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On this Weekend program, Alan Page, former Minnesota Viking; and Diane, his wife, discuss being running enthusiasts. Topics include Twin Cities marathon, recreational running, and winter exercise. Alan and Diane Page also answer listener questions.

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(00:00:00) Well, let's bring in Bob Potter and guests at this point to talk about I guess one way to stay warm on a day like today go on get some exercise. Yes, indeed Mark Lee big Twin Cities Marathon just a couple of weeks away now, so it seemed like it'd be about the right time to bring in a couple of running enthusiasts to share their experiences in their knowledge with you Alan and Diane page have been in several times in past years to talk about this they are sufficiently devoted to the sport of running that they keep it up even during the cold winter months. We'll be able to talk them about that a little bit this morning. Of course Alan is well remembered as a star with the Minnesota Vikings and later with the Chicago Bears if the figures that I looked up were right Alan you started in 1967. Is that right? That's correct. It seemed possible 18 years ago. Wow that you are entertaining us there on the football fields on Sunday (00:00:53) afternoons doesn't seem possible those 18 years. That's for (00:00:56) sure back when a dollar was still a dollar. I've got a really stupid question. I'm going to ask you I suspect that there may be some people out there who are curious about it, but have the good sense to be too embarrassed to ask it so I will take on that burden. Who did you root for last Thursday night at Chicago or Minnesota? (00:01:13) Why did I have a suspicion that that was going to be the question? (00:01:18) He didn't watch I told you I was going to be a stupid question. (00:01:21) I didn't watch actually Diane and the kids watched. I didn't I didn't see it. All right, Diane who (00:01:28) did you root for? (00:01:30) It was a it's a conflict because we've got friends and on both teams. So (00:01:40) she really for (00:01:40) Chicago. Yes. She did being very very diplomatic there (00:01:44) than it sounds like you might be running for political office. I don't know of any joint jurisdiction that covers Chicago in the Twin Cities a (00:01:53) must so it is a conflict because how can you be a you know, grow up live in Minnesota and being a Minnesota and then that, you know be for the vocal team on the other hand Alan finished the last his the last four years. He played ball. We went down to Chicago for the season in that town kind of embraced Allen and the family and we have many of the players that are still on the team that were there when we were They're so we've got a lot of close friends and that team so it's a big conflict and it is hired. When that when the when the Bears in the Vikings play Because of You know the local team versus you know, the close friendships we have done in (00:02:30) Chicago. It's not really all that hard (00:02:31) Bob. Well, are you in the marathon in a couple of weeks? (00:02:39) No, as a matter of fact, we're not but we're going to be out there the in fact the I think it's this. Is it the second mile that goes with the marathon actually goes right by our house. Yeah, and when it's on Douglas Avenue, and we're always out every year, you know rooting and cheering we're Spectators now for the marathon we've both done several marathons and kind of are in a new phase (00:03:03) of running where (00:03:06) I think we're concentrating a little more on the the shorter distances marathons a great race, but it requires a lot of a lot of time training you need a lot of time to train for it and then it takes Out of your body and you mentioned that Allen played 18 years ago. And you know, he's got a wife that's older than he is (00:03:28) on still seems to be just about as tall as ever though. I write all those 18 years now running and everything. Well speaking of the marathon and preparations for and so on. What do you think that people who are running in the marathon should be doing right now about two weeks ahead (00:03:43) of time. They should by now. I think if started to taper down a bit the the training program that I've used called for the last long run and the longest run of the of the the training series about 21 days 24 days before the marathon and tapering from there. One of the things that that happens when you start to taper because you put in so much time and so much effort and so much energy you start to taper down that run quite as much doesn't take up quite as much time you start to feel a little guilty and like you're not doing anything and one of the things people have to do is keep from getting stale. Hmm. Probably the last week before the marathon. (00:04:30) Why do you why do you say / - think you'd be building up right till the very last Bitter (00:04:34) End. Well, there's a there's a theory that if you don't have it in the bank by now, you're not going to get it in there. You (00:04:41) want to be fully rested by AB before you tackle at? (00:04:45) six miles so you you want to be rested you want to be fresh and you want to you want to have Maintained your your conditioning without overdoing it you can overtrain and overtraining leads to injuries or potential injuries. If not the training injuring you then because your body is so tired you could much easier to trip or fall or do something like that and get an injury. So the last last couple weeks you want to keep the the intensity but not the not the number of miles. (00:05:26) Yeah, it would be a shame having gotten ready for all of it to do yourself some injury in the last couple of weeks and I'll be able to participate at all time to open the telephone lines and find out what you would like to know from Alan and Diane page this morning and Minneapolis. And st. Paul. The phone number is two two seven six thousand 2276 thousand for Minneapolis st. Paul area listeners around the state of Minnesota. Our toll-free number is open at Five to nine 7001 865 to 9700. If you are running in the Twin Cities Marathon and have a question for them by all means give us a call or if you are a recreational Runner and have some things you'd like to find out why your questions are welcome as well. Our telephone lines do appear to be open at two to seven six thousand in the Twin Cities area. Do you think the speaking of the the marathon when you actually get to that that Sunday two weeks from Sunday? What do you what do you think people ought to be doing in terms of preparing for the for the Run itself as far as their meal their meals the night before and the day of that kind of thing people. (00:06:40) There's all different things. You can do what we always did the big carat weight was great the night before