Charlie Weaver on his campaign for Attorney General

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Charlie Weaver, Republican candidate for Attorney General, discusses his campaign for Minnesota Attorney General. Topics include juvenile violence, and public safety focus vs. consumer advocacy. Weaver also answers listener questions. Program begins with a report from MPR’s Elizabeth Stawicki on the issues and candidates for Attorney General.

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Thank you. Mike six minutes. Now past 11. Today's programming is made possible in part by The Advocates of Minnesota Public Radio contributors include Cargill supporting Minnesota's tradition of community service and Norwest foundation on behalf of Norwest Bank, Minnesota. And good morning. Welcome to midday and Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary. I can glad you could join us. I like everybody else. Our campaign coverage has been focusing here at Minnesota Public Radio on the race for governor in Minnesota. But there's another Statewide race that could be nearly as important to the lives of individual minnesotans namely the race to be the States top lawyer attorney general's race. JJ's office can fight small-time con artists or entire Industries at the fraud scam or Sequim Swindell the public the post is important in and of itself since the AG has 250 attorneys to dispatch is he or she sees fit and it can also be a stepping stone and even higher office. The shower we're going to be focusing on the race for attorney general be talking with Republican party endorse candidate for that post. But first of all yours Minnesota public radio's Elizabeth's 2 Wiki with a report on who's running and why former attorney-general? Skip Humphrey gear the AG's office over 16 years toward fighting Consumer Fraud including suing the makers of an infant formula for price-fixing and suing lighting companies for overcharging taxpayers on Public Works projects Estates lawsuit against the tobacco industry for smoking related Health cost this year most candidates in the states crowded AG race. They fighting violent crime and reviewing the health care industry top their list of priorities to Republicans and 3D Fellers are vying for their party's nomination dfl-endorsed Timber Ridge cot young wants to throw the weight of the AG's office behind helping neighborhoods battle domestic violence child abuse and neglect young'un state senator from New Hope wants to develop a community. Crime-fighting division within the AG's office attorney general can provide that Technical Training can provide backup resources if we know that something is working to stop truancy and Wilmer. Let's try it in Winona. Somebody's got to bring that information around the state if law enforcement community policing is working in Hibbing then let's try it somewhere else that might work. Yes. I want to coordinate that young also wants to create a rapid response team to resolve HMO and insurance company complaints Duncan Visions, the AG's office working as a last resort for healthcare consumers by establishing a 24-hour hotline to take calls about HMO or Insurance problems. My cat also plans to investigate the healthcare industry app says his seven years as the states former Commerce commissioner give him an edge on knowledge about how the industry operates. He says, he's concerned about the consolidation of healthcare today. Lower down to three and they basically have an oligopoly in the state. They say well we're going to raise the rates. It's not interesting. They all raise the rates pretty exorbitant amount and they say it's all due to the cost of pharmaceutical something. Well Pharmaceuticals couldn't go up enough to accommodate that kind of figure but I do believe there ought to be some explanation given with her billions of dollars have been spent on these Acquisitions had nobody is explaining I in carefully hiding in terms of what the impact is on the bottom line app says the relationship between the Metropolitan airports commission and Northwest Airlines also needs review rounding out the race on the Democratic side is former US attorney David lillehaug little hug says, he's fought crime on all levels as us attorney by Prosecuting gang violence to White Collar scams. Now, he says he wants to expand that scope Statewide the log says you'll be the best environmental attorney general in the States history and I am a person who has United States personally negotiated the Richest criminal pollution fine in the history of the state of Minnesota. I'm a Hunter I like to fish the outdoors is very important to me and I'll stand up for our air land and water to make reducing domestic violence a priority and says, he'll push the legislature to make it a felony for a person to possess a firearm if he or she is the subject of an order for protection on the Republican side Anoka state representative. Charlie Weaver also wants to use the Attorney General's office to fight crime Weaver is the endorsed Republican candidate and County prosecutor. He says he wants to change the focus of the AG's office from Consumer Fraud to fighting violent crime helping police officers do their job focusing on victim's more current attorney general doesn't have a full-time person working with Vick the victim community and frankly our Criminal Justice System spend a lot of time focusing