George Wozniak on looming NWA strike's impact to travelers

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George Wosniak, travel agent and president of Hobbit Travel in the Twin Cities, sorts out consumer information in the event of a strike of Northwest Airlines pilots. Wosniak also answers listener questions.

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Like Mike 6 minutes past 12 programming on Minnesota Public Radio is supported by standard heating and air conditioning the Twin Cities Home Comfort Experts for 69 years featuring York Heating and Cooling products. Good afternoon, and welcome back to mid-day on Minnesota Public Radio on Gary eichten. Glad you could join us. Well, as you heard it looks like Northwest Airlines might continue flying after all there are reports that a tentative contract agreement is near now between Northwest and the pilots of Northwest and if there is an agreement that would head off threatened pilot strike that's been scheduled to begin at 11 Friday night. That's how we're going to keep you updated on all the latest developments as the story unfolds and joining us here in the studio to give us a better idea. What all this means for the traveler is George Wozniak president of Hobbit travel here in the Twin Cities will be opening the phone lines in just a minute so you can get your specific travel questions answered but first of all, let's check in with Minnesota Public Radio is Eric Jansen, who is Ben interim checking in with the pilot Eric. What are you hearing here Kari at the Minneapolis Saint Paul International Airport where they Pilots set up an informational picket line about the 25 minutes ago or so and Dean Smith. Who was the vice chair of the North? What airline pilot strike committee says that the unit leadership told him that the reports that a settlement with Eminence are inaccurate that there's no truth to those reports. I should say. However that Federal mediators haven't post a news blackout to it's conceivable that even if it's settled at work clothes neither side would be able to say so publicly. However, you know at this point the union is officially saying that right now they are denying reports that a settlement is imminent. Okay. So keep us posted us know what you hear. Okay, I will thank you for checking in from Twin Cities International you been talking with the pilots out there George Washington act. You've been hearing something different well, and we've actually heard on our end this morning that they had gone by two major roadblocks. This scope issue of how the airlines can expand weather is going to be the Continental side of the northwest side and that that issue has been resolved which I apparently was a very big deal that we haven't heard a lot about And then that b scale pay issue that that had been resolved also now again, our information is coming from all different areas. But if in fact those two things were the big stumbling blocks and they're there then maybe that's good news for all the Minnesota consumers that are going to have to face all of the problems that this is going to create if in fact they haven't reached an agreement George Washing ex-president of Hobbit travel. And again, we invite you to give us a call here a great chance to get some real basic information on what you as a traveler or potential traveler on to do in this fluid situation to 276 thousand is our Twin City area number to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities 1-800. 242-282-8227 6001 800-242-2828 George Washington, cuz our guest this our president of Hobbit travel and again, of course, we'll keep you posted as and more news developments come in here on weather. In fact, there is a Settlement to the threatened pilot strike. There was some speculation George that one of the reasons there might be an agreement now is that it finally came time for Northwest to have to start canceling flights and that got a lot of people's attention a true that well. I think there's two sides of the cancellation deal on that is that they are going to cancel flights even if they go on strike so that and I and that comes as kind of an odd area when you are looking at it from our end or for that matter, if you are accustomed you say what GIF they're not going to go on strike. And why would they possibly ever cancel flights? Well, if you look at it from the airline point of view, it does make a lot of sense. They have to get airplanes back from specifically foreign countries that they're flying to they don't want to leave a plane and you know it in Mexico or in the Caribbean or someplace where they have a 30 or 40 or 50 million dollar airplane that they don't have someone watching over so they've designed the system so that the airplanes are within the areas that they want these planes to sit. So the airline has proposed to schedule that will allow All that from starting I believe on Friday morning or maybe even late Thursday going into the scheduled strike time, which is 11 on Friday night to at least have those airplanes in an area that they want him back. And I know that I've even heard that there are some heavy maintenance that they believe they can perform an aircraft in the event of a strike that normally they would have to phase in and out specifically on their wide body aircraft. So that was that in mind we're hearing right around 150 flights will be cancelled on Friday and also over 200 on Saturday, even if the airlines not on strike does that represent airplanes that are right now looking full with passengers on Friday and Saturday, it's hard to say whether that's the case. My guess is that they're probably weaker are flights that that will be affected but they're always went when you look at International flights and flights going out of this country on Northwest system. Many of them are domestic feed flight so that they actually have a domestic portion attached to him. So that would be affected if they were going to cancel flight. Let's say 2 to Mexico or to you know, Europe or Asia where they wanted to get those airplanes back from how would people know if they're booked on one of these hundred and seventy flights have been cancelled on Friday or the 230. They've been canceled on Saturday today. That's a good question doesn't updated list and we've obviously been requesting it for the whole morning since then the report came out they would be canceling I suspect they'll by this afternoon and I just came out of a meeting and our operation to get that information just as soon as we