Sam Ervin address at St. John's University and airport press conference

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Sam Ervin, former United States Senator from North Carolina and chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee, delivered the commencement address at St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota. Ervin also interviewed at the airport about his reaction to ex-President Nixon's interviews and his own opposition to gay rights and the Equal Rights Amendment.

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We probably best remember 81 year old Sam Ervin for cheering the special senate committee, which investigated the Watergate Affair in the spring of 1973 Earvin cap his political career with his debut as a television stock the daily hearings clearly provided Intrigue and drama that easily outpaced the fair offered by game shows and soap operas the televised image of chairman Sam as he came to be known that Watergate summer is still with us Urban last winter cut an American Express card commercial which typically cast even a well-known American as someone who needs more than his face to get lodging or food. Well Americans, do you recognize Sam Ervin the craggy face North Carolinian retired in 1975 to return to Morganton is Hometown or he maintains a trace of a law practice read some and fish is a lot is public career began 50 years ago in the North Carolina state house. He served as an associate Justice on the state supreme court and for 21 years was a US senator.He calls himself just a country lawyer maybe but a country lawyer skilled at Harvard and recognized as one of the eminent constitutional experts in the nation. It was that expertise which ensured the bipartisan support of his colleagues ensuring the Watergate committee. Occasionally Urban journey to a college campus to lecture young people on their rights and their duties recently. He gave the commencement address at Saint John's University in Collegeville. Minnesota will hear that in a moment during the second part of today's midday that can determine discusses Nixon as opposition to gay rights and Equal Rights Amendment many liberals who applauded the urban committees probe of the next Administration often criticized Urban for his views on certain social issues. Although his public life was dedicated to a search for truth or even says it's clear as political Roots were founded in southern conservatism and the Old Testament at the st. John's commencement Senator, Sam Ervin is further introduced by father Michael blocker president of st. John's univ.Today only five months after he became senator. And clean the Washington. He was called on to speak for the special subcommittee to ask the Senate to send sir Senator Joe McCarthy. I have to keep saying Joe McCarthy is you realize one of our alumnus has same name? He did so with conviction and established himself as someone to be reckoned with and this one of the most effective storytellers the Senate at ever heard. In fact, I'm reading some of those stories. I just cannot resist repeating one of them because I think they say much about the man who told the story and his sense of justice Fairplay reproof. Senator Joe McCarthy, this story was directed. Toward a particular habit of Senator Joe that is wrenching words out of context, which perhaps I suppose you might call lying a bit. Senator Sam compared this habit of holding out of contacts to that of a country preacher he had heard. The preacher so he reported detested women who had a hairdo in which they file their hair high up into what was then called a top knot. You look for a Biblical text is preacher from which he might preach against such a wicked habit. And the announced to his congregation that he had found it. There was such a text. Top not come down. When an Irate woman asked him where such a text could be found because she had search scripture high and low of far and wide and found no such he opened for her. Matthew chapter 24 verse 17. Let him who is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house. Which clearly Illustrated to all who knew Senator McCarthy the quality of his quotations. after Watergate Senator Sam decided at the expiration of his term. But he should go back to the land that nurtured him the Mountain Country of, North Carolina. To do a little work to read and reflect and to fish. I'm not sure in which order? He comes to us today because he believes that America its people its land need your server. He is a wiser man today than he was 60 years ago when he was in your position accepting his bachelor degree at the University of North Carolina. We too are a wiser and Freer people because of his life of Christian service. It is a pleasure and an honor to present to you Senator, Sam Irwin. father Albert Father Michael members of the class of 1819 I've been accused of being reactionary before now was the class of 1977 and their families friends. I'd even exceed, Mahayana. to be invited to participate in your graduation from St. John's University Which is the oldest institution of Higher Learning? in this area by Nation and Wishful Generations has woven so much. Beauty intellectual and spiritual Beauty and strength and for the warp and move out the America we all love. when he delivered his inaugural address of John Fitz Fitzgerald Kennedy said and so my fellow countrymen ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. bishan spine statement I'll bet Gallant young presto. props my theme what you can do for your country. with your Indulgence I will suggest some things you can do for your country. before