Gubernatorial candidate speeches at Minnesota Young Republicans meeting

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Speeches by Gubernatorial candidates Norm Coleman, Joanne Benson and Allen Quist to the Minnesota Young Republicans meeting in Bloomington. They were asked to talk about the reasons they got involved in politics and suggest why young people should also get involved. Program also includes interview with candidate Dick Borrell.

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Good afternoon with news from Minnesota Public Radio on Tim pugmire. Norm. Coleman has pick longtime Republican state. Senator, Jen Olson to be his running mate for the race for governor. Olson has represented the semi rural community of Minnetrista in the Senate since 1982. And she's concentrated on public education issues. Coleman says Olson is meant to complement his qualities as a candidate for upon a phone help build help build the farm with her dad her mom. She I watch the video of her she talks about she was it is an only child. What's a Father's son and her mother's daughter. She has one foot in in in rural Minnesota. She's raised Hogs & Chicken in shape and and the mayor hasn't done that there hasn't done that. They race for the Republican Party endorsement, which will be decided at the state party convention in Minneapolis this weekend dfl gubernatorial candidate Ted Mondale says his Rivals are breaking the bank with campaign promises the former.Senator from St. Louis Park said today that Mike Freeman and Skip Humphrey of pledge billions in new spending proposals, but haven't shown where the money would come from Lawndale said he pay for his proposals through budget cuts and budget surpluses the Minnesota Wild today revealed plans for the hockey teams new 18600 Cedar Rena in downtown St. Paul groundbreaking for the 130 million dollar project is planned for next Tuesday estate forecast this afternoon a chance for showers and thunderstorms in the southwest and west central otherwise partly to mostly cloudy becoming Breezy in the west with highs in the mid-seventies to mid-80s in the Twin Cities cloudy early this afternoon, then becoming partly sunny a chance of a shower in the southwest Metro with a high in the lower 80s. That's news from Minnesota Public Radio on chin pugmire 6 minutes now past 12 programming on Minnesota Public Radio is supported by standard heating and air conditioning the Twin Cities Home Comfort Experts for 68 years featuring York.Heating and Cooling products And good afternoon and welcome back to mid-day here on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary. I can glad you could join us on Friday. Perhaps very late on Friday, maybe even Saturday it will be well probably always will all be over for three of the four Republican candidates now running for governor all four candidates Norm Coleman Joanne Benson, Allen Quist and Dick Burrell have said that they will abide by the endorsement decision made by the delegates at this weekend's Republican state convention is being held at the Target Center downtown Minneapolis. So this week really is the time to learn more about these Republican candidates. They were invited by the Minnesota young Republican or go to the young Republicans organization to speak to the group about why they got involved in politics and their speeches give a pretty interesting inside into the candidates that the issues and events that inspired their involvement in Pub. Life can rats were also asked to talk about the importance of political involvement by young people today this hour, we're going to hear from all four Republican gubernatorial candidates starting with Saint Paul Mayor Norm Coleman a pleasure to be here with young Republicans in and perhaps to get away from the kind of campaign Dynamic and to be able to reflect a little bit about in a personal level headed. How do I get to where I'm at today? I was maybe a path brother is an end and then how to what can we do? What can you do to to to make a difference? It is humbling. By the way, it is humbling to be up here and to be a candidate for governor in a way. I'm is pretty overwhelming. It's humbling to Surf sounds like to be the mayor you have this incredible opportunity to have a profound impact on people's lives and end in as much as you sanitize having all this great. How are you the mayor and governor of state representative. It is humbling. You got to step back in the end times you think of my and force my capable of doing this and then what a blessing it is to do a funny that the routes are pretty simple. It's not a single issue or a single moment. It starts in my background with faith in My Religion by Jewish Kid From Brooklyn service. It's kind of part of the obligation. I always kind of grew up and in the end we celebrate the holidays and you and you and you go to synagogue. And then I'll pass over when we celebrate the Lord giving Freedom as you go through the service and service Our obligation. We're here on this Earth to do more than eat and do more than have fun. That's okay to do by the way. I got a fun way to serve. Martin Luther King actually had some wonderful words about service use anybody can be great. So does anybody can serve so you don't have to have a Ph.D to serve so you don't even have to know how to make you nouns and verb agree to serve. All you need is a Heart full of grace and a soul generated by love. So we all have the capacity to be great by serving and one opportunity are many paths to service their many fast service, but good one is public service what is public service and that it is a privilege for me to have the opportunity to serve the public. I love what I did when I was in the Attorney General's office. I love what I do as mayor makes back to love what I do given the opportunity to serve as governor in terms of an issue. There