Robert Theobald - How is the World Changing? Options and Preferences

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Robert Theobald, future planner and editor of "Futures Conditional", opens Judd Urban Forum - The Changing Urban World at Augsburg College with a one-hour address entitled, "How is the World Changing? Options and Preferences."

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It's awfully encouraging to come in for conference call and find. That there are women in this country. When does begin to wonder as one speaks to audiences of all types? Are the two types of Keto cuz one of them is designed to make you feel good. Battaglia nothing that would conceivably upset you another type of Keno To His desire and hopefully to give you a challenge what you might take seriously during the rest of the conference. I am the latter type. And I will stop by suggesting to you that raising the status of volunteers is not something that is achieved by writing it on paper. Achieve by doing things which will raise the status of all them tears. That's like putting outside of particular City X is a beautiful city. Likely to upset people and turn them off five more than to turn them on. You achieve status. It does not confer Department that raises the awkward question of what sort of State as you want. My wife wrote an editorial and I magazine Futures conditional last year in which she talked about changing images of success. One of the things I wonder about is whether the volunteer movement does not being seduced into wanting the present images of success, which perhaps the very thing could have got us into trouble up to now. and weather all too many women have not decided that the route toward success is to become surrogate man. Now it's I happen to think that the values that males typically Express Wichita Falls and competition not particularly relevant for the world. We are entering under the values of procession cooperation which Emotion by women in this culture. I became rather nervous some of the directions we are taking. Let me warn you about one reaction would still goes very deep. The Greeks used to cut off the heads of Messengers who brought them bad news. I am not responsible for the state of the world. If I could stop it being in the mess it was in I would very happily do so. But that is not in my power. Just possibly it is in all of our power if we decide to do something about it. So some of the things I will talk about this evening. I don't like talkin about you don't like listening to If I going to do anything about this world, we're going to have to think about things which make his profound like uncomfortable. European was like myself of always being impressed by the scope of the voluntary movement in America to talk fail as you remember made a great point about the voluntary movement. But I want to watch the old quick question that seems to me to stop them from that. Why is it that the voluntary movement? doesn't isn't more successful in dealing with our social problems. Why given the scope of the voluntary movement do we still have acute poverty? Growing alcoholism growing vidi growing crime the host of growing social difficulties. No, I would suggest you that the problem is that the volunteer movement sees its role as the filling of the cracks. In what is assumed to be a functioning social and economic system? Rick Thompson very few of us. I suspect a very satisfied today with either the legal or the prison system. But the job was a volunteer movement with rare exceptions is seen as picking up her of those who are most maltreated by that system. Not in talkin about the fundamental issues raised. buy systems that malfunction uproar when you get right down to it. I'll prison system is the only really successful educational system in the country. It turns out criminals with a 90% success rate. No somos light we have a poverty program in this country, which now transfer is huge sums of money. I'm glad that was still a cute bobbity. A game one must ask why? The game that seems to me that the voluntary organisation deals on a case-by-case basis with the worst victims of poverty and sometimes indeed. It doesn't even do that. All too often it seems to me that we have Define poverty away from Hardcore poverty into the mental problems of the middle class. I personally get very irritated when I lit read the hundred neediest cases in the New York Times at Christmas and I discovered that at least the neediest cases in New York. They are not hungry. There is hunger in this country of Oz still. I wonder what I would suggest to you that the truly poor in this culture are very prickly at this stage. This is perhaps not very easy to play Lady Bountiful. with the trolling Pole It seems to me that the problem may go even deeper. Because if we really are serious about dealing with poverty and its abolition. We are really talkin about some very deep and fundamental changes in a couch. We are talking about the end of compulsion. I remember when I first wrote about the guaranteed income. One of the reveal is very perceptive play so that I would no longer be able to compel somebody to work for me if that was a truly guaranteed income because people would only work for other people if they wished to do so. I'm poverty is all method of compelling people to work for us and for the society. And also said he would not work without it because we have found whenever we have raised the minimum wage. It becomes very difficult to get the Dirty Work of the culture done because nobody is compelled to do it. What