MPR Special Coverage: 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention: DAY 2 - Delegates chosen

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MPR Special Coverage closes out its coverage of 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention. At 3:02 AM, After five hours of vote counting, selection of the 18 Minnesota delegates to GOP national convention was completed, resulting in Gerald Ford receiving 17 (Rudy Boschwitz, Nancy Brataas, Mary Forsythe, Bill Frenzel, Tom Hagedorn, Hap LeVander, Iantha LeVander, Dorothy Liljegren, Effie McKerson, Carl Meirick, Len Nadasdy, George Pillsbury, Al Quie, Carolyn Ring, Kris Sanda, Chuck Slocum, Evie Teigen); and Ronald Reagan, receiving 1 (Mark Piepho).

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Thank you lie. Well, it's finally over the counting began about 5 hours ago the balloting and Counting over and the result Ronald Reagan gets one delegate President Ford 17 of the 18 selected to the National Convention in Kansas City. Now the 17 delegates will be going in President Ford's behalf are really Bosch. What's Nancy brought us Mary Forsythe like in Friendsville Tom Hagedorn half the vendor. I am to levander or at The Little Gym ft McPherson. Call me Rick Lynn. Nadezhda, George Pillsbury Albert, Queen and Chris and Chuck Slocum and Evie Teigen.Any of those of course some of the top GOP leaders in the State national committeeman boschwitz Congressman, Friendsville, Hagadorn Queen state senators Pillsbury and radish and other top Party leaders. The only member of the Ford slate who did not win election was Charlie Hoyt or Charles E. Hoi. However, she pronounces it one Reagan delegate who will be going from the Minnesota delegation selected tonight Mark people. It took 955 votes to elect these delegates minimum depending on how the ballots were counted. There might have been a few less than that. And in fact Mark people had 948. the fact that he was elected would have been whether or not he was electric love dependent tomorrow on well later this morning actually on the outcome of the final tabulation again of all these ballots, but former State party chairman Bob Forsyth made this motion just about 10 or 15 minutes ago. To clear up the situation and declare all of the $18 gets elected during this one session here is Forsyth 17 of the delegates supporting President Ford have been elected And to clarify who gets the next 18 the two candidates who were next in line where Reagan candidates and for the purpose of eliminating another ballot. It is my understanding that the Reagan people will decide which one of the two will be the 18th delegates to the National Convention. And that's why I'm looking at at microphone number 5 for the announcement from the Reagan committee. Okay. Because it's been the youth that is joined with a regen forces and it's been a major force and Mark people represents the youngsters that have come on board. I withdraw and his favor. And that last two was the comment so delicate Richard mcelhenney, who what was next in line beside Mark people. He had 927 delegate votes. The earlier proposal had been that there be a runoff between those two later in the day starting around 9 or so as a result of the Forsyth motion. However, which passed unanimously Mark people is indeed the 18th delegate. In fact, it's probably like me that there would not have had to been that not of had been that that run off Philip because of the number of spoiled ballots would have dropped the magic number from 955 to the point where people's 948 would have been sufficient. Well an awful lot of detail. I'm going to probably not terribly interesting. But if you have been sitting here since probably all about 10 yesterday morning. I think that you might understand the the perspective which is this reporter has on it coming up later today starting at 9 when the convention reconvenes, they'll select alternates to the convention in Kansas City that process should be a little less complicated than this one because there are as I understand it only about 30 people buying for the 18 ultimate slots. They were 53 seeking to be full delegates after the selection of alternates. They'll be the election of constitutional or rather presidential electors, and then the endorsement of the US Senate candidate. Our live coverage of the 1976 State independent Republican party convention is made possible with the natural assistance of the Minneapolis Star and this is Bob Potter reporting from the Saint Paul Civic Center.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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