Rabbi Harold Kushner Speaks to Wayzata Community Church. He concentrates on the 23rd Psalm and the Roles it Plays

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Listen: Rabbi Harold Kushner speaks to Wayzata Community Church. He concentrates on the 23rd Psalm ("The Lord is My Shepherd") and the roles it plays.

Harold Kushner, Rabbi Laureate of Temple Israel in the Boston suburb of Natick, Massachusetts, is probably best known for his 1981 international best seller, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." But he's also written a number of other popular books, including "Living a Life that Matters," "Who Needs God," and "After the Darkest Hour the Sun will Shine Again: A Parent's Guide to Coping With the Loss of a Child." His latest book takes a somewhat different approach. It explains why the well known 23rd Psalm, "The Lord is My Shepherd," has proved so helpful to so many in times of distress. Rabbi Harold Kushner spoke last month at Wayzata Community Church at an event sponsered by Bookcase of Wayzata. He explained that he took a different approach to writing his latest book.


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