was an issue in a moment that I must confess that I grew up in the sixties and member of the counterculture. And it's kind of interesting though as I look back then and look back now and say no what's the same but what's different at that time? There were things that I will fighting a status quo the government to serve people better. It's really interests cuz you reflect on us today with we're fighting status quote fighting a Democratic party that has control this state this listening State and in my city for ages rages, if you believe in change you believe that was that was that weed that government can serve people better not by doing everything not by doing everything but a x by stepping back and instead of instead of oppressing or repressing or suppressing or instead of feeding into dependency if we can unchain The great potential within each of us and great things can happen. You coming to Saint Paul and you fight a a government that the decades controlled by the Democrats are the first things I did when I got elected as I rejected the ask me contract and I and I love her. Discreetly face 200 million. I've never in my budget director coming to me and saying Mayer and I got it. I got some good news and bad news. But the good news is we got somebody the budget today will make it the bad news is I got two hundred million dollars of unfunded liability with a contract. It was negotiated by your predecessor two days before you took office. And by the way, it's really not your problem because it's going to hit the city in 15 to 20 years. So you really don't have to worry about it. Like I tell folks my son was eight at that time and it was one blank of the I8 years 15 was two blinks 6 p.m. To be around and so you got to act you got your fighting you can make Shane and those were standing wave changes. What would Public Employee Union issue of Education. The issue of Education? What what's what's what's what moves people in America today competition brings out the best. I want the best because I want the best public schools. I want I want the best private schools. I want parents have choices is no one perfect system for every kid. So when parents have a choice is me of Choice Eugene, right competition competition generates Improvement the one system in America today. She was in competition is a public school system. So I guess it's if monopolies don't work. Well my friends they don't we need competition. So I set up the choice who fight who's fighting keeping the status quo the NBA folks and in charge of the system, you know that adage of all you keep doing is what you've been doing that all you going to get is more of the same. So today fight for change fighting for Change and change so that it makes it a better world. That's what it's all about. The working men and women the good news for young Republicans. The good news for young Republicans is that all vision eye vision of change Works fundamentally absolutely works at every level make about it contract with America. Change the way we think about government. She got Democrat presidents talk about the era of big government is over wasn't his are there idea. So where about You look at the state level Tommy Thompson welfare reform welfare as as we know it in Wisconsin is gone welfare as we know it in Minnesota is going to be gone Republican Governors discovered on choice and education sending a National Standard Republican. David is in a local level local level that this the best maze in America today are the Republicans or the Democrats who govern as Republicans because our stuff works. I've had the great pleasure in the opportunity to serve as mayor of st. Paul we've cut taxes every year. Regulation been tough on crime not just on the big stuff, but the little stuff not just on drugs and gangs you can employ to be tough on her. We have to be there by the way crime in and I'll stay away from the Statewide issue. No political speech, but it's an issue all over. and I to ask people invented New York City last 6 months to be praised the hand I say what the cab drivers tell you the cab driver say the New York City safe is New York Times Square used to be the home of pornography now somewhat Disney if New York City can be safe there's there's not a village or town or or neighborhood Minnesota they can't be safe we have we have it we have it within our capacity he have it within our hearts we have it within art we have it within our abilities to make it safe if we do it if we build cities of character people of character if we're vigorous on on the big things and vigorous on the little sing the truancy graffiti Panic we can make we can make it better they do it in New York so we have we have the capacity I've had that opportunities may affect I'm going to raise one other issue that realize one of those things that I've had the opportunity was mayor and I know politically you sometimes get in trouble talking about this why we have to lose that I've had as mayor was to bring the National Hockey League back to Minnesota and Saint Paul I tawt I tell people why that is significant. It's all right, and I can talk about the economics of it and bringing a new business and new taxes and getting rid of public debt from the city perspective of why it's more than that By The Grace Thrillers that has been there and it was a thrill of being able to prove Sid Hartman wrong. And if you remember Sarah saying can't be. It's never going to be. It's not going to happen if sample. I know this is not going to be done and said by the way, he's a close personal friend. He always speaks next time they represented. What's the sense that it can't be done and my friends at it. If you believe something's not going to happen. It is not going to happen. But if you believe it can be done if you have that since we can make it happen. If and if you tap into the hearts and