal decision as expeditiously as possible because we can't drag this out there that the country will suffer. We're not getting some of the important to problem-solve the destination of because Washington really has become consumed with this Scandal and in fact too much of the country is consumed by the Scandal so my concern is that we do it in a fair non. Artisan legal Manner and then get it behind us looking at it from the other side. You think the President should resign and save the nation the the whole impeachment process have not certainly called for the presence of resignation. I think we have to let the process of work in the process now of reading the allegations. I finished the star report that which is my duty as a fact-finder and I just think we have to follow the orderly process. I don't think the people I represent for the most part want to that course, that's a resignation course. There's been as you know, a lot of talk of that perhaps the Congress should censure the president of fine and perhaps and and move on. I believe it was Dick armey. One of the other Republican leaders said it would be unconstitutional do that. You're an attorney. Is that true? Well, I I think that's there's nothing in the Constitution that the preclude ultimately Century resolution. You can argue based on separation of powers that it doesn't have any legal Authority, but after all what the legal authority to do most Central resolutions that the Congress historically has passed I think ultimately Gary I think there will be some middle ground, but I think the inquiry will move forward is very low at the threshold standard for the inquiry to proceed is very low it's in the criminal law would be a probable cause Go forward and certainly that would be a large bipartisan vote because it's hard to dispute that there is probable cause to enough evidence to I move forward with the investigation, but I think ultimately that a middle ground will be reached but I think it'll first go to the Senate. Let me ask you this before we get to some callers hear a congressman and windley Watergate business was all said and done when that was President Nixon resigned and kind of moved on there was General agreement. I think it's fair to say General agreement that the system had work today. It was a trying time but to the system work, do you think that when this is all said and done will be able to say the same thing? Well, that's my hope certainly and I think it's time now for us to be States men and women and not politicians it's time for us to put statesmanship ahead of the partisanship. And I really mean that that's not the empty rhetoric at all. When you talk to Jerry about issues when you deal with issues of War and Peace and impeachment, there's no time at all. No room at all for for a politics and they said at the outset I'm concerned that this surprises on both sides of the aisle has already become politicized and we can't let that happen can't afford that happened as a nation if President Clinton were to be impeached. It's not going to be the Republican to do it is going to be the Democrats. It has to be a bipartisan exercise for it to be legitimate and for the country to accept it just like it happened in Watergate. It wasn't the Democrats who marched down to the White House. It was a Senator Jim Buckley and others who and Barry Goldwater and and other Republicans who went down there after the jittery committee voted the articles of impeachment and I told the President Nixon was time to go. So this has to be a bipartisan exercise based on the nonpartisan. Reasons, in fact finding you really see that happening people being able to set aside their partisan concerns. Well, I certainly hope so, I mean, we we hear that this is a political exercise and I know that both sides look at the overnight polls as well as the White House both sides and Congress as well as the White House and you just wonder sometimes I just wonder sometimes down here Gary how Abe Lincoln was able to govern without those overnight polls a fortune is too much emphasis on polling and and and we we we just need to do the right thing in this instance and quite frankly this point to not having examine all the evidence. So, I'm not sure what that is, Minnesota 3rd District Republican Congressman Jim ramstad, John's is from Washington this hour. If you'd like to join our conversation, give us a call 227-6002 to 76 thousand outside the Twin Cities 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828. first college for Minneapolis quite a question for you about how and how you think some of the other representative to go on this in particular? What I'm seeing is that representative seem to kind of fluctuate back and forth depending upon what the pools and what their constituents happen to think about this particular issue with it with the president. Are you leaning towards kind of going with the will of the people then if you will as if most of your your constituents want to drive to want him not impeached heading that way or are you leaning more towards looking at the evidence and looking at doing what you think is the right thing based upon what you see and what you interpret as being an impeachable offense in this instance. I'm going with the absolutely with the ladder. Of course. This is a very solemn constitutional obligation that we have is members of Congress to evaluate all the facts and the evidence in a totally objective and non-partisan way and then reach a a reason conclusion at the appropriate time to make that an appropriate legal to sue So this is even though I know most commentators refer to it as a political exercise