doing so however I will assert that it is impossible to overstate. What your country does for you? In addition to giving you birth and nurture. Yo country bestows upon you economic freedom. M election freedom political freedom and religious freedom by so doing your country and labels you to become everything your ambition. Yoli energy And your endeavors? Can combine to make you? Shirley gratitude which is a memory of the heart. how to move you to express your thanks to your country while these blessings Buy digital service as well as five words of praise. Let me enumerate two things of crucial importance which you can do for your country. First you can seek to expand your intellectual and spiritual Horizons. Psychic you can participate in politics and government. the Constitution best supreme power in the people and grace to you to them the greatest civil liberty. consistent with the good order of society if they are to possess the capacity for self-government. And enjoy that civil liberties it to the fullest the people must be educated and in life. It necessarily follows. that Paul your country's sake as well as your own. You should seek to expand your intellectual and spiritual Horizons. instruction of the courses you pursue Willie under the old Collegiate days Let me urge you however. To devote your efforts to the acquisition of learning as long as life. Shall last. That's Joseph Addison the English essayist Fort and mammal little said. And I quote. Education is a companion. Which no Misfortune can depress. No crime can destroy. no anime Canadian 8 No despotism can enslave. At home a friend abroad an introduction in solitude a Solas and in society. I don't want them. Hit Chase Vice it God's virtue. It gives at once Grace. And go but the genius that answer quotation. The assertion that God made man just a little lower than the Angels finds Vindication in the facts that God gave man a brain. And place them in surroundings which present a constant challenge to the unceasing employment of that brand. No, man can truly claim that he has a certain possession of learning as a as of a book or other article of personal property. The world is a mind is a little limited collab. Who is Founders or ice fast as the universe itself? And thought is calling us at all times to the Undiscovered Country is lying beyond the next visible range of mountains. The so stay on some ancient India exhausted and on the end of the search for knowledge in this cryptic phrase. When thou art a nurse and Hunter jails cease to learn. The psalmist of old prayed so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. I am freaked you to let nothing on this side of the Grave put an end to your pursuit of learning. Fortunate indeed. Will you be? If you will finally embrace the belief that knowledge has the most lasting wealth. And if you were will how what size constancy that you will be able to save in modesty and improve the sunset each day. I am wise with the day is on a washer. While you may feel that might as well become proud because you know so much. you may be sure that wisdom will always remain humble because she knows so little let's Brooksville friends. Fall by so doing you can summon to your fire sizes and Seasons of Loneliness the choice spirits of all ages. Observe Mankind through the House of Charity Ball by so doing you will discover on you. The offer got the fact that the Earth is people with many gallons sold. state of nature and walking times in solitude beneath the starry Heavens Fall by so doing you would have solved the great lesson that God is infinite and that your life is just a little beat within the heart of time. Playing today is the landmarks of proof. But they have a ready to test the soundness of a new idea. Accept whatever your mind finds to be proved. And whatever your conscience determines to be right. And whatever your heart declares to be Noble even though you're acting so doing. May drive in horror and Prejudice promised throne. and above all things meditate off on the front of the deeds and words with him who died on Calvary Fall by so doing you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Henry Clay said government is a trust. And the offices of government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people. The only way to make certain that a trust will be kept. Eastwind trustees Administration to trustworthy men and women since our country is a constitutional republic in which the officials who exercised governmental powers are chosen by the people. The government of a country must have him for his success as well as other people and make good and wise men and women to public office. the ability of the feet to let good and wise men and women the public offices is defended and turn on whether such men and women. will accept such offices many capable men and women will not participate in politics or government. If men and women off capacity refuse to take part in politics and government they condemn themselves as well as a people to the punishment of living on the bad government. As his observations indicate, you cannot do a more beneficial thing for your country than to participate actively courageously intelligently and honorably and it's political and governmental affairs. This is particularly true at a time when the people are suffering many economic and psychological walls and that populist and politicians and government is at a lower level. Belle flicted simultaneously by the economic evils of inflation and recession which are in large measure results of the fiscal policy of the federal government in