could then most agencies and the airline themselves have all the capability with the technology that we use to do a run on who is on those flights and then try and Reebok. Am I know Northwest is going to do their best to rebook in and that's where this whole triangle of problems are going to come into place because right now if you Look at us the system itself going east and west, you know, the real heavy corridors of travel out of the Twin Cities there seats available on American United Delta continental US Air America West all those Airlines have seats not every flight and not not, you know, maybe not to the specific time you want but if you decided today you had to travel this weekend you get where you want to go. So what is the problem going to take place with what we've been hearing about for almost a month that if Northwest with 80% of the activity out of here quits flying, you know, there's not going to be enough seats and truly that is the case but there are many people that first of all chosen not to travel at all for the next probably 7 to 10 days. So that took a huge number of problems away. The people that have decided that they're going to fly. We aren't worried about a strike good heads will prevail they're the ones that are probably going to be most affected when these cancellations take place. Not only the ones that are scheduled to take place, but in the event of a strike then all the sudden the 700,000 people that Northwest has reported are on Air flights are right around 80,000 people a day are going to be affected those will never be able to be absorbed by the system. We presently have in the Twin Cities and no Airline American Delta United all of the other reports that there's speculation that they were going to switch aircraft size and bring bigger airplanes in here to counteract Northwest is not going to be able to perform is absolute nonsense and it's not going to happen because first of all, you don't have the equipment and secondly don't have people to fly him or work the flight. So it's not that they they are not going to do that longer-term if there were strike with would they be in a position to do that or is that still wishful thinking? No, I think longer-term that what they're telling me and I think it makes sense when you really look at and what what for the whole system works is that the end of the month most Airlines specifically coming out of a busy season don't have pilots and flight crew that have a bunch of extra hours that they can all the sudden sale sure. We'd like to go to Minneapolis with a 747 rather than you know dc9 and what could they schedule it 30 days from the time? Strike possibly would it go that long? I guess it's just that you know, that's anybody's guess but for example, we we talked to American Airlines yesterday and their last concern really is Minneapolis in Northwest Airlines. There were they're worried about their own hubs and and their flights are full and that's all there really to worry about. So that that in the in the position is quite the same with the other major carriers United in the Deltas that they have their own systems to worry about and yes if they can help out with customers in the Twin Cities, they be more than happy to do it but there's not a lot of airplanes that are available because all these other airlines are pretty full to George Washington a kiss with us this our president of how to travel he stopped by to take your questions here about to the unsettled travel situation that we that we face. If you're just tuning in there are reports now that I kind of tracked agreement may be closed between Northwest and the pilots Union but in the meanwhile Northwest has already canceled some fly. Summer schedule for Friday and Saturday if there is a strike, of course if Friday night many many other flights would be cancelled matter fact North Westwood. Stop Flying does a great opportunity to get your specific questions answered. Give us a call to 276 thousand in the Twin City area to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828. Minnesota Public Radio is Elizabeth's he has been at Northwest headquarters at this morning and Elizabeth you go among other things found out that some of those flights have been cancelled Northwest is saying that there is no attempt of agreement. They say it's only a rumor and I also talked to a spokesperson for the pilots union. He says there's no test of agreement. As far as the cancellation of flights on Northwest as it will cancel 10% of its daily fly to beginning Friday that the 170 out of 1700 says it will also cancel another 230 flights on Saturday. And this is course is all even if the strike is a vertice the bulk of these lights are at the end of the day summer International but mostly domestic the company says the cancellations are necessary in order to allow of what they say is an orderly shutdown of the airline. And also he said it's necessarily necessary for an orderly start up for the airline in addition Northwest. Accepting any cargo shipments at 11 p.m. Tonight, and they don't believe that don't need to have any more cancellations prior to the strike date. Alright, keep us posted Elizabeth, but the long and the short of it both Northwest and the pilots are denying any agreement is so I have hand. Okay. Thanks a lot for Elizabeth's to Wiki's checking in from Northwest headquarters out at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International. Lots of colors are on the line with the travel questions for travel expert George Wozniak. So I got to see if you'd like to join them to 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. Let's see what start with U. Go ahead place of September. I purchase two full Fair tickets from Northwest and I have two companions tickets that I have cash miles for I'm going to come back on the 29th of September. I'm wondering what my options are. Especially considering that two out of my four tickets are real perks tickets. The frequent flyer types the 15th is a ways away. But let's just say they do go on strike and I'm there if they're striking during the. Of your of your travel you're going to have a big problem with a frequent flyer coupons and then we've heard specifically from Northwest that they will take any one that's on any type of traffic ticket including the frequent flyer types and move them on to another carrier. However, my my position on that is that the full fare tickets and Excursion tickets in any ticket possible. I will go in front of any frequent flyer ticket. So