or a political process and I know we're not going to totally divorce politics from it. However, this is one time when we really have to rise above Politics as Usual and we have to take our constitutional obligations. Totally seriously looking down the road though Congressman isn't it difficult to conceive if if the public opinion polls are correct, and if they don't change much in 2/3 of the people don't want Clinton removed from office wouldn't be awfully difficult and open a real can of worms if Congress. Where do we remove him while there's no question? Most members have one eye on the on the poles and one eye on the evidence and in the star report so forth and die. Yes, it would be certainly because I think ultimately the people are going to make the decision that is the the American people and his popularity continues if there no New Revelations of similar reprehensible Behavior or even worse God forbid that then I think ultimately there's going to be a middle ground reach, but I don't think it's going to happen until the process move forward to the Senate Robert your question, please For starters when they look Us in the eye and they tell us that they're proceeding very cautiously in a bipartisan manner. I I have no doubt about that. And then the other thing is that's rushed to get this Kenneth Starr report to the people to the Congress. So abruptly which I would I doubt anybody would say that that prudent anyway, and it would be another lie for them to tell us that they were not they were not trying to do I'm not trying to affect the the poles and the numbers of those people that would support Clinton you make some valid points, but if you were watching local television news this past week or reading that either one of the major newspapers, you know that I was very critical of the release of the presents video tape the grand jury testimony that I think my A party made a mistake that it was Overkill and football. We call it piling on as a lawyer. I was offended because I believe that it's a prejudicial value far outweigh its probative value and it was the wrong thing to do. And so I was all respect to the cholera. I am trying to work as earnestly as I know how in a bipartisan pragmatic way on this very very serious matter of dealing with these very serious allegations of misconduct. And so, you know, I'm going to continue to call it like it is like I see it and I will continue to try to do the right thing. Believe me Norbert your question, please. Nobody's questioning. The Clinton has done wrong, but it is taking over too much of what is needed in Washington at this point and very frankly. I think that you have a role to play that you have not yet really exercise, even though you've expressed your opposition. There's a need for someone such as you to break away from the Republican leadership in the house. Italy stent the same know there are limits as to where we're going to go because there are some of us who have been disenfranchised by the leadership of the Republican party that we feel that there's a need for that. I wish I could step into that role and bring some of that I know there's a lot of other people in your car cuz that would go along with you. If someone would take the lead. Well Norm, let me just say I wish you could have been with me all week. I've had many visits this week with our leadership with the speaker himself with the dick armey and John Boehner and and the other others in our leadership. To tell them what my constituents in the people in Minnesota are saying and lot of good example, I you make the point that we're not dealing with some very serious policy matters me today as we speak there 26 million people suffering the ravages of chemical dependency in America and Senator wellstone Center wellstone and I've introduced the substance abuse treatment parity act and we have the support of Barry McCaffrey. We had good bipartisan support 93 sponsors in the house. This is life-or-death legislation for Ford 4.6 million America to aren't being unable to get free but you don't have access to treatment. Well what happened during McCaffrey in the final analysis couldn't get his calls returned from the White House couldn't get the senior White House. So legislative people engage when the president had told me personally that he supports legislation. He said just work through channels while the White House is essentially been Paralyzed by the Scandal. The Congress has been consumed by its or not. Hang up bills that we should such as parody for substance abuse treatment and your point is absolutely well taken that we need to get this matter behind us. A matter of the president's alleged wrongdoings behind us and get back to governing because the American people deserve better. And so I am going to do everything I can do consistent with my constitutional obligation with reference to the Scandal to to two seas that happens. Believe me to you and other individual members of Congress have much leverage in the way things operate or is converse set up in such a way that the leadership Republican or Democrat really kind of dictate what happens Well, I ultimately quite frankly as a as Apple Eagle scientific little scientist word analyze it, you know, not unlike speaker Cannon and some other powerful speakers to this speaker has a lot of authority yet. Sometimes in the ways Means Committee is frustrating because we don't get everything we want and certain piece of legislation that no question speaker a lot of power and this speaker is you haven't seen him out on the front lines being abrasive or or or engaging and hyperbole. I think he's he's all he's told us