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MPR sports analyst Howard Sinker continues discussion of baseball with Gary Eichten. They talk with Herb Carneal, Hall of Fame broadcaster for the Minnesota Twins. Sinker also answers listener questions. Program contains pledge drive segments.

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6 minutes past 12 programming on Minnesota Public Radio is supported by Valleyfair amusement park where you can choose your kind of fun. Thrill rides live entertainment and the refreshing water park. You'll have to run to baby. Robin Gaye Let's suppose what some of the fans will feel like is there trapped in those left field bleachers getting blasted by Mark McGwire home runs this weekend. Hello everybody. If you're just tuning in this is midday on Minnesota Public Radio, Robin Gail has joined me in the studio here to talk for a few minutes about the merits of your becoming a member. And also I'll let you know about some special offers. We have this our herb carneal will be along in a few minutes the Minnesota Twins legendary broadcaster Howard Sinker will be back but I suppose the first thing to do robin is to remind everybody about the big-ticket offer that we have exactly the here's the number to call one 800-227-2811 and as a thank you gift to your becoming a member of Minnesota public radio right now. You will get a pair of Twins tickets for the Sunday game for the $120 level. So call now one 800-227-2811 that Gary the games are going to be televised this week. Cancel that's your one opportunity to get in the dome. You'll actually have to go to the Dome and watch the game and the City action it it should be a fun weekend one 800-227-2811 kind of thing that again it's you know, it's kind of a once-in-a-lifetime type thing. He has a legitimate chance to break. What I was arguing earlier is the most important and closely followed record in all of sports. Nevermind just baseball and you know, be nice to say I saw him play in the Twin shot him out didn't hit any off those twins pictures at 11 or one 800-227-2811 is the number to call by the way another offer. For those of you who may have just joined us. If you'd like to sign up at the $66 level special. Thank you gift is a copy of herb. Carneal Hills book. Hi everybody telling Recounting his days as a broadcaster including his 36 years here with the twins. So that's available at the $66 level. Again. If you like a pair of Twins tickets special reserve seats along the first base line for Sunday's game Mark McGwire in town that's available at the $120 level whatever level you would like to join at. The important thing is to give us a call one 800-227-2811. Also the obviously the first time the st. Louis Cardinals have been back in the dome since 87 actually with the interleague play being fairly new. They haven't been been there. So they kind of fun Gary guy Eddie will be there only twins 87 players still in baseball. So it's a lot of fun reasons to wind up in the dome this weekend make your call and get that extra special gift couple of Twins tickets to Sunday's game one 800-227-2811. Just a moment on the business side of things here Robin last hour. And this hour together we were supposed to get a hundred and ten members if you can believe that well, we came up a little short during the 11-hour people were so transfixed by hard sink that the that they they neglected to call. What we need to do here is sign up something on the order of about 70 people this hour you suppose I can be done and they're literally thousands of your listening right now. You just need to step to the phone. It's not that outlandish the thought that we can have that many of you come to the phone. They were many of volunteers ready to talk with you but how to make the stuff you've come to enjoy Minnesota Public Radio. How many middays have you heard you you come to rely on NPR don't take it for granted anymore call with your contribution to two seven two eight one one one eight hundred two two seven 2011. If you're calling from outside the Twin Cities, especially like to hear from all of you who are fairly regular listeners do our midday broadcast. There aren't millions of you out there. Otherwise, all these other radio stations would be doing this kind of programming. Let's be honest about it, but there are more than more than enough of you to keep the programming strong on this station. No question about it, and many many of you of course are already members, and we thank you so much for your support. That's the reason we can provide you with the kind of programs that you've become accustomed to and what we're asking now is if you're not a member give it a try. Maybe you want to just join at the $45 level. That's kind of the entry-level. Try it out for year. Try this membership thing out if it's time to renew give us a call and make sure you renew your membership. If you can make an additional contribution, very very good idea. The important thing is that we get everybody signed up by Tuesday night next Tuesday night at midnight when the fiscal year ends, and we hope that you will be one of those folks who makes the phone call 227-2811 and again reminder if you want to go to the ball game this weekend going to be a great game. We think we hope and we Expect it will be Mark McGwire in town two tickets at the $120 level. You're special. Thank you gift this hour. Renewal notices the spring and this month you can call him right now take care of that renewing business and also get a free pair of tickets. Your name will be on them. You can stop by will call on Sunday early afternoon and enjoy the game on us. So thank you so much for calling in for listening. Do your part for Minnesota public radio right now one 800-227-2811 to to 72811 is none like all three callers on the line right now and a good many of you. I suspect don't know this for a fact Robin, but I'm guessing that a lot of people are getting kind of itchy. You know, they're going to duck out a little early today. They're trying to hustle around and get out of those details. Maybe a actually are at even as we speak sneaking to our the door. Well, just take a moment. It's going