I'm suggesting to you is the perhaps rhetoric and our actions but moved apart from each other. I realize it's very difficult to look at where our rhetoric really takes us where our actions really take us, but I hope the during this conference we will face up. To what we really want as a society and what we would have to give up to get it. One of the reasons I'm optimistic about this is I have an opportunity to do something like this will go in a slightly different context in the town in the Northwest not so long ago as I listen to all in free agency talkin about that plans for 1977. I decided that they were intolerably middle class. In an agency, which claim to be helping the pool. I'm so why challenge that agency. To rethink what it was really doing. I'm coming out of that challenged her being some extraordinary exciting things. Some extraordinary helpful things what people have said. Yes that always real ways. What's the goals we have a spouse for so long can be itchy? Now why why must we do this because not only do I think that it would be nice if we did it. I want to suggest to you that it has to be. But if you want to live in a decent world in the Bible if you want your children to live in a decent world. We are going to have to discover. The man is the missing link between ape and Humanity. But no other change that is less than that is going to be sufficient. to deal with the crisis we come from I know that that's abnormal rhetoric and most conference is but an increasing number of futurists agree that we are passing through a transition as profound as that which happened when we move from agriculture to Industry that essentially and fundamental. That transition needs massive Tech. But that change has to be towards greater honesty responsibility humility and love. I think most people agree that some very major changes have to be made. I would suggest you that we have forgotten and ignored those people who have told us that the society that does not work by the Golden Rule does not work. Like other metric choose your own some people don't like that red streak, but you all know what I mean. I believe that what we have been told I won't you often and university is the people who believe in religious values a naive and will grow up sooner or later. What's the source of much about trouble? And I believe that the volunteer movement can if it will pick up the challenge reminders. The lying and their responsibilities. I'm not the ways to get things done. It might even remind us that there was something between the two coasts. But it is not only New York and the Northeast in California that comprise the whole of this country. At least it might remind us of that if the rest of the country could get over it secured inferiority complex. No. To sort of make my point clear. I want to find out that what I am suggesting to you is very different. From what Ralph Nader will suggest you tomorrow night. Ralph Nader believes at 9 is and will remain cropped. Business people are inherently always am totally tomorrow to be constrained only by bureaucracy is will make them do decent things. Lysine no more reason to trust government bureaucracies and government laws. Then I do to trust business unless both of them change. Very substantial. Nor do I feel that a solution which throws 3,100 people out of work as a result of a management failure at least in appearance. Isabella just Society. This is what has happened. But the result of mine and those 3,100 people come out because we cannot as a society solve anything except by a legal measure. Ralph Nader is I hear him at least would have the voluntary agencies act as a pressure group to force laws. So that we can force people in business to behave well. I cannot make that model work as a model for the survival of our society. I would suggest to you that we have to set up a society in which people do not believe it to be in their self interests. July how to do things which were against the interests of the society Are you telling me that that is impossible it may well be so. The dolphin may have been smarter than us. The dolphin you remember is claimed to have just has good brains as we having it decided it was going to learn how to live in the water so public. We decided that we were going to create an incredibly complex society. And we have now got to learn to manage it if we are going to survive. I spend a lot of time thinking about how you manage your Society if everybody is it everybody else his throat? An icon come up with any models that work. Noah by the way, would a dictatorship work even if I could believe in one? because dictatorships by the very nature close off the flow of information, which is required for good decision making Bethel I would suggest to you that what the volunteer Society must do If you are going to be significantly effective in the Dynamics of this culture, which is what I believe you all claim to be interested it. Is to give the citizen a chunks to imagine and create. The sort of society in which he wants to live. to be involved actively involved in creating that better future, which I am quite convinced lies within our grasp. That is no reason for us to lose. Hope with the present time. I agree but unmotivated unintelligent. Hope is no help. But hope belief in the future is essential. One of the most serious Trends in this culture is the belief of Americans that we are all being backed up against the wall and that there are no answers to the problems that we confront. Despair is no answer. Do you add up the potential influence of