souls and dreams of people then we can make it happen. And the good news for you is as young Republicans, is that our vision our vision of understanding that government plays a role but doesn't control our destiny our vision of tapping into the into the great human potential the heart and soul and dreams of every person crosses State regardless of race religion Creed, but that vision is a vision that works that vision is a vision of tomorrow. That vision is a vision Will move Minnesota forward and that vision is a vision that will lead us to Great victory in many elections to come. So you're on the right path and the right party the right time with the right vision and I consider that a great blessing and what we need from you what we need for you and the other candidates that have what we need from you is simply to be involved to give of your time and give up your energy and give of your commitment because you have in your capacity to help make this a better world you have this in your capacity to do to change the future to move us forward. And if you here tonight, I'm preaching to the choir. I know you're committed, but we do need you. We do appreciate your commitment and we look forward to working with you. God bless. Thank you very very much. St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman speaking to the Minnesota young Republicans last week. They were meeting in Bloomington lieutenant. Governor. Joanne Benson was the next to address the group later. You'll hear from former state representative. Allen Quist and businessman. Dick Burrell right now. Here's Joanne Benson. Things that sort of go beyond what we usually talk about during campaign season. So I'm really delighted to have this opportunity. The first one was what single-issue event or motivating factor first. Got you interested in politics. probably marriage and having children that was probably the first I don't know if there was one the second one was the bicentennial and the patriotism in the fervor in the feeling of Pride that we had in a democracy. That was so vibrant and working so well for so many people and I remember that time thinking like always been voting and and and all of that but I want to ratchet up the experience and and do even more and I saw a lot of that happening and of course, I became very active in interested in serving the Republican Party. When I first came to Saint Cloud with our family as we were starting out, I was delighted to meet. The person who is representing us as our senator. His name was Keith Hughes. Senator, Keith Hughes. It turns out was the last Republican senator in Saint Cloud until I won the race as senator in St. Cloud many years later. And as so often happens in life things sort of come around and come full circle and you see a connection of something that you started earlier and and I'm delighted now to have Keith Hughes son. Matthews working with me on my campaign. So that has been fun for us as well. Another significant thing that happened to me that made me understand the importance of what people who represented us really is but is that important? What's up, man happened when I was teaching at the lab school at Saint Cloud State University, which I did from 1973 until 1983 when it was closed. It was closed and I thought it was a very bad decision. We used to have Laboratory Schools at all of the state universities. We were in an economic downturn but we're coming out of it and I was hopeful that legislators would understand the importance of having a laboratory for learning just as we Now understand the importance of having Laboratories for sciences, and for all the other things to look at understand more about the world around us, but unfortunately that year the lab school closed in 1983. And so I remember going to the capital and listening in on the hearings and and thinking that everything was going very well and then all of a sudden it went away and I thought about all those children's lives all of those parents all of that learning about learning that was not going to take place and it really disturb me. In fact, the parents of the children who were at the laboratory School came to me afterwards and said Joanne if you will start the school somewhere else will even pay tuition and have it a private school. They were so interested in keeping this kind of school going but. I didn't do that. But what I did do Was sometime later when people were coming to me asking me if I would run for office. I did start thinking about it more seriously. Because I thought you know if I've been making that decision in that place my decision would have been a better one and I wish I wouldn't would have been there at that time. So when people like Jim you will end in Glen Taylor and others contacted me on behalf of the citizens of st. Cloud after I laughed for about 4 years. I start taking them seriously. and a probably the Clincher was a speech that I gave some years ago when I was resigning or retiring or whatever, you might call it from being the Senate District chairwoman after having been involved many years in the party and I said to them when you find a candidate you really believe in when you find someone who has the character in the qualities you appreciate when you find someone you can trust when you find someone who is willing to do the hard work day in and day out to serve you and that candidate comes to you and it asks you will you help me just say Gwinnett County that says please come and stuff some envelopes for me just say yes, and when that candidate comes and says to you I need a contribution just say yes, and that candidate says to you I need someone to go help me with the door knocking just say yes. Well after that speech a group of citizens from st. Cloud came to me and said Joanne to remember that just say yes, but you gave us we want you to run for the