to only take two minutes of your time, and you know when you get busy this weekend, you're not going to have a chance to call us odds are very good that next week will come and go and you won't have a chance to call us and then we're into the new fiscal year. The accountants come in, and we want to make sure everything is as it should be on June 30th. So give us a call use your credit card. That way we can for sure make your membership count toward this fiscal year goal, 22728 11 or one 800-227-2811. What makes a difference you can choose the dollar amount that fits into your budget? We're suggesting 120 right now and going to offer you the the Twins tickets for Sunday, but call any dollar amount will do the trick new renewing additional gifts. It's important that we hear from you though one. 800-227-2811. Minnesota Public Radio is a great radio station and Service news and music and two blankets Minnesota in the Upper Midwest. There are costs associated with putting forth of first-class Radio Service and an operation and that's why we need to come to you to encourage you to be a part of this partnership one 800-227-2811 one week ago today. We were at the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis live coverage of the Republican State Convention. One of the more interesting conventions that that I've had an opportunity to participate in every kind of thing that you come to expect from Minnesota Public Radio extended coverage of events like that. It would be much less expensive. Frankly to wipe maybe do just a little quick story from there and wash your hands of it better yet. Not to cover it at all just play some records. But you know, you've come to expect good solid coverage here on the station. And if you think that kind of thing is worthwhile. Give us a call. Let us know that with a membership pledge don't have to Pledge Your firstborn $45 will be fine or $66 or $120. Whatever the circumstance 22728 11 or one 800-227-2811. We're also of reminding you that all folks who called today you can get in on this dream bike giveaway winner win two bikes and I think you can even choose the kind you'd like. So kind of anything that I have is you think about the weekend everybody likes to get out a bicycle. If your fellow time could go to be humid this weekend though. It's better to be on this weekend on Sunday afternoon. I would think yeah. 11 when you call in your membership right now at the $120 level will reserve two seats for you in the Metrodome. Sunday's ball game 1 start time perfect place to be on a hot humid Sunday afternoon watching one of the stars of baseball still playing Mark McGwire in his quest for the breaking the Rodger Maris record. So call get on board here. You'd enjoy that Twins game Sunday one 800-227-2811 opportunity to tell your children you saw on one of those games with McGuire didn't hit a homerun. The twins pitchers are going to shut him down shut him down. Yep. Rodger maris's record will be secure due to 72811 or one 800-227-2811 for callers on the line. We need to hear from a good many of you 40 for you at this hour just to make our goal and I know you get tired of us talking about this incessantly, but it's so important that those goals be mad because that's how we pay for the programming. No commercials here. Do what you can give us a Call 227-2811. Keep those phones ringing. Our volunteers will be standing by here. Again. 227-2811 is the number to call Herb carneal coming along here, and we need to hear from from all of you. Again the number to call make your membership pledges to 27208 11 +. Herb has been delayed. We're told so Robin here you go Howard Singer joins us now. He puts his book down and while we're waiting for herb carneal, let's give that the phone number. Once again Howard will be here to feel some calls and Howard, just do herb you're going to be you're going to be herb carneal door. It's great to be here. Hi, everybody know I wasn't going to do that. That would be sacrilege to her. Well, how big are in your mind? How big is this record? Is this something that people are just getting hyped up about because you don't have any better to get this is the record that if you know one thing about baseball, you know that Rodger Maris hit 61 home runs and broke Babe Ruth's record. That's what makes it bigger than life. I mean if you know one thing about baseball, it's New York Yankees, you know, it's it's it's the least common denominator and and it's the kind of thing where you can really focus on what's going on because McGuire's going to come to the play four or five times during the game and that's when you can get totally riveted and what's happening on the field. The rest of the time it's just a baseball game. It's not like a no-hitter where there's drama on every pitch or it's not like a game. That's three to two going into the seventh inning where you really have to be there and pay attention. It's this thing that gets built towards several times during the game. It's like a football team have in the ball first and goal on the 3-yard line and that's why I think people relate to it. So readily to 276 thousand. That's our call in number Howard Sinker Sports commentator is with us. He is the state news editor for the Star Tribune and a herb carneal. Of course, the legendary Hall of Fame broadcaster will be joining us soon here if he got caught in traffic or can't find a place to park in downtown St. Paul was never used to be a problem. But now is I know I mean I was down moving my car to avoid, you know, financing the city any further during the pledge break and I will say it took a few minutes to get From point A to point B to 276 thousand if you'd like to join our conversation here. We're Talkin Baseball get your questions ready for herb in the meanwhile Howard. Sinker will stand in for herb carneal. This will be Howard's only appearance as herb carneal 22769002422828 touch Amal Howard 2276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. If you'd like to join our conversation this our this is Mark McGwire weekend at the Metrodome legendary by welshly soon-to-be a legendary St. Louis Cardinals Slugger used to play with the Oakland Athletics has