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On this regional public affairs program, MPR’s Bob Potter provides a summary of state legislative races in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Program includes report and various interviews of candidates.

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(00:00:00) All 134 seats in the Minnesota House of Representatives are up for election this coming Tuesday. The independent Republicans are optimistic that they can cut the dfl majority in the house, which is now 99 235 the Republicans think they can pick up 12 to 20 seats possibly as many as 30 the dfl is disagree. They anticipate losses of no more than about 2 to a half a dozen seats. The Republicans are optimistic this year because of the tax cut issue the sentiment in some districts against incumbents the strong Statewide Republican ticket, and because a lot of the GOP legislative candidates are mounting aggressive. Well organized well financed campaigns this year in most of the clothes districts. We looked at the big issue is taxes in some cases legislative Pay Per Diem and pensions are also mentioned. In other cases. There are comments that the incumbent is not very visible in the district not accessible to the voters or arguments that the incumbents voting record doesn't Nest as To really reflect the views of the majority of people in the district the Republican candidates generally emphasize the view that income taxes should be cut especially in the middle income ranges some of the dfl dollars in the close races also mentioned indexing, but mostly the dfl is talk about the legislators past success and continuing efforts at keeping property taxes low DF ehlers insist that the property tax is the least Fair method of Taxation. The Republican candidates say that the income tax now takes an unfair bite of routine cost of living pay increases. We're going to take a look now. I'll briefly at some of the legislative races in the Twin Cities area, which might be close the IR and dfl party sources indicate that there might be about a dozen of these races. We're going to look at maybe half a dozen or so. These are probably among the races that you'll be hearing about in our election night program incidentally which begins at 8 o'clock next Tuesday night. One of the races that could be closed is in st. Louis Park District 41 B. It roughly includes the area west of France Avenue over to County Road 18 and then North from the city boundary with Edina to Minnetonka Boulevard. That's approximately where District 41 B is the dfl incumbent is Pete petrify. So he says that his opponent is running as good a campaign as has ever mid none against him. He says his opponent Elliot rothenburg is well organized and well financed and working hard and he expects a strong challenge. We asked Pete petrify. So what he's hearing from the voters about the major (00:02:33) issues. I think it's basically taxes taxes and taxes. I think we realize that we've got to do something about some areas of the tax bracket perhaps so we've got to concentrate on keeping our property taxes down. I think people understand that and has not been that serious an issue. Although you know, we certainly have got to pay attention to it. All right. I can't really pinpoint what it is that that people are frustrated about her angry about but there is a I do notice it. There's no question about it. There is a frustration on the part of people in the general public. I just hope that they I would hope that people wouldn't get more involved in politics and perhaps that that would help a little bit but I find the most frustrated people are the ones who really do not are not involve don't really care whether they vote or not that sort of thing. Do you get the feeling that some of these (00:03:29) people who might have been inclined to vote dfl in the past are this year? (00:03:35) I'm going to switch to the (00:03:36) Republicans because they feel it's time for a (00:03:38) change. No. No, I do not not at all. In fact. I think that the people who have always voted the FL by and large are going to do so again, and I have found that out by by knocking on every door in my district in some of them twice (00:03:57) DSL incumbent Pete petrify. So in District 41 B, st. Louis Park his GOP opponent is Elliot Rothenberg who is making his first try for public office. Mr. Rothenberg has been an attorney at the US state department. He's written speeches for un Ambassador George Bush. He was the national law director of the Anti-Defamation League in 1973 and 74 and he's worked on a lot of public interest law cases such things as Reserve mining The Boundary Waters canoe area, utility rates and things like that Elliot rothenburg is emphasizing in his campaign and it's time for a change at the legislature and he says the major issues are taxes and the full-time legislature (00:04:39) on the tax issue. I think there is a desperate need For some form of inflation proofing or state income tax at the present time the Minnesota tax burden on the middle class has particularly income taxes are the virtually the highest in many cases the highest in the country and I think this problem is exacerbated by inflation in the past eight years state taxes and spending has gone up by well over 300 percent partly because of inflation not all this money has been spent wisely. In fact much of the money has been spent unwisely on such things as increases in legislative salaries tax-free per diem payments increases intentions, unwise creation of new bureaucracies. I think a second and related issue. Is that of a full-time versus part-time legislature. I see all that the state would be far better off by returning to the concept of a part-time legislature. I think with a part-time legislature. We would it be able to attract purses or different