state senate say yes, so you have to be careful about what you say. It might turn around and involve you in something bigger than you ever expected to do, but I did say yes. And I found out. The wonderful opportunity is to really serve people. And we do it every day in many ways. But public service is unique. It's very open. Obviously. It's out there for everyone to see and experience and sometimes you get to some slings and arrows along the way. But you know that if you use common sense, if you put your heart and your head into your work together, most of the time things will work pretty well. And so I did that the first time I ran folks in case any of you here. I know many here are running but any of you who are thinking about in the future, I want you to think about perseverance because the first time I ran. The first pull that came out from Saint Cloud State University not known for the quality of the polling all the time. But the first pull that came out show Joanne Benson at 15% name recognition and Jim peeler who had been in that office since the world began was at 99% name recognition and but all of mine was positive and I said I can work with this. So I took six month leave of absence and I work every single day about 3. And during that time even at the last about two weeks before the election when the Democrats across the state, we're doing smear campaigns and I was one because any race that was close was targeted. You may remember that you can remember back this far but it was a picture that was in the paper and it has Jim peeler with his head on his chin chin in his hand. And he started the ad by saying there is one thing I will never do to win a campaign. I will not lie. Now, what was that implying? his opponent hat it didn't work very well. In fact it backfired, but when the election came 2 weeks later. As hard as I had worked. I lost but I only lost by 360 volts. and when you think about starting at 15% name recognition in the last poll done thing, I would lose in a landslide. That was a victory and I said Joanne you've done a good job. You would Serve the People. Well, you've given them a choice now. You can go back to that great life you had before and enjoy it. And 4 years later. They said are you kidding? Just say yes, so I did it again in one again. I did it again in one again. I did it again and was asked by many people. To run as lieutenant governor and I did say yes. And I want again so I run a Statewide race and I won. So those are the things that that spurred me on but let me tell you what makes me continue. I put this out of a newspaper a while ago because sometimes I think that as citizens of Minnesotan of the United States we forget. What we have received and this is a story of an article written by Jairo Marin and the title is becoming a citizen is a Life Exchange life-changing experience. Just going to read a couple of things that he says because he's waiting for his papers to come through saying he is a citizen I used to take my citizenship for granted. He's talking about the country from which you came now, I take it very seriously. I wonder why I did not vote in my country of birth or why I was not more involved in the political process. The naturalization process makes us Born Again citizens. We look around and we see that we can be a mentor or a volunteer in the community organization or be involved in a neighborhood watch program. That is what makes an American a good citizen and it is curious to see myself this patriotic. The greatest of the Privileges we learn as new citizens is the right to vote and the confidence that our opinions can make a difference. And then at the end he says no becoming an American is not as easy as I believed it would be but it is a rich experience that will change me forever mean while I still wait for the postman bearing a letter with my long-awaited documents only then will I be justified in complaining how slow the mail is. And you've all heard it. It can't complain unless you do the work and take the pain and that's that's what it is all about. So it was patriotism. It was starting a family. It was closing of a lab school. It was learning to appreciate a little bit more about support citizen is all about When you ask a question, what can young people do best to make a difference in politics? That man with the story that happened when I went to Russia at the invitation of governance T-top from the Samara region, and this was right before they had the general election when the country was deciding whether they would want to go forward into democracy or go back into what was known and comfortable not so good but comfortable in and they were used to it that was communism. And it was there was a great danger that they were going to go back the other way. And Governor teach off came to Minnesota and he asked me after he visited with me if I would return that visit to Russia to promote democracy. And I did. And while I was there, I met many people your age at universities. And if you have any question about whether democracy is worth it, go to a country in which you find people as smart as we are with all the natural resources in their country as we have if not more and then find out how they're living. And look at how we're living and look what look at what Peace and Freedom and the opportunity to live the lives. We want to live really means. I saw people in universities. We're very proud of a computer room that computer room would not have made it in our elementary schools in, Minnesota. And I saw people. Who are 30 and 40 years of age still living with their parents in a small apartment? Can you imagine that? And thinking they might never experience anything else. And there was a young woman as we were exchanging ideas in the University who said to me. But lieutenant governor Benson, I don't think there is anything that