Listen: TR4136_COM mowing lawns (Peter Smith)

Essayist Peter Smith shares a poem on mowing the lawn. It captures the essence of the eternal struggle of adults getting kids to actually do the task.


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CATHY WURZER: Looks like we're going to get a break from the rain today. But it should start up again tomorrow, as we mentioned. This means this is the perfect day today to get your lawn mowed, but necessarily might not happen here.

Parents and teenagers across the state are going to battle over the urgency of this particular chore. The adults want it done today. The kids are happy to let it go a day or two longer. Minnesota Public Radio essayist Peter Smith has captured the essence of this eternal struggle in a poem.

PETER SMITH: I'm your father. You're my son.

The bond is sure and strong.

I feed and clothe and house you.

You're supposed to mow the lawn.

It's what I pay allowance for.

I've paid it all along.

I've paid and paid and paid and paid.

Please go and mow the lawn.

You're a member of the family.

So show us you belong.

Stop the texting. Pause the game.

Go and mow the lawn.

It's not too hot. The gas tank's full.

Your last excuse is gone.

Don't put it off. The time has come.

Please go and mow the lawn.

The neighbors doubt our parenting.

They wonder what went wrong.

How did we raise the kind of boy

Who just won't mow the lawn.

Some day soon, you'll get a car.

You'll drive off. You'll be gone.

And as you do, I'll yell after you,

Come back and mow the lawn.

CATHY WURZER: That's essayist Peter Smith.


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