we'd always do the great carbo-load dinner, which was something to really look forward to I mean just get as much starch in your stomach as possible, you know, and it generally was Stallo rice or potato anything like that's acceptable pizza. And so we'd go out for just a big carbo-load dinner and get all of that. It was just it would be wonderful (00:07:06) marathons a great excuse to (00:07:08) overeat is to run it all off dementia. That's right. (00:07:12) You know, I kind of segment that the people that run marathons into you know, I'm in kind of market research and market research is always segmenting, you know, just you know, I always say segmenting their markets and you know, there's there's different kinds of marathon runners. There's the pro the professional who was you know, probably running for the money and then there's the kind of the compulsive, you know, the person that you know is watching the clock. I've got to get five seconds better time than my last marathon and then there's the you know, the people that are just out there for kind of fun. Like I want to I want to prove to the world. I can finish I want to prove to myself I can finish and depending upon which of those segments here in you're going to prepare for the marathon and you're the night before is going to be different. I mean if Pro you might have this depletion system worked out where you deplete during the week and they've got these specialized diets and things that they do but just the kind of fun person. I think that just wants to finish can just really have a blast that last week by just kind of carbo loading and having a pretty their Carefree attitude. (00:08:13) That's true of there's some basic things that going into the marathon you want to you want to keep in mind number one bring your shoes to the starting line people have been known to get nervous and forget their shoes is probably not a bad idea to prepare your feet a little bit with Vaseline the morning of the run to try to prevent blisters. I've had the occasion to have one blister that started on me at about 15 miles in 10 miles of long way to run with blisters. The the other thing is the day or two probably even three or four days before the marathon is to increase your liquid intake. So that your body has an overabundance of liquid at the start and then to make sure that along the way you continue to replace the liquid. It's it's surprising how much fluid you can lose and running a marathon and not only is it dangerous in the sense that you can dehydrate and cause yourself some severe physical problems, but you also run better run faster. It's easier to run if you're not dehydrated. (00:09:27) Well some listeners on the line will go to them and their questions now hi, you're on the air. Good (00:09:32) morning. Hi. Everybody is admired Allen for 18 years and not least for his law career and for he gets too much into running. I wonder if you bring us up to date on (00:09:42) that. Well, I'm currently with the Attorney General's office and the Labor and Industry division working in Fair labor standards workers compensation employee relations and enjoying it quite a (00:09:57) bit. We were talking about that just a little bit before we went on the air and maybe you could again comment for the folks on the difference between practicing privately and practicing for the Attorney General's office. (00:10:10) But the biggest difference is that in private practice one of the goals not certainly not the only goal but one of the goals is to generate income in the law firms are a business whereas with the state the focus is on the work and at least it is for me getting the job done. And I find that far more interesting. Also there is a sense that you're doing more than just going to work every day. There is a little bit of I guess public spiritedness or that you're that you're doing something for the public. (00:10:47) All right what he seven minutes past eleven o'clock. Here's another listener with a question. Go ahead, please. (00:10:52) Good morning. I'd like your opinion on what to do when you get stiff. It's a better use those muscles or to just take a very light walk the next day. (00:11:01) Well using a marathon as an example, you certainly are stiff the next day and it's probably best to take some rest use the muscles to start them loosening up and to get them warm again, but certainly not all that good of an idea to go out and start counting out the mileage again right away. I found it after marathons getting on a bicycle for a few days is a good way to get some exercise get the blood flowing again flush out that excess lactic acid that's built up and at the same time not have the pounding of (00:11:40) running. Are you referring to stiffness after like a marathon or just after like a run? You might be stiff. (00:11:46) I'm on a much smaller scale. (00:11:48) Okay, I've got (00:11:52) I look at stiffnesses stiffness. (00:11:54) Oh, okay. Well, I'm currently have some stiffness in my lower back and I'll tell you some of the things that I've been trying. One thing is I don't know. Are you stretching at all? I'm not a very good stir. I'm don't stretch as much as I should and a lot of times once I start getting stiff. I'll pay more attention and stretching. Are you stretching at all before and after (00:12:14) enough, but I do a little bit Yeah. (00:12:16) Well, I might suggest that and second thing would be massaged you walking ideas. Probably good. And if none of that works, I've had some friends tell me I should see a chiropractor. (00:12:28) How about lying on the heating pads and the and the and the heating (00:12:33) pad or I mean if you're a Minnesota and you've got it's got to be the hot water bottle (00:12:38) along with a little hot dish and right 29 minutes past the hour. We have a couple of phone lines opened in the Twin Cities at 2276 thousand if you'd like to chat with Diane and Alan Page this morning about running whether you're in the Twin Cities Marathon or just a recreational runner in other parts of Minnesota. The toll-free number is 865 to 9700 your next good morning. (00:13:06) Good morning. I was wondering if the pages employ any sorts of resistance weight training in preparation for their Marathon running (00:13:15) the most resistance I use is trying to move this 220 pounds in my life. I don't do a whole lot of weight training. I know people that do I know it's important for many people particularly those those folks that are out there at the front of the pack. They are in into resistance training weight training and I've known some people who used to be back in the pack with me who have gone to it and now they're up closer to the front then then then they used to be (00:13:49) I'm Nautilus is either a lot of Runners that have really turned a nautilus and they're they're running times seem