at the caucus me to take some deep breaths and that we've got to do the right thing here and he's not I think he's a realist he recognizes that there is enough to go forward with an inquiry and death but I think it's the right time. I think the the cooler heads will prevail and that this matter will be resolved a consistent with what the country wants consistent with our constitution application. President did signed today a stopgap spending measure. Does that preclude that the danger of a government shutdown on October 1st, in which the president signed today and said that 4/4 at the specific reason we that's the last thing we need now is another government shutdown. You know, how long will I remain in effect before that becomes a problem again? Until I think God cobre 7th and we're scheduled to wrap things up here that weekend. So concurrent with our adjournment than the what I think's going to happen. Practical matter. All these bills are the appropriation bills will be folded into a a big continuing resolution that last weekend and that will will pass it in a big bipartisan golden go home to a campaign love ain't your question place. It seems to me that that pertains to something like this where the country is getting almost paralyzed or it seems as if the president is practically unable to serve under that Amendment he could either You know withdraw temporarily unless to Al Gore become acting president or the leadership and including I believe the majority of the cabinets could ask him to step aside temporarily and it seems to me that that sort of a middle ground between us impeachment and resignation and doing nothing but you never seem to hear at mansion and I will add that Minnesota was one of the states that ratified that Amendment and put it into effect and I think it's I think that's what it's there for and why isn't anybody looking at it? Well other thoughtful people I have suggested that to me and and some some some commentators have written about it spoken about it. I suppose the White House would argue that in fact he is going about his business. That's exactly what I was going to You're going about his business. In fact that you know, everybody has to I think has to be incredulous to see how he is functioning after the ghetto always been throughout. He is amazing how I you can continue to operate as he doesn't and function but I don't think anybody can argue these and incapacitated just doing a little bit about the legislative history of the of the 25th Amendment. I'm not sure it's appropriate this time now if you were to go into as one writer wrote recently into some sort of a treatment program or something then certainly that would kick in and would be very appropriate for vice president Gore pursuant to the 25th Amendment to take over but I don't think it's appropriate in this situation at Scholars from Hastings. Patty is nobody I know I work for a large company in Inver Grove Heights. Nobody supports the president. Everybody is appalled not just about the whole sex thing about the shaking the finger in your face in line. I mean, I am embarrassed. I think that I think he's got the god syndrome when President Nixon was being investigated president or President Clinton at the time with a congressional hopeful he quoted was quoted as saying that the President should resign he lied to American people time. And again, he betrayed their trust. He had mended their Guild so there's no reason to put the American people to an impeachment and he will serve no purpose and finishing out his term. The only decent thing for him to do is resign. That's where his own words and now I mean, how can anybody trust this creep? I mean, he's a jerk. Well, certainly nobody nobody no decent human being can condone his behavior in the present is certainly I think recognized how incredible Behavior was and don't nobody is finding his behavior anything but reprehensible the legal question and the question really the Judiciary Committee needs to focus on is whether the allegations rise to the level of impeachable offenses woman in the most troubling charging to most people in Minnesota that have talked to me in last week alone and got 2,500 phone calls at two are Bloomington in Washington offices combine, whether the allegations of perjury rise to the level of impeachable offense. That is the presents testimony before the grand jury. That's the most troubling accusation of the 11 allegations raised by star report and that's what the committee needs to focus on and the Congress as well. What do you think Congressman? I guess there's some dispute among Legal Scholars is the weather given what we know about it at this point that Clinton could be convicted of perjury apparently that's a fairly narrow definition of that night in the legal cannons, but in the broader sense that people normally talk about that is that in your mind the kind of thing that would qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor what I'm trying to resolve on my right now Gary. I'm reading every Treatise. I can find on the Constitution history and you know, the founding fathers first put freezing and bribery LCI impeachable offenses. And then later on I learned that they compromised and added High crimes and misdemeanors in nowhere really is is that phrase clearly interpreted by case law or or any other law for that matter and right now I think I have to deal with that the Judiciary Committee needs to to deal with that and reach a conclusion. But and you're right on perjury as a former criminal lawyer myself, Lino that perjury cases bear on intent and they're very tough very tough to prove Gary. But I