May 14, 2004 - Midday continues to broadcast live from the State Capitol. Host Gary Eichten and MPR's political editor Mike Mulcahy talk with key lawmakers at the MPR broadcast table. Guests include Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson, DFL-Willmar; Governor Pawlenty's chief of staff, Dan McElroy; Senator Dick Cohen, DFL-St. Paul; Representative Jim Knoblach, R-St. Cloud; Representative Doug Stang, R-Cold Spring; and Senator Stevey Kelley, DFL-Hopkins.
April 24, 2002 - MPR’s Laura McCallum reports that Governor Ventura says he does not want to close the governor's mansion on Summit Avenue. He had considered closing the mansion since he has chosen not to move in there and the costs to keep it open were problematic due to legislative budget cuts.
April 26, 2001 - MPR’s Patty Marsicano reports that higher education budget would fare much better under the senate's budget than the Governor's budget. Of the 2.9 billion dollars of total spending, the package contains 283 million dollars in new spending. That's nearly three times the new spending proposed by Governor Ventura.
December 13, 1996 - Midday airs the Governor's "State of the Arts" address", given Thursday at the Children's Theater in Minneapolis. Guest is State Senator Dick Cohen (DFL-St. Paul), chairman of the State Government Finance Committee which will oversee the budget of the State Arts Board.
April 18, 1994 - Minnesota State Senator Dick Cohen talks about reality of finding arts education funding at the Capitol amidst a tight state budget.