the question is is that do you think that Northwest if they do go on strike will be done by the 15th of September and if that's the case I are probably going to be okay except that will they be willing to take full fare passengers in front of the free? The flyer coupons. That's a big question. I I I I would think that if they're flying you're not going to have a problem if they're not going to be flying you're going to have a problem. Only with a frequent fliers which will be your biggest problem. But also with your own ticket so that you know, my my advice to you would be you can wait a little bit because you have a couple of weeks and there are multiple number of carriers that fly to London and you can redo your trip would I go over there with you know any type of a of a threat that a strike could occur whenever you don't have that problem because you're not going to be traveling till after the strike deadline time. But but you know, the the frequent fliers are going to be that those tickets in the low fare tickets are going to be the hardest ones to get on another airline because the other carriers are going to look at which coupons they want that they're going to get the most money out of know I've heard too that you can also get into a real bind here assuming there's a strike with the electronic tickets if you don't have a piece of paper in your hand. Where is everybody's been pushing the the internet get your tickets electronically, but I do by all means today tomorrow then, you know in the next hour because the e-tickets worthless with another carrier because they don't have record of it. So it's not a matter of them being bad guys. They just don't know that you have it. The e-ticket is a is at a record that's created in a electronic system that when you walk up and show your ID. It says you're who you are and they just give you a boarding pass. It just eliminates the use of having to have a paper ticket, but it doesn't do any good. If you want other service when service is not being provided by Northwest or for that matter any other Airline for you to have the ability to go to another airline and have them except a coupon that's worth a specific amount of money. And that's where this area is is such a gray area for which tickets are the other airlines going to keep if there's a hundred people that are going to Los Angeles on Saturday morning in Northwest goes on strike and they're leaving at 8 in the morning. There's only 50 seats on United Airlines which 50 tickets. Are they going to take which 50 of the hundred passengers is Northwest going to move over to that that flight if they have the ability to do so, so that's the big question is I don't know that take a second to take their $2,000 passengers the business Travelers and they're the first ones are going to be moved now. That's obviously my interpretation, but I think that's what will happen. Jeff your question place. Option Jeff is gone away. And so Kathy you're next. Done before I do have a paper ticket in hand, but I fly out with my toddler son and my husband on Friday morning at 7 what happens if they cancel that why are they going to try and put it on another flight Friday? They would try to try to put you on another flight and I would suspect that have a pretty good opportunity because Northwest flights are not running real full right now because so many people have just decided not to travel where you going poops with me and get her back on the light. Orange won't know. Okay. Well go ahead Kathy. Yes Kathy. Go ahead. Kathy where you traveling to Well, if it's if it's probably vacation destination, but you know, the funny thing about it is we hear so much about everybody worried about. Well, you know, what are we going to do with people outbound out of the Twin Cities and it is a big concern is it in because people have all types of missions, they're trying to accomplish with his business or pleasure or a wedding or a funeral or whatever. It might be the fact of the matter is what about all these people that are out and they have to come back that are in Orlando are in Miami are in California on a on a vacation with her family in there. They don't have any more money for their hotel and they don't have more money to extend their car rental. They don't have all of those things. When you reach the end of your vacation. Most people are on a budget. They have a certain amount of money. They can spend those are the people that you we think about. How are we going to get them back? If in fact there is a strike that and they've for whatever reason but non-refundable tickets in and thought well, you know, it's not going to be a problem or if it is, you know, it'll be taken care of. Those are the ones we worry about and want to speak. What are we going to do when they're sitting on Saturday or on Sunday in Orlando or one of the vacation destinations may have to get back and that's you know, mother and dad and two kids or three kids and they don't have anymore money and thought those are the people that we have to make sure you know, the Americans are deltas United's grab and put on airplanes and we're hoping that that is the way the system's going to work not to be too harsh about this but don't don't consumers have some responsibility here. I mean this isn't been a secret that this could occur know and I agree with you and I think from our end from Hobbit travel side, and I know many of the other travel agencies in town have been doing pretty much what we've been doing in that is for the last 30 days. We've been saying Hey, listen, if you're traveling around Labor Day this tenday. Timer to eat for your time trying other Airline just because if you don't have to take the chance and Affairs are all the same, even though you might have to change planes in St. Louis or Denver Chicago or you know, one of those big gateways that we're going to see become very prevalent of Northwest goes on strike. That it made sense to do so. So in any of the other side is we've had many people have said there is not going to travel. So in a if Northwest decide to go on strike without any warning it would be a much much bigger problem than it will be over Labor Day, even though it still is going to be a huge problem because we're still talking about almost a million people George Wozniak as well as president of Hobbit travel and he's come by this hour to answer your specific questions. If you've got some concerns about traveling what with the looming Northwest Airlines strike the pilot so are threatening to go out on strike at 11 our time Friday night. Some flights have already been canceled. Even if there isn't a strike 170 flights for Friday and 230 on Saturday. They've been canceled already. Even if there isn't a strike we had received word earlier today that a tentative contract agreement was near there was some thought we might get an announcement as early as noon. Today that the strike had been had it off, but as you heard just a few minutes ago both Northwest and the pilots Union are denying those reports. So the situation is unsettled at best. If you have a question, and you need an answer about your travel plans, give us a call 227-6020 area number to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities 1-800. 