the government we used to have. Or the government we have today or any government we may have in the future will ever do to help me achieve my goals in my dreams and my ambition. I think it's going to be what I have in my own head in my own heart and my own willingness to work and my answer to her was. No matter where you're born in the world to a large extent is what you have in your own head your own heart and your own willingness to work that is going to help you succeed. That's true. But your government either is going to put barriers in your way or your government is going to take barriers out of your way and allow you to get to your goals in your dreams with ease. And democracy is hard work and sometimes people forget in our country what hard work it really is and it does take perseverance and it does take people who are committed and that's why I commend you for being in the young Republicans. That's why with a college Republicans in the young Republicans in the Saint Cloud area when they needed an advisor. I was there. That's why thank you. And that's why when I left one college Republican meeting one time and I said I need somebody to help me with a brochure in that very first race. A young man followed me out of the room and he said I'm in advertising. I'll help you and he still is helping me today. And that you will never forget and those of you who are involved in campaigns will never forget the friends you made the experiences you've had and the Democracy that you were building as you were doing it, and so it's a great opportunity, and it's a great race, and we'll all work hard and we'll all help to have your support, but whatever whatever happens we want you to know that we really appreciate and respect the work that you do for all of us, and I want you to keep it up. Thank you. I was lieutenant. Governor. Joanne Benson speaking to the Minnesota young Republicans last week in Bloomington former state representative. Allen Quist. The party's endorsed candidate for governor four years ago was next to address the group about the issues and events that inspired him to enter politics and the speech that I don't normally give And the first question that you asked me to answer was the question what single event was it that was instrumental in getting you involved in politics? For me the answer to that question is very easy. I was born a citizen of the United States of America. That's the event that's even. And anyone who is a citizen of the United States of America by birth or through other means and is not involved in politics is a citizen who is shirking his or her responsibilities as a citizen. Not a second question is going to take long more time to answer. And that question is a question where you ask my advice and of course, I love giving advice where you asked my advice on how you can make a difference in politics. Now. I'm going to add one word to that question. And if you object to my adding one word, please do so. But I'm going to have the word positive cuz I'm going to answer the question. How can you make a positive difference? in our country and in politics And I would like to suggest the way you make a positive difference. He is by being committed to the principles upon which the United States of America was built. And the principles upon which we exist the principles that make us the greatest country in the world. I'd like to suggest that there are five principles and my 10 minutes on my only get through two or three. Maybe only one I will go as far as we can. Any principles are well described in the document that we know as the Declaration of Independence. And I recommend that every citizen of a state of Minnesota know what the Declaration of Independence says the first principle. In the Declaration of Independence is the principle of Truth. Everything that is said in the Declaration is based on self evident truth five letters truth true. I spell it out so we can remember it easily. By my tequila straight how that principle is under threat today. About 3 weeks ago now I started doing some reading to determine if the contract that skip Humphrey engaged in with the Surrey BC Law Firm was constitutional and legal. And after I get done with the short description, I am going to be pleased to announce the retirement of skip Humphrey from politics. And by the way, skip Humphreys office responded to what I said among other things by saying the corn Farmers shouldn't read the law why I'm here to tell you that corn Farmers know how to read. Can we read real well, and you know what we understand what we read. So anyway, by the way when I was in the legislature, I was there six years. I spent six years reading the bills and one of the reasons I understand Minnesota Government inside and out upside and down is because I read the bills for 6 years. Shadow Creek and a big reason why I put more amendments on bills in the house floor in my last 2 years than any other member from any other either party is because I read them. I knew what they said. What I determined is that state law says for the Attorney General to hire an outside Law Firm, which the ceresi law firm is the attorney general and a lot is crystal clear. The Attorney General must have the approval of the governor. And the Chief Justice they both must sign the contract and the contract must be on file with the Secretary of State. This is a clear check upon the power of the Attorney General so that the Attorney General does not abused the authority of the office Claritin-D So I another checked with the Secretary of State's office and we checked with the auditor and we checked with the legislative auditor and we checked with the governor's office. Get what guess what? Neither the governor nor the Chief Justice agreed to the hiring of the 3C Law Firm. Okay, they don't do it. Now I'm here to tell you. I'm not going to