hit now. 3035 Home Run Drive home run on Pace to hit 74. But of course as we said earlier baseball is not a game of pace. It's a game of fits and starts. How do you feel let me ask you a question. You're the baseball fan here. Do you want to see Mark McGwire hit five home runs and three games this weekend or do you want to see twins pitcher shut him down both. You can't have it both ways. How many times have I had to tell you that very well we can hole but I mean, you know, I guess I'd guess I'd like to see him hit 5 and all single single home runs. So nobody on base and Twins win all three. Can you imagine being the guy who's at the concession stand? You know, when my one Meguiars at the plate hitting a homerun got to be no business would be very ugly. It would be do you remember are you old enough Howard to remember when Harmon Killebrew is playing for the Twins and people would lurk and they wouldn't leave the stadium. It didn't matter what the score was of the twins games didn't matter how inconsequential the game might be people would stick around right up until the Harmon had his last at-bat because of the the head of the magic of the homerun wasn't living here at the time. But I remember something comfortable in Chicago with Dave Kingman of the Cubs and he played there for a few. And the GameStop the Cubs were terrible but people came to see Kingman and most of Killebrew seems any Killebrew played on some really good teams that went to to the World Series here and went to the playoffs later on but it's yeah, it's just a game stopping thing. I mean if you're not from Minnesota you remember Harmon is Canada's round headed guy who hit these home runs in a wild wild around the bases, you know, it looked a little bit like, you know, Pete the penguin in the field, but here I mean you can just see them away when people went went when people of a certain age talk about Harmon Killebrew with it. It's reverential for what he did. I mean, he was the first guy who brought baseball to Minnesota power of the Home Run and then that's what it was. Nobody came to the ballpark to watch Harmon Killebrew play first base. If you'd like to join our conversation with Howard Sinker and again herb carneal should be along momentarily here. Call us on our call in number and that is 2 to 7. 6000 to 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. Meanwhile course our volunteers are standing by on our pledge that played Central there to take your membership calls and particularly appropriate if you'd like a pair of Twins tickets for this Sunday's game a chance to see in person Mark McGwire. We have some nice reserved seats along the first-base line and they are available and pick up a pair of tickets at the $120 level. This is a real easy deal for you. You don't have to hustle around trying to get the tickets and I'll get over to the ballpark will be available at the will-call Wilke window. So give us a call on our pledge line if you're interested 2 to 7:20 at 11 or one 800-227-2811. And of course, that's the whole reason we're here this week with the special programming to the raise the money to pay for the program's if someone's willing to put me and Gary will take him to a game ourselves, right? $1,200 you go to a game with me and Gary and two other people. What a way to ruin a nice baseball experience Howard Oaks right again, if you'd like to join our conversation with Howard Sinker this our call in number is 227-6102 for 22828 interested to find out if you have been infected by the Big Mac attack by the what seems to be a real electric weekend here in the Twin City metropolitan area. The first one that has Envelop the dome in a long long time one thing though get their leaving a little bit earlier than you might otherwise because there's that Grand Prix the Sprint Grand Prix for healthcare getting around downtown Minneapolis. This weekend is going to be a little bit like get around downtown Saint Paul at the noon hour. So I give yourself some extra time, which is something you usually do not have to do this season. When going to a Twins game speaking of that Howard the twins so obviously have had their problems of late or no question terms of generating interest. Is this the kind of thing that might get them over the top Mark McGwire behind and he can play for us for the rest of the year. Yeah, that would probably as a parent share and so on is that the kind of thing that might stimulate and revive some interest in the game in general. I think this is a Band-Aid. I mean, this is a weekend fix. This is this is like You know, this is like Michael Jordan coming to town. You know that everybody is Galvanized around the Bulls playing the Timberwolves. And then if the Timberwolves are no good. It just goes back to being the same old same I just said there's no long-term. I mean even if the twins sweep the series that there's just nothing here the twins just don't have an identity this year. Is that because they don't have that big home run hitter used to be the Twins were always known around baseball as a team may be a little slow. Maybe not with the greatest pitching but they they hit 200 home runs every year, you know a guy like Jose Canseco signed with the Blue Jays this year for below-market value. He's a guy who would have put some folks in the seats here. You know, the twins didn't pick up any Lakeside Otis Nixon people don't go to watch you guys swing at the ball like a nine-year-old girl swinging a baseball bat and bat smacking it into the astroturfing sprinting the first base the sum of the parts just ain't worth the, you know, taking the family of four out and paying for all the things you have to do to go to a baseball game one or two Sluggers would make a 500 team much more palatable and a 500 team right now is on the verge of contention in the in the American League Central twins, you know or five games below and their eight-game find is there any chance that the twins are we getting to that time of the year where they might seriously consider signing some kind of a big power hitter both did juice attendance and perhaps to actually get them in contention. You know, I think that it was Saturday reality is the minute they that they keep playing like they play these last two games against the Milwaukee Brewers that the twins are going Conduct the you know, when does season basement sale and guys like to kiss. Morgan and then maybe even Terry Steinbach would get the scent out in favor of the traditional use for the future and if it's really depressing. I mean, this is a team that's kind of Meandering five or six games below 500 it sort of been their place all year. They play a few games in which they look pretty good. But even when they look good it's not ruining baseball for the most part. They don't have electric moments. There was a Saturday night earlier in the year where they beat the Yankees for the beat Andy pettitte. 