Volunteers in this country? You add up the ability to change this country with bright repented. Volunteers touch every institution and almost every person in this country. If you have not seen it as your role to help people understand the changes that are taking place around them. I'm seeing it as your role to adapt within a couch. Durkheim, sociologist talked about a thing called anime. Said that the danger of the industrial culture was being without a name without a place. We kind a different phrase the danger with our culture is what we call a Monday. Does being without a world in which one can live in decency and dignity? I would suggest to you that job all of our jobs is to create that world. And which way now children can live in decency. That's obviously a very different sort of world and I can hear buzzing around the whole the statement, but you cannot change Human Nature. Only Americans believe that you cannot change Human Nature. Because everybody else knows that human nature is a highly changeable animal depending on people's perception of what is in their self-interest. I believe we can change Human Nature. Like I would go further and I would suggest to you that we have already changed human nature to a significant extent. Let me know if a lot of people in this culture a top. Of the competitive models in which they are forced to live. I'm not looking for Cooperative Frameworks, which is something that the voluntary agencies can teach them about. I remember talking once to a very well-known newscaster after he had interviewed me and he said I wish I could believe you but my daughter keeps on telling me that you would like to live a decent life and I have to keep on telling her that she can survive that way. That's what we've been telling our young people we keep on telling again and the game don't be naive wise up. so let me suggest to you that we create instead of our present win-lose world or even worse a lose-lose world a win-win world world and which interactions between people lead to a greater amount of happiness and creativity than existed before those interactions. It I want do I mean by that? Well a PreSonus a first-class example of a lose-lose model. Not lose-lose model is built into the prison. I don't know how many of you know that extraordinary experiment where students were placed in the prison situation and will Bruce lies within one week. The prison itself is a lose-lose model. far too, many of our schools how become a lose-lose model. Do you realize that in certain cities in this country the schools of the highest crime rates? Of the city and wait for us young people to go to them. On penalty of crime when I said that to somebody the other day he said to me. Yes that happened to me in, Texas. I had a kid who stole and he was put on probation and I had another school here to skip school for 2 days, and he went to reform school. We have an awful lot of lose-lose models in this couch with the Press sometime. Well where everybody loses by the interaction process. No, that's a win-lose model, which doesn't happen very often in real life. It happens more in things like poker. Because in poker either you win what I lose or vice a versa, but the addition is the same. It's very rare in real life. Then they win win models. When when models happen when people work together and dry? And what Benedict cross energy? The definition of synergy is when one plus one equals three. That's what the volunteer Society is all about. It isn't impossible because all of you have done it. What conference is an example of? Happen because people brought off the impossible. Because it was important to the Nike ad about it. Know how do we create a win-win Society or vegetable ice would suggest to you that we begin to recognize competence wherever we find it. I noticed that it said that it's difficult to involve low-income and minority groups. I'd suggest you that that's difficult because we insist that they are competent in all Style. If they can't manage middle class Norms tough. Just shows they on company. We can no longer do what men have done to women which is to insist the women managed within men styles. We cannot do the same thing to mine already groups on full people and then say Oh, but you don't belong here. Secondly, I'd suggest to you that you and I on all of us have got to find ways to bring two people the information. They need to make good decisions about the lives. The day I got to live it. The future is not going to be like the past. But most people haven't a clue where the energy crisis is a short-run crisis brought on by the oil companies. a failure of government of the beginning of the end the end of the beginning whatever. We have confused people. So totally that they want to be left alone. I remember somebody saying luck. I've had enough crises. Just don't bother me anymore. I don't blame them whenever a crisis is the Lost crisis because of the action of the media. You get tired of crises? But somehow people have to learn what the true and real issues are that we face and begin to work to solve them. No, I would suggest to you that what we have to do was to end in from Tim the flight from freedom. People want to get away from having to be responsible. They don't know how to be responsible because we won't give them enough information to be responsible. So the best thing is to go and off and live private lives. There's a phalaenopsis story about this one about what you can do to a frog you can catch a frog and you can put it in cold water. Can you raise the temperature sufficiently