October 13, 1973 - At NAACP banquet, probably in St. Paul, an unknown speaker comments on the small numbers of Black members in fire and police departmants.
October 15, 1973 - Connie Goldman report of a day-long seminar on the elimination of sex bias in education.
October 21, 1973 - Writer and philosopher Ayn Rand speaking at Ford Hall Forum. Rand’s address was titled “Censorship: Local and Express.”
November 8, 1973 - John Borchert, director for Center for Urban and Regional Affairs at University of Minnesota, speaking to the Commission on Minnesota's Future in Alexandria. Borchert’s speech was on the topic of the ways and extent to regulate, without violating our democratic precepts.
November 13, 1973 - Professor Herman Schwartz speaks on his critical view of the U.S. prison program. Topics include history of modern prison system, inhumane conditions, guards, and race. During the tragic inmate uprising at Attica State Prison in 1971, Schwartz served as the first intermediary between the prisoners and the prison administration.
November 14, 1973 - U.S. Representative Don Fraser remarks on nomination of Gerald Ford and why political system doesn't cleanse self of those who abuse power.
November 19, 1973 - MER Special presenting a tribute to poet Pablo Neruda. Program contains various readings and commentary of Neruda’s work performed by Robert Bly and others.
November 28, 1973 - Dick Gregory, author and human rights activist, speaks on racism.
December 7, 1973 - Lucy Komisar, journalist and author, speaks about feminism and creativity via women in the literary tradition.
December 16, 1973 - Eugene McCarthy speaks about political personalities and current issues before a campus audience at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.