242-282-8227. 6001. 800-242-2828 Susan you're next. Despite Northwest laws and whatnot. I appreciate the non-stop connection. And the thought of losing that is the point of my questions for some other airlines contacts are coming up for renewal of the neck but several years and it's only what the outlook for that is Willoughby is contentious you think as the Northwest situation and secondly, what's the long-term Outlook financially for Northwest. Are they going to be in a long-term player? I look at this partnership coming up in the larger concerns are partnering with other larger companies. Just wondering what the survivability of Northwest and whatever form it this far as the other unions in the other carriers. I think they're all different across-the-board summer doing American obviously seems to be doing well in the other carrier. So it's hard for me to comment on specifics on that the one of the big issues I think on the northwest side is you talking about the two que no carriers combining each other continent has very strong now and continental system is very strong. Matter of fact I read. Not too long ago that Continental probably is going to make about $900 this year. And that was one of the issues with the northwest side is when they do finally get this program together. Are they going to allow the airline to expand via Continental or via Northwest? And that was one of the issues the pilots are going through now, so I suspect that given that Northwest settles and everything goes the way to plan and they merged with Continental in one way shape or form as the other airlines are trying to do and all of the Justice Department issues are ironed out that they will be a very strong Airline because you're going to have huge feed from the East what now Continental is the largest airline in and out of New York believe it or not using the Newark Airport. And which is the nicest airport now and Houston strong and then with the Midwest Eye with Northwest. I think it's just a huge success. So as far as I think other airlines, I thought I heard you ask. Are they going to bring in more service in the Twin Cities were going to see a little bit of that, but it's not. We're not going to see a Southwest in that, you know, next year come in here nor are we going to see a Vanguard all of a sudden have a tea or a hundred flights a day out of here? I mean, I think what we have we have and we have to make the best of it because you're a very positive things about having all of the nonstop service we have out of here and that means having a hub carrier in the negative sides of it are that you will pay more for that service and it's just that simple. Why why isn't there a Southwest or Vanguard expand their operations Southwest in this is you know, right from Southwest why I Minneapolis doesn't seem to make sense for them. First of all, they have other areas. They're interested in that. They have dedicated aircraft foreign. You can't go and buy a bunch of airplanes off the open market that everybody needs and they like to have areas where they have multiple cities. They can fly to per day that are within the five to seven hundred mile range and it just we just don't have that here. So it's not an ideal situation for Southwest even though our question is what Already going to St. Louis. You're already going to Detroit you're already going to Chicago why not at least do that. You're already going to Cleveland. Those are closed. Why not bring them in and that question probably hasn't been answered thoroughly by Southwest accept. Well, we're more interested in the west coast going up and down between San Francisco and La then we are between St. Louis in Minneapolis that that makes sense with a lot more people Rich. Your question for George was wondering with the strike situation goes down in the wire going to be some special offers and Deals available to people that I think we're going to see the sale of the of the century if when and if this is over with a knife, you know, obviously it will somehow be resolved. There are a lot of empty seats on Northwest and I would be one surprised person. If in fact we didn't see a very very deep sale for us extended. Of time probably. Tell the 15th of December maybe a little longer excluding obviously the Thanksgiving holiday, but I there's no question in my mind. And by the way, when and if Northwest does that you're going to see all the other airlines match it so it'll be there will be somewhat of a silver lining for the consumers and in the Twin Cities for that reason only and to draw the people back you're going to see Northwest go into double miles triple miles anything it takes to I think the consumer for their patients and in do what they have to do to get loyalty return to their seats. Any chance though. I think I think Rich what might have been also asking about pre-strike the next couple of days where Northwest says well gosh, we're going to have to fly these planes. Anyway, people are bailing out on this left and right let's so I will I I don't think we'll see it till the the strike is settled. I mean there is there there would be no. First of all, I don't believe that get a huge number of people if they announced today that they had seats at 50% off for the next 5 days. I don't imagine they beat everybody's door down to buy tickets on while I wonder if we're going to get back or not to let it let alone there. So I don't I can't see that happening but afterwards for sure George Washington was with US president of Hobbit travel here in the Twin Cities. He's come by this hour to take your travel questions in this unsettled situation. We find ourselves as you probably have heard by now there been reports that Northwest in the pilot Union or very close to a tentative contract agreement both Northwest and