slowly? When the temperature reaches boiling point the frog is still inside the water because it didn't ever know enough to jump out. If you look at our culture, I would suggest to you that it isn't that different. That we cannot see what is happening to us. the combination of Watergate The Exorcist No reaction to the SLA. nah reaction to famine now happening in sub-Saharan Africa likely to happen on a large scale in India suggest to me that we have lost any capacity for cat. You better get it back in a hurry. There's not that much difference between The Exorcist on the Roman Colosseum. We do it admittedly without killing anybody. But the emotions that take us that don't seem to me to be very different from the things that took us to the Coliseum. What can we do? We got a wonderful incredible opportunity which we have almost blown but which we could still recreate the bicentennial. 200 years ago you got round to throwing my ancestors out. And they were indeed my ancestors and put that I was here or my ancestors were here in 1776. nice lip back without too much difficulty But the issues you faced in 1776 were of the same magnitude as the issues you face in 1976. The need for rethinking is Justice fundamental. I would suggest to you that it is conceivable that people in this country would rise to the challenge. I'm thinking about the future. They wanted because of that Robert extraordinary parallel, which. Just the right moment for soup when both people and thinking about what sort of future then. this is particularly relevant when you think but the intention of the Constitution Has I think in the view of many historians being totally produced? Some of you may remember the debates about no factionalism. The effort made to avoid political parties in this country was enormous. Could it be that? The people who formed the Constitution were right. The political parties do not work. Could it be the top political system is going to have to go back and be rethought as to how we make issues given the fact that neither in America? No Britain. No Canada nor France. No Germany and I can go on do we have a functioning government capable of making Intelligent Decisions? Don't forget the energy crisis was solved in this country because of the intelligent actions of individuals. Almost entirely. I'm Kos by anything else, but their own decision making federal government did not manage to pass. I believe it is true to say any significant piece of legislation. Yet we still say that the answers are to be found at the federal government level. Why do we not say that the answers are to be found where they are in the minds and hearts of individual people informed about reality. I'm so we and that we is a sort of strange amorphous non organizational. We are trying to be able to program has one is called the community as of 76. The other is called the classes of 76. The communities of 76 is an idea that every Community Day by July 4th 1976 will have decided on the questions that it wants to resolve during America's third century. Are you notice I say questions. I'm not on. What terribly good at coming up with more and more detailed answers to more and more irrelevant questions? Why did we sell wheat thrush? Well, we sold it because the question had been defined. How do we get rid of surplus wheat? Not quite sure if you intelligent people came in and said, but that is no Surplus weight. But unfortunately bureaucracies have a magnificent way of getting rid of or quick question. I suspect if you look at your own agencies, even if that's more than just as good at it as large bureaucracies are. I want us to define the questions which we have to solve for America's detention. I'm talking about all sorts of community not on the geographical communities, but impress communities. minorities and Scott some Germans anybody who has common interests to think again what sort of future they want and can have And what building methods by which this is feasible and skills and techniques in the second thing that I would hope we can do. Is it in every school every College the never University. We will have a classes of 726 project Celadon commencement day and 1976. Everybody from kindergarten to postgraduates will have thought about the questions. Which a real. Predication in America service center and don't tell me that kindergarten kids cop do it if we give them some ways to think about the future because it doesn't true. Certainly, they conkright lengthy essay. But the other methods of self-expression. But of course they are inferior to us. Because they are not. How many of you would like to get involved in any of this? I'm delighted to send you information. Just right to me and Wickenburg Wickenburg, Arizona 85358. It's a small enough town to 3,000 people that they'll find me that. Know what I'm suggesting to you fundamentally is that up to the present time. We have run our society and try to run our society on legal constraints in legal prohibitions. But if something didn't work, we passed a further law. But that didn't work we found another one so they don't know so many laws that the old statement that ignorance of the law is no excuse is no longer a reasonable statement because everybody is inherently ignorant of the law. What it means is if you'll poor ignorance of the law is no excuse, but if you alright, it's alright. I'm sorry. I have to say this even though it may upset some people. I find it difficult to find out why president Spiro Agnew had suffered enough. Why a child from the ghetto who steals a small quantity has not apparently