August 23, 1972 - A news feature about "The Military Order of Cooties," a group that disrupts military discipline. A parody by Dudley Riggs and the Brave New Workshop.
August 28, 1972 - MER’s Dulcie Lawrence presents a montage of fair attendee interviews and sounds of the Midway, vendors, and bandstands.
September 6, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman reports on the differing opinions of the Mary Tyler Moore TV show, which is set in Minneapolis.
September 18, 1972 - MER’s Rosemary Dahlen takes an audio journey through the OTHER big Minnesota fair…with sounds from the Minnesota Renaissance Festival (originally called Minnesota Renaissance Fair). Segment includes the King’s proclamation, a flute vendor, vegetable sellers, lute/guitar player, a palm reader, and a woman singing. This recording is from the second year of festival, held at the Jonathan, Minnesota site.
September 18, 1972 - Connie Goldman reviews Vance Packard's latest book "A Nation of Strangers" which discusses the increasing number of isolated and lonely individuals in a highly mobile society, and the chaos caused by big business moving employees all over the globe. In an interview, when Packard was in town recently, Goldman asked him why he didn't challenge the audience with questions about alienation instead of telling jokes and anecdotes.
October 5, 1972 - MPR’s Martin Granger interviews author Benjamin Spock about his writing and political criticism of him.
October 31, 1972 - MPR’s Claudia Daly visits a pumpkin patch in Cable, Wisconsin, where the town’s 281 residents converge for pumpkin harvesting.
November 15, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman reports on the work of Sigurd Olson, and his book "Wilderness Days." Report also presents a question and answer period with Olson from an appearance at the Minnesota Press Club, where he called Minnesotans to protect the environment. This recording was made available through a grant from the National Historical Publications & Records Commission.
November 24, 1972 - Teacher and poet Don Luther Lee, later known as Haki R. Madhubuti, performs poetry reading and speaks on the importance of language to some African American poets.
December 15, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman reports on play “Hell, That’s Politics” being performed at Minneapolis’s Theatre in the Round. Goldman interviews playwright Ernest Bormann, a professor at University of Minnesota, about his work and the history of Huey Long.