indulgences, excessively in deficit financing for somebody else. They believe more over that they were betrayed by vice president who relinquished his high office in a fee bargaining deal to avoid prosecution for serious crimes against that country. Five man entrusted with Bass Drop melon political power who perpetrated the tragedy of Watergate upon that country to obtain a transitory political advantage and buy a present. Who is Islanders how office to escape Emily and Peach with pulse dropped Injustice? Furthermore many of them believe that America is suffering from too much rather than too little government. They accept, Hadley you in Stevenson's conviction that government should be a small in scope and as local as possible and his fail that we in America are becoming so big so organized so institutionalized so grub Metalized. Yes, and so standardized that there is increasing danger that the individual and his precious diversity. Will be squeezed out completely. As a consequence of these things. The people of our lamb need the assurance that they will have a government which is constitutional. Honest saying and dedicated to the proposition that the freedom of the individual is Earth's most precious fabric. The words of the Constitution embody the principles essential to a government of this character, unfortunately. These words are not self-executing. They must be activated by men and women. Whether the people of America will have the government they desire is depended on the men and women who participate in politics and government. When all is said? No individual is fit to participate in politics all the sick or hold public office. Unless he or she possesses two characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that the individual must have a reasonable understanding of the fundamental principles of our government? Believe that faithful adherents to this principle is necessary to protect our country and its people from Amazon the one hand and carrying it on the other and then dividing conviction that a public office is a public trust which must never be abused to secure private advantage. The second characteristic is that the individual must possess that intellectual and moral integrity? Which is the freshest ingredients of a good character? Josiah Gilbert Holland a port of a bygone generation Recognize this truth in a foreign, which he called. The day is demand and which I like to call America's prayer. I called his words. God give us men. A time like this demands strong my red hearts through faith and Red Hands by Niall who have opinions and I will then who have on a man who will not lie men who can stand before the demagogue and then his precious flatless without the Winking Holloman suncrown who love live above the fog in public duty and in private sector. my message to you as the class of 1977 is do these two things for the country to seek to expand your intellectual and spiritual Horizons as long as life lasts and to participate actively courageously intelligently and honorably in the political and governmental life of your country. If you do this, you will help America to obtain an answer to the prayer, which I have just reported. and the making sure That government of the People by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth sure. You cannot do more than this for your country. I thank you and wish you godspeed as you leave this great institution to take your place in life, Sam Irvin former senator from North Carolina speaking at graduation day exercises at Saint John's University in Collegeville the day before his address at St. John's Urban granted an interview to the press. The first topic was the role of the Senate Watergate Committee of the committee. after we discover the tapes existence is tapes in incidentally. It would make a person that's in find be superstitious superstitious because we discovered the tapes existed on the Friday the 13th of July 1973 today for President Nixon lucky day for truth. After we discovered existence tapes, I asked President Nixon to allow some to Baker vice president and Republican senior member of the committee and myself to go up and listen to Fresh basket for the taste for the commission. He refused to give them to us. Then I asked if we would be allowed to come up and I'll have the tapes and reports. The committee went to said that we just wanted five the ones who was conversations with John Dean. The President Nixon said that you out to get the committee is out to get me and I said Miss present when I'm not out to get anything except the truth. And I frequently said white rule is that nothing would please me better? If I had that as chairman of the committee. If the committee after investigating the fact of the Watergate Affair had been able to say in sincerity and truth that the president was not involved. All I was trying to do was get the truth because I think the most serious responsibility any human being ever assume sound the government of area is the judge on the other but Walter Malone the Memphis sport called out fellow travelers to the tomb. and I felt like me to get the gables bad did the best I could as human beings to give a fair investigation and I think that we Finally came up with her most of the truth notwithstanding the fact we never were able to get to all the tape in his tapes. Senator Ervin said a rehash of the Watergate Affair is healthy, it points out mismanagement and government but the same time prove that the 3-prong system of power executive judicial and legislative is functioning and able to write any and balances within the system and the serious