to be certainly getting faster. I'm Alan and I really have never gotten into that. And the closest I've come is I did I must confess to going out and buying a pair of heavy hands and using them once about two years ago. Now they're kind of collecting dust and in a closet in the house put (00:14:15) them in your next garage sale hit right? Here's another caller with a question. Good morning. You're on the (00:14:19) air. Hi. I had a question about drinking coffee. I know that's a diuretic like the morning of the race. Would that be a good idea or because it also stimulates your body. I don't know. I like it, but would it have any counter effect? (00:14:35) Oh, I suppose it could promote losing fluids a little faster. But a lot of people drink it probably one of the things that that would be good to drink or at least might have some beneficial effects is T. There is a chemical Theophylline. I believe it is in t that promotes. Easier breathing. Hmm. And so there might be some benefit in that but I don't know that you could drink enough of it to really help (00:15:06) you Alex for tell the world-class Runner locally here Masters Runner is a big advocate of drinking tea. I've just in the past week have I think that the caffeine can be good in the morning before I run but kind of an overall diet since I've kind of tried to take caffeine totally out of my diet. So I've kind of given up caffeine in the last week had a headache for two days just by giving up my tea, but I'm think I'm over the hump now, so I'm kind of going the other way of just hoping to have a you know, a cup of water before I go out and run. (00:15:42) Hmm, dude, you rely mostly on water. If you're running a marathon or would you prove juice or (00:15:47) water? A lot of people like this urgh or some kind of a these fluid Replacements that have some of those the electrolytes in you know a little they've got a little salt and sugar and fruit juice vitamin C Whatever and most of the water stations along the marathon you have your option between the ERG or some kind of a electrolyte replacement or just plain water. I think both are fine as long as it's diluted (00:16:13) that some of them even have the D fist soft drinks to I guess give you a little caffeine (00:16:19) along the way. Yeah, I think a real important thing is do the same thing in the marathon if you train with water drink water in the marathon, if you train with ERG drink ergon the marathon if you train with divas Coke drink that in the marathon, you shouldn't try anything new the day of the race and your because it could surprise you it might not agree with you and make it a cramp from it, you know, so you just whatever you whatever you've been doing. (00:16:40) Hmm. Now The Listener has a question. Go ahead, please you're on the air. (00:16:44) Yes have either of you ever used a training program for a marathon similar to the one that Jeff Gallery talks about where the E. Total mileage is fairly low, but there's one long run every weekend. (00:16:58) Well, I think we've used something probably akin to that in the doing fairly moderate mileage during the week, but putting in a long at least one long run on the weekend. I've used a number of programs the last program. I use called for a certain amount of speed running relatively low mileage not real high mileage and the long run every 10 to 14 days as opposed to once a (00:17:32) week. Diana what are your observations on that? Yeah. I've (00:17:37) my last marathon was in 83. I was pretty heavy into the marathons in 79 80 doing I think I did for and 445 in that two-year period And I like Alan have tried various and Sundry programs and I don't know that I am you know an advocate of any one program over another. (00:18:01) Yeah, the only Advantage (00:18:03) I found for me with the higher mileage high mileage for me is between probably 50 and 65 miles a week the advantage I found there is that when the marathon is over and I don't think it helps me run any faster. But when the marathon is over, my recovery comes a little quicker as opposed to being on a 35 40 mile mile week average and then having somewhat longer recovery. Time afterwards. (00:18:34) It's a 25 minutes before 12 noon, Alan and Diane pager in the Studio's talking about running and we have telephone lines open 2276 thousand is the number in Minneapolis. St. Paul. If you have a question for them, in other parts of Minnesota, the toll-free line is 1-800-695-1418. Like you can call us directly outside of the state of Minnesota at area code six. One two, two two seven six thousand. I don't know maybe all the runners are out running this morning. That's (00:19:05) that that's something about Runners at this time of the day. They're either probably just finishing up. (00:19:12) It's been asleep sleep in a little bit longer and a Saturday and then go out when it's a quote crisp day. It's perfect for running as a matter of fact, if you've been thinking about trying running and have just been tried it and kind of given up in the heat and humidity. This is perfect to go out now with the humidity way down a cool crisp day. I think that you'll be surprised at how much Is your running is on a day like today than if you've tried it in the summer when it was 70 80 degrees sunny out and high humidity and you just get discouraged you go a couple blocks and you say I could never run but I think try it today and you might be able to go for blacks (00:19:48) the other thing about this time of the year, as you know, the trees are starting just beginning to change their color and it's a great way to get out and see him. (00:19:56) Yeah, it certainly is a beautiful time of year indeed. Well, we have a couple listeners with questions. So we'll take you next go ahead (00:20:02) please. Yes, I would like to know I just started kind of running and walking both in frankly walking is more appealing and I'm wondering if you get the same benefits that are walking (00:20:13) you sure do walking's very appealing to me. Also, one of the reasons I don't walk more is it just it takes a lot of time to do you know any kind of distance we can jog around a couple of the Minneapolis lakes and we can be home in, you know, less than an hour and walking the Lakes at a Brisk pace is going to take more time. In there, but I think that you do if you walk in a Brisk Pace, there's a you there's a woman that I wants to who walks O'Lakes every morning and she wears those wedgie shoes the wedgie heel shoes and she walks swings her arms and gets a real kind of military stance going and she's walking and I think it's very beneficial. You work the same muscles and running and you have the advantage of not jarring the knees and you know, something various and Sundry joints that you do when you're when you're jogging (00:21:03) I think you actually use pretty pretty close