As a decades long staple to the listening audience, Morning Edition combines a host program in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, bringing news from overnight and information throughout the state and world. Programming includes reports and interviews.
November 1, 1991 - MPR’s Mark Heistad interviews Curt Sager, an employee at a Holiday station in Fairmont, about the weather conditions and traffic (or, lack of) in the area.
November 1, 1991 - MPR’s Jon Gordon interviews Byron Van Dake, of Metropolitan Airports Commission, about attempts to keep MSP International Airport open as storm pounds the Twin Cities with wind and snowfall of two inches of snow an hour.
November 1, 1991 - MPR’s John Gaddo provides weather update in southern Minnesota, where large amounts of snow has fallen, limiting or preventing any type of travel.
November 1, 1991 - MPR’s Marlana Benzie describes the snowy and windy conditions impacting the city. Many roads are unplowed and unpassable, especially on the hillside.
November 1, 1991 - Morning Edition’s Mark Heistad interviews Jim Mathews, forecaster at National Weather Service, about the surprising intensity and amount of snowfall. Mathews details some reasons behind powerful storm.
November 1, 1991 - MPR’s Karen Boothe interviews Bob LaShomb, of Metro Transit Commission, about the status of morning bus service after large snowstorm arrives into the Twin Cities.
November 1, 1991 - MPR’s Mark Heistad interviews Daryl Sherman, member of Minnesota Department of Transportation, who describes the various road conditions throughout the state as strong snowstorm moves through region. Ice and blowing snow are posing the biggest problems.
November 5, 1991 - MPR’s Bill Wareham reports on some reasons behind slow roads. Jim Scheibel, St. Paul mayor, explains issues with plowing certain areas of town. Bob Otto, Minneapolis maintenance engineer, shares challenges of plows getting stuck and winds blowing snow back onto cleared areas.
November 6, 1991 - MPR’s Chris Roberts reports on the vote results of St. Paul gay and lesbian rights ordinance repeal. Roberts visits the Prom Expo Center in St. Paul, election headquarters for Campaign 90s, the group supporting the ordinance, to get reactions. Roberts also contacts spokesperson for Citizen’s Alert, a group behind the repeal effort.
November 7, 1991 - Mainstreet Radio’s Rachel Reabe reports on the foster care of developmentally disabled in Stearns County, Minnesota. Reabe interviews a foster care provider and government officials.