721 Matt Lawton hit a grand slam. I think it's just one of those really nice nice to be at the Ballpark. And unfortunately, that's one of the few that you can look back on and say hey that was special. We have essentially to two strains of programming going on right now or two activities going on right now Howard Singer is with us here in the studio. We're talking about baseball this hour and if all goes well herb carneal will still be able to join us legendary Twins play-by-play, man. And if you'd like to join our conversation, give us a call. This is a big weekend for baseball here in the Twin City area. Mark McGwire is going to be in town along with a St. Louis Cardinals team McGuire is launching a very serious threat to break the the most important record in sports namely the single season homerun record now held by Rodger Maris at Fargo McGuire is well on his way to doing that. We'll see if he actually accomplish is it but the big big moment at the Metrodome, so we got to be a great opportunity baseball. If you'd like to join our conversation. Again, the call-in number is 227-6000. Chad the Twin Cities one 800-242-2828. Of course, we should also know that we're conducting some special business this week. This is the end of the fiscal year membership drive here at Minnesota Public Radio the fiscal year ends on June 30th at midnight. And what we need to do is to make sure if it all possible that we can sign up a total of 85000 people now, we're just about 3,500 short of that Mark we made our amazing progress just the last couple of days many of you haven't had a chance to call in yet to sign up and become first time members a lot of you I know are due to renew and this is the great time to make that membership call. We've got some special thank-you offers that including the opportunity to go see Mark McGwire this weekend. Twins tickets $120 level special. Thank you gift also at the $66 level and if you're interested, we have a copy of her car. Deals book hi everybody. Now if you'd like to make that membership pledge, we sure hope you'll like to make that membership legit stew to 72811. That's the pledge line to to 72811 outside the Twin Cities one 800-227-2811. And here's a heck of a deal. We talked about those. Midday heck of a deals Howard Sinker the tickets are now available at the $66 level. So we're $66 you get $26 worth of Twins tickets a chance to see Mark McGwire a tax deduction. And of course Goodwill quality radio programming all year. That is a heck of a deal and they're the best seats that are available probably at this particular time as as Robin Gail noted. It's not the games are on TV won't be able to sit at home and watch $66 now is all it cost. If you'd like to join at that level pick up a couple of Twins tickets. We have some callers on the line now with the questions and comments meanwhile. Thermistor Sinker merry go ahead, So I take a little offense at that reflection on hitting like a nine-year-old girl and then seconds from that. Would you comment and talk about youth baseball and how that can promote interest in baseball and some other citizenship type of activities within a community and I'll hang up and listen very first of all, I apologize to you and your nine-year-old daughter, but see if if she's that good. She should be batting leadoff instead of Otis Nixon. I'd much rather pay to watch her. Here's the problem with you through problem with youth baseball right now is is is two words Youth Soccer. There's competition on that front and really parents. Look at baseball vs soccer right now and in baseball unfortunately is a standing around gay man in a high-energy Society. Kids play soccer they get tired. They go to bed at 9, you know, unless you're the picture or the catcher and nobody wants their kid to be a catcher. You don't get any action when you play baseball results kids gravitate elsewhere kids were talented basketball players now play basketball year-round in AAU programs. They go to summer camps. There are all kinds of other options that exist when back a generation or two ago, if it was summer, we all took our bait or if it was spring. We all took our baseball gloves to school and if it was summer we all you know, kind of made our street is inaccessible as possible and play baseball and you know until our parents dragged us home. That just doesn't happen anymore. 2276 thousand if you have a question or comment for Howard Sinker to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities one 800-242-2828 and again in case you missed it. We just got word from our membership folks that you can now pick up the pair of Twins tickets with a pledge of just $66 66 dollars. If you'd like to go to the game Sunday to watch Mark McGwire try to hit some home runs get a little closer to Breaking Rodger maris's record. These are good seats reserved seats, and that's a special premium available at the $66 level. Also if you'd like a copy of herb carneal book, hi everybody. That's also available at the $66 level. We have two colors on the line right now. We still need 38 at this hour to make our goal and we sure hope you'll get those pledge lines ringing because it looks like we're going to need your support this hour that pledge line number to 27208 11 or one 800-227-2811. Tom is on the line now with a comment for Howard Singer. Go ahead time. I'm wondering if the politicians who want to build a new ATM man the sports owners who are paying all this money for