on the rights of the Criminal. Not much time focusing on the rights of the victims in the attorney-general's the one who should be leading the effort to make sure that we don't forget about victims and we help them office in every election since 1970. She won an attorney general primary four years ago political Legend has it she won because she shares her name with a former talk show host Anderson spent 94 days in a mental hospital to determine her competency to stand trial for making terroristic threats. She said, she'll use her experience to stand up for vulnerable people forced difficult on me. They tried to kill me. I do not tolerate some of these drugs that they are forcing on these poor people in these hospitals and so help me God. I will be the next Attorney General and I will help the Bonneville people to help themselves. Unlike the other Attorney General candidates Anderson is not a lawyer candidates for attorney general are not required to a pass the bar. He would hire nun wears to work in the AG's office. The Republican party has tried to remove Anderson from the ballot. But so far has been unsuccessful. I'm Elizabeth's 2 Wiki, Minnesota Public Radio joining us now by phone to talk some more about his campaign is the Republican Party endorse candidates Charlie Weaver. She heard he's a state representative from Anoka and has been in Anoka County prosecutor since 1991 invite you to join our conversation as well. If you have a question for attorney general candidate Charlie Weaver, give us a call or Twin City area number is 227-6002 to 7 6008 side the Twin Cities 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 802-4228 to a great opportunity to talk about some of the issues in the race for attorney general here in Minnesota to waiver. Glad you could join us. I suppose it's widely assumed that you're going to win the September primary. Are you fairly confident? Richard Anderson has won Statewide and I haven't and I think there are some differences likely this between this time in four years ago. And I'm Tom Neville I didn't get started until the convention. I started much earlier than Tom and the party is much more active this time around they committed to doing it sample ballot and doing some calling get-out-the-vote. They don't do any of that for years ago. And I was telling me introduction good company is off the air now Gary, so that's good. You can't take him for granted. We're working hard you have indicated that one of your priorities will be the shift the focus of the office a little bit to focus more on on violent crimes. Isn't that the priority are the turf of the accounting attorneys? Sacramentary is Gary the local county attorney's because they represent obviously just the county thought of a Statewide perspective on crime. So I think it's very appropriate. I'm focusing on both. What are the appropriate legislative solutions to violent crime, what are the appropriate and public-private Partnerships that we can be creative about 2 to prevent kids from getting in the car in the first place. So that have been there for county attorney's a lot of people don't realize Gary that and more than half of the county attorney's in the state. I just part time they don't work full time and when there's a significant homicide in the county or if there's a drug deal that's going bad out there and they often need the help of the Attorney General in and that's appropriate for the Attorney General to step in and those caissons dfl candidate. Mike Hatch has suggested one area of criminal law that does AG's office should get involved with would be gang prosecution. Would you agree with that? Is local prosecutors meet us for example in Southwestern Minnesota. Is it growing problem is drugs really can specifically is his seen a huge increase in drug trafficking in that town and they've benefited. I talked to the chief of police in there recently and he's benefited from the Statewide gang strike force that we establish a year ago cuz now they're able to share information and finding out more paperwork coming in a pound of dealing drugs. I don't think though that they might suggest attorney general should have the ability to actually convene a grand jury separate from the local prosecutor. I do think that goes too far to think that stepson local prosecutors hosen at the problem is not a lack of coordination agencies have good information making sure they can talk to each other. No question, but a lot of people are concerned with crime of all the public opinion polls certainly certainly have found that to be the case, but there is a body of opinion which argues that actually the the crime problem is greatly overstated the result largely of sensationalist news media coverage. What what do you think the last Friday night? I spent the night in the Phillips neighborhood and we couldn't go a hundred feet without running into someone who wanted to show us crack. We visited people who just left for vacation and came back home and some drug dealers in their homes. We visited a couple who is who didn't have a phone and they would be inside and all the sudden drug dealers would show up on your porch. I couldn't call nine-one-one cuz it in the phone so they actually set up a system where the neighbor across the street with call 911 for them to get these dealers off of airport. So let me in. It's in the boarded-up streets. Of course