go into all the details, but this is what in law is called an open and shut case. Skip Humphrey bat the political Farm on the tobacco deal. And the half-billion-dollar payment firm which by the way is over $2000000 / attorney. Over $100 for every man woman and child in the state of Minnesota. If your family for gets over $500 for you just to the law firm just City attorney that payment is unconstitutional and a violation of Minnesota law. And so I wrote the story on this about two weeks ago, okay. And I want you to know that for the most part the Minnesota press did not report this exception of John Augustine. And I haven't followed NPR so I won't I'm not sure about that. But here is your chance NPR. This is your golden opportunity. The Minnesota press did not print that in a way so that the average citizen had any clue that the whole contract was illegal since that time, by the way, I've had a number of attorneys talk to me. Some of them who have checked on it on their own other is which act on it at my request and everyone to the best of my knowledge who looks at. It says I'm one hundred percent. Correct the contract is he legal? So what if I'm free is the candidate for governor this fall in paid advertising. We are going to have a field day. I mean he bet the farm on the whole deal the 2 million dollar per person per attorney payment to the law firm is unconstitutional and illegal and I cannot imagine the skip Humphrey can be elected governor. Once we tell the story. However The median Minnesota did not cover the story in such a way so that the public would know the truth. Not as I said the first principle of our country as stated in the Declaration Declaration of Independence is the principle of truth. That's number one. Why didn't the media princess in such a way? So the people would tell the truth? It's because ladies and gentlemen truth is not welcome in Minnesota Government today. Truth is not welcome in Minnesota Government today. And if you want to make a positive difference in politics, the first thing I recommend is be totally committed to the truth. Woodstock, Connecticut By the way, I wasn't in early to get Intercollegiate debate coach for years. I always told my TB Raiders. There's one key to success and debate study something until you know what the truth is and then put yourself on the side of the truth and it is that's the key by the way to debate. A second Prince William height is as far as I'm going to get. A second principle upon which our country was based is the principle of freedom. By the way, let me just mention the other is but I won't have time to talk about the others the others are the right to life. Equality and the rights of private property. These are the five. That's what they are. But because of time constraints I'm only going to deal with one more that's going to be the principal of Liberty. And some of you heard me talk about the Gomez decision before and I'm going to talk about it again because it is such a clear case. Emma Gomez decision the Minnesota Supreme Court issued the ruling that according to our Minnesota Constitution taxpayers must pay for abortion. No, this is not primarily an abortion issue. This is not primarily a like issue. This is a freedom issue and the reason is a freedom issue is because there is no right the taxpayer-funded abortion in our Constitution. Have you read our constitution? I have both the state and the Federal. Show me the line show me the chapter show me the section that says taxpayers must find abortion and state of Minnesota. There's no right to taxpayer-funded abortion here. Why is the Supreme Court interpreting the law? No. And once again this year as an open and shut case this is not debatable. This is not debatable. The Supreme Court was not interpreting. The law of the Supreme Court was putting itself Above the Law above the Constitution above the voters above our freedom. That's what I'm doing. Read Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address where he says that if the court the Supreme Court is the final decision maker. We have lost our freedom. Jennifer sinagra So, why does this the one that clearly a violation of our constitution? For this to be a mandate by the state supreme court clearly a violation of our constitution. Why does this go on? Clearly a violation of our Liberty. We are under the tyranny. Have the Supreme Court on this decision. Why does it snow on? Because Liberty is not welcome in Minnesota today. I know that's a strong statement. That is true. You want to hear about how any Polly quality is not welcomed marriage tax. Okay clear discrimination against people who are married. I broke the story of the year ago what's change nothing? You know why it's because equality is not welcome in Minnesota Government today. Every one of the five principles upon which our country was built. Are being rapidly eroded in the state of Minnesota? And I am involved in politics because I was born a citizen of the United States of America a country that has that has been the greatest country in the world because it was built on truth and freedom and life inequality the right to property. Ladies and gentlemen going to make a positive difference. Being committed to truth being committed to life be committed to Liberty. Be committed to equality and be committed for the right to property. We are facing today. The biggest threat to our freedom that we have ever faced in history that our country said every Point send education and property rights to Medical Care to every point. Our country is being put to the test today like it has never been put to the test before. Now I'd like to close with two words. choose freedom workout former state representative Allen Quest the Republican Party endorse candidate for governor for years ago. He is seeking the endorsement again this year course all the candidates