Tim Walz, a politician, teacher, and National Guard member was born April 6, 1964, in West Point, Nebraska. Raised in small-town Nebraska, Walz graduated from a public high school, followed by attending Chadron State College and also has a degree from what is now known as Minnesota State University in Mankato.
As a teacher, Walz taught social studies and civics in Nebraska and Minnesota. He also coached high school football.
Walz was a member of the Army National Guard, achieving a high rank for an enlisted member before retiring in 2005 after 24 years.
Walz was elected as a Democrat in Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District in 2006 and reelected to five more terms. He won Minnesota governorship in 2018 and reelected in 2022. He also is currently chair of the Democratic Governors Association.
An all-Democratic power structure at Minnesota’s Capitol in recent years has given Walz the ability to deliver a stream of policies celebrated in progressive circles, ranging from abortion protections to universal school meals to marijuana legalization. But his tenure includes stumbles and challenges – from dealing with COVID-19 disruptions to unrest sparked by George Floyd’s murder to suggestions his administration hasn’t always been attentive to where tax dollars go.
More recent Walz audio highlights of can be found at https://www.mprnews.org/politics/tim-walz and the MPR News homepage https://www.mprnews.org/
June 9, 2011 - On this Midday program, MPR’s Gary Eichten talks with DFL Congressman Tim Walz, who represents Minnesota's 1st Congressional District. Program topic is Iraq troop withdrawals, role of Red Bulls, and war in Afghanistan. Walz also answers listener questions.
November 18, 2011 - On this Midday program, MPR’s Gary Eichten talks with DFL Congressman Tim Walz. The two discuss the The congressional “supercommittee” efforts to cut the federal budget deficit by $1.2. Walz joined a bipartisan group urging the panel to "go big" and exceed the minimum target. During conversation, the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are addressed. Walz also answers listener questions.
June 19, 2012 - Minnesota's 1st Congressional District appears to be ripe territory for Republicans. Yet political observers say DFL Congressman Tim Walz stands a good chance of winning a fourth term despite voting much maligned Democratic priorities such as the health care overhaul and financial reform. MPR’s Brett Neely looks at how Walz has balanced a relatively liberal voting record in a somewhat conservative rural district.
September 27, 2012 - MPR’s Elizabeth Baier gives a summary report on first debate between DFL Congressman Tim Walz and his Republican challenger former State Representative Allan Quist as they battle for 1st Congressional District seat. The debate included some feisty exchanges between the candidates, who met in the town of Byron, just west of Rochester.
September 28, 2012 - MPR presents a debate for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District between DFL Congressman Tim Walz and his Republican challenger former State Representative Allen Quist. The debate, held Thursday September 26, 2012 at Somerby Golf Club near Rochester, focused on jobs and the economy.
October 10, 2012 - MPR presents a debate for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District between DFL Congressman Tim Walz and his Republican challenger former State Representative Allen Quist. The debate was a "Debate Minnesota" event, held on October 9th, 2012, at Minnesota State University in Mankato. Topics include small business, economy, budget, and Medicare.
November 28, 2012 - With the fiscal negotiations in Washington D.C. and other issues facing Congress in this lame duck term, MPR’s Tom Crann speaks with Congressman Tim Walz. The DFL-er represents Minnesota's 1st Congressional District, and was re-elected to his 4th term on November 6th, 2012.
December 20, 2012 - On this Daily Circuit segment, MPR’s Mark Zdechlik interviews U.S. Representative Tim Walz, who says he thinks Congress could act relatively soon on legislation aimed at preventing gun violence following the horrific school shooting in Connecticut. Walz, a gun owner, hopes there will be an attempt to solve gun issue and find balance between personal liberties and safety.
April 1, 2013 - MPR’s Jess Mador reports that Minnesota lawmakers Tim Walz and Amy Klobuchar are pushing legislation they say will help thousands of military veterans who were wrongly denied Veterans Administration benefits. They say thousands of veterans who may have had post-traumatic stress disorder were wrongly diagnosed.
May 1, 2013 - The Minnesota Congressional delegation is in state due to congressional recess. The Daily Circuit checks in with Congressman Walz about current budget activity, The Stock Act, background checks on guns, and other federal legislation affecting the state or region. Walz also answers listener questions.