think we need to get back to dealing with the legal issues. And in view of the facts make a an appropriate decision and then get on with it. Are you afraid Congressman that if I guess no matter how this plays out, but I particularly if indeed the Congress ultimately decides to impeach Clinton that we will then set off around a future recriminations while we're going to get your gainax turn on and on and on no question. I mean there then it's quid pro quo time. I mean it sets a precedent if we even lower the bar for impeachment to it sets a precedent. Cancel that played out to right the right now and you know some very very unfortunate Souls on Fortune Gary a struct right now as we speak here were dealing today with some of the most important legislation of the Year this weekend today and tomorrow. We're working Saturday tax built the bill to save to preserve Social Security and we're working FasTrack, which is so important to Minnesota Minnesota companies in Minnesota economy and jobs. These are our three most important bills in the last several years. And here we are talking on one of the most respected the radio stations in the country impr were talking about nothing. But the scandal in on this very day as we talk we've got these important policy issues to decide here in Washington. Those are the things we need to get back to discussing not more of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, let me ask you before we take a break here Congressman. Can we afford to both an 80 billion dollar tax cut their that Republicans are advocating and set aside enough money to keep Social Security solvent or at least still lay the groundwork for for working out a solution long-term. The answer is yes, we can save Social Security and cut taxes. So we set aside 90% of the projected Surplus 1.4 trillion dollars Gary for Social Security and we use 10% of the Surplus or 80 billion dollars over five years to provide some important actually for the American people. So yes we can do both and that's what we're doing in these these two bills Minnesota 3rd District Congressman. Jim ramstad is our guests this Our member of the House Ways and Means Committee joining us from Washington to talk about all the things that are going on in Washington. Some of which we don't hear very much about 2 to see 6000 Twin City area number to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities one 800-242-2828 will get some more colors in just a moment. I'm learning events in the Twin season comes to an end this weekend on the next All Things Considered will look back at a season that's been plagued by ownership questions Stadium debates and a less-than-stellar on-field record and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Hold its Grand re-opening will check out what's new at one of Minnesota's greatest cultural institutions. It's all things considered weekdays at 3 on Minnesota Public Radio Kano W FM 91.1 in the Twin Cities. NPR's Main Street radio coverage of world issues is supported by the blandin foundation strengthening rural communities and Environmental Education through the school nature project weather forecast for the state of Minnesota. Sunny skies across most of the area though. There is a chance that some rain could develop in the southwestern corner of the state highest today low sixties in the North mid-80s in Southeastern, Minnesota. There's a good chance for rain across Minnesota tonight and probably some rain tomorrow as well as specially in southern Minnesota Twin Cities & Precinct laudamus with a high in the mid to Upper 70s today that rain is likely tonight may be heavy rain and more rain tomorrow right now in the Twin Cities partly cloudy sky and 69 degrees their District Republican Congressman. Jim ramstad is our guest this our joining us from Washington again, if you'd like to join our conversation to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities one 802-422-8285 your question, please Congressman I want to get you a reaction to the following military spending scenario that I'll lay out very briefly as you know, President Clinton members of Congress from both parties are proposing to add $2 to the 271 billion dollar 1999 military budget at the same time. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are lobbying the Clinton Administration to increase military spending by 50 billion the 75 billion dollars over the next five years. And would you also know Republican leaders are claiming that we have a serious military Readiness problem at the same time. They're making that claim your Republican colleagues from Arizona Senator, John McCain cuz issued report that with 5 billion dollars and unwanted military pork barrel project in this year's military budget just the other day on the floor of the Senate. This is what John McCain said and I want to get your reaction to it quote. So why do we have these serious and growing deficiencies and Military Readiness pay in modernization? It's because The practice of Congress has practically been to misuse billions of these skirts defense dollars to add on request program and building projects in the defense Budget on quote his report point out that the congressman respond here. It was Bob. Right right you and and threw John McCain make a very very valid points there has been too much much too much waste in that budget to through the years. We do need to emphasize military Readiness the modernization we can't afford nor do we need some of these exotic weapon systems. We need to get back to the basics with respect to our military budget. That's why I've consistently opposed the space-based anti-missile system