September 1, 1973 - Minnesota poet Robert Bly lectures about the importance of reading poetry aloud, starting with Homer, and feeling poetry vs. knowing it.
September 2, 1973 - John Gardner, former secretary of HEW and founder/president of Common Cause speaks to the Rural Electric Co-Operative on the decline of confidence in government.
September 2, 1973 - Proponent speech on how the proposed Equal Rights Amendment will affect women's political power / Speech on Pussycat League backlash.
September 17, 1973 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow reports on U.S. Senator Walter Mondale’s speech on the congressional floor about abuses of Nixon administration.
September 23, 1973 - Local poets Thomas McGrath and Mark Vinz speaking at IMAGINATION 1973 in Fargo, North Dakota. McGrath and Vinz also read poems to the audience.
October 2, 1973 - MPR’s Paul Grochow report highlights an exhibit on early John Berryman manuscripts that are on display at the University of Minnesota. Report includes comments from Berryman’s publishing friend, Robert Giroux, who speaks about the fickle nature of publishing.
October 4, 1973 - Brief report on American Indian Movement (AIM) rally at University of Minnesota on September 25, 1973, followed by various speeches from rally. Speakers included Allan Spear, Angela Davis and Russell Means.
October 7, 1973 - Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward speaking at Ford Hall Forum. Title of address was “Watergate: A National Crisis.”
October 8, 1973 - Architect and theorist Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller speaks on the discovery of the eternal pattern operative in the universe.
October 9, 1973 - Laura Nader, American anthropologist, speaking at Macalester College. Nader’s address was on the topic of community understanding, or lack thereof, law.