the pilots are denying those reports. We will keep you posted our our reporters or looking into the situation and we'll have all the latest as it becomes available mean while joining us from the University of Minnesota now is Professor Mario bun Yono who teaches industrial relations at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Business Professor. I'm just fine. What what's your Best guess your how should we read the reports of a tentative agreement and be the denials of a tentative agreement? Well, I know I said I think the I think the denials speak for themselves. He's Northwest in the pilots as they have done in the past. Really I don't engage hard bargaining to the point where he just making compromises and concessions until the 11th hour. And today is what Wednesday we have two more days by 53 hours left. We have 53 hours left. I think if they did report a settlement this afternoon, he would be it would be by their pattern and early settlement. Are you expecting know that a strike will be avoided? In fact, I think it was on the show last week sometime that went out on a limb and end in the fruit for once. I hope I'm right by predicting that the pilots in Northwest would settle and the reason for that quite frankly is at the at the total cost of a complete. Shut down which the spider strike would produce is is is is a soul so high that the probability of a strike is actually reduced because the because the stakes are so high the zooming the pilots shuttle. Could we then expect The Machinist at Northwest to go on strike indicator on your show last week, is that the chances of a strike? There are rock are probably more likely. The reason for that is his number one right now because the International Association of machinist which represents a consolidation of a number of different job classifications is currently being challenged its representation rights are currently being challenged for the skilled crafts with a Nexus, dated unit in anytime you have in try a bargaining unit rivalries like that that that tends to increase the price for settlement and then of course Only a major lister's know there was a settlement offer that was accepted by The Moody. I am to go shooting committee earlier in the month and the membership overwhelmingly rejected it. So that that that those added complications. I think I think will not make settlement Stickley easy pressure one last question for you as I recall when the new management came in at the northwest of the Takeover the buyout and so on a lot of sweetness and light at the time and Northwest had a long history of kind of Rocky Labor Relations. Everybody said, well those days are past where in the New Age we have new farsighted management and labor is Turn the Page and everybody was so happy. What happened? Boy toy that's that's that's a tough question. I had. I think all of us the area had hoped that there would be sort of a partnership between the owners of Northwest airline and it's every employee organizations that that partnership really hasn't that hasn't materialized. And in fact the storm clouds on the horizon a couple of years ago when Northwest challenge before Labor arbitrator the airline pilots associations rice to a 3% raise and is you know, the arbitrator two years ago found in favor of the employee organization. I think that development than the fact that there's so much of the company's earnings were taken out by executive officers like mr. Dash Bergen others really sort of set the stage for some very difficult negotiations and we're seeing that we're seeing that played out right now. Vassar thanks for joining us industrial relations at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Business George, Washington the first president of Hobbit travel and we have a number of callers on the line with some travel questions George people who are scratching their heads, even as we speak wondering what in the world do I do with that ticket? Is it worthless dog your question, please or thank you for having the show. That's exactly what I've been waiting to ask. I have a non-refundable ticket that I bought a few months ago to Boston on Tuesday the 1st, and what I wanted to know is if you could kind of walk me through what Tuesday morning will look like for me if there's a strike refunding is not an option for me of kind of looked up other flight times and other airlines hoping that they would put me on another carrier. Actually. I think that's what would have to happen. So would I get there even earlier than my flight? Just wait around what do they do? They just assign you do we have any choice if we have to be reassigned? That's actually the the question of the day is for us and I on our end. We are going we are opened regardless of strike 24 hours starting Friday morning because we are quite sure how many people Northwest is even going to have in their own res Center answering questions like this. So our feeling is that for our own customers, we want to rebook ourselves given the opportunity if they call us or if there is a striking over the next couple of days. First of all, did you buy your airline ticket with credit card just to touch on that a little bit anyone that did purchase an airline ticket with a credit card if the airline does not provide the service you get an automatic refund whether they want to give it to you or not. They have to however Northwest has already said in the event of a strike and they can't provide service or find Replacement Service. They will refund all non-refundable ticket. So That being said I think that the question is okay. How many people are supposed to go to Boston on Monday or Tuesday when you're flying and are there going to be enough seats to replace the seats at Northwest won't be able to operate and that you specifically in the Boston even though there is a relatively good schedule flying to Boston Northwest flies relatively good size planes there. I think they have five flights a day there. So what are your options while United would be a good option through Chicago and that I think we're going to see when we were kidding about Chicago being the magic Gateway. It will be to the east because there are 50 some flights today Minneapolis to Chicago. Now you eliminate probably about 15 of those are Northwest Shore Drive shut down to 35, but the fact that matter is it still a good shot to get out of here to go east and that's where Northwest will be looking to their partners of, you know, United and American to get people to Chicago than on bound