MPR Special: Gubernatorial candidates' views on economic development

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An MPR Special presenting interviews with all seven major party gubernatorial candidates on economic development, followed by listener reaction to the candidates. Program begins with brief reports on the various candidates.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

It's 6 minutes past 11. Midday is on the way after this test of the emergency alert system. And that was a test of the emergency alert system. Good morning, and welcome to mid-day on Minnesota Public Radio on John Ray be sitting in for Gary eichten Stadium jobs housing even that I glazing program called tax increment financing their fried what's called economic developments and this weekend Minnesota Public Radio as part of our special campaign coverage leading up to the September 15th primary election. We've been hearing from all of the major candidates for Governor on their Economic Development plans. If they're elected in November today on the first hour of our midday program when you hear all seven of those reports, you can compare with the candidates are saying then we'll be up in the phone line so we can hear your reactions to the candidates proposal economic development is our theme in this our let's begin with the Republican Party endorse candidate for governor. Norm Coleman here is Minnesota public radio's Martin Koski economic development is Norm Women's issue on the campaign Trail. He constantly points to what he considers the economic Renaissance. He's brought to Saint Paul Ecolab is expanding downtown Boston software bringing in a thousand jobs Downtown. St. Paul companies is talking about another major expansion downtown. There is a sense of what happens is that when you have that sense of confidence and hope you get investment Democrats on the other hand are hoping to use that same Economic Development record to defeat Norm Coleman taking their cue from last year's public outcry against State funding for a Twins stadium. They're focusing on Coleman's hockey arena project in St. Paul which depends in part on state and city funding the DF dollars are trying to paint Coleman as a friend of overpaid professional athletes. But Norm Coleman says, he's proud of what he's done the return of the NHL that was about hope It's about you know, it it's about a new Arena that's going to generate 1.4 million more people to record downtown. And by the way without with without any Saint Paul property tax dollars and investment from the state is an interest-free loan. We're getting a business that's coming in that will generate between 3 and 8 million dollars a year in new taxes, but it's not just about that. It's about hope last year the Minnesota Twins pressured the state legislature for a subsidized ballpark saying the team couldn't stay here without one in the face of intense public hostility to the idea the Minnesota house voted down. What was Bill at the time as a last-chance stadium financing plan now almost a year later team owner Carl pohlad has agreed to keep the twins here for at least another two years even without the new stadium but most politicians expect. He'll be back the state capitol after the election hat in hand. The reception pohlad gets will depend in large part on who's Governor Norm Coleman says if he's in the governor's off, He'll treat the twins like any other business to put in a special category because it's Sports. Look at the Opera look at the Community Asset and then figure out if there's a way to keep it yet. It's just sleep pruned. Coleman says his political foes are distorting his record on economic development in general and exaggerating his attitude towards sports teams in particular. He says he picks Economic Development projects that most people can support and he says his attitude toward economics in general reflects the will of the majority of taxpayers. I fought a corn when they had a circle jobs ordinance that would have destroyed small business in the City 60% of the people voted supported my position. I haven't lost a major policy initiative before my city council. They're almost all Democrats because my style of leadership has been bringing people together if Norm Coleman is elected and if the Twins stadium comes up again, he says he'll be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the last Stadium campaign. Last year the pohlad's and Governor Carlson lost a lot of public support for the stadium by appearing heavy-handed a situation only made worse by polites threat to move the team next time around if there is a next time Coleman promises not to in his words Ram a plan down people's throats. At the capitoline Martin kosty Minnesota Public Radio as you'll hear all of the other candidates have been criticizing Norm Coleman on the stadium issue as Minnesota public radio's Karen Louise Booth reports the dfl party endorsed candidate. Mike Freeman has been one of those leading the charge there's a general sense of economic contentment in the state particularly in the Metro region that appears to be bullying the gubernatorial candidates plans for economic development. Mike Freeman's proposals include funding for education and job training to help repair the future Workforce of the state Freeman says, he's committed to those businesses and industries that have ties to Minnesota resources production of Steel on the Iron Range. Directed towards agriculture because we're going to have crops grown here