June 18, 1973 - MER’s Hugh Morgan reports that The International Joint Commission proposes using Lake Superior as a reservoir to control unusually high water in the other Great Lakes: Michigan, Erie and Huron.
March 30, 1973 - Reporter does comparison shopping of salvage food stores to area supermarkets and finds little overall savings. Heller?s Railway Salvage Supermarket manager Stu Yellen explains how the salvage food system works, pricing strategies, and that profits are not outrageous, but are similar to wholesale/retail ratios. Customers talk about prices. Reporter compares prices for ketchup, ground beef, and other products.
March 27, 1973 - A hundred people in the Lake Minnetonka area have formed a club to supply their basic food needs. It?s an alternative to a supermarket. Jenny Eastburn says she wants wholesome natural foods, and describes how the group was formed and how the club sells the food. Food is sold one day a week, on the honor system, and chores are handled by volunteers. She talks about how she shops at health food stores as well, and that household food expenses are comparable to a regular supermarket if you cut out high priced junk food and use healthy substitutes. She says she?s not affected by increasing food prices, and says we?ve been consuming more than we need to be, we?ve had everything we wanted and didn?t appreciate it, it's time to take a second look.
March 27, 1973 - A farmer
March 13, 1973 - Legislation on non-smoking resolution. Note: not a law, but a resolution. Smoking, cigarettes, lucky strikes and Kool commercials, second hand smoke (says it's okay!)
March 8, 1973 - Creation for the Commission of the Future. To make such a commission useful means getting as many people as possible to think ahead to the future. Priorities for future with transportation and architecture. The type of structures and how to contain them. Highway trust fund.
February 6, 1973 - Alan Speer, Professor at the University of Minnesota, speaks on behalf of the Equal Rights Amendment, which had just finally moved through the Minnesota legislature. Speer also discusses longevity of debate on the matter. In a second story, Fred Friendly of CBS News raisies criticism of recent activity of political figures to quash First Amendment rights of journalists.
February 5, 1973 - Student lobbyists rally against increased tuition. They recommend low-cost, quality education. Also, they are pulling for more financial aide. They currently feel that the budget is anti-education. The group calls themselves the sons and daughters of Minnesota farmers and working men.
January 11, 1973 - MPR’s Hugh Morgan interviews author and historian on his book “Indian Wars.” Morgan also talks about Bureau of Indian Affairs and American Indian Movement.
November 24, 1972 - Teacher and poet Don Luther Lee, later known as Haki R. Madhubuti, performs poetry reading and speaks on the importance of language to some African American poets.