these sports teams are not behind the public in the sense that the public is called on their professional sports is getting to the point where it's kind of boring. It's not interesting the the personalities are and I don't know if I can put you on the spot, but since you lowered your the amount of money that a person has to pledge to get those tickets to the Twins game are they not going and of the show that people just aren't interested in going to the ballpark and I think that's maybe getting to be true of a lot of professional sports and are they though? Call of Duty that deal with professional sports just kind of missing that the public is really kind of losing interest in a lot of this and maybe putting their time and effort into other things that are at this point in life may be a little bit more rewarding the same time that you have to think about in the point that I generally get to make several times a show and I come over here is people pay attention to winning teams. If the Twins were winning this weekend wouldn't seem all that spectacular because it would be a fun season Mark McGwire coming to town wouldn't just dominate the landscape when the two. I think the Timberwolves show that this year when they went from being a ho-hum 25-30 game of winning a season operation to being able to compete with teams like the Bulls in the Pacers and Setter etcetera. It didn't matter who is Coming to Town people were Juiced about the games. We should I'm not entirely sure by the way why it is that the the price was reduced on the tickets, but I can say this that and I don't know if it's a reflection of a lack of interest in baseball, but we haven't been overrun with calls today. And I think that's a that's more of a function really of the inability of the midday host to get people to call in and make membership pledges hard. I think we're seeing here the midday host coming up short, you know, I don't buy that. I think that we could fool these people and I think if we were a 900 number people worse would be so excited about talking to it while they pay 298 a minute. Here's the deal. If you are one of those folks who do want to call in right now make a membership pledge. Let me give me that number. Again. It's 22728 11 or one 800-227-2811. And yes now for $66 special offer $66 pick up a pair of Twins tickets for the game on Sunday. We have a smart bad weather to alert you to the Weather Service is now issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Faribault County in South Central Minnesota, and also for the eastern part of Martin County in South Central, Minnesota that severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 1:35 this afternoon severe thunderstorm warning for Faribault County in South Central, Minnesota & Eastern Martin County until in South Central, Minnesota until 1:35 this afternoon, so stay tuned. Looks like looks like the weather is going to get a little hairy again today around the area Sinker is with us talking baseball. Again. If you'd like to call in with a question or comment for Howard that number are regular call in line to 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828 to make a play a Jenn. We do need to hear from you. That number is 227-2811 or one 800-227-2811. And let's see next call is From Austin Paul. Wondered if powered could make a comparison of the Mariners record versus the records at Cal Ripken jr. Pursued couple years ago or even a year ago. They consecutive games played record. Correct. One of them is a spectacular accomplishment hitting 60 60 home runs hitting 61 home runs has Maris did breaking a record that is steeped in an excitement. The Home Run is the most exciting thing that you can do in baseball that happens fairly regularly Cal ripken's record for consecutive games played he showed up for work every day. I mean, that's really really really nice but there were years when he showed up for work every day and hit to 60 and didn't have the rain short stuff with some other guys had so I mean, it was a really nice record and we made a big deal out of Cal Ripken because he was tall and handsome and it was something that brought. Baseball back after the painful memories of the strike, but if you have a choice between following a guy trying to break a home record home run records and following a guy who's showing up for work every day. Which are you going to go for hard? I have to ask you I was shocked at we played the Dan Gunderson report from Fargo a little earlier in the broadcast. Rodger Maris is not in the Hall of Fame know Rodger Maris was not a high ever cheddar and he did not string together a lot of good years and he did not play his entire career with the Yankees and he ended up playing with the Cardinals. He was a 260 I think even in the year when he hit 61 home runs, he only batted only 261 and he was and he and he was a very good defensive player to but he played in the shadow of mantle. He did not have the if it's a little bit. I mean if it's really when people say why is Antonio leaving the Hall of Fame Tony Oliva did not have the ongoing run of spectacular years the way that legitimate Hall of Famers to and Maris just didn't I mean he set this record and yeah, there was some backlash against him because he wasn't popular with the media and the baseball writers association of America which conducts the Hall of Fame voting. So many of its members on the East Coast who might have it one time at that time taking offense to things that marrison did because he was not mr. Friendly. Do you think that Mark McGwire assuming he breaks the record will he faced a similar fate down the road or will he be seen as a Hall of Fame caliber player extraordinary years and while he was injured and had some subpar season. He continually came back and set new Peaks and he continually has made his game better. He didn't have a great year and then disappear. I mean, this is a guy who's been around for a while. And this is a guy who entered the game dramatically had some bad times and now his come back and and and and and he's a Heartland guy, you know, he sees playing in St. Louis. He hasn't been too much of a jerk about the pursuit. He's got a little