the boarded-up homes in the end the Phillips neighborhood a testament to how we failed. I think that whole community in other communities in Minnesota. Just don't you go out to the store or will marry mixed Wilmer the intro of real murder Parks the gangster just take it over these parts that actually at the Pig picnic tables out of the parts because the games were spoiling their gang signs in them. So it's only question. I get more than 30 parades now. I'm so far this summer. Every single commutative in it. That's what people are talking about the problem of escalating especially juvenile crime. What are you doing about it why not just roll these people up put them in jail and get them off the streets. That's exactly what you do. Three strikes bail this last year guy that passed the house and that says if you have to make three violent crimes, we do Lucky for Life keeping my Minnesota that you were people in jail than any other state of the country before the juveniles. It's not just a locking up antenna that's really short sighted for the violent juveniles. Absolutely appropriate words to the prevailing for getting into trouble in the first place. I think what are the things we can do this to stop the escalation of your little man says I'll take him seriously when they can get their first act I can tell you some prosecutor. When I press could have violent the dog, I was back on the history is always filled with ever slow aggregation of juvenile crimes of got started with me being the only candy bar from the 7-Eleven on a Stihl snowmobile for the neighbor's garage. Then it was salt from their friends to take these kids seriously early and let him know that there's consequences. So I think earlier consequence of quicker turnaround time in juvenile court and opening up the juvenile court proceedings to the public and see what's going on with that. Is that require in your mind tougher laws or just tougher enforcement of existing laws. Justin laws is more important than better. Big advocate of a bunch of new laws even pretty good in the areas of drunk driving to pretty good. Domestic assault at pretty good there is rape sexual assaults. Problem is enforcement helping the police do their job last Friday night. When we were in the Phillips neighborhood, we visited some police officers and they were so frustrated by the fact that I'm driving so slow I couldn't get out there and help these people because they they they were all waiting outside to Hennepin County Jail and then the the frustrating part so that was made 94 arrests one night 93 of those were released within four hours because there's no luck but these are not Fortress is a serious criminal so building the jail space winning empowering police helping them do their job is what we need to do. I guess this hour is Charlie Weaver State representative Charlie Weaver, who is the Republican party's endorsed candidate for attorney general one of the major Statewide offices. That's a going to appear on your November or general election ballot represented Weaver, of course facing supprimer. Challenges well in the Republican party, if you'd like to join our conversation, if you have a question, give us a call to 276 thousand is our Twin City area number to 276 thousand. Side the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free and that number is 1 800 to +422-828-227-6004 1 800-242-2828. One of the things that we hear a lot about and apparently will be they'll be more efforts made to pass a law which would make it easier for people to carry concealed weapons in Minnesota. Do you support that effort? I think both sides so that it should have been sighted Gary & Beyond sensibility. It is long people who have legitimate concerns about the public safety personal safety to carry concealed weapon and let me give you an example. Testimony couple years ago. Now she works at Honeywell. There was a rape and honey. Will Randall rape and murder individual committed. The murder had been caught she drinks to trade in that area local restaurant seems to me if it's a person can walk in and out line why they're afraid to this standard and should be able to get it. I said anybody of course not should you be able to bring the school zone of course not I think both sides of the raise the level of this and I'd like to bring it back down to reasonableness because I think most would agree. Certain people should have access to weapons and obviously anybody is that a criminal history shouldn't we have some callers on the line with questions for a representative Weaver again, if you'd like to join them to 276 thousand or one 802-422-8284 Scholars from Minneapolis, Monica. Go ahead, please. Just trying to switch the focus from consumer. Advocacy is how I usually think of the Attorney General's office and if that it happens, who do you propose as more of a consumer? Advocacy in the other question I have is you talking about how people get let out of jail so quickly in a night and I spend the night in jail for an unpaid parking ticket, which it actually turned out that I had paid the ticket and all of my fellow jail cells and obviously this was the lady's gelso and that's money by the criminals, but we were all in there for very minor misdemeanors and I'm wondering if maybe the jails aren't overcrowded because people live in jail for really no apparent reason and I'll take both my answer back to