May 2, 1972 - Kitty Kelly, a freelance writer for Time Magazine, speaking at luncheon meeting of the Minnesota Press Club while in Minneapolis. Kelly told the group about the world of Women's Wear Daily.
May 7, 1972 - Dr. Rollo May, author, theologian and psychoanalyst speaks at a gathering in memory of Paul Tillich. He reminisces on his relationship with Tilich and delivers his address "Love and the Daimonic.”
June 12, 1972 - Various speakers nominate, testify in support of Mondale at Minnesota DFL state convention. This is followed by Mondale speech excerpts.
August 28, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow reports on debate over copper-nickel mining development in northeastern Minnesota. Report includes comments from residents and environmental officials.
September 11, 1972 - People react to George McGovern speech, which included farm issues. They also discuss topics of the Vietnam war, criticism of President Nixon, and U.S. economy.
September 26, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow interviews David Roe, president of the Minnesota AFL-CIO, about politics, elections, and convention.
October 6, 1972 - Excerpt of Kate Millett speaking at Macalester College on discrimination against women professionals, and about women academics at Columbia appealing to HEW for fair treatment.
October 13, 1972 - Walter Mondale speaks about bill to preserve the St. Croix River (the federal Lower St. Croix River Act of 1972).
October 13, 1972 - Kate Millett speaks on self-publishing for/by women. In speech, Millett talks on filtering through the male establishment and the autonomy of women to do their own thing; that an editor is not a writer; and about the opposition to any new artistic form. She states that outsiders are better to have their own presses and should not depend on fat-cat capitalism.
October 16, 1972 - Jack Anderson, an American newspaper columnist, speaking at the St. John's University auditorium. Anderson's speech was on the public's right to know. Speech followed by Anderson answering questions from the audience.