and how we add value to our crops hear some Minnesota Farmers are in trouble because of low crop prices and natural disasters Freeman says, the prices farmers are being paid for their crops don't cover the cost of production or any kind of return on their investment with $2.10 corn or $4.25 beats. We need to work with the federal government to improve markets markets overseas a return on investment for a farmer Freeman's plan to boost Family Farms includes a moratorium on large-scale corporate feedlots uses more study is needed over their impact on local economies. And the environment housing is another issue linked to Economic Development. Freeman says there needs to be more affordable housing for workers in Minnesota for the last 2 years. What are the biggest barriers to economic development is lack of Housing and I think there's a number of things we can do to enhance that we all set table for will housing and available housing near where development is occurring that means in urban areas to wear Freeman says the cleanup and revitalization of vacant polluted lands in cities is helping create new business and industry Ventures by where people can walk to work or it's a short hop on the bus makes a lot more sense than building massive new highways in wastewater treatment facilities in Far run suburbs for people have a 15 to 45-minute commute on the contentious issue of Public Funding for private sports stadiums Freeman opposes it he says it's one issue that defines him from his potential November opponent Saint Paul Mayor Norm Coleman building a hockey luxury suites in excess of a hundred million dollars to move a software company from one side of the, Mississippi. Do the other both of those would not have occurred if my criminal governor, and says his opponents are distorting his record on economic development and are exaggerating his views on sports stadiums in particular but in an ad that began airing in northeastern Minnesota Freeman attacks Coleman keep its concerns of the working class against the business interests of the Metro region luxury stadiums in the city's that's wrong. I'll say no to billionaire team owners. And yes to the Working Families of Northeast Minnesota and Freeman is proposing for Rural Minnesota is the relocation of some State functions and services. For example, the financial operations of taxpayer Services could be relocated from Saint Paul much like the revenue Department's partial move to Ely. This is Karen Louise Booth, Minnesota Public Radio. It's a quarter past 11. If you're just joining the midday program will hearing today from all the major candidates for Governor on economic development and what they do with their elected governor speaking of the economy both the Dow NASDAQ and down significantly at this hour and the Dow down more than 90 points the NASDAQ more than 50 later this hour. We hope to hear from you and get your reaction with a can that's her saying right now. Let's hear from two more dfl candidates Minnesota public radio's Laura McCollum Begins the segment with a report on attorney general. Skip Humphrey several factors are necessary for economic development. If businesses have well-trained workers competitive tax rates good transportation and internet access. They can provide quality jobs anywhere in the state of Minnesota unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There are pockets of high joblessness and Humphrey says the state can make it more attractive for businesses to locate in rural communities and inner-city neighborhoods. funny that selling worldwide and so we need to make sure that there is the kind of electronic access and access to markets that companies need. So that's very important. Now the other part of that is particularly in some of the more poverty-stricken areas. We need to make sure that businesses feel comfortable expanding in those areas. I'll tell you I am very pleased to see the commitment that Honeywell has made for example in the Phillips neighborhood proposal includes funding for all of the areas. He considers vital for economic development Public Safety technology worker training transportation and business property tax relief, he's budging to clean up more of the states polluted industrial sites to stimulate growth in urban areas. Humphrey says when used properly tax increment financing Can Be an Effective development tool, but he thinks Saint Paul City officials including mayor and Republican opponent Norm Coleman abused Tiff to Laura Lawson soft. I don't think we're doing the right thing when we say well economic incentives are to put 40 million dollars worth of tax dollars into moving a company from where from Minneapolis to st. Paul eye. That's an issue is I don't think public tax dollars should be used in Saint Paul to steal a company from Minneapolis to see competition between neighboring states for business. He says the Midwest should follow the example of states in the Northeast and South by banding together to lure companies to the region, but there's one area in which Humphrey thinks government should not invest sports stadiums. We don't need to be lining the pockets of wealthy sports club Owners with public dollars to have their teams have new stadiums. Well, then they can darn. Well, you don't find it themselves specs team owners are working together to pressure States across the country to build new Arenas as attorney general is investigating the Twins and Major League Baseball for possible antitrust violations because they