occupations professions and have a genuine citizen type of legislature rather than the legislature composed of professional politicians as we have at the present time. My opponent has voted to increase his own salary by by 100% in a period of only two years. He forwarded to increase his tax-free per diem payments to $48 per day which receives addition to his salary. He has voted to give himself a pension after only six years of service. He's voted for most of the creation of new bureaucracies, which have been so detrimental to the state and generally speaking. I don't think he's provided the quality of service which this District deserves (00:06:26) elegant Rothenberg the independent Republican candidate and District 41 B, St. Louis Park Minneapolis, suburb and then up in the northern Minneapolis. Suburb of Brooklyn Park District 45 a there's an interesting legislative race going on. It's Three-time race actually the same one has been run in the past two elections. The dfl. ER is Linda shied the independent Republican is built Schreiber Schreiber one in 1974 shied one in 1976. And the two are going at it again this year. Linda shied says that this is the toughest of all three of the races that she's been in with Bill Schreiber and we asked her why (00:07:06) may not be a particularly good year for 4df ehlers. and Then secondly the tremendous growth that's been going on in Brooklyn Park in particular that part of the district district does include Osseo also, but that's a rather stable population. There are perhaps at least four thousand voters who may never heard of have heard of either one of us were not here in voting two years ago at this time. And when I say that that you know, I just really don't think that hurts me. I just think it means that's a whole new makes it a whole new ballgame and that there's a lot of work around work to be done in to reach those people and gain the name identification the issues seem to be I guess when I ran against him I made visibility and availability to the people in the district of an issue and think that he's probably making the taxes and government spending and issue this time pretty typical. I would guess of a lot of the races. How do you as a dfl or defend the the tax situation? We are even though taxes are high. We may have one of the fairest tax policies or systems in the country and that we've said that property taxes are the most regressive the most unfair and we've tried to emphasize that we want people to pay taxes based on their ability to pay and consequently the higher income taxes. There's no question that the people in this District are most concerned about the property taxes and that I feel that the dfl is done a very good job of keeping those Holding them down if you encounter a voter whose griping about taxes and you give them that kind of an (00:09:14) answer, how do they respond (00:09:16) most of the time very positively very frankly people look knowledge that their property taxes did go down a bit this year and they appreciate that property tax refund. They made a may not understand the complexities of that whole system and why they have to pay the money in the first place. There are a few people who? Really complained bitterly about the income tax and I think that you probably see the legislature go to some indexing or cutting rates in the middle. I don't think you'll see an across-the-board major tax cut. I don't think either party can really accomplish that when you talk to the voters. Do you detect a general feeling of (00:10:05) anti-incumbency frustration with governments throw the Rascals? I'll type of (00:10:10) sentiment not any more so than I did when I was the not incumbent I think in our level of race particularly, we're not a subject to that phenomenon or that that feeling because people have a chance to see knows talk to us face to face where the people down the block or kind of average folks. It's not I don't think people have an image of in this District anyway of the state legislator be it my opponent or myself as some high-powered Wheeling dealing self-serving person who doesn't really understand what people here want or are concerned (00:10:56) about Linda. Shy the dfl incumbent in District 45 a Brooklyn Park in the North Minneapolis. Suburb. Suburban area. Linda shied is accepting public financing and along with that must abide by the $7,500 spending limit for house races. She says she'll be spending very close to that limit saying that it's difficult in the district, which is one of high growth to reach all the people in that limit and Linda shy to spending a full 8-hour day at least on the campaign Trail her I our opponent is Bill Schreiber who did represent the district in 1974, then lost to Linda shine in 1976. He is not accepting public financing and therefore will be able to exceed the $7,500 spending limit. In fact, we'll Schreiber predicts that he'll be spending close to. $10,000 in his campaign. We asked mr. Schreiber why he thinks he has a better chance to win this election than (00:11:52) last mood of the voter is far more conservative in 1978 that it was in 1976. Certainly taxes are very big issue in talking with people on a door-to-door. Basis. What I'm sensing is that people feel as though they're losing the incentive to work harder because of higher taxes both at the state and federal level. Laboring people are saying what's the use of taking over time? When government is is taking over 50% of what they earn campaigning and District 45. He is perhaps one of the most difficult in the state because of all the new homeowners and renters within the district. Some people are are anti-incumbent, but I'm finding more and more people that are reluctant to identify themselves either as a Republican or as a Democrat and rather they're saying they're simply independent and they're