tired of the media attention, but he's been there. I mean you can you don't have to struggle to write a story for Baseball fans about Mark McGwire Howard Sinker is our guest this hour. And again, if you would like to call in with a question or comment for Howard, we're talking baseball specifically home run hitting this this hour, what was Mark McGwire in town with St. Louis Cardinals is he tries to break Rodger maris's home run record. He's not going to break at this weekend. We don't think have to get 27 home runs to do. So, but he certainly hopes to chip away at that record you like to join our conversation with Howard to 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. Meanwhile again a reminder on the other side of the fence. He replied Central volunteers. To stand by and we sure hope and need to hear from you this hour still 32 more of you to sign up to stay on goal for this membership dry. We have a special offer special offer, and it's not going to be available the whole lot longer if you'd like a pair of Twins tickets to the Sunday game at the Metrodome. All you have to do is show up over there and and pick up your tickets the will call window, so you don't have to chase around get the tickets. If you'd like a couple of nice reserved seats to watch Mark McGwire and the twins. All you have to do is make a pledge at the $66 level that's for a full year. If you don't want to buy the $66 and would simply like to try out a membership at $45. That's fine. If you'd like to join at a higher level. We would love to have you the pledge number is +22-720-811-2728 11 or one 800-227-2811 Stihl 32 more members to go to make the goal this hour, so we really do need to hear from you Dave you're coming for our Well, I just had to call in defense of Otis Nixon who is the player who without the Atlanta Braves in the early 80s would not have been on the national scene and I might add I think he makes a good leadoff batter without an address don't sell tickets though Dave. I'm not going on in modern society where there's an explosion in sports a variety of sports and entertainment and there's so much competing for today's entertainment dollar not like in the 50s wear. The only game in town was baseball tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. On the soccer field with the eight-year-old and and we're going to be talking about Brazil and we're going to be talking about the World Cup and we're going to be running her little legs off. We're not going to be playing baseball tomorrow. I mean, that's just the way things are different we go out and we you know, we kick the ball in the backyard. We don't play catch. And I guess okay. I used to be a baseball writer. I covered baseball for 5 years and my guiltiest and my guilty of of neglecting the game in the 90s with my son. Yeah, I guess but that's what he's done your next place. I'd like to take issue in a good-natured way with the mister Sinker. No way. No way get mean about it, I'll listen here now. Yes winning team sell tickets, but I just as soon see David Wells pitch shot at perfect game as I would see Meza home runs and I love watching Brad Radke pitch and I'm an old baseball fan and I think the writers of baseball the owners of baseball the UPS website where you sound like we wanted me to get that we lost. On the on the car phone in there, but obviously enjoys a wide range of things at the Ballpark. The other thing speaking to his point is if you want to go out to a Twins game at the Metrodome right now except for this weekend, you can go there you can buy your tickets and you can get right up close to the action by Cher tickets with a group of people wear in the sixth row of the upper deck just to the left of Home Plate and they are the best seats I've ever had for a game including the years when I said in the Press Box and and I mean that's you know, I mean that it's the ugly downside of losing baseball good seats are always available. They may be a little hard to come by this weekend again, we want to remind you not to hype this too much but cold hard fact is that if you are a baseball fan or if you're just curious about this whole Mark McGwire phenomena, we do have an opportunity for you to go to the ball game on Sunday afternoon parently it supposed to be hot Umatilla might actually be a pretty nice day inside the Dome chance of showers and thundershowers $66 is what it cost. That's the membership pledge and we will make available to you two tickets to the Twins game on Sunday afternoon. $66 is the membership pledge in the number to call to to 72811 outside the Twin Cities one 800-227-2811 you ask yourself. How is it that I get my hands on these tickets then all you have to do is show up at the will-call window right at the Dome. And and where you go. You know what this is like this is like the last December when dr. Dre me Michael Jordan came to town with the with the bulls. This is the game. Everybody wants to go to while it's it really is quite different than anything else. They've had there for a while. It's just baseball doesn't have that kind of personality centered thing where somebody comes through and they just grab all the attention. I mean Kirby Puckett didn't do that and other cities as good. She was you didn't go to the park to see Kirby Puckett. I mean, he was a treat while he was there. But this McGuire thing is like Michael Jordan it was in it. It's like watching John Elway. It's it's really going to be fun gym here. I come in for our check replace topics on the state of baseball in and you're talking about lack of interest and why is there such a lack of Interest around here and my feeling is that ever since but Celiac has been commissioner things have just taken a major downfall and this interleague play as much as fun as possibly as for you this weekend. It is fine it as as really the one of the major league things that that's going on that's negative about baseball. We've we hardly even know our own team because of Agency, and now we're now we have to watch five more teams play every year and we don't have that true sense of rivalry. Like we used to work the only playing, you know 19th or something like that and we