to the east coast weather you'll get there. Even close to the time you're supposed to I think that if this does happen people that are flying nonstop flights specifically to what I considered heavy corridors of travel and that would be to the East Boston Washington New York, maybe Philadelphia, maybe Pittsburgh are going to see some real congestion problems, even with the ability of other carriers to route you through their hubs. There are going to be people that aren't going to get there. So I'll pack a sandwich, but I believe it I believe it will take a $2,000 East Coast ticket over $200 East Coast ticket. I think that's just the way our system works. I think we're going to see the same thing to the West Coast because there's so much inventory that Northwest flies to the West Coast La San Diego San Francisco Seattle Portland all those markets that are very very tightly controlled by Northwest on a Non-Stop basis and large aircraft. Flying widebodies into those markets and there's a lot of people that are on them in some of those flights. I believe the ones they're going to know it's going to be canceled too because those are the flights that go Minneapolis to San Francisco to Tokyo Narita or where we are to the east or to Hawaiian those the airplanes. I don't want sitting out in the in the open when they if they decide to strike. So I'd love to say get out there two hours early when you're going to do better than getting out there 15 minutes early. However, I think you would but what I would do since you have a couple of days past right time, I don't know where you bought your ticket, but I just called. Okay. I love you can try and call them directly or you can try and call when a local travel agencies in and they will you know, look at rebooking rebooking procedures and in the airline's I think we're going to see will come up with some policies of the non-refundable Leti of no tickets at the most of the carrier's an ounce yesterday on how they're going to take tickets. And what types are going to take but right now Boston would be a flipper. Call me when you get there or not. If Northwest strikes Mary's on the line with another question for George Wozniak. Go ahead and a flying Air New Zealand to LA. But the ticket from La back to Minneapolis is a Northwest ticket and it was purchased with frequent flyer miles. So I'm wondering are we going to be out money? Because it's not like they can refund us. There isn't anything to refund. And now the only thing you get refunded is he on use miles that thinks they have are now saying that they will do I can tell you what I would if you called me at work. I would say there are there's a Monday Wednesday Friday departure La Minneapolis that there are still seats available on I checked before I came here on Sun Country. And Champion also is operating some I don't know if they're going into that until next week though, but you'll there's also Frontier had flights available West Coast coming into Minneapolis via. Denver those to Sun Country in Frontier have the least amount of restrictions when you get into the 21 Day. Of time and when I was talking a few minutes ago about whether or not we're going to see regulations relax by the carriers in the event of a strike. Those are the kind of questions that none of the airlines have answered yet on whether or not they're going to allow people to get Advance purchase tickets at that fair. If that's the type of ticket they have or for that matter use the coupons that currently are holding in advance purchase type ticket, but you would be best served by looking at the frontiers of the world coming from the west or Sun Country because they have great fears that don't require Advance purchase and I would probably look at that today just because you want to make sure that you know coming in from the South Pacific that there is a way to get the final leg back to the Twin Cities to 276 thousand. If you have a question for George Wozniak president of Hobbit travel you can going to come by today to answer. Some of the questions you may have about the the unsettled travel situation we find ourselves in again according to the last report no contract agreement between the pilots Union in Northwest Airlines there been reports that agreement was closed but both sides are denying those reports. And so as far as we know the clock is still ticking toward that 11 p.m. Friday night deadline when the pilot say they're going to go on strike at Northwest Airlines and Lord knows a lot of flights involved a lot of Travelers and quite a disruptive 750,000 people over 10 days. So it's a huge number Bob your question. What are you advising people as far as Northwest is concerned and World Vacations that sort of thing. Well if they if they go into the winter with the strike, we won't have to worry about him anymore because they won't be This I don't think if the strike occurs with that it's going to go even close to the winter. So it to me that issue with Northwest World Vacations or for that matter anyone that's using Northwest whatever tour operator or tour package once you get to into the winter time, there is any concern whatsoever and I'm going to get it there may be a bright side to that. And that is that the Northwest lighting better have better pricing for their tour operator partners and or agencies that they're doing packaging with but I know it's interesting I talk to somebody at Northwest World Vacations about a month ago and asked them if the effect of the strike was having a bet, you know, more of an effect on business Travelers are on vacation trailers and he said it had a huge effect on a vacation side because there's so many parts that have to come together when you're looking at a wet at or package whether you know Cruz is going to be involved or train packages are bus packages or side trips all types of things that sometimes Non-refundable if you don't show up, so they've had a difficult time all summer long in in having anybody with all of the you know, the mechanics. Are they going to strike that Pilots? Are they going to strike salt World Vacations has had a problem in that Northwest World Vacations is owned by Northwest for those other listening and it is their own tour operator, and they only use Northwest in most cases. So the vacation trailer was pretty worried all summer long about what if I don't get there. Do I still have to pay for that barge cruise that I that was far more expensive than my airline ticket or non-refundable hotel package or the non-refundable