taking a closer look at the individual candidates and I think that's that's healthy for the system. Is there anything about Linda shines (00:13:06) record voting record in particular that you are attacking or is it more the basic General dfl philosophy that you're (00:13:14) after Linda is a far more liberal person than me and one only has to look at some of the surveys that And then groups have made of legislators voting record to see that she's a rather liberal person. We can look at the Eda which the Americans for Democratic action, which is a rather liberal group and the recall the the average dfl or had a 56 rating with him and Linda had an 81 reading which is I think proof on that regard that she's quite liberal whether the folks are democrat or republican out here. I think they tend to be rather conservative minded their productive types of people and believe very strongly in the work ethic and are quite upset with many of these government giveaway programs, which the Liberals proposed and vote for how would you rate the race right now even pulling in this area becomes a bit difficult because we have so many Apartment units and so many new single-family homes, which was the telephone numbers may not even be listed in a directory. I would venture that at this time. I'm doing quite well among the single-family homes and the apartment buildings that they remain a big question will be putting forth quite an effort in the apartment buildings between now and election day. So I'm optimistic about the results of the election other than being in the legislature. So what do you do besides that? I'm a I'm a Potato robot a potato Growers. That's right in Brooklyn Park Brooklyn Park. Our family came to Brooklyn Park over a hundred years ago. So I am operating the Family Farm And we grow potatoes and package them into five and ten pound consumer size packs. It's one of the reasons that I am able to run for the legislature that Business is a seasonal or of a seasonal nature. And of course the winners are relatively free of farming activities and I can spend my full effort starts legislative activities. We do over 50,000 hundredweight of potatoes per season, which would convert into like a hundred car loads or really enough feed 50,000 people their intake of potatoes in a year's time (00:15:52) GOP candidate Bill Schreiber who would like to go back to the Minnesota Legislature and represent Brooklyn Park District 45 a some interesting occupational backgrounds of people running for the Minnesota Legislature. It's also true in the White Bear Lake District 49 be where an MD. Dr. Robert wife is opposing a chiropractor. Dr. McClure. Dr. Robert Rife is director of medical education at st. John's Hospital in st. Paul you formerly was in private practice at White Bear Lake. Dr. Rife says it's difficult to beat an incumbent, but he says he's been encouraged by the voters and he thinks he has a good chance. Dr. Robert Rife the Republican candidate and District 49 be says that he hears a lot of voter comments on taxes as he goes door-to-door. (00:16:45) Well, I think the issue that seems uppermost in my mind is the issue of taxes and the fact that Minnesota is in such an unfavorable position particularly when it comes to income taxes and I'm saying particularly in the brackets most brackets above $10,000. The other thing that we you know that we haven't even begun to address is what about the waste that goes on in state government, which also accounts for some of that high tax rate that we have here 0 opponent is a chiropractor and you're an (00:17:19) MD. Is that something of an issue here in the (00:17:21) election? Well, I would hope not I think it's easy to get lost in what seems to be perhaps a rivalry and Overlook what I think are the basic issues and that those issues are certainly high taxes to begin with the requirement that we do something for tax reform and that we've got to cut spending and when it comes to the health issues, you know, I think we can certainly discuss some of those matters they increase in health costs being something that everyone is concerned about in this state. He did in my recent appearance seemed to spend his time talking on that matter and almost to indicate that the reason taxes are high as to pay for the high cost of Health Care and of course one would think from an experienced legislator who was I've done tax committees that he'd know that a very small percentage of the two of the state's budget goes toward Health costs and furthermore an even smaller bite of that matter of Health Care cost goes to Physicians fees so that I think it was something that he overlooked completely as far as the cost of hospitalization. We recognize that's an excessive cost. But again, very little of the state's budget is expended on paying for anything in that area. (00:18:56) Dr. Robert Rice the independent Republican candidate for legislature in District 49 be the city of White Bear Lake if dr. Rife winds on Tuesday, he will be the only MD in the Minnesota House doctor. I says he will exceed the $7,500 spending limit. He's not accepting public financing. So he is allowed to do that right says Possible to mount a successful campaign against an incumbent with that $7,500 limit the dfl incumbent is Mac mccullar who incidentally is a member of the House tax committee. So we asked him for his view on taxes. (00:19:35) The reason estate taxes have increased is because the fact that we've increased the the governmental Aid to local forms of government to keep the property tax down and that's extremely important issue. We put about 100 200 million in to increase School Aids just to keep the property tax down so they wouldn't have to Levy that at a local level. We gave 27 million back to the homeowners in property tax relief by changing the homeowner classification. I'm