really hated the other team and now it's just we're just going out and there's not a real competitive nature out there anymore. And that's my comment. And and my question is what do you think about Bud ceilings rang was raining and it what do you think he's done for baseball good or bad? Well, let's see his daughter married Laurel Priebe the former twins executive. So that was a good thing for baseball cuz Laurels a good guy but ceiling himself hasn't been responsible for the demise of baseball. I mean the collection the other the ownership collection of the people who were involved in in in running baseball. Now it's bigger than Bud because the commissioner's office is actually very very weak. It's the owners and they've been the problem. They've been the ones who couldn't come to an agreement on revenue-sharing until it was too late. They're the ones with harebrained ideas about bringing people into baseball how to attract fans their marketing efforts have been just ill-fated it. It's it's been a sport without discipline and maybe all professional sports are going that way but I think baseball is the first one to really suffer for at least here in the Twin Cities Howard. We need to get back to Serious Business here as we come to the end of this hour as we draw to the end of our a membership drive and fiscal year, but I course I can't let you go without getting you on record here now. Mr. McGuire will be in town batting practice starts at 5:35 this afternoon the gates open at 5. Bunting the first pitch player batters, you typically bunt the first pitch during batting practice. If you boo, you're a jerk just hang tight and you'll see the big swing swing. Okay, that's fair enough. And what can we expect he comes into the comes into the Dome with 35 home runs 27th to go to break the record. How many will he leave town with Sunday afternoon after the game on Sunday 37 hits to this weekend. And if he hits one in his first two at-bats tonight, he gets four for the weekend. So if he starts hot, if you got that kind of meander through the weekend he gets too and will he call off batting practice or the people going to the game on Sunday? Can they expect actually see him take batting practice and they make they can't do that to McGuire. They can't do that to the fans. Thanks are always a thrill. Appreciate it Howard Sinker Minnesota public radio sports commentator and state news editor for the Star Tribune join. Is this hour to talk baseball? And those of you who are hoping to hear from herb carneal? Not entirely sure what happened? I have a feeling herb got bogged down in traffic somewhere Robin Gail though. It's been cut a good enough to come by and she does an excellent herb carneol imitation. Howard and we're encouraging you to step to the phone now one 800-227-2811 in support of the good things you here right here on Minnesota Public Radio midday and all the other great programs right here on the news and information service one 800-227-2811 with your contribution in any dollar amount 26 members to make our goal this hour we only have 10 minutes to go here. We've been picking away at the Gold you folks have I should say I calling in single file sometimes two and three at a time. That's the way we can make this goal. But right now to really get over the top or going to need all of you little rally here as we come to the end of this. Midday broadcast to to 72811 is the number to call. Why are we asking you to call because members you people who listen are the single most important source of funding for Minnesota Public Radio don't have commercials here instead. We ask those of you who do listen to a call and become members you say what what about Those announcements we here all the time. Well, those are underwriting announcements and people's willingness corporations willingness to contribute money is largely contingent Upon Our being able to go to them and say yeah, we not only have eighty five thousand people listening. We have 80 thought of 5,000 people are willing to pay money to listen. So it's a good investment for you mister Corporation Ms. Corporation, and they do but you my friend are the whole play You're the place where it all starts and we're urging you if you've not yet had a chance to call to do so 2 to 7:20 at 11 or 1 800-227-2811 3 callers on the line Robin wave your magic wand there. We need 26 here in just a 9 Minutes play all means. Thing as you're near a phone, let's pick it up and use it one 800-227-2811. I always enjoy talking to Howard and in hearing him what when he's your guest scary, sometimes it's a little negative for the twins, but it's fun day here everybody's opinions. It's it'll still be fun to get out in and be at the Dome this weekend. We've got this great offer when you become a newer renewing member for $66. You can be at Sunday's game you get a pair of tickets reserved for you and you can pick them up at will call. So I need thing to do to make your contribution to Minnesota Public Radio do something fun on a hot humid Sunday afternoon one 800-227-2811, you know, if you do the math on this and I want to burden you with a bunch of numbers, but if you do the math on this is really a good deal. $66 is the level of membership. Okay, and the tickets are $13 the ticket, so that's 26 right there. Now, you've got it window down to a $40 contribution. And of course, that's tax-deductible, so I don't knock off another ten bucks. So really what this is costing you is $30. If you go to a ball game and you get good quality radio all year long for a $30 contribution now, that is not a bad deal. We do. Hope you'll take advantage of it. We hope your call quickly here to 27208 11 or one 800-227-2811 to callers on the line. So many of you are members already and we thank you profusely for your support. That's why we could do the programming that you hear everyday on this station. If you have not yet had a chance to call. We really need you to step up here and make that call that Robin if we you know, it always happens you make one person calls and that seems to generate another call another call another call don't know why that occurs but it does. Who likes company then Suzy azzam of