suffered at all. I find it very difficult to understand the legal system, which says that the loss of prestige is enough punishment, but living a life of poverty is not punishment apparently at all. And I would suggest to you that our alternative is to build vibrant living communities in which that are Community norms. In which decisions get made because people care. I'm not talkin about a perfect system. There aren't any Utopias in this world? We ain't going to find. We have two choices for the future. We can give overall a decision-making including who has children. To a faceless set of bureaucrats or we can take that responsibility on ourselves. Now isn't really much Middle Ground We decide to take it on ourselves. We are going to have to take on levels of responsibility which are totally new to the human race. We developed what have been called Faustian Parts. The only way that I know to live with them. is to be responsible for we will have to face such unpleasant questions as what is the right to death. We tried to face it in the very small way in the issue of abortion, but that's a terribly simple issue. Compared to when do people have a right to die, by the way. 55% of the American people believe that is such a right. In a culture which denies it totally. I'm suggesting to you. That we have reached the end of the functioning possibilities about present social and economic system. We have reached it because of our successes. Not because of our failures. We have reached the point where we are capable of doing much better things. We will either accept that challenge all we will be destroyed by it. We cannot go backwards. We can only go forwards. Coyote shot at who I'm sure some of you know. Said that man was being driven towards the news fear. Well in which human beings became something quite different something much more attractive. Not agree with him except for one minor problem tired, but God was going to make it happen them without us working at it. I see no reason to believe that God will bail us out unless we work at it. By the way, this is not new John Maynard Keynes who is meant to be the prophet of present economic some who must be willing in his grave at an increasing rate. Said a short time ago in about 1935 in an essay entitled economic possibilities for our grandchildren. Then we would at this day would come see about now be able to recognize for what they were some of the most unpleasant an unattractive Customs that the human race has called necessary and decent. I'm not saying anything new. I think the choice each of us has is to decide whether or not we can survive within the cyst. What are the breakdowns that are happening now a small-scale unimportant? And reversible or whether they are evidence of the profound breakdown of a couch. I want to suggest to the devil left and I want to suggest to you that this is true because we have reached the pint. At which are systems of authority do not work. We have a system of authority that says that the man at the top is capable of making decisions. And even if the decisions are wrong, you must have bail. And we have found out in the variety of ways that this is non-functional. But having got out of a system in which we automatically abay those who are superior to us. We find that we have no way at all to make decisions. Now, I believe that decisions can be made in this win-win culture that I talked about. But those decisions are so incredibly different and why they are made that style. But they challenge deeply the whole model out of which we presently work. Now I am aware that we are asking for the impossible try and be as find out the couch has confronted confronted with this level of challenge usually. I'm suggesting to us that we reverse the course of history. When I first started lecturing on this people said to me, why don't I read history and I said I did and it doesn't make me comfortable. I would suggest to you that the parallels with the fall of Rome are incredibly close and I'm probably uncomfortable. I'm suggesting to you that you and this room on the people you represent across this country. A capable of changing that reality. Now why you well probably because I'm speaking to you. But it's not only that quite seriously, I believe that the volunteer movement is a place out of which a great deal of this could and should come. But it will not come so long as you are nice people dealing with nice problems. in nice ways But don't upset anybody. I'm not asking for revolution. I don't believe in it either. Good friend of mine taught me that Revolution is impossible. But I am saying that we're going to have to look at where the United Way puts its money. And whether it is in fact not dealing with the real areas either. A breakdown or tragedy or change? Whether it has become. A way of keeping the middle class system going and happy. Whether they're always but new patents of action to get into of all entry agencies and to be looked at. The Bible all I'm asking you. This is my own agenda and I'm will make it quite clear that it is my agenda. To help people as your primary task to understand the world in which that living. I believe that unless we can break people out of that confusion out of that fear. Not of the hatred that grows out of those. We shall destroy each other. The most likely scenario for the future has a split between the rich and the poor countries of the world which means a split between the White and the non-white nations of the world. We want to reverse that somehow we because we have the leadership and I work in