to the same number of calories per mile whether you're walking or (00:21:08) running if it's at a Brisk Pace (00:21:10) right now, you can't just shuffle along like I do or you might as well stay home and read here's another listener with a question. Go ahead please you're on the air. (00:21:19) Yes. I'll be running the my first marathon. The Twin Cities and I'm not really run much before I'm wondering what kind of diet you would recommend the day or two before the race. (00:21:31) I I wouldn't change a whole lot. You mean you can as we talked about earlier do a bit of the pasta routine or the the Khyber carbohydrate routine, but I wouldn't change my diet a whole lot. You want to the one thing you don't want to do is come to the starting line with an upset stomach or some gastrointestinal problem. You want to be able to The I guess the real key to running a marathon is starting it and feeling good at the start. And so I wouldn't make too many (00:22:06) changes. I'll give you a tip though, not in terms of diet. But if it's your first marathon don't go out too fast. That's if it sounds very simple but it's true, you know feel good and be relaxed and go slow feel like you've got you could be going faster the first few miles because you'll be really happy you did when you get to about my 18, you'll be happy that you didn't push it at Miles two and three and four when you refresh it. (00:22:32) Do you think that the competitive pressure of the marathon might prompt people to push themselves harder than they should and that they should watch out for that (00:22:39) tendency. Yes. I do especially at the start line because you're rested and your fresh and you're nervous and you've got the adrenaline going and maybe you just had a cup of coffee and you're psyched and you're feeling good and and you might start going out a little bit faster the first two or three miles and you'll end up paying for it till later (00:22:56) particularly. For the first time marathoner you get caught up in the in the sweep of the crowd and there is a tendency to let that carry along and it feels good at the start but it doesn't feel so good at 21 22 miles. (00:23:13) Okay. Let's move on to some more listeners with questions. Go ahead Alan and Diane pager listening. (00:23:17) Thank you. I'm fairly tall and light and have been running off and on for the last several years but more often on because I keep getting injured. I think I have a hereditary disposition to to joint problems. But the latest one is cut me off for quite a while is a hip bursitis and I'm a student at the University and one of the Health Service doctors there said I had a one leg that was shorter than the other eye and he put something in my shoe or gave me something to put my shoe which sort of help but I really it's really still a problem when I run what I benefit from seeing a podiatrist or some other special. (00:23:58) Diane has has been to number of Orthopedic Specialists podiatrist because she has some of the same kinds of problems (00:24:11) over to has had some of the same kinds of problems over (00:24:13) time and certainly beneficial they do a pretty good job with Orthotics and a good orthotic can mean much less pain much less risk of injury. (00:24:28) Do you have a good pair of orthotics? (00:24:31) The only thing I have besides my orthotics meaning (00:24:34) inserts in your been both shoes that have been (00:24:37) you (00:24:37) might want to see someone and get fitted for Orthotics. I wear Orthotics and they really helped me a lot. The other thing I would suggest is I'm a real big advocate of running on soft surfaces regardless of the kind of shoe or could And you have in your shoe. Just when you have the option like around many of the Lakes. There's a bike path or a sidewalk and there might be a dirt path next to it hop over and the dirt path. It's you know, our bodies just weren't meant to take that kind of a pounding and you know, especially as we age and it I think it makes a big difference. I can tell the difference when I run on the asphalt versus the dirt (00:25:21) feels better on the dirtiest a lot better. Okay. Alright another listener is waiting and there's a question. Go ahead please you're on the (00:25:27) air. Yes, sir regarding these marathons, you know, this isn't Boston and Phil to see where it really benefits our area to any great degree. And I think that the mirror I wonder if the marathoners couldn't find some place to run other than the city streets. Why should normal people be inconvenience for because of that traffic holdups and so forth. (00:25:55) I'll let you take that one Ellen. (00:25:59) Well, you know the streets do get blocked off. They start the race the Twin Cities Marathon, I believe it's seven o'clock on a Sunday morning. They're generally isn't a whole lot of traffic out there at that time. It lasts anywhere from 3 from 2 to 5 hours maybe and it may be a moderate inconvenience, but I don't think it's too bad. I know I've had to stand in line while races have gone by and it usually only last 10 15 minutes and it doesn't happen that often. (00:26:32) Yeah. This is you know, it's a you know, we live in a community and we just got to kind of share all these things, you know, whatever your interest is what you know, if there's a there's a walk there's a bike race if there's a marathon, I mean we have to share the the beauty of the Twin Cities and while this isn't the Boston Marathon the the Twin Cities Marathon has a No reputation of being the most scenic the most beautiful Urban marathon in the United States. It's developing quite a reputation. I'm Runners from other states come in for it. In fact from around the world people come in for the Twin Cities Marathon. It's kind of a showpiece where we show off the Twin Cities Lakes the beautiful leaves turning the trees and granted everyone's not a runner but in this town, but we live in a community and the runners should be able to share and show off the beauty of the Twin Cities to (00:27:25) and there are some prizes involved brings in tourism and all that. Doesn't it? Yes sort of helps the yes area's economy a little bit. I suppose it is what about 16 minutes before 12 noon and we have some more listeners waiting also a couple of lines open to to 76 thousand. If you want to chat with Alan and Diane page about running, maybe something about the Twin Cities Marathon or recreational running. If you're interested in keeping up your running this winter want a little moral support. Well, the pages are the folks, too. Because they keep up with that all year long. Here's another listener. Go ahead. You're on the air. (00:27:59) I've been interested in talking with Runners how much pain they're willing to put up with and the two of them. Most recently both happened have been males and one had Achilles tendon pain to the