threatened to move the team if the state doesn't build a ballpark. I'm Laura McCullough, Minnesota Public Radio this year the Twin Cities metro area. Are those the kind of economy and job growth that can make Economic Development seem passe, but such an issue dips are hardly out of place in rural Minnesota or unemployment ranges as high as 8% a new survey by the blandin foundation finds one of the top concerns of rural respondents is attracting quality jobs as the only candidate not from the metro area Doug Johnson is probably campaigning on his rural routes and Sensibility Johnson has repeatedly asked the governor to convene a special session of the state legislature to help Minnesota Farmers who have been hurt this season by low prices and crop disease. He says as Governor, he create a new agency to address emergency situations in rural, Minnesota. I have it to sell it I would be to put these these Farmland into the CPR program a federal program I which is used in that land is in use for wildlife and the federal government will pay for 50% of the of the crop that has to be put into that bad land for wild life cover. I'd like to see the state's a match that was State funds. That would be one example where Farmers would have a chance to be able to keep their land Johnson says such an agency would offer job retraining for farmers and try to attract other kinds of jobs to rural areas. He says it would require an investment by the state of 100 million dollars, which he would seek to match with private Foundation money combination of public and private funds there will be failures that you can pick up your dad, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep trying and I'm going to be an activist Governor that does business. Women around the country as well as trying to encourage these fast-growing Twin City companies that we have rapid job growth. Look at rural communities are to bring some of their growth to Johnson was in the thick of Economic Development strategies during the 1980s when the taconite industry collapsed causing severe unemployment on the Iron Range. He chairs the Iron Range resources and Rehabilitation board, which is dedicated to Reviving the economy in northeastern Minnesota. He says it's most successful Economic Development initiative was the bailout of Northwest Airlines as a condition for their funding package Northwest Airlines created new facilities and jobs in Chisholm and Duluth, but Johnson says government subsidies aren't his only strategy these days. He says it's more a matter of educating students and potential employers. The metropolitan area in other states are looking for High-Tech workers. We have to just make sure that our Educational Systems are producing those workers that we encourage students to go into those filled but going to have a combined effort between education and the employers of the State Fair of our students for those good paying jobs Johnson says if elected governor, he would meet with corporate leaders and tell them about the advantages of locating in rural areas. He's also committed to relocating government agencies outside of Saint Paul and has been especially critical of agencies with Urban addresses dealing with rural issues for the Department of Agriculture are headquartered in St. Paul. We have to disperse those functions to real communities in need around the state I worked on that before. Today there's over 50 good paying jobs from the Department of Revenue in Ely Minnesota, and we can do that in the North and the South and East and the West if there's a governor that that cares about it is motivated to try to make a difference and I intend to do that Johnson has also endorsed a 7 million dollar increase in advertising by the state tourism office both the tourism spending and the funding for his proposed rural development agency conflict with his proposal to freeze state agency spending, but he says he'll trim budgets in other areas to make up for them in Duluth. I'm a near Adel Minnesota Public Radio. We've heard from four of the seven major candidates for Governor on their plans for economic development. If they're elected reminder that later this hour we want your reaction to what the candidates are saying right now. Let's hear from the final two dfl candidates Ted Mondale and Mark Dayton here again is Minnesota Public Radio smart and caste of the Centrist Democratic leader. Council which means sometimes he sounds positively Republican this is especially true on economic themes. He believes in slimming down government and cutting taxes and he thinks government should be in the business of helping business on the other hand. He says some Pro business tax breaks are wasteful and he says even some business leaders have told him that they don't need the help the businesses don't want it. Why are we giving it to them? And so I think that we as we prioritize where we need to go we have to see what are high priorities as an example of Economic Development run-amok points to TIF district special zones where City's let companies use their own property taxes to develop their business Mondale says that if idea is appropriate for some economically depressed areas, but most businesses do not need the tax break should be used for Burger King's it shouldn't be used for things that are already going to happen in the markets going to drive. It should be used for redevelopment of decaying and On existing infrastructure to help these areas rebuild and stay market-competitive Mondale says