governmental mistake. We ever made was ever made in the United States was Watergate affair. and I think it'd be a tragedy for us to forget it for that reason. But I think as Americans we can all take a great constellation out of this bad as a tragedy Wiseman take a constellation out of the fact. that it proves that we have a very bottle and verifiable system of government and shows the wisdom of the founding fathers in the the separation of powers of government lacrosse when the president Palace Congress and the courts remained steadfast to their constitutional obligation And we've been like some countries where all the powers of government of concentrated in one body. And I bought it failed us a whole thing with a collapsed. But I want to the distribution of the piles of government of the separation of powers of government and didn't collapse and we were able to go through a great prices. Will they come off to Malt and without any Bloodshed and I don't believe anything like that could happen in a country. That's not organized like the United States watching television is a favorite pastime for the retired Irving who says he doesn't miss the committee reports and quote that fictional work. We call the Congressional Record you seen some of the frost Nixon interviews, but I didn't see the 3rd at all because That was night for lice in Washington and I had to somehow former staff members that works with Mio still down. So I invited him out to dinner and I spent the evening with them and didn't see it at all the third one. Square no, I don't think you saw. I don't think it's all should the feeling the public about it at all. is Eli well If a person believes that tell the truth no matter how false what is the thing they say is I like that way you can characterize him. It's a lie. I think it's all. He's rationalizing himself in the position to believe that. He was justified what it did. He had the incident of the most. Aggrandize Notions about the powers of the president in the man's have been in the white house. So I don't think it's in and out of the fact that he thought he was above the Constitution and the laws. Enforcing for this country. Nobody's above them. mention NBA short of ordering a murder Yes, I read that. I read that in the paper and I've heard I heard about it though. I think that he is actually believed that because it was reflected in the testimony before the Senate Watergate committee by John ehrlichman when they were crying into the burglary of the offices of the psychiatrist phone. And John Law garlic my said while the president has the right to suspend the Fourth Amendment whenever he and his unreviewable discretion. Thanks to some national law. Security is involved. Of course. I told him I said I don't see what the mental state of both mental state of insecurity. But I think that I think that was really the cause of Watergate. That's all. those in the White House entertain the notion that the president was above the law in the Constitution. Parts of the country is only present. I think 17 that notion. when he said that that he had a right to oh that anything he did in the interest of National Security. It was legal leave it to be legal and constitutional no matter how much is violated the language of the Constitution language Laura. I thought is all Haywire. That's what the people in the White House that will implicate the wall to get a fellow believer cuz in the special Nephilim. That nobody connected with the Watergate Affair except Mar stands ever had any political or governmental experience Apartment Association was President Nixon. So he must have been an instructor on that point. You feel the former president is being as honest as you might be wouldn't. What if you had a little more Devotion to the truth and he was so structured that he could recognize the truth why it was so that the metal to him. I'd have to say no, but considering the fact that he has rationalized himself to such an extent that he believes that the what's unconstitutional. Is it legal or I guess he's doing the best you can with lights ass. I'd have to say that unlike one of his so. Hey, it's a Chuck Colson. I'm bound to confess. I don't believe it's been born again yet. Urban was asked what prompted the downfall of the Nixon Administration? The special prosecutor but what's up, very correct. When he said that Nixon Otis downfall to two things one was his hunger for power political power and the other was his love of money Urban said he would not judge whether it is proper for Nixon to make a financial killing on his televised memoirs. And as long as I like to see lawyers get their conversation. I figured that I don't think so. If people want to hear it another word, so I missed Frost. Apparently I got enough. I'll TV stations on radio stations to carrot to make it very profitable for him and mr. Nixon both and if the American people I think American people are entitled to know these things and I'm I'm sorry that President Nixon. Has never got to the point of being able to say I did something not on the wrong, but it illegal to cause he clearly was guilty of. Obstructing justice Irving has not been dissuaded by the Nixon interviews to alter his original convictions. In addition. He said he has learned little new information. Well, from what I heard. Everything else and heard before the only thing I heard a new was in the first interview President Nixon animated that he had reported to the Department of Justice all the investigatory officers that there was a possibility that one of his Consultants. That's the first time I've ever heard that