point where finally had to give up and another one had run hurdles in college and had enough things. Go wrong in the knees that finally had to give up also if a person Has been beating their joints and has produced pain like this. It has always seemed to me that if they swam laps they would still get the same aerobic type of exercise if they worked in a properly and they wouldn't have all these jarring things to their joints (00:28:55) and swimming the yeah absolutely swimming is a wonderful exercise and you do it's a tremendous aerobic workout when you swim some some people find, you know, they're just different people and enjoy different things some people find swimming laps in the pool a little boring. I'm not a swimmer. I don't have particular upper body strength and I've had a hard time trying to increase any endurance and in swimming and (00:29:24) it's his it's his Diane said before, you know, we sort of live in a community and we have to share things running isn't for everybody and Swimming can be good bicycling is a great sport. You don't have the the jarring that you get from running and personally, I you know, I spent 23 years of my life as a professional or as a football player 15 of those years as a professional football player and I got joints Jarred and beat and twisted and stepped on and what have you I'm not into pain believe me and I don't find the running painful certainly people do and I think there are alternatives for those people. (00:30:10) Sure. Okay 13 minutes before noon. You're on the air with Alan and Diane page. Go ahead, please. (00:30:16) Yes, the actual length of a marathon is an accident of ancient Greek history and seemed to produce a good deal of post-race sickness. Is it possible? There's some shorter long distance run which gives a good race but significantly, His recovery time that is the Toxic effect to the race. (00:30:36) Well certainly is is Diane mentioned earlier. I think we've gotten away from the longer races 10 kilometers certainly doesn't have the effects on you that a marathon does and that's even too far from me these days Diane. I think it's probably best at 10K racing. I tend to like five kilometers or shorter. Although I have to admit one thing. I've got this race coming up in Jackson Michigan in the middle of October that actually includes a marathon hadn't been planning on running any marathons anytime soon. But this race actually does include a marathon. But before you get to the marathon you run a 10K you have a 1-mile 1/4 Mile and a hundred meter race, so it should prove to be (00:31:30) a all in one day. It's called the ultimate. Runner and Alan's doing that and we were but three weeks ago in Chicago visiting with Buddy Ryan the defensive coordinator for the Bears and he said Alan what are you up to now? And so I'm going to go do this race and Jackson Michigan the ultimate Runner and buddy said what's that now and described these very these five or six races you doing one day with an hour recovery finishing with a 26.2 mile marathon and but he said I've spent all these years telling everyone that I know that you're the smartest football player I've ever coached now. What am I going to tell people? (00:32:05) That's great. But what is your you're running you're running regimen now haul off and do go out. And how much do you do you do it together that kind of (00:32:12) thing. Yeah we go out on what we go out every day. I mean, I'll take a day off a week Alan won't he'll run every day and we go out in the mornings and it's Sarah. It's just it's just beautiful we go around the lakes or have different routes that will take in the morning and run with some other people a Group, and it's very social and we have lots of laughs and we stop and smell the roses and drink water and get home and clean up and go to work and the whole days ahead and you've got your exercise and your a lot of social things and just a lot of fun out of the way. I (00:32:48) have to admit I'm addicted to it. I mean I say that sort of facetiously but I really am I we go out and Diane will take a day off every now and then and doesn't seem to be the worse for wear for it. If I miss a day my whole day is there is usually a psychological wreck. So I get out there every day (00:33:10) rain or shine (00:33:12) rain shine snow sleet hail dark of (00:33:15) night. I'm just impressed incredibly. Here's another listener with a question. Go ahead, please. (00:33:23) I'm calling with a nutrition question. You've talked about nutrition before a marathon or before a race, but I was wondering about some general nutrition guide. Is protein carbohydrate mix just some general nutritional program for running I run about 20 to 25 miles a week and I think I saw Alan out this morning around Calhoun. (00:33:45) You probably did we did. (00:33:48) What about the nutrition idea. (00:33:52) I don't know if there's anything particular just for running. I mean, I'm trying to I have a higher nutritional awareness than I had a few years back and I'm just trying to adopt a lot of the things that I see sort of happening in society. I'm you know, the the standard, you know less salt less sugar less fat more carbohydrate. It's less meat less red one. Yeah, that's fun. It's it's it's I I just think one of my Idols is, you know, kind of Nathan pritikin. I just think he, you know makes a lot of sense and what it but it's so boring and how can you For a family of four children at home. You just you can't cook for people like that and but you know, I think he was right but you just can't live in our society that way so, you know, I sort of think that it's we kind of live the the what the the yin and the Yang of nutrition we still splurged indulgent the rich luscious dessert, but we're trying to do all of the the less less (00:34:56) less. Diana's trying a little harder than I am. I have to admit although I think we ought we both recognized the need to get control of our diets and and I guess primarily not to be excessive in any one area whether it be the carbohydrates or the the made or what have you if you do things in moderation probably won't be too bad off for it (00:35:28) Allen who have you found over the years as you have gotten older and as Gotten away from playing professional football that you've had to consciously cut down on the amount you (00:35:37) eat. I wish I could consciously cut down the amount that he I have not know my weight fortunately has remained about the same. I Altered my diet somewhat to few years back primarily when I started running but really haven't been too conscious of it the amounts in the quantity that I eat. I try to be reasonable with it. One of the things I do with the AG's office Attorney. General's office has spend a lot of time in the workers compensation area and one of the things that that we come across is stress related