February 25, 1998 - Most Minnesotans are probably unaware of the state's school-trust lands. There are two and a half million acres in the trust, mostly in northern Minnesota. It's the DNR's job to make money off those acres, through timber sales, mineral rights and the like. That money helps pay for public education. But a forthcoming report from the legislative auditor is likely to question the DNR's management of school lands. Leif Enger of Mainstreet Radio reports.
February 3, 1998 - Sportfishers have a new gadget to try out, if there's any room left in the boat. A Brainerd man is introducing AquaView- a device that goes beyond sonars and depth-finders, and actually lets you watch the fish take your bait -or ignore it, as the case may be.
January 14, 1998 - MPR’s Leif Enger reports on cold weather tourism on the Gun Flint Trail, and the debates of what exactly that should be. Report includes various interviews and commentary.
October 22, 1997 - They're still a rare sight in most of the state, but timber wolves are making a comeback in Minnesota. Held strictly to northeastern forests a few decades ago, wolves are now spreading west and south…toward St. Cloud, Grand Forks, and Elk River. Mainstreet Radio's Leif Enger reports on biologists using satellite technology to forecast where wolves will show up next.
October 9, 1997 - Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger takes a look back to 1989, when 500 union supporters rioted in the northern border town of International Falls. The city's largest employer, Boise Cascade, was building a huge expansion of their papermill…and bringing in thousands of non-union workers to do it. The town was divided: while local businesses boomed like never before, union workers and their families felt betrayed.
September 2, 1997 - As students and teachers head back to class today, one of the state's best-known teachers will be staying home. Jon Hassler, the author of novels like "The Dean's List" and "Staggerford", has retired after 42 years teaching high school and college. Hassler recently spoke with Mainstreet Radio's Leif Enger about teaching, and being taught.
August 8, 1997 - The Blandings Turtle is never going to attract attention like an eagle can, or a timberwolf, or a peregrine falcon. Turtles personify the low profile; but Blandings turtles are nevertheless a threatened species here. Now, researchers at Camp Ripley are tracking the reptiles' movements -- and taking their temperatures -- in a two-year study they hope will improve the turtles' modest hold in Minnesota.
May 9, 1997 - In the aftermath of spring's record flooding in the Red River Valley, Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger reports on one of the most visible and immediate legacy of disaster…trash.
May 1, 1997 - intro: Hundreds of people gathered in Fargo today to observe the National Day of Prayer. The mayors of Fargo and Moorhead, pastors from Grand Forks and Wahpeton, and teachers and students prayed for strength to rebuild their flood-damaged communities. Leif Enger of Mainstreet Radio has this sound portrait of today's ceremony. D-CART #9889 Runs 2:14 Music Out NOTE -- Host Backannounce 340 woman singing: "God is in control, we believe that his children will not be forsaken. God is in control, we will choose to remember and never be shaken..." FADE W/CROWD FX 4538 then to 1430: "Lord, it's been a tough year for many in this Valley. Many have fought long and hard to win a battle against nature. For some i
May 1, 1997 - While flood recovery is just beginning in Grand Forks and East Grand Forks, just to the southeast the small community of Ada is further along. School reopened this week for high school students in the town of 1700, and emergency meals will only be served by the Salvation Army until the end of the week. Leif Enger of Mainstreet Radio reports.