the emphasis on Tif districts and economic development zones does nothing to solve the most urgent need in Minnesota's economy. Skilled workers. Rural Minnesota has been experiencing an especially acute labor shortage lately and Mondale says the Statewide economy won't stay healthy unless the problem is fixed the business Community everyone. They're not looking for a new building to be built there looking for a supply of workers to be able to do the task and the workers are saying hey, I need the skills to do a better job. Minnesota does not suffer from a lack of job training programs. Mondale says, he's counted 140 programs in the Twin Cities alone. But he says these programs tend to be too basic usually training workers for what he calls short-term fix jobs. He says a better idea would be to let businesses tap into a special State Fund. To help give their workers whatever Advanced Training they believe would be most useful and mondale's worker training plans get even more ambitious. He says a college education is what the Minnesota worker really needs and he says the state should pay the college tuition of every Minnesotan graduates from high school with at least a b average Mondale says the scholarships would be capped at State School levels, but the program would still cost a lot. He has to makes $90 a year. Once the program gets going when it comes to the most controversial of Economic Development issues public money for sports stadiums. Mondale says, he's not interested. He says the arguments for subsidize sports stadiums are perfect examples of what he considers outdated thinking old Economic Development. Theories were supposed to build brick and mortars and then great things would happen. You know, the old theory was work old Omaha unless we have a sports team. You don't nobody want to come here. They came here and we've got all these Economic activity the economy's great. It's going to go away unless we improve the skills of our workers. That's what's going to build a governor Carlson his named another Blue Ribbon commission to consider ways to pay for new sports stadiums and he's indicated that he'd like a plan in hand this fall but Mondale says if he's elected governor, he'll be in no rush to tackle the issue. In fact, he's promising to declare a one-year moratorium on any discussions of stadium plans at the capitoline Martin Koski, Minnesota Public Radio people living in Minnesota is rural areas, especially along the Iron Range are wondering how long the improved economy will last farmers are facing a growing crisis because of low crop prices and small towns are losing the best and the brightest to larger cities Mark Dayton says federal price supports for Farmers is an issue for the federal government to resolve but he says there's a lot the state can do to Advocate fair farm policies still he say Solid economy is one that's diverse and beneficial and might really make a difference in what an end that we can do right now. He recalls an old Mantra that became familiar to him in the late seventies and mid-80s when he was the states Commissioner of Economic Development under the late Governor Rudy perpich jobs jobs jobs. Dayton says, it's the number one priority for any Governor, but he says when the state negotiates deals and contracts with private businesses officials must insist on the kind of return needed for a wise investment like the Northwest Airlines deal, which was a great idea. But unfortunately the state of Minnesota just tossed them what they needed and didn't come in and and insist upon the kind of return which we should have received and then when would they did make a promise which they kept in Duluth button and right now it shows only when they when they put in reservation Clerks $79 an hour instead of machinist at 18 to $20 an hour with full benefits. The state said did nothing about it support Allstate bailouts for companies, but he doesn't like the term corporate welfare either. He says Tif districts can help spur economic development in areas of the state their zones were cities, let companies use their own property taxes to develop and expand targeted tax incentives to induce businesses to do certain project which have economic benefit. Versus not doing them or doing them somewhere else. I believe it that's appropriate public expenditure again, if you've done the analysis and and believe that the public benefit is going to be greater than the public cost still subject of public money for sports stadiums. Dayton isn't willing to play the game. Should should remind you be subject to the same economic evaluation under any scenario. I've seen so far they're going to fall the side of the lie on the on the on the on the side of you know, there's not enough economic gain to justify. This public cost has been named by the governor to study more ways to fund a new sports stadium and a plan is expected to fall into the administration's hands before the next legislative session begins. But Jaden says if he's elected governor, it wouldn't be his first priority of the new session. This is Karen Louise Booth Minnesota Public Radio the midday program. I'm John Ray be sitting in for Gary eichten her focus in this hour is economic development and what the candidates for Governor are proposing on that topics and just a few minutes. We want your reaction to what you're hearing the candidates saying and they been saying quite a lot. They've been talking about the stadium issue pro and con they've been making claims and