your thank you, perhaps the wrong people are getting locked away for the night, but I think there is a significant difference between Anoka-Ramsey or Hennepin any of those were a man spends the night in jail because of them and then paid parking ticket. Unfortunately for Monica bertagnolli where I don't see the jail space being I can pay that people shouldn't be there at least in the man to keep them in and fortunately 95% of the terms of the switch in the focus. We can change the folks that office but I'm spending without asking for more money without losing the focus on the environment and consumer protection that skipped in his predecessors have established. I'm proud of that tradition. I think it's a good tradition. I'll continue to fight for consumers and I'll certainly I continue to fight for our environment but attorney generals around the country. Focus on crack that is there another one. So this is my case where it's still would be odd for the Attorney General to focus on public safety and keeping family safe. I think it's very appropriate. For example skip ahead by 20 of his employees working on the back of litigation. He's shifted Focus within that staff. Keep in mind. It's about a 500-person staffs. What's a good size you shifted the focus for the main office to work on the tobacco now that's over. So I think it's clear that there is room to move within the office to shift the focus on the keeping families safe Center continue to protect the environment and protect consumers about hmos in the need for the Attorney General to go to bad for consumers in their disputes with the house so medical industry you agree with that. You know 24-hour hotline is appropriate but I certainly think that the extent hmos, you know aren't being responsive than I responded to Consumers aren't providing are doing what they said. They would do intern contracts attorney general to be involved in that. I don't have a problem with I've had my share of personal frustrations with my son and family and who better variety medical issues. So it's I certainly can share that information responsive or patience is a big one 250 attorneys in an equal number of Staff members in Saint and the shows you say you got some some latitude in terms of what you could do, but I would assume if you if you assign more people say they your violent crime area and so on something would have to go. Is there an area now that you think could be ignored for a while? Norfolk has any areas out there that could be ignored. I think the Focus Shift Gary is as Society changes certainly, for example, the growth of technology is going to change the focus of Attorney General's office or expert sphere understand computers. That's an area that could use to grow the whole question of privacy. I would protect us five years from now the whole question of people getting access to checking account people getting access to medical records home system, whatever you have on your computer at home that's going to become more and more difficult to the check. So the Attorney General's going to have to really be a very personal data that that is released could really do something. So I think so. Prime today, especially in Brainerd Minnesota is very different and it was even 10 years ago. That's why I proposed really shift the focus to keeping family safe. Do that. So continue to provide these other services that these tourney General has historically provided Greg your question place. Is the excuse that there's no room in the sky and none of the put under house arrest and he won't have to pay even keep them in prison and spend that extra money on it. Are we using enough of those kinds of alternatives to reptile Weaver? We should build more drills with the average cost of incarceration. This has been 30 and $35,000 a year, but the cost is not putting someone in jail, and there's some recent study on this question ranges from 115 to $160,000 a year. If you don't put someone in prison to 934 what happened, so I'm not an advocate. I'm not making excuses for not putting the jail. I think you should build more violent criminals. So let me know if that's what he was talking about. If you're interested in if necessary and spending more money for jail. So I bought more judges probation officers and police officers County. I oppose those anytime someone wants to have a monitoring device. I really don't like the cookies. I don't think that special I think if you're used to commit a violent crime, you're convicted you're sentenced I can tell you from the victim's perspective. They want those people in jail. Is really clear about that and more money for police judges probation officers in the State of Florida Surplus continuous. And we all have to dwell on that was then the downturn yesterday and I'm going to fix that going to be in Minnesota that would sure thing wide disparity Minnesota Twins in the number of probation officers per person and probation. It's so large. That's that's why I'm fundamentally an optimist. I really believe that we can turn this around and Minnesota and that's one of the ways to do it. You look at New York, they've gone from being one of the most violent cities in the world for the last four years to being one of the safest now because it's because they focused on those people especially around probation or on the streets they lost. What is the prime directive right away when