the United States and I hope nobody is going to challenge me on this because I believe it's the one country in the world that Mike deal with these issues. Not my own unfortunately or any European country, but this country. We still have incredible levels of leadership despite everything that has happened. There's a residue of Hope and faith and belief in this country. Credible Financial Resources to European. I know just how incredible it was the biggest shock when I got hit find out just how much money and resources were available. If we should decide to do the things that we ought to do. If I had any doubt that this job of creating a more human society was possible if I was sipping it was not possible. I would not be here this evening. I would be at home. I'm not one of the people who enjoys making speeches for the sake of my ego would much rather be white home with my wife and my cats and being able to ride horses. I believe that what each one of us does makes a minuscule difference to whether or not we solve these crises. I believe we're capable of doing and I believe we lack one thing the will. I believe if we don't find that will pretty soon. It may very well be too late. So, I hope that this conference despite everything else as it's on the current is going to have this challenge before it. My personally hope that you're going to go away two-sided than every town in every state you come from you're going to raise that challenge in your area and your own ways. My language on my way. How does the volunteer Society? Become the model of a decent human society because it believes in process and cooperation in the win-win model. Thank you running. If you can work against some very good stuff is being done in the state as many of you know, but it seems to me basically you come do anything until we recognize we went in the wrong direction member the Quakers said that we would put our prisoners away for a period of on restricted meditation and they would come out convinced of the evil of that weighs. That's the only basic model we have from prison system. Well, I say don't get very much unrestricted meditation. You're not going to achieve very much by presents. Now, I suspect what we have to recognize as what is being tried to a very limited extending the state, which is that the best way to deal with potential criminal cases to put them in communities, which will help them not to become criminals. But then you got to have communities that are real and care about people. Until the whole thing goes back again. How do you create a community that cares about people again? Then you recognize that in many of the parts of this country in the Midwest Community still do care about people so why don't we shout about it and say how wonderful it is? Instead of saying hey, we haven't quite got us dehumanizes the Northeast yet. I got a ways to go still you think I can not really all that quite frequently. So I would say that the present inherently is a lose-lose system. You can't do much about it. And until we get rid of the prison and I'm not saying that we open the prison doors tomorrow. That's not I think you I hope that's not what I'm saying. And the first offenders we got to find a way so that they don't go through that and some of the stuff the Vera has done is important to keep people out of prison and on the whole Baelish. but we got to look at the whole thing in terms of how do we get out of a bind which we taking about 200 years to get ourselves into But I don't think you do any good by assuming can be anything else but a lose-lose system cuz then you stop cutting yourself about talk about prince Andrew full. Give me a sentence and circle statement. The prison itself is what is wrong. My wife and I wrote a book called Tags 1994 and we said that by 1994 they will know coercive institutions left. I really believe that has to be achieved by that date and we listed schools and colleges and prisons are all in the same place. The people I find to a most willing to talk about these issues a top business people. presidents of Corporations back the least hostile audience. I often run into his people at the very top of business. Now, you got to distinguish between the initial drives of our culture which one thing and a capitalist system of business. We ain't got a capitalist system a business in this country. We're trapped in a social and economic system which compels certain types of behavior is very simple trap. We have increasing productivity to match our increasing productivity people need to buy more things that are going to be enough jobs to go round. The only way we will accept Distributing income is through jobs that for we must buy all the goods that can be produced. So long as you accept that system just so long. Are we going to be cooked in the system which compels consumption? If you looked at the energy crisis, the most fascinating thing was we said, yes, we have an energy crisis and tourism is not all that vital but it's vital at one peculiar level if we let too much tourism go we lose too many jobs. Until we accept the income can be distributed in a different way. We are called now. I don't think this is a capitalism issue or socialism issue. It's an issue of a different ethics and unethical which I call an optimist. She already sick today is more more. Is it always better than less even if it is something you cannot possibly use Perhaps particularly if it's something that you cannot possibly you. I think we got to learn to live with what we need. It's a very different way of seeing the world. I