counterclaims they're talking about Rural Minnesota and what's happening up in the Iron Range and some of the crises that farmers are facing and the downtown's and some of they are tougher neighborhoods. So we want to know in just a few minutes what you think about what you're hearing the candidate saying are they speaking to your heart? Are they speaking to your pocketbook? Call us at 227-6002 to 76 thousand in the Twin Cities or one 800-242-2828 toll-free 1-800 242-2828 will get your calls in just a moment, but let's conclude our series of reports with a report on Reform Party candidate Jesse Ventura Minnesota public radio's Laura McCollum development in terms of business retention and job creation, but Jesse Ventura has only one idea for spurring economic growth lower taxes for businesses and individuals in the private sector you will then have grade economics. Development if we all have more money to spend guess what we're going to do. We're going to invest it and spend it which is going to do what create a better economy borders on Reaganomics cut taxes and everything else will take care of itself. In fact, his campaign is adopting a near singular theme lower taxes less government. He manages to turn a discussion of Economic Development into a pitch for a national sales tax sales tax. You would get the gross of your check and you would decide what you are taxed on by what you bought now. What else does that do it gets everyone drug dealers. Illegal aliens tourists everyone would pay to the economy and what it also does it puts the government then on a direct budget with the economy if the economy struggle so would government so would be in government's best interests tend to keep the economy good right. Now the government doesn't suffer private citizens do with the economy goes bad Ventura sees little role for government indirect investment in businesses and just as he tells a leaner more efficient government, it doesn't want to tax dollars paying for new sports facilities as a former pro wrestler Ventura is an avid sports fan with season tickets to the Minnesota Timberwolves. He says he'd consider other ways to keep professional sports teams in Minnesota, including an expansion of gambling have no problem with Slots of Canterbury if they put a big sign on them saying every nickel of profit from this goes to stadiums. Because that way the perp the people are then volunteer paying they can't complain if there's a big sign there they know when they put a buck in that slot and lose where it's going. Why haven't they simply gone to the public and Shay who wants to volunteer to help pay for a stadium? Heck I might throw in a hundred bucks Stadium issue is one that divides Ventura and his Republican opponents st. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman, although the two have similar views on taxes and spending Ventura has attacked Coleman for the deal to build a new st. Paul hockey arena same proceeds will go to an out-of-state owner unlike the Target Center in Minneapolis that were entertainers pay rent to the government been through his first views on economic development. It may cost him votes outside of the Twin Cities while sparing Economic Development clearly isn't Ventura is top priority a new survey by the blend in Foundation fines in El State Minnesota. It's the most important issue to voters on Laura McCullum, Minnesota Public Radio. Economic Development proposals and it's time for you to weigh in invite you to give us a call with your reaction to what the candidates are saying about stadiums and jobs and even tax increment financing. Give us a call at 227-6010 the Twin Cities to 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828 1 800-242-2828 the toll-free line to 276 thousand in the Twin Cities are one 800-242-2828. / Norm Coleman talking about. What he says he's done in downtown st. Paul. We've heard that the Freeman talking about the Iron Range and banning big feedlot. Skip Humphrey talking about getting everybody online and that'll help with businesses across the state Doug Johnson talking about what he do in rural areas talking with Ted Mondale. We heard him talking about his policies many people say he sounds very Republican. We've got Mark Dayton saying jobs jobs jobs and Jesse Ventura talking about slots at Canterbury, maybe two For a stadium and also the national sales tax, so there's lots to talk about for the next 20 minutes or so. Before we go to a Writer's Almanac. Give us a call and let us know what you're thinking on economic development and especially what you've been hearing the candidates saying or not saying to 27 6001 800-242-2828 the first call in just a moment. I'm a little pain, but this week a Federal Court ruled that the Census Bureau cannot use statistical sampling techniques to supplement the 2000 census and it must stick to the traditional count those in favor of sampling say the results will be more accurate those supposed to say it violates the Constitution joint Ira Flatow on the next Science Friday for a look at this debate Talk of the Nation from NPR news. Talk of the Nation comes your way from 1 to 3 weekday afternoons on Minnesota Public Radio Minnesota public radio's Main Street radio coverage of Royal issues is supported by the blandin foundation committed to strengthening rural communities through the community leadership program your calls in just a moment first the forecast on cloudy and 71 in the Twin Cities and we're looking at a partly cloudy day with a high around 