Listen: 14738855

Calliope, a Renaissance band, visit Saint Paul Sunday Morning in the studio. Program includes commentary by host Bill McGlaughlin, instrument presentations, and interview segments.

Pieces performed but not included in audio:

Dances from the 16th century:
Michael Praetorius
Ballet -- (violin solo)
Ballet -- (recorders)
Ballet des coqs (ballet of the chickens)

Music from Occitania, 12th century:
Ab joi mou lo vers e - Bernart de Ventadorn
Cantiga No. 286 - Anonymous
Cantiga No. 303 - Anonymous
Reis glorios - Guilart di Borneilh

Selections from the Laborde Chansonnier. Burgundian Manuscript copied c. 1470:
Helas que poura devenir - Philippe Caron
Malheureaux cueur que vieulx tu faire - Guillaume Dufay
L'homme banni - Jacque Baribireau
L'homme arme - Traditional
Par le regard - Guiliaume Dufay
La Disperata (1564) - Vincenzo Ruffo
La Gamba - Vincenzo Ruffo
Mon ami - Anonymous

Dances published by Pierre Attaingnant, 1547
Gailliards (2)
Bransle simple-Almand


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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