kind of proud of the fact that we've kept property tax down in the last 10 years. Minnesota has raped second from the bottom as far as any increases in property tax, and I think that's that's the thing to do you have any particular kind? (00:20:19) Isn't that you're raising of your (00:20:21) opponent? Oh, absolutely, you know one thing that we've worked for four years is trying to keep the health care costs down. So we've established the community health centers, which we have one in White Bear Lake here. Now that they do throat cultures for a dollar and 80 cents. If you went to a private physicians office that's going to cost you between 24 and 27 dollars just for the office call on the throat culture some of the things that we've worked hard for four years to keep the health care costs down. He being a physician if they can't keep the hospital cost on in the Physicians charges down. How in the heck is he going to try to keep property tax daughter or income tax down? I think that's what it really amounts to the bottom line are the people and I think the guys take a real good look at the record of some of the things that he's been involved in Physicians fees Hospital cost is $35. Good morning. How are you bit when they come around to see you in the morning the hospital. I think that's outrageous. We have a person that lived up here in town. Rode out for they had to borrow money just to pay their Hospital costs and I don't think that's right. And that's one big area that we disagree on (00:21:28) dfl. ER Mac mccullar the incumbent in District 49 be White Bear Lake who's running against Robert Rife McClure has accepted public financing and says, he will be close to the $7,500 spending limit. There's another interesting race in a Washington County legislative district district 50 a fairly large District which includes the communities of Hugo Muhammad. I Lake Elmo landfall and Oakdale among others in District 50 a the incumbent dfl legislator. Mike. George was defeated in the primary and now running in the general election rdf Elder Ted birth and I are candidate Connie Lee Vibe Connie Levi says that taxes government spending Regional government education and the criminal justice system are the major issues in her campaign. She says the response to a campaign has been good and she says she hasn't seen any positive treatment of issues by mr. Birth on any of the (00:22:26) issues. We're very very pleased with the reaction. We've there 11,000 homes in this district and I have now walked the whole District going door-to-door and I've had maybe three bad experiences when you visit with people on their own turf on their own doorstep. I think they feel much more open and able to communicate with you and they're very frustrated. They're hearing a lot of people talking about cutting taxes and it seems to be the popular thing to talk about what they're looking for is an individual that they really feel will be effective in doing that and who will really represent them without taking into consideration their own political career or their political future, but just are primarily interested in representing those individuals. If you really look at the demographics of this house district true they have a A strong dfl base, but there is a very large Swing Vote the independent vote and we feel that if we get out and talk to these folks and let them know what we stand for that they'll like it and support us. (00:23:43) I believe you have not accepted public financing and therefore are not bound by expenditure limits. Would you come in on that? (00:23:49) Well, that's true in a house race. There isn't a lot of newspaper publicity or TV publicity these kinds of things. So the most effective way to let people know what you stand for and what you're about is to knock on their door, of course and also try and get literature to them position statements these kinds of things so they really know what you stand for and that costs money. (00:24:15) I our candidate Connie Levi and District 50 a over in Washington County. She is a former Council woman in Dellwood and her dfl opponent is a member of City Council in Oakdale is Ted birth who defeated Mike George in the September primary primarily on the issues of accessibility of availability and visibility in the district. Ted brief says that he has not gotten into much controversy with his eye our (00:24:43) opponent at this point. I don't think there's better main issue raised as far as our district is concerned. I'm basically running on my City record my availability to to the community, which is a part of my past record. the ideas that At as far as a lot of issues go. I proposed to have subcommittees made up of members of the district to get input. Put as far as taxes go. I'm sure there's going to be a reduction at the present time. I'm supporting the governor's proposal in a nutshell. I guess that'd be probably yeah. I was I was surprised to find out that the number one question. I was asked during the primary was to be WCA since the primary. I haven't heard it to the degree. I heard it prior to the primary. So you'll not been (00:25:38) endorsed by the by the party out there. Is that a factor at all? (00:25:43) It's a factor. I'm not sure how much of a factor I'm sure there were there were strong feelings. Pleased to be able to say that you know, some of those individuals have we've been able to sit down and talk about our differences. It looks like maybe we can come a little closer together (00:26:02) since you don't have the backing of the party. How are you doing on fundraising (00:26:06) fairly good fairly good. Are you going to be able to reach the $7,500 limit? I don't think so. But they're it they're going to goes back to our method of campaigning. It's the cheapest method but it's also the most time-consuming (00:26:19) Ted birth the dfl