85° mostly clear overnight down to about 58 and then partly cloudy in the Twin Cities tomorrow up to 80 cross the state today partly cloudy with highs from the mid-seventies and arrow head to the mid-80s in the southwest. It's midday, Minnesota Public Radio. I'm John Ray be sitting in for Gary. Eichten who is busy going over all the issues right now preparing for the big gubernatorial debate that he will be moderating out at the state fair tomorrow at noon. Hope you tune in for that. So I'm sitting in and I were talking about Economic Development. We've heard all the candidates have to say about economic And now it's time to hear what you have to say about it. And so let's go to Matt. I'm at what do you think about what you heard all the candidates say? Hello, I listen to thanks for taking my call. First of all, so sure I couldn't refrain from calling in and commenting on other people were discussing real estate taxes in our state and I think that is one of the most widespread in uniform subjects that the voters would like to see addressed. Why is it important to you that grew up in the cities and my wife and son and I decided to build a family farm or buying Old Farm and we started out by Princeton Minnesota by in 35 acres and putting up Barnes and fences and actually building a farm and in a five-year. Are real estate taxes went from $250 to 3300 the minute we started building the farm. So we recently moved out to Ottertail County and by the 1800s Family Farm which way are we storing Andre developing into a working farm again? And I have this interfere. That's my taxes there when I just bought at the Springer $510 are going to turn into 5500 the minute I get up and running I get your point here, but tell me why something should be done about this you're making improvements on the land. So theoretically you can make some profit off at I guess an answer yet to pay higher. I mean if you sold that it be worth more, right? So why shouldn't you have to pay so much in taxes? I didn't hear any of the candidates are Governors discussing the issue of real estate taxes, and I personally feel the root of the problem is real estate taxes. Get the Scots for businesses because I have a on organization and effort to influence politicians wear your average folks just kind of deals with them and they don't have a group voice to get down to the legislature and say jeezy and all we don't think it's fair to pay x amount of dollars your ear hurting are you know our ability to stay in business out here as well. That was my original point. I guess I'll bring that up. Thanks very much Matt for calling in 22 minutes before 12 and you're listening to mid-day on Minnesota Public Radio on we've got Robert on the line from St.Paul. Hi Robert bottoms. These are things that we used to finance like the Lawson deal downtown in the state and the new hockey winter things like that. Question, I'm going to give you some background history if we will remember what happened in the early 80s when we had all the development downtown. We putting adult ear plugs we put in Town Square and everything those two projects both defaulted, which is 120 million dollars. We sold for 11 million dollars, which means who took up the slack in that the taxpayer did we was once before held accountable for that just happens to be a repeated seen it happen with me this development with cycle wind up getting the default. If I should win the next person's going to get the default default on the Larson thing. We're holding a lot of General obligation bonds there and they are they come back to the taxpayer. If there is a default on the project. Are you saying that? Mr. Coleman is doing it as a platform. It's just it seems like that at this point in time. And I don't think that's fair that was not spelled out to the people completely. So what do the candidates need to say about the obligation to this? What am I going to get hung out for if there is a default? Nobody has addressed that issue yet. I was going to say we don't think there's going to be a dick but we think it was all has it happened with those here in town square. It's going to happen again here. You know what? It's like, you know you go downtown Saint Paul and it's pretty dead. And that's as a consequence of those major defaults downtown you no obligation bonding because that's where we'd as a taxpayer pick up the if there is a default weird and pick those up. I was just being facetious. Do you know it is little more lively. They've been there almost 5 years. I've been here now this more lively than it was five years ago isn't downtown at night to The Burbs, you know, there's nothing downtown to the taxis downtown. If you got to do something to do economically downtown and candidates in any area throughout the states to the downtown Port is viable and that includes in rule areas to through a lot. I've been to a lot of rural communities and some of those places are really dying. What's the blending Foundation is saying is very You got to have certain things to go along with the development housing is one thing. Got to have his phone house housing market there and there's an affordable one. We don't see that and Rule Minnesota because it cost more to build and what the person is making to make the payments will my Freeman among others. I just talking about getting some affordable housing in rural Minnesota that you're encouraged by then tax credit program, then it makes it viable and that's what that's what we need to do is to find more