I put it back and check out that did the same thing and blasted it significantly reduce the number of homicides and that's it. So, I'm I'm very optimistic that we can successfully but helping out the whole probationers just at the certainly in the Park part of that. We're talking this hour with the Republican Party endorse candidate for attorney general Charlie Weaver talk about some of the issues in the campaign for attorney general in what Mr. We would do if in fact he's elected if you'd like to join our conversation. If you've got a question, give us a call or Twin City area number is 227-6002 276 thousand. Side the Twin City area 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828 and we'll get this more callers in just a moment. I'm learning Benson on the next All Things Considered dfl gubernatorial candidate Doug Johnson talks about his tax plan. He says the state budget surf. That will help his push for a permanent individual income tax cut his story on the next All Things Considered weekdays at 3 on Minnesota Public Radio k n o w FM 91.1 in the Twin Cities national public radio's is State Department correspondent. Mr. Dalton is going to be talking about what it's like to cover the state department talking about the ins-and-outs of diplomacy quite a change from what I used to do. If course he was a foreign correspondent for years and years and probably remember his reports from Bosnia on the front lines to the state department. That's what we're up will hear from. Mr. Dalton over the noon hour today. Tom gjelten are speaker via weather forecast for the state of Minnesota police more rain, especially in Southern and he's Minnesota matter of fact there's a chance for a thunderstorm as well and parts of Minnesota with highs today up or sixties in the southern part of the state low 80s in the Northwest Twin Cities at 30% chance for rain this afternoon with a high in the mid to Upper 70s right now low 70s in the Twin Cities cloudy and 71° Elsewhere on the area. St. Cloud partly cloudy 72 Rochester with some light rain in 65 Duluth partly cloudy 73 Houghton partly cloudy 76 to the West Fargo with a sunny Sky 80° and Sioux Falls partly cloudy and 72. State representative Charlie Weaver, the Republican Party endorse candidate for attorney general is our guest this hour talking about some of the issues in the campaign for attorney general again, if you'd like to join our conversation to 276 thousand or one 802-422-8028. Tom your next place. I thank you. I just wanted to comment on the comments that were made about the gangs taking over the parks and some of the outlining communities like lesueur and Wilmer and I just that sounds like a cop-out to me that if the community Leaders with the police forces are not able to clean that out then that's the problem. They need to consider some different Community leaders if they're unable to solve a problem like that. Thank you. Focus on trying to get a handle this locally for example of the Morehead at a real game problem up there for a couple years and the committee pull together as focused on that. They really focused on the repeat offenders those working today to hurt people and they got him out of town and I made a direct comfortable for gang members there at work Rochester to join gang graffiti. They pull together as Canadian really done something about it in the end. I just don't really reluctant to blame local officials local community leaders weather communities are being slept like to be a real pipeline between Iowa and Minnesota. That's why I think it's a good example when attorney general with leadership and experience in this area can make a difference John your question. I'm concerned that the range of options considered in dealing with the youth crime is much too narrow. It seems as though from listening to the debate for among the candidates for attorney general and in the political debate. Generally, the choices are posed as slapping the wrist or throwing them in jail and treating them harshly. My experience that I've had in working in an agency that was involved in youth treatment Youth Services. Is that children? Learn differently and they also learn differently how they behave and they they need to be treated differently depending on on who they are. Some of them probably do need to be punished and set aside from there the rest of society but most of them are amenable to to treatment and intervention and what we've seen is that the County's and state generally has been a reducing funding and making that option less and less available and the the result has been really negative and the only response that the political figures seem to have is we've got to get tougher with the kids and it it seems as though there's just a circular argument here that self-fulfilling and they're missing a huge opportunity to make our lives. All of our Lives much better represented waiver. I'm sorry. If I wasn't clear the one consequences consequences for Behavior, but also said that package is stuck in traffic and read by the time they're in first grade stable Family Channel presents, but I can tell you over the last two years legislature. We have enormously increased funding for those kind of prevention strategies that help kids before they're six years old because I really would have got to get them almost until you can look around here klance and tell you which kids are going