Listen: Gay rights defeated in Saint Paul

MPR’s Pat Kessler reports on vote results on repeal of St. Paul’s 1974 gay rights ordinance. St. Paul voters chose to repeal of the city's provisions protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination by a two-to-one margin.


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PAT KESSLER: No one could have predicted the size of the vote against gay rights in Saint Paul. As recently as last Sunday, one poll had indicated the anti-gay group had a slight edge. However, most observers believe the extremely heavy voter turnout contributed to its repeal. Once again, voters in Saint Paul have repealed the gay rights law by a margin of over 2 - 1. At last report, with 100 of 161 precincts reporting, there were approximately 30,000 votes for repeal of gay rights and approximately 15,000 against repeal.

The other election results come as no great surprise. Incumbent DFL Mayor George Latimer has won easily over American party candidate Ed Nyberg and Socialist Workers Party candidate Libby Moser. In the city council races, incumbent Rosalie Butler, who ran as an independent, is leading George McMahon with the DFL backing by approximately 6,000 votes. Gay candidate Tom Burke has received approximately 2,200 votes.

In the other council races, Len Levine, Ruby Hunt, and Vic Tedesco ran unopposed with DFL backing. Ron Maddox and Jo Ann Showalter have apparently won their races. And David Hoza has apparently won the race, all three with DFL backing. John.

SPEAKER: You are now situated, Pat, at the Temple Baptist Church. Any reaction yet from the anti-gay forces who apparently won their battle tonight?

PAT KESSLER: Yes, John. Reverend Angwin has said that he is happy for the repeal, although he says he feels somewhat somber and disheartened. He said he was sombered at the great task that lies before the Citizens Alert for Morality to protect the city. And he said he felt disheartened because of the false impression that he says has been set forth by the news media. He says the landslide victory, in support of what he calls parents' rights and common decency, has proven quite the contrary. He says the landslide vote will show the politicians and the news media that the Citizens Alert for Morality is not a bigoted group.

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