knowing that your fella listeners are participating and enjoying what they are hearing and doing doing their part. Come on board right now. There's a few minutes before 1 one 800-227-2811. If you can bring your credit card to the phone urgency is here just a final few days of our fiscal year and we need to get your counted. We need to have you be a participant in this great Radio Service called Minnesota Public Radio and has an extra gift by all means that enjoy us Sunday ballgame at the Metrodome seeds of twins and Mark McGwire the st. Louis Cardinals Gary guy Eddie on us as a thank you gift one 800-227-2811 Robin any idea who's pitching for the twins on Sunday. Do you remember offhand member? I read all the lineups today in the paper, but I can't remember he got hammered yesterday. He might be coming around again. I suppose and he's a good pitcher for the twins. So Some new up-and-coming players. It's fun to see if I'm to see how they're coming together and they're still enjoyment to be had. It's always fun to have a major league club in town. And then I am I always head out every now and then so I'm glad to be there glad to watch the twin every now and then you live over there Robin. We have five minutes to go friends at 5 minutes. If you've been following along still 23 members shy of our goal this hour and we really need to make our goal this hour we came up a little short last time those of you listening to mid-day came up a little short of the 11-hour and so it's important that we we make the goal this hour 5 minutes to go 23 memberships left to bring in the house. We got three callers on the line. So that's about 20 of you. If you're one of 20 people who has not yet a member or perhaps it's time to renew your membership or perhaps you're a member in good standing all paid up and you and you're willing to a little bit extra now is the time to give us a call when you little boost here at 5 minutes to go particularly would love to hear from those of you who are regular midday listeners. And if you're interested in going to the Ballgame, this is the best time to call because we can send you off to the Sunday game 2 tickets at the 66. Dollar level two dollar or two $13 Reserve seat tickets along the first base line good for another 4 minutes to 27208 11 or one 800-227-2811. Great. We've got five letters on the line. Thanks so much. Join with them to your part for Minnesota Public Radio and yourself. You're supporting Minnesota Public Radio. We don't want Minnesota Public Radio to get up and move or leave town. Like the talk is with the twins that we we need you to keep Minnesota Public Radio open. If you don't build me a new stadium Studio here. I'm I'm going to 3C over here. Open for Gary here. Let's let's get on board. Do your part for Minnesota Public Radio One. 800-227-2811 BC Studio library right over here to 27208 11 or one 800-227-2811 5 callers on the line. We've got about 3 and 1/2 minutes to go six callers on the rain great opportunity for you to show your support here as we come to the end of this hour and come to the end of this midday broadcast. And again, if you've been weighing you think it well, maybe I wouldn't mind going over to watch McGuire at the Dome on Sunday. This is kind of a last call for you. $66 is the membership pledge. If you'd like to tickets to the Twins game on Sunday good reserved seat. You're not going to sit out in the nosebleeds. And all you have to do is call us and pledge at the $66 level if it's time to renew call and renew your membership, but you will have to move quickly now just three Let's to go at 22728 11 or one 800-227-2811. We have less than 3 minutes to go 23 memberships left to take in and that will be at nine callers on the line right now. There's time for you to go. bailing out We want to catch a quickly you're near phone make a call. You need to get registered here with Minnesota Public Radio. We need to count on you one. 800-227-2811 Remember by all means ask for those Twins tickets when you make your $66 new and renewing n even maybe want to give an additional pledge you doing something special for Minnesota Public Radio and yourself and you can enjoy the fun twins day at at the Dome Sunday one. 800-227-2811 should be a gas over there. You'll be sitting right along with a bunch of people like yourself and listen to radio. So even if the game is hideously boring you can talk about Minnesota Public Radio. So 2 to 7:20 at 11 or one 800-227-2811. We have just two minutes left to go $11 on the line. Are you signed up yet? We sure hope so. If not, give us a quick call here as we wrap up this midday program and again, Great opportunity really the last opportunity to take advantage of the special offer of the Twins tickets for the Sunday game. That's this Sunday. You don't have to chase around to get the tickets to show up the will call Window Sunday watch the batting practice. You've got a couple of tickets chat with your fellow listeners if you'd like or anonymously to 27208 11 or one 800-227-2811 last call here get on board quickly. We've got a great show of support here. Thank you so much. Do your part for Minnesota Public Radio. Enjoy a Twins game to Two Boots one 800-227-2811. Ask for a pair of Twins tickets at the $66 level one 800-227-2811 Minnesota public radio's here for you. Do your part for NPR one? 800-227-2811 volunteers will be standing by to keep the phone's ringing. Thanks to everybody who's called in thanks to all of you who been listening. Hope you can join us. Monday will be talking about the Supreme Court and summer movies. on the next all things considered more than in pup, how will take you to an international tuba players convention to hear to a rap and tuba Jazz tube is and the news on all things considered weekdays at 3 on Minnesota Public Radio Kano W FM 91.1 Listen to Minnesota Public Radio. We have a sunny Sky now. It's 82 degrees at care W FM 91.1 Minneapolis. And st. Paul should be sunny all afternoon hot and humid as well. It could hit 90 yet today partly cloudy 20% chance for a thunderstorm tonight with a low around 73% chance for showers and thunder showers tomorrow.


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