October 28, 1997 - Midday offers live two-hour coverage of the legislative Special Session with a debate on the Twins ballpark/stadium in the Minnesota Senate. Debate includes gambling as a funding source. MPR reporter Martin Kaste joins Gary Eichten to provide analysis as debate plays out.
April 30, 1997 - Midday focuses on the discussion at the state Legislature about the future of a new baseball stadium for the Minnesota Twins. Host Gary Eichten speaks with MPR reporter Bill Wareham, who presents a summary of the various proposals and audio clips of committee debate. Ideas presented include gambling revenue options, cheaper alternatives to a stadium, buying a team, selling Metrodome to teams for $1.00, and buying season tickets.
April 12, 1993 - Continuation of a Mainstreet Radio special broadcast from the Grand Casino Mille Lacs near Garrison, Minnesota highlighting American Indian casinos…what some term as the ‘New Buffalo.’ In this second hour of program, MPR’s Catherine Winter interviews Leonard Prescott, chairman of Little Six Inc.; Charlie Berg, state senator and chair of Minnesota Senate Gaming Regulation Committee; Bernita Churchill, elected legislative official for Mille Lacs Tribe; and Doug Twait, commission of public affairs for Chippewa Tribe. Group discusses benefits, concerns, issues of gambling in Minnesota, and answer listener questions.
April 12, 1993 - A Mainstreet Radio special broadcast from the Grand Casino Mille Lacs near Garrison, Minnesota. First hour of program highlights American Indian casinos…what some term as the ‘New Buffalo.’ MPR’s Catherine Winter interviews Leonard Prescott, chairman of Little Six Inc.; Charlie Berg, state senator and chair of Minnesota Senate Gaming Regulation Committee; Bernita Churchill, elected legislative official for Mille Lacs Tribe; and Doug Twait, commissioner of public affairs for Chippewa Tribe. Group discusses benefits, concerns, and issues of gambling in Minnesota.
January 7, 1985 - Minnesota Journal host Gary Eichten presents a collection of reports and news items for Monday, January 7, 1985.