to end up in trouble because those patterns are set very early in life. Sharp support and I said classic most candidates for Governor in for attorney general support early intervention strategies support things like success by 6 and Head Start in that only kids get on the right track real early, but also help the parents I deal with kids who may have more challenges than the average kids people are talking about that. We should have some a different consequences for different kids. I think once a child is still allow them to make excuses allow them to say well, you know, do you have to have traveled there for me? I should be punished. I hear that in every day and it just should watch it so much. She was at the break the law. What about the truck because they're tough childhood because their mother didn't love them to try to help them early life worst accident seems to me and continue to to accept that kind of leniency. Do we need more a lock-up facilities for juveniles? We have passed the last couple years bonding and other funding to help create more living facilities for juveniles. For example in the sheriff to drive 200 miles at is not good for anybody. It's not good for taxpayers. It's not good for the child to certain that good for the child's family and we haven't proved that a little bit but we do have a ways to go there. Yes. Sam your question place that you've talked about here. I do keep hearing the need for more lockup facilities and more more and more and more lockup facilities aren't there a lot of people that are locked up in these facilities that are there for minor offenses or for minor drug offenses specifically marijuana, and where are we going with that being? A minor offense in my opinion, but that was the rumor report released two days ago. I saw both the Star Tribune in the Pioneer Press. At the talk-to-text. That's just not true. It's a little more to the federal system federal system is definitely harder in those dealing drugs to the best fraternity of people live in Minnesota prisons are people who hurt people it was convicted of assaults batteries burglaries in someone's home. Rapes and I was laying on the sides. So we really not have that problem of throwing a lot of people in prison for what some might consider but frankly to in the hallway of drug crimes. I really have a hard time arguing the pills aren't serious, They look at that. Terrible summer. We had Minneapolis 2 years ago and all those have a vast majority of those homicides in today. So it's just a little crack Act is the most gangs most homicides results some people argue that drug should be legalized at least marijuana to take the take the profit out of it for the games and that's presumably reduce violence. for that Wouldn't work the same way that the end of prohibition put a little dent in the in organized crime though. The latest drug that's out there. Now. That's just really discuss this later the Judiciary Committee last year Gary that describes I really like at the start on any kind of slope. That would allow glycosylation trucks having your question place. I know a lot of school districts are selling data on their students and even if you sometimes even say no you do not want it given out and you have to tell them no, They will still give it out. Also data privacy across the internet depending on how it's labeled that depends on whether can be released another school district. Unless you're really the program but the whole issue data privacy is certainly an issue. That's that come up more and more frequently. What role if any should the State play in trying to regulate what's available to minnesotans on the internet? I know the Attorney General. Skip Humphrey has been very concerned about gambling on the internet and yet this is not only seems to transcend National boundaries about to go it's a it's a global issue given more tools to keep kids from being able to get access to the Congress. Saudi the summer controversy with the kids but it's real first amendment fight what you don't want to deny students or people access to information. That's the The great thing about the internet is is the ability to access Universal information, but I do think that there's appropriate role appropriate terms of the fraud issue. That's really appropriate. I think we should go slow approach, but I think it's inappropriate attorney general Humphrey was justified in using private attorneys to wage the fight against the tobacco companies. MP just doesn't have the staff within the Attorney General's office or Frank that expertise to to wage that kind of effort. So I thought it was very appropriate where they paid too much. I believe in in risk and reward carry and use this firm took an enormous risk spend a ton of the lost and never settled for this kind of money. So I think if you can make it to make an argument that the structure really might have included the cat that Play Christian, I guess this hour is Charlie Weaver. He is the Republican party's endorsed candidate for attorney general or the Attorney General Scott. Pumphrey is so not seeking re-election to that office. He's running for governor. Lots of people are running for attorney general including mr. Waiver. We don't have a lot of time left, but if you have a quick question for him, give us a call. 227-6004 1 802-422-8282 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828, Bob. Yeah, I