everything else I'd heard was That's when the Washington police caught the burglars in Watergate. They search them in the search their rooms. And they found a notebook given he has hunts name and address in it. And in addition to that they found a check with you how it hunted written the phone or small amount of money like $10 that he had not delivered. So the Washington police was the ones that found out that the That the Howard hunt was involved. And also the that we got before the committed while I said when he was implicated he had an office in the executive office building. He was still on the payroll consultant to the White House and the John ehrlichman. Got ahold of Charles Colson and told him to get out and hunt the flea wash in just as fast as I could. And he fled the California and I never heard of anybody in the white house. So including the present ever implicate me how it hunt Sam Ervin has been an adamant opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment since it was first proposed in 1970. I'm trying to save women from their full friends and from themselves. He said at that time. He'd like to be out of the controversy but says he can't shake it. I'm still up. I'll try not to be active. But I guess call Donna because I'm a few. People have been in this Congress. He'll stand up and say that it's unwise thing. Well, I could talk on this for several hours. I'll tell you why it's going to do it in the first place is not only women, but it's going to it's going to have a destructive effect on our system of government. We have off since this country was established. DL power to pass laws regulating marriage divorce and custody of children the property rights of married people. They are alimony and all of the laws relating to the relationships between men and women has been a state function. The second section of the Equal Rights Amendment will transfer from the states to the Congress. The power to pass laws on those aspects of life. I think the legislature Minnesota is much better qualified to know about the people in Minnesota Wild in their laws on those subjects than the Congress having served up that for more than 20. Yes. I don't don't take the Mana play. I've got enough intelligence to exercise all that new legislative power wash to be frankly with him. And another thing it would Convert every controversy concerning a legal right of a man or woman into a constitutional issue. The be awesome determined by the Supreme Court of the United States. now the Supreme Court United States is composed of human being so just palpable like the rest of us. and some of my judicial activist and a judicial activism judge who would interpret the Constitution mean what it would have said it would have said if he instead of the founding fathers it written it and I'm not in favor of giving me this would amount to give into five Justice Supreme Court of the United States the ultimate power To determine the validity of every law relating to the right or responsibility of every man and woman in the United States and I don't think that they are qualified exercise that bass power in mind you they could exercise it against the will of everybody in United States against the will of Congress against legislators the 50 states and I just don't believe in having a dick all Judah in a kind of a dictatorship in the United States Special judicial dictatorship now about two women. The trouble they cry some amadeo's that ignores. basic realities of life one of the basic realities of life is well, let's go but what it says. Great costumes for Scholars like Philip Carlin of University of Chicago and Powell male frontal University of Harvard say that the Equal Rights Amendment. I agree with him with the state legislature all the compass. Are you sex as a basis for classification in the van and rights and responsibilities now that's technical language, but in plain language, that means that the Congress and State legislatures would have to pretend the sex does not exist when they make laws. Relating to the rights and responsibilities of men and women. I think that's the most ridiculous proposition I've ever heard off because on sex. Depends on continued wants of human life on this Earth. And a pretender sex doesn't exist when you make laws as a certain an absurd it. I'll tell you what it would do. I said ignore 3 Alex's life. One of the real life is that millions and millions of women are going to elect to become. Another reality of life. Is that a wife and a mother? The man in some respects different lost without protection. Been single women or men and yet the Equal Rights Amendment is based on all the other law every law must apply to a man to single moment and to a married woman to wife own mother or we'll adjust like it applies to anybody else. And so that's bad. Another is if it abolishes every well that's based on sex is a classification. It would have bought us a marriage laws because all the marriage laws are based on sex on the present marriage laws. No person can marry anybody except the person of the opposite sex. If you can't use sex as basis for classification, that means the two male homosexual or two female lesbians can marry each other or at least you can't have any law that prohibits it. then yes, I do. I think the Lord the Lord God Almighty. Let me tell you. In times past the women was discriminated against but as far as law is concerned. Lost now on the books about us every discrimination as far as some economic discrimination is concerned and all in need. Just enforce the laws of already got. It may be a few lingering laws that still