April 30, 1997 - Ojibwe Band members had hoped to be spearing and netting fish on dozens of central Minnesota lakes by now. For seven years a group of tribes, led by the Mille Lacs Ojibwe, worked through the courts to restore fishing and hunting rights given them by treaty in the 19th century. It appeared the tribes would finally exercise those rights this spring. But a group of local landowners won an injunction earlier this month, halting the Indians' plans, at least for now.
April 8, 1997 - Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger reports on Governor Arne Carlson address to appeal for cool heads at Lake Mille Lacs. Rising tensions over imminent Ojibwe spearfishing and netting prompted the governor to make a statewide three-minute address asking for forbearance. Around Mille Lacs, lakeside residents responded to Carlson with a mixture of relief and doubt.
April 7, 1997 - Mainstreet Radio's Leif Enger reports on impending Indian spearfishing and netting in East Central Minnesota. The Mille Lacs and other Ojibwe bands will begin taking fish under the terms of a treaty signed in 1837. The treaty harvest has raised tensions, especially around Mille Lacs Lake, one of the state's most popular fisheries.
March 5, 1997 - The 20th century has been hard on Minnesota's night sky. Cities expanded into suburbs; small towns grew into big ones; and even towns that stayed small, lit themselves up. Streetlights, parking lot lights, security floodlights -- it's a lot harder to look up and see the Milky Way now than it was a hundred years ago, even in places with loons and black bears.
March 5, 1997 - The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is changing its walleye fishing regulations on Mille Lacs Lake this season. The DNR will require anglers to release all walleye between 16 and 20 inches in length. However, Minnesota Public Radio's Perry Finelli reports many people with business interests on Lake Mille Lacs aren't happy with the decision.
January 31, 1997 - Many Minnesota school districts are wondering how to make up for missed "snow days". There's a lot of winter still to come, and while it's common for schools to build two or three extra days into the educational calendar, two or three extra weeks are another matter.
January 31, 1997 - Many Minnesota school districts are wondering how to make up for missed "snow days." There's a lot of winter still to come, and while it's common for schools to build two or three extra days into the educational calendar, two or three extra WEEKs are another matter. Leif Enger of Mainstreet Radio reports. Any school superintendent will tell you, you can't win. Call off school on a stormy day, and parents will complain the weather's
January 27, 1997 - It seems everyone's a stargazer these days, with all the publicity given to Comet Hale-Bopp. The comet is expected to be visible over the next few months; after that, it's a safe bet most folks will put their telescopes back on the shelf and start concentrating on earthly things again. But Jim Wentworth won't.
January 27, 1997 - It seems everyone's a stargazer these days, with all the publicity given to Comet Hale-Bopp. The comet is expected to be visible over the next few months; after that, it's a safe bet most folks will put their telescopes back on the shelf and start concentrating on earthly things again. But Jim Wentworth won't. From a spot north of Brainerd, where the sky is dark and the mood is bright, Mainstreet's Leif Enger reports -- Sun 28-MAY 20:57:51 MPR NewsPro Archive - Wed 04/11/2001
January 1, 1997 - Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger visits Mille Lacs, and reports on the perplexing nature of ice fishing.