sources for that kind of money. And I think whoever the legislation has to work with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and and private developers to make sure that we had this kind of housing in rural areas and we have to spend some of this out a bit. So this low income housing out a bit centralized in the city like it is presently need to let you know Robert and disclosure the credit actually just read 10 minutes ago. Blandon is one of our funders and let's go to Tim on the line from Minneapolis. Hi, Tim. Thank you for taking my call. So we heard all the candidates. What do you think? Oh, well, I'd like to applaud their efforts and improving education and I would kind of like the role of that scene where they are looking to the Future and I think it's very important for for a governor to be very future minded and that's why I'd I'd like to to mention that I'm I'm kind of disappointed that no one really mentioned ecotourism and I would that might hold for for Minnesota in the future. I know the u.s. Forest service has released report saying that by the year 2038 point four times the jobs 38.4 more jobs can be provided to Eco tourism and a 34.8 times the money to be provided three four twos and they're supposed to timbering and you know, a lot of the economic direction that it's going in up in northern Minnesota right now. And you know, I just like to I think it's something that you know, if if Governors are going to be future minded, which is obviously very important. I think that's something that should be addressed. His which is your favorite candidate. Who do you want to pick up this Banner? Well, no one's really taken much of a lead in this but I think I'm leaning towards Freeman right now. I'm trying to listen as much as I can to keep up on all this so I'm going to let you go before I get run over by that play. Thanks a lot for calling in and I'll let's go to Nancy on the line for Minneapolis financing. Thank you for calling. My concern is the urban environment and the rural environment and I'm curious on where the candidates stand with the Highway 55 reroute. I believe that the old on highway is just fine and would be perfect Corridor for light rail. I would also like to see a tax credit for Farmers that choose to do non chemical and organic farming back up just a second and let's let's talk about that the farming issue in just a second but Highway 55 the big debate over over plans for it. How does that connect go with you and economic development appropriation of funds. I believe that we can put a highway through existing Corridor with light rail to the Mall of America and to the airport. I believe that you know, we've lost over 5,000 trees this year due to storm damage and I do not That we can afford to lose a question for you or or different economic development. I think it's a misappropriation of funds. I think that we can use the existing Corridor and not use the money's to put through a new highway and I'm really concerned about the oak Savannah and the natural springs that are there. Okay. What about what was the farming issue you're talking about. I guess I would like to see put into place. This is more of a comment a tax credit for people that choose to use organic and non chemical Farm to use permaculture and other things that are not detrimental to the environment. And I don't think that we really appreciate and or support organic farming and community supported agriculture as much as we couldn't this state sounds like an interesting idea Minnesota, you know, extremely well known around the world or whatever for organic farming in Sweden, but their model Farm is organic now and it's saying what do you hear the candidates saying that you either like or don't like I really think they waste far too much time with big Sports, you know, I think that there's other things that are more important. I mean, it's wonderful for the children and four I think that's what they need to focus on. I think Sports is not a month. They don't need to focus on the money in the ticket sales. They need to focus on how Sports help children with self-esteem and make more seating available for low-income families. Midday radio. I'm John raabe Writer's Almanac on the way in just about 8 minutes or so stay tuned for that and the news headlines at the top of the hour including an update on the northwest situation and this reminder that in the next hour of Madeira going to do a bunch of things regarding Northwest will get you an update from Eric Jansen who is staking out to the pilots hang out right now and he'll tell us what developments there are in this looming striking on the deadline is one minute past 11 tonight and don't know yet if there's going to be a settlement or not before that. There's talk on both sides So Reagan Play from Eric and then we're going to bring in an expert travel agent to kind of help you work around a possible strike and figure out what you should do in the aftermath. Will there be a big sale for what should you look for? How do you make your travel plans? And we may also and check in with an expert on labor negotiations to get some insight into what might be happening. That's all coming up from 12 to 1. Midday. Stay tuned. We continue talking about economic development now and go to Steve from Avon High Steve Dale's proposal to pay for college expenses for high school students who maintain a B average I am I correct. That is a stance. That sounds about right. What what is what do you think about it? I