or otherwise cardiac disease. And so when you spend a lot of time thinking about that and dealing with that it tends to focus you on how you eat and what you eat and I guess I have noticed that lately. Okay, let's move. Yeah. (00:36:39) I also am kind of a I know that vitamin supplements are controversial but we do take vitamin supplements and I just have this feeling that I know Nathan pritikin thinks they're like Poisonous to your system or whatever but I just think with if you are exercising running or biking swimming whatever you're doing that you're just using up a lot of stuff and I think it's good just to you know, take some supplements like a multi mineral and multivitamin tablet or a vitamin C pills such like (00:37:08) that. Okay, let's move on to some more listeners with questions this morning. Hi, you're on the (00:37:12) air. Yes. I've been a runner for seven years and I've done three marathons Alan mentioned biking I got into bike racing this last year and so my running frequency has gone really down. I did a half marathon recently and only about all one day a week about 10 miles a week with a couple long runs. Have you found that cross training has been helpful because I did essentially the same time in this half marathon is when I was running 35 40 miles a week. (00:37:45) We biked a bit probably not as much as as we should so I can't really speak. Whether the cross training helps, I know a lot of people do that and a lot of people have fallen in love with the bicycle. It's really kind of a neat Sport and particularly. It's a great sport to watch because it's beautiful the bicycles and that the sound you get from them. It's just a great sport to watch and it's fun to it's fun for me to get out of the bicycle. I do that to relax more to just go out and enjoy and not trained as such. (00:38:24) Okay, so we move on to another caller. Yeah. All right, you're on the air Alan and Diane page. You're (00:38:29) listening. Yeah, Alan. I've been involved in running and including some triathlons I listening to your response to your last listener. I can tell you that it's not so beautiful when you're a hundred miles and 112 mile bike (00:38:46) race (00:38:50) is when you look back on it. My question is more in terms of injury, you've played football and involved in injuries. I'm sure during the course of your career. How do you train through or play through injuries? (00:39:09) I don't do it very well. Unfortunately for me, I haven't had many injuries whether they be sprains or breaks or anything like that. Certainly the worst injury I've had from a football standpoint. I've got a finger that if you could see if we had a video here you could see my little finger on the left hand does a about a 90-degree turn from the from the the rest of the fingers, but what you really have to do I think is to know be able to recognize what is pain and the difference between that and what is injury if you've got an injury, it's probably pretty good bet not to try to train through it not to overcome it until it heals. But if you've got some pain somewhere that's something different. You can run through the pain if it's not too bad if it's not too uncomfortable, but it's real tricky knowing which one is which (00:40:16) yeah, how do you tell when do you risk going from Pain to injury? (00:40:21) That's the problem. I've been fortunate enough to be able to sense that. I don't know that something you can do unless you've experienced a lot of it (00:40:30) Diane. What are your thoughts on (00:40:31) that? Well, I'm injured a lot. Yeah, and the only thing that really seems to work is and I can't run through my injuries. I mean you just have to take the time off and rest it till it heals and it's frustrating and that's where I think that kind of that crash training idea. It's great to have an alternative to go to and you can't run if you are a little compulsive about getting your exercise and you don't feel good. If you don't get exercise at least if you can bike or have a bike if you can't run you can bike and if you can't run maybe you can swim or you can do some some Alternative forms of exercise when you can't run but I think when you've got an injury you just you shouldn't run through it or even Right. We just make it worse. You just got to rest take the time off. (00:41:12) It's about two minutes before noon at 12 noon sharp. Those of you listening to the Minnesota Public Radio FM network will go off to an afternoon of the music programming will continue chatting with Alan and Diane on ksjn am 1330 in the Minneapolis. St. Paul area 2276 thousand is the telephone number. If you have a question about running this noon, in other parts of Minnesota, our toll-free number is 1-800-695-1418. You're next. (00:41:42) Hi. I'm a long distance Runner here in the Twin Cities and have grown to appreciate running with groups of other Runners, especially during college Years, and I was wondering if you could comment on any groups or clubs that are here in the Twin Cities that you may be aware of. (00:41:57) Yeah, the Minnesota distance running Association is probably the biggest kind of umbrella running organization and there are the some of the Suburban areas. Some individual running clubs, which are all generally listed in the MDR a so if you're you're interested in hooking up with a it's good to run with a club. That's probably in lives in your area. We run in our neighborhood with some other people that live within probably what a few black radius of our house and I know there's some women's running the northern lights that track club for women actually lists their membership by ZIP code so that you can hook up with people that live in your same zip code, which I think is a real smart way to do it. I don't know if you're interested in running with women Runners, but if you are you could contact the Northern Lights Track Club. (00:42:47) Okay. There are a couple of ideas of people you can get in touch with if you're interested in pursuing you're running with colleagues coming up on Minnesota Public Radio FM network stations and Afternoon Of Music programming will continue chatting about running here with Alan and Diane page on weekend for the next few minutes on ksjn. 13:30 am weekend is made possible by economics laboratory products and services for household institutional and Industrial Cleaning worldwide. Thanks to Cliff Bentley for handling the telephones this morning and our engineer is David sleep the time now just a few seconds before 12 noon. And we have more listeners waiting with questions for Alan and Diane page. Good afternoon. You're on the air. (00:43:34) Hi, good afternoon. I just like to add to the gentleman that called in about injuries. I used to be a wrestling training for quite some time injuries. Are there are hard thing to deal with sometimes you don't