Listen: Fair Poem day 4-6981

Minneapolis Leslie Bell visits the Miracle of Birth Center where you can see all sorts of farm animals giving birth…including sheep.

Ball is spending each day at the Fair watching, listening, and writing.


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[BLEATING] SPEAKER: Jack and Arthur are twin lambs born just minutes ago. Arthur looks exhausted-- eyes still cloudy with the womb he left behind, as if he hasn't completely arrived, as if he hovers between two worlds. I want to cradle him gently, let him float in dreamy mystery until he's ready to step into today. But nature knows better. Sheep give birth standing. As gravity pulls the infant toward Earth, a short drop breaks the umbilical cord. A few inches still dangle from the newborns bellies.

Right now, mom is rapidly licking, steadily cleaning her new wards. Somewhere between tender massage and tough love. Past generations who saw this believed that the animal actually brought their offspring to life by sculpting them with their tongues, giving birth to the phrase lick into shape. This mother's tongue is rigorous, vigorous, efficient, and purposeful.

Already, Jack stands on wobbly legs, poking his nose against mom's belly in search of her udder. When he finally locates his target and begins nursing, a cheer erupts from the onlookers. Now mom turns her attention to young Arthur, but the slightest nuzzle sends him toppling. Once again, I want to scoop him up, but she knows what he truly needs. She continues to push and prod him back onto his feet, where she can keep cleaning him, keep pushing, prodding, keep licking him into shape.



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