discriminate but using a constitutional Blunderbuss a mammal a mammal to Marshalls loss as bad as sensible as usual atom bomb to get rid of a half-dozen mice you can get all these Laws repealed by state legislatures while it is in the Discrimination. I would say that ninety-nine out of every hundred in business discrimination made my login swim in the past have already been abolished by law and it be no trouble to get the other $0.02 Now this style challenge business professional women. Tell me one law that gives legal rights a business or professional man. It doesn't give the same right to them and none of them ever told me. Cosas, no such law still in existence. I'll have to admit I got around all 10 has also she's for the Equal Rights Amendment and she goes about susca reason for being heard. He says the three C's far. She thinks little girls all be allowed to play football just like little boys. No, I don't because I think she put a rough game. And I don't favor drafting women. I don't think we're right under the present law. Thomaston breath women's 2 walkthrough It can wrap Nick another swimming for combat Service as it wants if he wants to buy the Equal Rights Amendment passes. Congress won't be able to draft men on Acid Rap swimming. It won't be able to enlist or men for combat service without enlisting women with combat service and I think as long as we got as many men in the United States that able to fight for the country. I'm not in favor of putting a 60 pound packing a 9 Pound life long ago. I was back to go out and go through what I went through in the first world war well or even met with reporters at International Airport singer Anita Bryant was in Minneapolis being picketed by gays as she attempted to open a produce Factory a spokesman for the Citrus industry is also an opponent of a gay rights ordinance in her home county of Dade Florida. She and fellow opponents for mandatory hiring of gays and teaching and other professions could do harm to the children of the community Sam Ervin makes no bones about his feelings either. Which no, no, I think they need a ride such as the standing up for what's right. I think she stand up for fundamental truth. You stand up for religion. Because I certainly shall not lie with mankind as with womankind. Caused by the liberal laws that have been passed out there regarding will let everybody know what they said the knotted and I think maybe when she said that she nodded cuz I think the control of the weather is still in the hands of the Lord and not 12 Urban went easy on the Carter Administration. Well, I'll Famous things about the Carter Administration. I like I like his open appeal to the people of the country. I was a great admirer of Woodrow Wilson of thought that though. Wilson's on the statement that we all die in our dealings with foreign countries well to have open covenants open arrived at I think Carter is trying to implement that I never did like the idea that we had when Henry Kissinger was secretary of state that having a sexy ass State going around the face of the Earth and whispering things in the house of heads of states that the American people will not entitled to hell. So I'll approve of that. I don't approve of everything that the President Carter's done. I think that I don't think much of his allowing people to register on Election Day. Because it would open the door for fraud and despite to the claim. So the contraire the registration process in the United States is very simple and I don't have much feeling that people that have too lazy to take 15 to 20 minutes off and go down and rest of the day to vote. I don't think this country's got anything much to lose and loose bolts cuz I don't think they care very much about the that rice. Is American citizen. You know I Minnesota we do have that. Yes. Yes. I know it's constant. You think that it might work here and not well in some other places? I think it was his work very well in the in the Minnesota and and in my, Wisconsin And also North North Dakota weather it don't have any registration law at all. But I'm not concerned. where the idea of trying to make things so trying to cater to people don't care enough to go in the rest of the vote. I think if I had a registration Loan in Minnesota's people in Minnesota go out and race. I think Minnesota has a verifying citizenship. But Sam Ervin says he's glad to be out of politics. Now. He prefers he says to discuss Eternal subjects in many cases instead of the transitory issues of the day and he likes activities that are less training. He has quite a reputation as an ace fisherman in the Brooks and streams of the Carolina Mountain Country much fishing in late though cuz been waiting for the shorts for the fish. He'll cooperate with me and they haven't sent it to me last few times. I went fishing. I didn't get much cooperation. But I have a lot of fishing tackle a lot of tackle, but Irvin has do many Minnesota Anglers not to mention legislatures totally abhors that uses of sonar to find the big ones that's better job. Otherwise getting something artificial side the human mind to come back with us the fish mine. I know that exactly right. So like something artificial basin-odessa Fish Out of Water by false pretenses. I just don't know. I saw the program the other night on TV with this equipment. I just think it's spelled the fish cuz I didn't they don't have any equipment like that Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina country. Lawyer Constitution Whitesburg. Television personality fisherman Nielsen Anthony.


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