wondered if he's really crunched the numbers. I know when are School District presently between 55 to 60% of our students are maintaining a b average? And talking to students teachers and other districts in this area. That's right where they are at 2 and I'm just wondering if if he's ever really crunched the numbers. I think the days of C&D students making up 70% of the student body are long gone and maybe never to return and I'm just wondering if taxpayers can realistically pay College expenses for Possibly hundreds of thousands of students every year do you think it would make sense to raise the bar and make it a student's for instance? Is this a good idea? Maybe need some tweaking? I think the only way to approach it would be to base it on test scores on the ACT scores be collecting what would happen if proposal his dad is going to create the Rockwell make of example is already pressure on teachers who to give students like a b average so that they can and drop their car insurance cause I hear that all the time really sure parents a man. He just needs if you can pull a bee in your class is going to save us $20 a year. And most teachers do not Buckle to that but to be realistic if I'm if I'm teaching a senior and the difference between 1 grade might mean difference between that kid going to college or not. He's going to get that grade up. So I think to put it on subjective rating by teachers is a recipe for disaster and I think the only way to approach it would be to look at a standardized test. What a but what if we look at it from the other side wouldn't removing that pressure then make teachers grade more fairly. Yeah, I probably would and I in this is this was this is why most teachers are opposing the profile of learning because we need to pay for more kids college that was a dinner. We can make that I think they need help for 20 years and I'm eating more and more former students who are coming out of college with 32 $40,000 of debt and starting off at 15 to $20,000. They're buried. I just don't think Canada mondale's idea is workable and if I heard him say it over and over again, but I've never really heard him talk in detail about what that might mean. I just wondered if you'd I just curious if he's done his homework or not. Sure if you come to the fair at noon, we're wearing that debate listen in and got it on the air tonight. Thanks very much for calling out and let's go to John and out State, Minnesota. Hi, John. I was listening to your program and listen to the party talking about property tax and how is property taxes increased in Princeton and that he had to move daughter Tail County to Vineland where you take property taxes based on the value of the land and I think the value of the land probably in Princeton is probably inflated because of Poor Regional planning in that is said that sprawling Development Center moving into the land to be valued not on the basis of the highway under the cops a good girl, but on the houses that control what what part of Minnesota do you live in a lot of moral issues. Did you like or dislike what you heard right back? Where you back in for? Governor? I guess I haven't made up my mind there so many candidates that I've eliminated a few but I won't go into the negative side of it. Okay. Thanks. And thanks. I'd like to fit in one more call. So thanks John for calling up must go to Todd on the line from Saint Paul high tide of a national sales tax in Ferry. Just looking at some a lot of the economic thing from it, but I wonder what he plans on doing for. For Public Works projects projects for the poor things like that that don't rely on sales taxes and I'll hang up and listen in I don't have an answer for you know, cuz I'm not an expert on that and Jesse's not hear what it what do you want him to do? I'm not sure. I just I was listening to it and I'm trying to figure out how to work. It sounds great. I mean maybe maybe partial. Reducing taxes and doing some of it more as on a national National level, but they still need to be something across the border to pay for public projects. I think right now, I'm really not sure. I haven't made up my mind. I tend to vote Democratic but there's a million candidates many to read up and listen up a little bit more and find out some of the issues calling up and let's try to fit in Paul hear from Eagan High Paul resources. It better be spent on more advanced system. And I hope you think might say that. But I think someone intelligent leader should Johnson saying that the emissions testing was stupid. What you got a lot of people agreeing with him, I think thanks for calling in and thanks for taking part in our 20-minute talk of Minnesota about Economic Development. Stay tuned for Writer's Almanac. What would you ask the candidates for Governor? Give me your opinion on year-round schooling. I'd like to know how you as a governor would plan to keep repeat offenders off the streets or would you as a governor keep businesses from leaving Minnesota and then attract new ones to Minnesota with the questions in this debate join us Saturday at noon at the Minnesota Public Radio State Fair Booth or on the air k n o w FM 91.1 in the Twin Cities. Coming up in the next hour of midday will check in and get the latest on the northwest situation and then take your calls get you some help as potential passengers stay tuned. Midday continues on Minnesota Public Radio time now for Garrison Keillor and Writer's Almanac


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