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As part of congressional debate on the authorization for war in the Persian Gulf, Minnesota's 6th District DFL Congressman Gerry Sikorski speaks on his view of not authorizing resolution.

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(00:00:00) Search through the fancy words of the Michael resolution and they distill down to one word war in the power is granted to one man the president. Congress thus becomes the Bursar our citizens the payers and our children the currency of Exchange. Before that happened the arguments made by the proponents of the resolution should be closely regarded argument. Number one, Saddam Hussein is an evil man. This is a truth Saddam Hussein must be stopped and destroyed the debate is whether we should now impatiently do that by throwing our children at his children with maximum violence, or do we strangle him to death by sanctions and embargoes blockades and diplomatic initiatives. The latter is paid with time. The former's paid with American blood argument to by the proponents is Wars. The only way to stop Saddam Hussein that to may be true next week or next month, but it is not true. Now. The numbers on Iraq's economy are staggering former American secretaries of defense and state of told us sanctions are working former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for President. Reagan have urged Congress to give the sanctions full play and not declare war out of impatience and I agree argument number three of the proponents the international effort against Saddam Hussein will unravel if we did not go to war immediately. This isn't even close to true. In fact, it's false. If we go to war now, we will go it quite alone. Our United Nations effort will become a United States effort. War now will mean that the Bloodshed in the desert of the gulf will be red white and blue War now will mean that America's children will carry the burden of resolving an international problem that American taxpayers will carry the burden of paying for what is an international obligation that other nations and economies will have their debts wiped clean with American blood that the international effort successful so far will be ripped apart by us and patience. Argument of the proponents number for the Latin used to assess it is right and just to go to war now too many of those who equate Mass violence with what they call kicking ass and want to just go in and get it over with are quick to draw on morality in history. proponents talk of World War II and Hitler and Chamberlain But this is not World War II as it is not Vietnam. It is not the longest day and it's not the platoon it does. However raise the same questions of principle value and righteousness of both purpose and method. This will be no push-button war. No Anonymous planes hitting Anonymous targets high technology in air superiority will not unfortunately prevent the offloading of body bags and the paralyzed and the maimed and the burned American boys and girls in a will not prevent the destruction of innocent civilians. Our Library of Congress tells us that the words of the American hero whose birthday we celebrate and the deadline date of January 15th, Martin Luther King are among the most quoted by us members of Congress Injustice. Anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere as an American Congressman an American citizen an American parent. I challenge strongly those who cry and patiently that the cause of Justice will only be served by a rush to war for Generations. Tolstoy has instructed Humanity on War and Peace on life and death on leadership and true strength of character. We should listen to his words Tolstoy said the strongest of all Warriors are these two time and patience. For god sakes. Let us be strong Warriors.


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