thought I read that your opponent Sharon Anderson. First of all isn't an attorney and second of all there's a warrant out for her arrest. How can we keep people like that off the balance in what else do we know about her? Set to get to get your right when there is an active arrest warrant out for Sharon Anderson at is not Northern Minnesota county actually was in Challenger to debate up there and she does have a very interesting. She she brings new meaning to the word committed by players it to your attorney general be an attorney. I think that's wrong. I think it's certainly is not qualified to be both the psychiatric disability. She's here. Problems with a lot. She said she would have been disappointed certified Grand am confident this very night talked about earlier than later. But I do think it's important that minnesotans know who they're voting for a few. Mr. Weaver want to first know what your position is on capital punishment. And secondly, I was mentioned quite a bit about you know, getting violent offender off the streets for good. So what can use attorney general do to make sure that we get judges appointed that do take a tough line on violent crime and not going to let them off because they've had you know, what trouble background her up for childhood, whatever and what do you do to make sure that you don't police and law enforcement agencies all across the state. I just know here in the metro area get the resources needed to adequately fight crime and their hands are not tied behind your back. Like they often times our capital punishment for those with Kelly have never supported and stood still don't be on the judge's questions about the attorney general office Lee can't appoint judges, but they point out. Where did you score the bully pulpit and lessons when judges are not fall in love frankly in the area of punishing these people in the tourney general rule there I think is to hold judges accountable and then obviously can be an advocate at the legislature from for additional funding in for good programs at work help help police to the job. Would you like to see the DWI laws toughened? There's been an effort to reduce the legal limit to .08. I think that is going to pass this next session legislators right close last time within two votes in the Senate. I got time for at least one more call Ur dick information Technologies than I'd like to hear of your positions on some of the draft proposals for changing the commercial codes for the commercial code to enable the sale of software and the changes in the data Practices Act as well as your positions on the data privacy. A little bit already. I support a free-market exchange of ideas. I think that's always help medical records banking information personal data. It's appropriate to to up the financial information for families couple of more questions. Before we wrap up here rubbing out a waiver. First of all, I don't know any Carlson from time to time as indicated. He thinks the Attorney General's office has gotten too big there too many staff members over there. Would you agree? Frankly with the attorney general does Gary is not under his control key represents the state and all the agencies and other commissions and other kinds too wrinkly this potato Society where the state is being sued more and more the Attorney. General's going to be there to represent or colleges with the DNR. Whatever it is, we can't control the fact that the state is being sued. So we've got to have those lawyers represent that and a good example that is Place over the funding for the Minneapolis Public School, it would take a lot of time but smart, the lawyers handling make the Attorney General's office is in fact a partisan office course, both parties have and have their endorsed candidates and their primaries and both both parties, but what's partisan about being an attorney general? And where's the fat in that office? I think that there is very simpatico fan and then off to terms of political thought you were working step in. Good job first and foremost. The top of law firm in the state is no such thing as democrat or republican La libertad knives legal advice to the citizens agencies in the state and it really shouldn't be a partisan office at all. Today. We noted at the beginning of the program that the Attorney General's office, especially in other states is served as a real Stepping Stones other offices like Governor long-term. Are you interested in something like that? I'm really not. Let me know as a lawyer in as a prosecutor, especially This is a dream job for me, and I'm really not interested in using as a stepping. So I would be delighted next day years. Thanks a lot for joining us. I guess this our the Republican party's endorse candidate for attorney general Charlie Weaver will continue in a moment. I Melinda pain, death can be tragic and grief ridden a time of extreme vulnerability, but for some it's a business opportunity of the death care industry is still ahead of it in the sense that the baby boom continues to age will look inside the funeral industry and how to face the big business of dying on the next Talk of the Nation from NPR news. Talk of the Nation begins at 1 over the noon hour today National Public radio's Tom Jones State Department for spot it right now, it's time for The Writer's Almanac.


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