March 29, 2001 - Saint Paul's Asian population increases dramatically over the past few years.
March 13, 2001 - Despite exploding consumer demand, the state's Department of Agriculture plans to slash funding to organic and sustainable programs under a budget proposal currently awaiting legislative approval. Under the 2002-2003 budget, money will be redirected to new initiatives designed to attract a broader range of farmers. The state's agriculture commissioner says his department needs to invest money in more market friendly programs, despite numbers from the Organic Trade Association indicating US sales of organic produce has jumped more than 122-percent since 1996. Mainstreet's Erin Galbally reports the first of two stories on the state's shifting marketing philosophy when it comes to agriculture.
February 20, 2001 - The president of the Dakota Minnesota and Eastern Railroad rejected a proposal by Rochester city officials this afternoon TUESDAY that would have secured the cities support for a rail expansion - as long as the freight tracks bypassed the city. Minnesota Public Radio's Erin Galbally reports
February 16, 2001 - Rochester citizens do not want to have DM&E Railroad to run right through the city. It should bring in more business for the city, but the city council wants a bypass through farmland.
February 15, 2001 - Controversy about where to lay the track for the DM&E Railroad: through Rochester, Minnesota or through farmland?
February 13, 2001 - The Centers for Disease Control launched an ambitious campaign to cut the number of people infected by HIV in half by the year 2005. At least one Minnesota AIDS organization claims the state's AIDS and HIV positive population is on the rise -- marking a significant reversal of recent trends. Meanwhile AIDS authorities in Wisconsin say recent numbers including a nine and a half percent jump in new HIV infections and an 11-percent increase in AIDS related deaths, will make it difficult for the state to meet the new CDC goal. Minnesota Public Radio's Erin Galbally has this report:
February 2, 2001 - The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport is expected to reach capacity in less than two decades. That growing crunch for space prompted the mayors of Minneapolis and Rochester to host an afternoon tour of the Rochester International Airport. The intent - to drum up support for a high speed rail link that would shuffle twin cities air traffic through Rochester. Minnesota Public Radio's Erin Galbally reports:
December 22, 2000 - Recently livestock producers have faced wildly fluctuating prices and growing corporate competition. The combination has pushed about a third of the nation's hog farmers out of business. Now, control over the country's second largest pork processor has ignited a battle between two agricultural giants. Whoever wins the right to merge with IBP will increase their grip on the pork industry, extending more control over farmers and their livelihood. Minnesota Public Radio's Erin Galbally reports.
December 22, 2000 - A Fillmore County judge this afternoon ruled against the state's pollution control agency and ordered further environmental testing of a proposed feedlot site. Minnesota Public Radio's Erin Galbally reports.
December 18, 2000 - The storm that's pounded southeastern Minnesota is showing signs of subsiding, but Minnesota Public Radio's Erin Galbally reports as much as thirteen inches might be in store for some parts of Minnesota's Southeast before the snow stops.