has been proposed the Star Wars system as it was a called during the Reagan Administration. Consistently opposed additional B-2 bombers, which we don't need and that we can't afford at about 2 billion dollars a plane and we just need to be more prudent when it comes to defense spending and they said Get Back to Basics which our Readiness and modernization seems like this has been a debate that's going on as long as I've been alive. Anyway, how how do you get the Pentagon to spend money on things that at least many members of Congress considered to be important? Well, I like Bill Cullen and I think he's doing an excellent job at the Pentagon is defense secretary and I just think quite frankly. There are a lot of members of Congress who have never met a defense contractor didn't fall in love with Gary and another just decisions are made sometimes on political grounds and not on a pragmatic a practical defense rounds and death. Another example is a trident missile a bill Lutheran is Macaulay from Minnesota pushed an amendment through and you know, Bill and I haven't been here as long as I have I think was shocked when we we should we did as poorly as weak as we didn't even want to try the missile and still we couldn't take take that expenditure out of the budget. Will it your next? Thank you for your York. Partisanship. It seems that you view expressed a wish to get on with it may concern is with the evidence that you and your fellow Senators playing to win 10 Stars testimony and evidence is grand jury testimony by defense testimony in for questioning questionable testimonies in there. What other evidence do you plan to way to fairly evaluate the situation well, and you're right by definition of grand jury proceeding is one-sided. It's simply the government and so we need to weigh the other side as well. That is the president's defense and that there was a brief accompanying a counter argument presented by David Kendall the presents the Chiefs defense lawyer in this is a case submitted along with the star report to members of Congress, and certainly the president's going to have his day in court so to speak easy. Going to I don't know if he's going to appear in person or his Representatives is legal team up before the Judiciary Committee. But before any articles of impeachment were to proceed a we have to consider the Press just case as well not to bog down in this business of evidence and so on but just to give us a sense here Congressman of of the scope of what he might be considering in terms of like the perjury business. Would you just look at his testimony under oath or would you since this is largely a political process? Would you include in your consideration always statement relate to the to the nation? I think it was on January 23rd. Where are you know, he said well, I didn't have relations with that woman doing a normal civilian Court proceeding and so it's much looser in the in this area in the rules of evidence of pretty much what the Judiciary Committee says they are and and so I think You know, the entire context will be considered in trying to focus on intent and after all the underlying element of any perjury charge of any convictions. It's based on intent. What was the intent and you you bring it all evidence to try to get at that the issue of intent not just the narrow legal kind of the broader kind of spray Joanne here next. I called in because Previous caller that made the comment that she really felt that President Clinton should resign. I hold exact opposite of you. I'm old enough and never enough when Ronald Reagan said in front of my television set and told me that we did not sell arms for hostages when in fact we did do that what took place in the past, but other presidents without the special prosecutor investigating into their bedrooms, Oval Office or whatever to me. This is this is just ludicrous the whole the whole process and it should be dropped in my opinion and I think the country damaged severely on Monday morning. I couldn't I can't tell you how upset I was to see those videotapes on television. All the networks was unnecessary. I don't think the process with all respect to the caller is is Ludacris. I think the price of anywhere Lucky's Americans to have an orderly process a legal process pursuant to the Constitution to deal with serious problem allegations that such as the ones that are before us involving the presents conduct. But but I think now the issue is in other countries in many countries developing nations, they deal with this with a military coup or we that we are going to have bloodshot said that we were going to deal with this say in a constitutional way in an orderly way and Hopefully the resolution will be a satisfactory one, but I don't think the process is Ludacris. Sometimes Congressman don't you wish it would just go away though. Some of the players might be Ludacris. It should go away right now. Believe me and I but it's not and that's why I don't take myself seriously Gary but I take my job especially in this is a context extremely seriously because this is you know, there's a lot at stake here. There's a lot at stake here and we have to do the right thing. We have to do the we have to remember what's at stake here as we deal with this very very Troubling and difficult issue. I change the subject just a moment again before we get back to some callers. How serious do you suppose? The economic situation is getting Congressman people keep assuring us. Well, nothing to worry about relay a little little problem at the margins here, but goodness seems like the whole world economy is going in the tank. That was a group of