know how severe their are a good thing to do. If you are injured take care of yourself and eat right exercise a little bit and try and work yourself up to you running ability or whatever you're doing, but take care of yourself. A lot of people. They think there will go out there and they hurt themselves even worse. So, you know try to take care of yourself if you're hurt. If not, you know, just just have a general common sense about what you're doing because if you don't you push yourself a little too much you could really hurt yourself feel bad thinks. (00:44:13) I think that's real good advice that overall just generally taking care of yourself is so important that getting enough sleep eating right? It's it's it's just key. (00:44:25) Okay, here's another listener with a question. Go ahead and Alan and Diane. Paige you're listening. (00:44:29) Yes. My question relates to the injury problem or is sort of a closely related to what about what do you do about when you have a cold or some say like case of the flu? (00:44:41) You're miserable. I will tend to take some time off with a cold or flu depending on how severe it is, you know, like cold probably not if it's a severe cold or the flu more likely than not it's probably a good idea to take the time off and just get (00:45:01) well Tyrael. If you've got a fever you probably would be less inclined to go out. I would (00:45:06) guess much less, you know, it's no fun being out there when you're uncomfortable when you're you had that that sick feeling. (00:45:14) Yeah that woolly-headed sort of ugly throat not (00:45:18) like everything. I think you really need a lot of rest. And when you when you are sick, you have the cold or the flu. So let's go back to the hot water bottle and (00:45:26) bed rest and a lot (00:45:27) of fluids. Yeah. All right, another listener with a question. Go ahead, please. (00:45:31) Well, I have a question about race walking. I am for several reasons would be unable to run and I have read the instruction several times, huh? Do it and I can't I don't understand other than just getting out there and doing a good clip. I was wearing if you could explain that to me. (00:45:49) Well, I wish I could we see people doing that. I've tried it once or twice. I can't do it either. I haven't seen any any description of how to do it. Correct. Technically. I've tried to do it just visually seeing what other people have done tried to imitate that it certainly gets you away. Probably from a lot of the injuries that you get in running a lot of the pounding related injuries. And I think it's great. I think you should keep it up. (00:46:18) Yeah, it's racewalking. I try it too. I think it is complicated because you never know if you're really doing it right. I think that there are some training groups of I serious rocker and training groups of women in the morning going around Lake Calhoun, I think get into a group or in some of these groups have a coach that will teach them the fundamentals are techniques and then you're on your Own after you've got a coach to show you but it is complicated and it I think it is great and you won't get the pounding that you get with running. It looks funnier than Hack but I think it's good for you. (00:46:52) It's like hard work (00:46:53) to yes. It does. It does that you obviously don't have any trouble with maintaining motivation and interest in keeping up your running program, but I suspect that a fair number of other people might any advice any practical advice for people with that condition. (00:47:07) Yes. I think I've been trying to make the point this morning about getting in with a group of running with someone else. It's so easy. It's not very much fun to run alone. And it's easy to talk yourself out of it when the alarm goes off it, you know, 5:30 6:00 in the morning. It's dark out if you're just going to get up and run by yourself. It's pretty easy to say, I think I'll just sleep in this morning. If you get other people that are depending on you that you have to meet at a specified time at a certain place and then while in you have other people to enjoy all the fun things. In nature just with then I think that you'll be inclined to keep it up and you'll stay on a schedule. I say run with a group find other people to run with and it will become something that you do on a regular basis. I say if you run alone unless you're just a very exciting, you know, there are some people that can do have the discipline to make it running along but most of us I think need the group support and so find someone (00:48:05) else group support and in once it becomes a habit, it's a great deal easier great deal easier, you know, there's a there's a lot to see out there whether it be at 5:30 in the morning when it's dark even even though it is dark there's a lot to see and certainly as a the sun rises in the morning as the day goes on. There's a lot going on a lot of interesting stuff this morning on Lake Harriet. We had a water stop and then we were walking along for a little bit. I looked down and there was this perfectly shaped dandelion. Puff the the white kind of the seed the see that was there and it was just absolutely beautiful and just happened to see it because we were walking along look down just before we started running again and there it was and and it's kind of nice to be out and be able to see those kinds of things. (00:48:58) We have time to take a few more questions to to 76 thousand. If you have one about running this noon for Alan and Diane page and your next go ahead please (00:49:08) good afternoon. I really enjoy Diane and Alan Diane. How do you keep your ears warm in this in-between e whether (00:49:16) my ears will I liked if today if you call him between I didn't have any problem today my hair is long, but I do go to a one of those stocking caps in the winter, you know, just a what is it made of wool or cotton, you know, just a wear that every day when I would starts getting really cold. (00:49:37) It's problem I have in this kind of weather. I don't have The problem with my ears, but I have probably my (00:49:42) hands (00:49:43) it's too cold to really not have anything on them. But yet it's too warm to have gloves. And so that's where I have the difficulty my fingers. Yeah (00:49:55) for years. How about worrying ahead wearing headphones Radio tuned to Minnesota Public Radio, of course (00:50:01) several. We're big Advocates of listening to Minnesota Public Radio, but I really I see a lot of people running with headphones and I I don't know I have mixed feelings about that. You know, it's just just being out there in nature is just so incredible. I mean hearing the birds chirp or just being aware that maybe a car or a bike is coming behind you or I'm a little concerned about some of the headphones. (00:50:27) It's nice to hear those cars