candidate for legislature and District 50 a which includes the communities of landfall Oakdale Lake Elmo Mata me die Hugo and others in Washington County. Let's take a look at an interesting race in the City of Minneapolis. Generally South Minneapolis, including Lake of the Isles Cedar Lake and worth Park. It's a district formerly represented by a dfl or Tom Berg who is retiring from the legislature this year three people are vying for The seat independent Republican Barry Berg D FLD long and American Party candidate Frank renison. Barry Berg is optimistic about the Republican chances of taking over the district because he says it's a swing District when the seat is open the IR candidate notes that he has the same last name as the popular retiring dfl incumbent Tom Berg and Barry Berg says that can't (00:27:16) hurt Romberg is well regarded in the district. And so it cannot hurt. However, the my feeling is that after five months of very active door-to-door campaigning not only by myself, but by my opponent as well, I think that there is really very marginal name confusion and that's based not only on my own feeling and observation, but also on some independent activity that we have undertaken to our to determine whether or not that really is a A significant factor. Have you been hearing complaints about taxes from people when you go visit them? They do make the the link and recognize the relationship between the quality of services and the quantity of services and the public Treasury and the concern is very real that if taxes are reduced substantially certainly on the vein of a Proposition 13 kind of vote that we cannot have any consequence but an immediate cut back of basic Services. I consider most of the tax cut talk going around as probably very responsible for the Central City itself. That's a kind of unusual position for a republican to be taking this year. I'm taking my position as an individual who has done a good deal of work with taxes for other communities and who is very concerned about the Vitalis. The strength of the inner city. So what are the specific differences? Would you say between your views and those of your opponent? We do we are not perceived as having substantial differences. I personally do favor and indexing of income tax rates. So that wage earners do not lose effective income simply because of cost of living pay hikes. Frankly. I think we do differ as well on our perception of the quality of the public schools. I am extremely concerned about the quality of the Minneapolis public schools as I've gone throughout the district. I have found that side from perhaps old age. The number one cause of individuals leaving the city putting their homes up on the market has very definitely been their perception of the public schools in Minneapolis that do not offer. The caliber of Education that can be found elsewhere. I think the legislature can do with significant take significant steps to work to improve the offerings available in the school's my opponent on the other hand seems to be saying that she's a product of the schools that the schools seem to have done a fine job and that students today are getting a better education than they used to before I simply disagree with that and I feel very strongly that we lose Nothing by admitting that we have a problem with the schools and attempting to to improve them. (00:30:29) Mr. Berg. I believe you have not accepted public financing and therefore are not bound by the $7,500 spending (00:30:35) limit. Why is that I have no problem with public financing and I think that it's a it's a worthwhile idea, but I will not and cannot support A system that in equitably and grossly and equitably distributes. The system as it is created right now is designed very obviously to benefit the party of the incumbent and we were faced with a situation whereby we would have received approximately and I and I don't have my hands on the figures but approximately 700 750 dollars before the election while my opponent would have received well over $1,800 and that to me is simply a gross and Equity since we decided to not to accept Public Funding and thereby, we're not bound by the limit. We have had no difficulty raising funds. We have been very enthusiastically supported by a very broad base of people. I myself have not pumped one cent of my own money into the campaign. We do intend and expect to exceed that limit. We have certainly raised in excess of that (00:31:44) limit independent Republican candidate. Barry Berg was running for District 56 be in South Minneapolis you Beck's is total campaign expenditure to be about $10,000. Mr. Berg is a self-employed financial advisor. He is a former Municipal Bond consultant the dfl candidate in District 56b is Delong who's making her first try for elective office. Although she has been a campaign manager for other people. She has completed all but a dissertation for her PhD and in Psychology. She's a college teacher and faculty member at Metro State University and delong's thinks that there will be some name confusion with Barry Berg and the former dfl incumbant Tom Berg (00:32:31) that there will be people who will think of looking for Tom Berg and vote for Barry. We don't know how many So yes, we think it will hurt somewhat. We don't know how much people are asking about taxes and what we can do about them. I think very definitely the next session of the legislature will be addressing tax reform income tax. Probably the business tax. I'm not sure if much will be done in the area of property taxes in the next session but people are angry and I think it's due really to what's happening with inflation. They can't do much about the price of groceries or their kids shoes, but they can complain a lot about taxes. They want to see some action and I think my basic philosophy in this area is