think that's a problem when it's a social psychological problem. Not me Konami problem. I think to see business people as our enemy is probably extraordinary tonight. I'll throw a pogo was right. We have met the enemy and them is us. And the sooner we deal with the fact that you know, there isn't. We're all part of the system and that's not putting it down. I don't think it is easy to be a human being in a school a college bureaucracy or anywhere else. But I think they're always to begin to be that and create enclaves in which we act as human beings. I know it isn't easy cuz I've tried. Read Brave New World and 1984. I mean, I think we got lots of dystopia. So I think read the plenty of statements about what's going to happen, and I don't think they're exaggerated. Unless we can somehow get hold of our system the direction which we going is pretty frightening, you know. To have a culture in which we cannot make decisions at a time when decisions desperately need to admit they made to me is terrified. What drifting at a time and you know we can argue about what the decisions out, but I don't think anybody is going to argue that some fundamental decisions need to be made. I find it difficult to imagine us living without a Norma psychics scar through major famines. And yet we are drifting into a position. Where are as somebody said in the paper yesterday. We are going to be watching fireman and Living Color on our television sets over the next year just as we watch be at now. If a Coach will tolerate it, which we might not because we're not tolerating it in the case of Africa and it's happening. It's been happening for at least 2 years. We don't care. Why what can we do? You know? What could we do? You know what I'm just very specifically We could decide to eat lower down the food chain Everytime we eat meat we cut off five times that amount of grain feeding Todd weather people. Is that simple? Obviously that's a very partial statement, but there are answers which are within our control. I will think about it. What's a lot of insisted on but those can be found between us? But that's you know, I think the world will be intolerable and you see see we live through. I think it's the Communist. Nothing happened. Did you see that was funny? Let me watch because whenever things got too bad, somebody said hey, look what? All right, you little fairly comfortable. Let's go and blow it. If we have tension between the rich from the poor countries that tension is real does Riley Sadler England just about a hundred years ago the will cannot exist with both the rich in the pool. That statement is Justice true on a world scale if it says I'm on an internal staff. And poor people are dangerous and irrational people. Anybody who thinks that we they have no ways of destroying us had just better look a game and what the reality is the welder about the present and then you complicate that with the oil-rich countries in the raw material rich country. You got not only a two-way split about a three-way split wood becomes even more difficult to resolve because it was two ways. But now we got all sorts of funny cross-cutting tablet, which we don't know how to manage so we getting international monetary prices running at the same time as our social me conomic prices. At that point I've got lots of ways to one of them is to give you an answer cuz I'm not sure I have. But to me, the more important thing is to say that that is what we have to work out as a culture. I made some choices long time ago. Some of you know, I was involved in the sinkhole the guaranteed income. One point, I was even called the father of the guaranteed income. And at that point it would have been quite easy. If I chose him this route to say I have onzas to societal problems. Why don't you all follow me? I decided that no one human being could do that significantly. That's what my challenge comes at a different level it is. How do we as a coach? Come up with the answers to those questions and the many others now. I got my own personal Onsen. I will share it. Basically. I think the first step is some form of guaranteed income minimum income. But the next step is in terms of that psychic shift towards and acceptance of an optimist. Because you see I cannot believe in the model of total equality, which says, you know, you and I have exactly the same amount of income nor can I believe in one controlled by bureaucrats which says that they can measure out how much you need and how much I need left front cost back on the model, which says that each one of us will choose for ourselves what we need to do what we have to do. You tell me it's not possible human beings often this responsible. Well, then I got to ask you to come up with a model by which we can survive in this world without human beings that being this responsible and I can't do it. I started working on this in about 1960 and I became convinced. Our culture was falling apart and I was very uncomfortable and unpleasant in those days because I was very much by myself. By the way, I'm a lot more uncomfortable now because too many people agree with me. In fact enough to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hello what you got enough people to believe it that they can actually make it happen. And at that point I said to myself. What is the minimum changes required for mankind Survivor? And I decided that essentially that they could be expressed in the phrase. There's nothing wrong with religion and democracy except they've never been tried.


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