Economist the other night. I had a person weighs and means head of heard from Alan Greenspan the other day. I think it's I think it's a very serious I think I will need a couple of what's happening in Japan and Indonesia and look at the what's happening in in Russian. I think the impact is Greenspan told this won't be fully felt by our economy for another year to eight. Months and I think Greenspan and Ruben recognize the serious nature of the problem. And I think you know, I'd I know already a Bloomington a company is laid off workers because exports are down in that underscores the need to pass Fast Track or not. It's not going to happen. I know is remember the whip team. We don't have the votes unfortunately, but it's going to come up but we're going to try it but we need to keep our eye on the ball and ball here right needs to be increased export markets around the world. We've got to continue to grow our economy. Minnesota is a 12 largest exporting state in the country in the Twin Cities are the 8th largest exporting metro area in the nation. Our economy is really tied to the global economy to a foreign trade last year and Like the Twin City exports grew three times faster than the state's economy almost five times faster than the US economy. So when you have 8% of your gross State product consisting of exports other nations Gary, we've got to continue to emphasize that and do everything we can here in Washington to open up those markets in the best thing we can do right now is past fast-tracked legislation giving the administration authority to negotiate these important trade agreements, but I fear it's not going to happen today as we take the boat given those storm clouds is the tax cut so well advised at this point, would it be better to wait and see how this plays out before cutting into government revenues you can well again, we're talkin about giving the projected Surplus in and I think it's also important to remember those the revenue projections were very very conservative. I talked to a number of Economist of all political Persuasions and ideological bent and they All concur that the 2% that growth rate for the next for the years of projected that was very very modest so that we should realize those revenues and that's why we we only took 10% of the projected Surplus or 80 billion dollars over five years for tax relief and that's why we put the 90% of projected the Surplus into a separate fun to protect Social Security and some of their District Congressman. Jim ramstad is our guests this our back to the phones Brian with a question. Go ahead Place payment and pay attention to the legalities have but to the extent on a number, of course, we're talking about the Lewinsky Affair but to the extent it's a political issue. I learned as Republicans that the nation is seeing the president going about his business the business of the nation and the Republicans are going about Business of Kenneth Starr and I think he's undermining. This is undermining our ability both at the local and in the National Arena to make the kinds of games and changes that we need to make it seems as though we should I as as a party say we were not going to answer in apologies. I to mmpr, but we should not go on the radio and or television and talk about this were only talk about taxes and The Business of the nation and and show that we are the ones that charge will have trouble with flirting Aguirre eichtens First Amendment rights to ask questions about the whatever you wants to ask him. But but I are your points well-taken. I I think, you know obviously too much time is being consumed by this issue, and we've got to get it. The result is expeditiously as possible you The first part of your remarks sounded like the statement. I've been giving two of my colleagues fact, they should note that again today. Most of the caller is virtually all of them do want to discuss this in some way. I can I guess, you know, it isn't every day that you that Congress considers impeaching a president. So it's not unusual. That's right because some are now saying that the rest of the election could very well become a referendum on this issue because nobody is predicting that's going to be resolved prior to a November 3rd and that you know is it's too bad because he likes it should be a referendum on fiscal policy some of the social policy some of the other things were working on foreign policy and so forth policy issues, but said it appears now it's going to be a referendum on the Yes, the scandal in Denton and it's going to what really I determine what ultimately happens in the whole Monica Lewinsky matter. You think it would be fair for people to insist after you folks get back. The session is done. You get back home. You've had a chance to kind of digest some of the materials. Would it be fair for voters to ask all the candidates? Well, you going to impeach him or no? Is that a legitimate question for voters to put to you folks will be running. Why didn't the legitimate questions for sure it is and then I'm afraid that they're just like this, you know midday program new day program has been dominated by questions concerning the Scandal or I'd like to talk about providing a more access to substance abuse treatment for those 26 million Americans who are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. I'd like to be talking about the other policy a matters right now that are that are so important to the American people like education environment, you know, some of the crime and drug issues. I'd like to be talked about campaign Finance reform. I'm saddened that the as one who pushed hard to get to Shea's me