that as long as we are going to have a tax Surplus in certainly in the next few years unless we do something about inflation. I think we will be having a vector plus an estate. Because of the effects of inflation and the effects of more and more people entering the labor market we're going to have a surplus and I think it is responsible for the legislature to look at returning at least some of that Surplus to the taxpayers. Very Berg also seems to think (00:33:55) they're the quality of Education in the City of Minneapolis is an (00:33:59) issue. Obviously we have problems in the Minneapolis schools. I can't think of any Urban School District, which doesn't have a great many problems. Mr. Berg has charged that our schools are in shambles as a parent as one who was actively worked in in for our schools. I find it a little insulting. I wouldn't be keeping my kids in the Minneapolis public schools. If I thought they were in shambles that is not to say that I don't think we have a lot of problems. But I think there's a difference between what I see is a rather irresponsible charge in the facts as they exist. I do think I'm probably more familiar with the existing situation in the Minneapolis schools. And mr. Berger's (00:34:45) you're accepting public financing and therefore abiding by the limits is (00:34:48) understand it. I think we'll be staying quite close to the $7,500 limited. Its I'm a strong supporter of the whole concept behind public financing. I think that the voters in Minnesota actually supported it the polls showed this that it does a lot to decrease the effect of special interest groups for a particular candidate. And that's the main reason I've accepted. How many hours a day do you spend campaigning at least for the last month or so I've been door knocking anywhere from eight to nine hours a day. Then I have time set aside for answering questionnaires returning phone calls. So it's very much a full-time or double time job. My feeling is that I'm somewhat ahead by a bit but given the potential for confusing which Burgers running I certainly wouldn't make any bet on the (00:35:39) outcome. Do you have lrd long who's running for the legislature in District? 56 be in South Minneapolis. The American Party candidate in that contest is Frank renison who's been an electrical engineer at Honeywell for 20 years and he's been active in the American party only for a short time since about this past February Franklin. Ison is campaigning on the theme that it's time for a change in the Minnesota Legislature. (00:36:05) One is the voice representing the people not represented by the dfl. And the independent Republican party structure secondly a voice representing people who are working for a living and not professional politicians. We have legislature made up victim was totally of lawyers and professional politicians and our think our laws that come out with that structure reflect that I think that the Minnesota Constitution dictates that we want a part-time legislature so that we get inputs from all the people and all the different walks of life. And I think we've lost that and I think we've got to do something to get back to that. I think they were getting a very favorable reaction that the American party is new and a lot of people don't really know what we represent but I'm finding that there's so many of the people in the electorate who are dissatisfied with what they have presently available to them that they're looking for New Alternatives. When and they're willing to listen to find out whether the American party is an extremist party or whether truly represents a middle-of-the-road conservative approach, which it does what Kenwood area is generally a pretty affluent pretty liberal district. Is it not? Well, it has that reputation I agree. But when I made the analysis of the district for purposes of planning my campaign, I was very much surprised to find that 65 percent of the voters in the district live in what's called The Wedge District, which is the all writs over to Hennepin Avenue portion of the district, even though it's a geographically only a little bigger one third of the district. It encompasses to our three voters. I think there's a mistaken impression that this district is ultra liberal as reflected by the Kenwood Group which makes a lot of noise, you know, I think there's a lot of Is there that are not ultra-liberal what percentage of the vote would you (00:38:14) consider a satisfactory (00:38:16) showing anywhere from 10% up to 30% and I am not running as just a token candidate if we had the money and they to compete with the the dfl candidate. I think that there's a good chance we could win but money and time being what it is. I think it's realistic to expect that a five hundred dollar campaign against the $3,500 campaign is not going to be one that you would expect to (00:38:51) win Franklin Ison running on the American party ticket for legislature in District 56b, which includes the Kenwood area of Minneapolis likes Lake of the Isles Cedar Lakes worth park. And in that area. Well that concludes our brief survey of some of the legislative races in the Twin Cities area, which appear to be fairly close. There are probably half a dozen or so more that we simply haven't had time to profile in this broadcast. We hope that you have been able to get some notion of what some of the issues are in a few of the legislative races. This fall and will have a lot more to say about the legislature on Election night dfl representative Tom Berg and independent Republican representative. Mary Forsythe will be in our Studios on Election night to comment on all the election returns and especially on the legislative races are live continuous coverage begins at eight o'clock on Election night. This is Bob Potter.


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