land package on the Greyhound bus are all those things that become my internal parts of a tour package at Scholars from Ely Mari. Yes. Our son is is it has been traveling in Europe since July and he has a Northwest ticket from Amsterdam to Philadelphia to Minneapolis on September 4th. Person he called last night worrying and wondering what he should do. And I'm wondering if he could get on a plane prior to September 1st. If he goes to the Amsterdam airport, and I believe this ticket is like a worldperks ticket off. I don't know if that makes a difference but I know it's definitely Northwest. It's not KLM from Amsterdam to Minneapolis. I would suspect and on all of those tickets believe it or not. That's the gate agents have a tremendous amount of decision-making power. Not just with Northwest with with many airlines on whether or not they will allow a ticket that supposed to be used tomorrow to be used today or a ticket that supposed to be used next week to be used today and they have a lot of call on it. It's it's whether or not they feel that you're trying to abused the rules by buying that tickets for a less expensive price just because you wanted to come home that day or if in fact you really have a legitimate reason that you wanted to leave the day before and whether they should charge you a fee to use it or not. Call I am in if it were my son. I would say go to the airport as soon as you possibly can and try and get on anything that Northwest has coming back specifically because it's only going to delay his are you know, if I bring his return up a few days he has really nothing to lose. He's been there all summer long in the worst that can happen is he doesn't get on in the in the best that can happen as he gets back and and they accept that world per ticket if he doesn't get on and they do go on strike. He's going to buy an airline ticket to get back here until Northwest starts flying airplanes again and has a seat available that he can use that piece of paper that is worth nothing to anyone but Northwest and that's the problem with frequent flyer tickets Rudolph your next. Yeah, I have a question about an international flights on Sunday the 30th from Frankfurt Germany to Minneapolis to Detroit. What obligation to ABC support pay ticket. What application does Northwest has the passenger rules are very specific on the obligation. There is none in in the end it with a strike. It's considered an act of God in the airline is not responsible for anything even though I believe Northwest will do their best to accommodate people on other airlines. I don't I don't even believe that in today's standards. There's even an agreement that other airlines have to take coupons from each other, but they do so I think that Northwest is saying to us that they are going to try and accommodate whenever they possibly can anyone defending it doesn't make a difference. What type of ticket you So I think that that if they have a full fare ticket coming from Germany to Minneapolis, you're going to have a bunch of options. I think Northwest will look at Continental their big partner who has all kinds of international flights to to help them out with the feed. They're certainly going to look at k l m. I mean KLM is is going to do I believe anything they possibly can to accommodate Northwest passengers whether it was an eye KLM ticket or not. So I did they do the question is do you wait or do you try and get out now and I end if it were me and there was no reason to stay the extra couple of days. I would be at the airport saying will you allow me to use this ticket to come back now and let the ticket agent make the call and if there's a seat I would suspect they'll let you on George and longer-term. Is this the kind of thing that really is going to hurt Northwest. Or as soon as it's going to be totally the case and I'm not quite sure even Northwest knows at this point. Just what type of damage this is caused not do you know straining the relationship of the passenger to Northwest but I think there was a lot of acceptance of passengers throughout the last 10 years as they watch Northwest become more dominant more Domino's the days go have going on in there and I think also providing wonderful Service as far as nonstops and things but we paid for it and I believe a lot of corporate clients a lot of you know businesses in the Twin Cities and then throughout the state of Minnesota and for that matter crossed the five-state area have accepted the fact that we're going to pay a little bit more because we have this wonderful nonstop service with it with heavy frequency to where we want to go now all the sudden there's all kinds of people talking about in French Monopoly talkin about Fortress hubs. All those issues that are facing not only the Twin Cities but areas across the country by every airline that has the same type of thing. And if that opened Pandora's Box was it all worth while I'm in the Northwest is the only one ever going to know that answer but I think there is a possibility that some of this will be irreversible from the standpoint of the way that consumer receives, you know, our big brother Northwest and how good it is that we've had that had this corporate partner here George Washington was with US president of Hobbit travel taking your travel questions in this unsettled time to 27 6001. 800-242-2828. John Austin is on the line the spokesman for Northwest Airlines. Good afternoon, John. Now we have heard John of reports that an agreement is either very close or is already been reached. And that was certainly was the topic of the at the top of the conference. I I wish I could tell you otherwise, but in fact there is no tentative agreement and the talks are continuing. Can you give listeners any kind of assurance that that the strike will probably be avoided Aunt ultimately that decision rests with our Pilots. We certainly are at the negotiating table. We're bargaining in good faith. The talks are continuing but I can't give folks insurance for what the pilots will do when their strike deadline rolls around. May I ask you this John is the is the climate surrounding those talk such that there's enough Goodwill all involved that the even if there's an agreement come 11:01 our time Friday night that you might continue talking or is it pretty nasty Freeman with the hall? Parties including the mediator not the really characterize what's going on there? So I I will if I could reserve comment on that but the trucks are continuing they've been ongoing now, it looks like