coming up behind (00:50:29) you. It's also need to hear nature just seems like we have noise so much every day, you know the rest of the day and (00:50:38) we haven't had a chance to talk very much about Two winter running so far today and the caller minute ago asking about how to keep the ears warm and you're coming about the hands and so on certainly be a good spot to bring that in what what changes in clothing do you take into account for winter running a supposed to Summer? (00:50:58) Well for me Summer Running is a hat bike cap pair of shorts and running shoes as it starts to get a little colder I go to another layer probably a t-shirt on top, maybe some Lycra long pants and and top and then the next stage is on top of the licker of maybe a Gore-Tex running suit last one. I got I got through the the winner with Pretty good luck with just two layers not having to put on a lot of layers. Like I have in the past. (00:51:37) I should think the problem would be you'd start out very very cold. But yet if you want you build up your warmth, you you begin to generate heat and you run the risk of getting too hot, don't (00:51:48) you? Yeah, that is always a problem and ice for lack of a better way to put it sweat like a (00:51:54) pig you'd rather be more comfortable and you start out and not worry about sweating then (00:51:59) I take it. No, I'm going to sweat no matter what so the idea is to try to have something on that will at least keep most of that moisture away from my body and stop the wind from blowing through so that when I do get wet later on in the run, it's not going to be too uncomfortable. (00:52:19) Yeah. I think Alan makes a good point just as though temperatures drop keep layering and there are some new Fabrics every year the polypropylene the Gore-Tex. There's a new one and Fabrics for that are great for winter running. What I find is that is essential is to the bad footing and I want I buy what I call a cramp on which is a rubber thing that goes over my shoe that's got little spikes at the bottom. It almost looks at the bottom like, you know, the way a tracks you would look with those spikes those spikes dig into the ice. And so I don't slip and you can get them at sporting good stores. I don't know what the actual name I call them crampons, but (00:52:58) it's the actual name is it? (00:53:00) Yeah, but I think that that is real key to Winter running Outdoors is to have something I've heard of people taking screws or nails and winding him up in the bottom of their running shoes. Just so you it's like serves like a little stud so that you don't slip on the (00:53:17) ice. Hmm studded tires were all on long ago. Maybe it's long as know how many people don't take up this idea that'll allow you to continue putting extensive your running shoes. What about deep snow? Is that ever a problem or do usually Run in the streets and just not worry too much about the (00:53:32) traffic. Well, they've they're real real good about plowing the Lakes where we run generally in the winter the paths in, you know, right after it snows so (00:53:43) deep snow can be a problem. You can still run in it probably cut down the distance (00:53:50) and it's a good workout. So great work about we talk about weight resistance. You try and run in this know you get a (00:53:57) good workout and and you know, if it turns out that you end up running the street you can't do it not worry too much about the cars. You have to be very very conscious of them. That's probably the most significant risk for people running particularly in the winter time is is cars. (00:54:16) Do you wear reflective tape or a little light on your running suit or (00:54:21) something reflective bands on wrists, and I've got even a got a vest that you Flip over that lights up when the car's headlights hit (00:54:35) it. Yeah, almost bright orange things or something (00:54:37) like yes, I mean you really have to have something on because I run and I drive and I know how difficult it is to see people out there in the streets. (00:54:48) Well, we've talked about the Twin Cities Marathon. We've talked about getting started and running we've talked about some of the other kinds of activities you can do as Alternatives If you're sort of injured talked about some Diet things about winter running. Is there any other big area that we haven't gotten to this known? I think we pretty well Cover the (00:55:03) Waterfront. Well one thing that I guess the the prime motivation that keeps me running is that I enjoy it and it's fun and being active in in whatever your endeavors maybe can be a lot of fun and it's something that to look forward to for a long long time and I would encourage everybody out there whether it be Honours or Walker's or bikers or swimmers or whatever they're into to keep it up because it really is those are really things you can do for a lifetime and get a lifetime of enjoyment out of them. (00:55:43) Well on that inspirational no Talent. Thank you Diane page. Thank you both very much. Thank you Bob. Thank you. Bob enjoyed having you come in and visit with us today about running and some of the things that go with it. It is about 12 and a half minutes past noon. And now here again is Mark I said, well Bob Potter, what is your mileage goal for the afternoon run? Let's see. My mileage goal is going to be about five miles to my house in st. Paul and up one flight of stairs and into my bed for a nap. Oh that sounds like a good idea good nap coming up on 13 minutes. Now after the hour, this is weakened over Minnesota Public Radio taking a look at our weather at this point a rather cool all around the state. I don't know if you heard earlier the low temperature. Last night overnight in Tower. Minnesota was 23 degrees. We didn't get quite that cold and it's (00:56:36) warming up quite nicely at this point though. Don't expect a (00:56:39) whole lot in the way of high temperature today at this point temperatures hovering right around the 50 Mark couple of degrees above couple of degrees below. We're headed for highs throughout the entire state in the 50s including the Twin Cities could be it for summer. Well, but maybe not anyway, this is what the national weather service has at this point the cool high pressure center that sent the temperatures plummeting into the 20s over Minnesota last night has moved into Ontario this morning the early morning sunshine has given way to Cloudy Skies over Southern parts of Minnesota with an upper level disturbance in Colorado (00:57:15) beginning to spread some clouds over (00:57:17) the southern portions of our region. The clouds will continue headed northward advancing across the state this afternoon bringing a chance of rain to the entire state only the north will enjoy boy crisp cool Light Summer Sun today


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