and Bill just a companion bill to mccain-feingold past. We got to pass the house, but we couldn't get enough Senators to break off a filibuster. I like to be talked about Healthcare reform patient protection act and so forth. But instead were talking about the Monica Lewinsky scandal and I'm afraid Similarly. Could soon Mike your question for Congressman ramstad place. question about the 1996 thank you, and I'm wondering something other than I was wondering if well, I find my guess my questions related to the regional Bella brand companies with her using tremendous amount of lobbying money and Court money into quarts to tie up the court to prevent prevent competition in a local Loop. I'm a telecommuter and I and I and I see technology being deployed today that's been around for 5-10 years and I believe the reason why it's not innovating very quickly in a reason why we're going to have to build more and more highways in this country and the interstate highway system is going to have to be overhauled is that we don't have to tell the communications we should have in this country embarrassing or something. There's some Eastern European countries that have better telecommunications structures and we have in 95% of this country. When ironically that was the policy reason for passing the Telecommunications Act of the rationale to to make us competitive with other nations around the world and to provide modernization of our resources, and and so forth the equipment. I would like to visit with you further on that if you call my Bloomington office and set up a time I'd really appreciate hearing from you because if there's something specific complaints for suing to the new statute, I'd like to know about him, you know, if the law is not being followed if there are some problems. Let's revisit. It packed. I was talking to my car actually who who wrote that the bill is one of the lead to sponsors on that bill. I just the other day about a similar complaint from a from another Minnesotan and death. So, I'd appreciate that may be further another area of competition during the Northwest airline strike. We heard repeated calls. We need more competition in our area there anything that the Congress could or should do to encourage more Airline competition in our area. Well, certainly again. That was the theory behind the airline deregulation as well as to increase competition and whereas ignore wet. Northwest has served us well in Minnesota, it's certainly more competition would be mean the lower prices or consumers and I think within certain reason that within certain bounds, I think we need to look at some some of those options that would enhance a competition Congressman. You think a couple more questions here then we need to wrap up all the talk about the Lewinsky matter. Do you suppose it's going to have any kind of long-term effect on keeping otherwise good potential candidates out of the Arena. I think that's a very conceivable. I've heard that many many people say that to people I respect that. You don't want fortunate politics to come a little bit like mud wrestling people are looking and not so much to discuss the important to problems facing this nation is a policy issues. But rather some of the personal mudslinging if you will and you know, that's a fortune words. We want people of good moral standing in public office certainly on both sides of the aisle. I think we also have to keep in mind that we do have some serious problems in Minnesota as well as the rest of the nation and we need to be mine for the really what the public service is all about. I think people are really getting turned off by campaigns may become so negative and you got the part of it Gary of people. Just want to Subjective sales to those kind of of assaults and I mean good people good moral people are being attacked with frivolous allegations. And that's really unfortunate. If we if our political system has come to them and if you could wave a wand anyting could be done should be done to get people more interested in the political system Midway wanted a I have Cheryl Ranch at fossil Ector County attorney. We need people of that stature and that the Integrity song who's running for that office for all the right reasons and who has the incredible experience is 23 years is a federal prosecutor, you know people I've encouraged my sister my only sibling to get into public service and certainly nobody's going to be attacking her. So that's the kind of person we need in public service and I both sides now again Democrats and Republicans Independence alike. Thank you your enjoy visiting with you. Appreciate a Third District Congressman, Jim ramstad, Minnesota ranking Republican in terms of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation. You wanting us today from Washington. This is midday coming to you on Minnesota Public Radio, by the way, thanks to all of you been with us. So this our especially those of you who called in or try to call in with your questions and comments. We're going to take a just a momentary break here reminder over the noon hour Westminster Town Hall Forum featuring. Dr. Joycelyn Elders former Surgeon General. I'm Ray Suarez those bottles in the health food store might look like they contain drugs, but they don't dietary supplements and herbs can affect your health, but they're regulated more like Food and Drugs joint Ira Flatow on the next Science Friday for a look at dietary supplements and Herbal Remedies, how safe and effective are they on the next Talk of the Nation from NPR news? documentation begins at 1 this afternoon


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