a week ago last Monday. So yeah, that's That's good news in and of itself. You have canceled 170 flights on Friday 230 on Saturday. Even if there is no strike and we expect more announcements like that before we wanted to do it today with to give our passenger. As much notice as we thought about changes that they can expect to see these are relatively few number of cancellations was just put it in some contexts. We operate about 1,700 flights. They worldwide at the end of the the strike count down the last few hours of Friday night. We're going to cancel about a hundred and seventy flights or about 10% of our schedule just because we don't want to leave either our passengers or are playing stranded a long way from home or waiting for a connection that might not ever arrived and so it's a small percentage of our flights. We've already got the notification process underway people who are on those flights. You can check out a list of them on our website or you can we gave handed out copies to the media. So I imagine they'll put them up on theirs as well and John just a quick question on the same area. It's all are all the CRS is now showing those flights cancelled into knows as well as we started our process of notifications for folks at their George's agency Bill get notification that the bumps and they can start contacting their customers direct. Okay, so through the travel agents or through Northwest people can find out whether they're their flight is the one that's infected ear. If you got a ticket for a travel agent and and 80% of the people who do hold tickets get him through a travel agency. Your travel agency will get noticed that you're on one of these a hectic Life 3 accommodation process will try and get you as close as possible to your original itinerary. Your travel agent will get that information and contact you if you got your ticket directory Northwest are Northwest reservations people will contact. All right, John and again at this point no agreement Austin spokesman for Northwest Airlines George Wozniak is with us from Hobbit travel Georgia. Unfortunately, we're just about out of time here, but let's get at least one more call her on here. Question about what to do with that ticket Mike become quite the Twin Cities media darling of a media coverage website Cruiser. Org. It's kind of a web version of bills content and given the level of coverage that the strike is had in the media to become like the local version of a mega story. You probably know the channel 4 has every Dimension report this week on the strike, which is almost unprecedented and I was wondering if you had any figures concerning how many Twin Cities residents fly on Northwest in any given week and how many of them are actually be convenient inconvenience. That means a lot of these other airlines are going to pick these flights up. We know that how many people does this actually affect I'm trying to figure out if the average is in relation to the actual potential inconvenience deserves the coverage because it's a huge huge problem if in fact North Northwest closes down completely because there is no one in the number is if they have 80% of the flight to they carry 80% of people know they don't do we all know that but the but they do carry a huge majority fire above 60% and how many people are traveling over Labor Day weekend. How many people would have been traveling over Labor Day weekend had this strike not been in the process for the last 30 days many many more people would have been affected. Are there enough Airlines seats for American and if you look today at the American feed to Chicago and then you have to remember there are only about 4 hubs that we can feed out of Minneapolis and st. Paul to get passengers to the places they go and that's you know, probably no more than 15 major cities out of the Twin Cities going to the east the west and southwest so if you look at how many flights American has to Dallas how many flights both American United in Vanguard and Sun Country Now is adding Flights to Chicago to get people Eastbound and for that matter to Florida and places like that where you can use that as a feed. It's still doesn't even come close to I mean it John Austin just talked about 1,700 flights a day if you take all of the and that's not just out of Twin Cities. That's Detroit Minneapolis in Memphis and some other small areas they fly out of but if you take all of the flights that are operated are the Twin Cities on the Americans in the Deltas United's the sun country's combine them all together. It's still doesn't even come within 1 and 708 Northwest is flying. So the magic question now is how many people is it going to affect Northwest won't give us that information of we have this many people bought they have said it is going to affect 700000 passengers over the next ten days and where will that leave minnesotans, but I can tell you that in our statistics in a we look at within our own company and how we'd have to rebook the fifteen thousand passengers we have there is Not enough seats the destinations. We need George we're out of time. Unfortunately very quickly, if people do have specific questions. Should they call their travel agent Northwest you at home or call me at home. If you're obviously call your travel agent. I think there's going to be other agencies besides Hobbit that are open 24 hours starting Friday. I think Northwest is going to do their best to re-accommodate but I believe that agencies have the first line of defense for any past. It has been booked to them and I think you're going to have a problem probably getting through to Northwest because it's going to be a madhouse if they thanks so much for coming into you George Washington a president of Hobbit travel here in the Twin Cities. And of course, we will keep you posted throughout the day on any developments regarding those contract negotiations between the pilot to Northwest Gary I can hear thanks for tuning in to midday today. It's Minnesota State Fair time starting August 27th and Minnesota Public Radio. Is there live at the fair for more information on scheduled for Minnesota Public Radio with a fair visit our website You're listening to Minnesota Public Radio. We have a sunny Sky. It's up to 77 degrees at Cana W FM 91.1 Minneapolis. And st. Paul should be sunny all afternoon with the high in the low to mid-80s 30% chance for showers late tonight in the Twin Cities 50/50 chance of rain in the Twin City area tomorrow.


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