address the Minnesota young Republicans meeting in Bloomington last week the 4th Canada in the races Waverly business, man, dick Burrell who spoke to the young Republicans group, but we have some technical problems with the tape. So he's been good enough now to join us to talk about iPhone about the what inspired him to enter politics. Good afternoon, Miss bro. Thanks so much for joining us the pleasure to be able to be on the program. Why why did you get involved in politics? I got fed up with the way the government was going and I didn't see anyone like you and I kind of a small business person someone with some common sense stepping forward and saying, you know, let's stop the amount of Finding the state is doing you don't know last five years. We've increased spending 5 billion dollars and it seems no matter how much money we overpay the legislature finds a way to spend it. So I just kind of got fed up with it. And that was really the the initiative that that got me going is because the state spends so much that represents about 28% of the cost of our business and have no control over it. Have you been out knocking on doors for other candidates in distributing literature in the like fire? Actually, the first person that I door-knock for was Hubert Humphrey when I was a sophomore in high school, there's a lot of emphasis in politics on winning and not many people give you much of a chance to win the endorsement. I think that's a fair statement why put yourself through the what has to be a fairly grueling schedule of meetings and speeches in the rest. But that why put yourself through that that grueling and it's been over a year long process of of four to six nights a week and and days and it's an incredible process and I think part of it is just to educate people to that. It can be done that an average person can step forward and say I'm going to do the eye and what is it that we've done so far we've accumulated somewhere between five and six percent of the delegates will we get to the 10% to stay on the ballot after the third ballot that's going to remain to be seen but with with as close as this whole race is We're certainly in a position to bargain for some of the things that are important to us average small business people Farmers just everyday citizens across the state so that we can maybe make a change in the way the state spends money. Do you think more people like yourself should run for public office High public office that we citizens will ever regain control of our government is if we citizens are willing to put aside our private life for the public good instead of a lot of time. So we see is a kind of a politician putting aside their private life for their own good. And we need to say the average citizen. I that's where country was set up as have a citizen legislature. Not a full-time permanent body. What kind of what kind of response have you gotten from folks? Do they? Has expressed a lot of respect for what you're doing. Do they look at you kind of patronizing layer what the heck's what kind of positive results I have. Lots of it'll just hundreds and hundreds of people have said, you know, I'm a delegate, you know, you're my second choice, you know, I wish they didn't have this this the polls in the electability in the name recognition stuff, you know, you'd make a great Governor. There's all the comments to say that an average person can make a difference within within the system. We have we don't even have to change the system. Have been have people been pretty willing to actually help out and pass out your literature and write checks for you. Wonderful. It. It's it's just been a blessing to have such a wonderful group with us. The one thing that was surprising to me in this whole process is is raising money how difficult it is. Even you don't Minnesota as a couple you can write a check for $100 in the state refunds it to you even if that it's it's very difficult to squeeze a hundred bucks a lot of people and that means that the economy may not be to me. It means it's it's not as good as everyone says it is like it's just a function of money or do you think people are pretty hesitant to open their wallet for political reasons? Represented instead of the you know, that the big money interest. What do you say to the what did you say to the young Republicans in terms of young people getting involved? I told them that what they're I told him little joke about the the boy with the wagon full of puppies. He had six little puppies going down the street by the barber in the barber asked him what he got their son. Got me six little puppies. They're all Democrats and week later that little boy was coming by with the puppies again. And the barber had just finishing trimming. This guy is Harry so come on out. You got to see this is really cute little puppies. They're all Republicans and he says wait a minute a week ago. You told me they're all Democrats. He says, yeah, but then they didn't have their eyes open. So what I told him was their job is to go out into their families and communities in their friends really open people's eyes to what the differences are between the between the parties and the philosophies behind the party's mention. I died or not for Hubert Humphrey and the Vice President are former Senator and I make it real clear that you know, I knew Hubert Humphrey pretty well and if he were alive today he Not be a Democrat with the with the party platform that the Democrats have no Hubert was pro-life. He was pro-family and he did do a lot of social good. but I see I see a the Democratic party has seemed to go quite a bit further left from from them till now and that's exactly why I left the Democratic Party of the 12 years ago to do you think the parties are too strong or too weak I 2 I think they're too powerful. I think they have an awful lot of influence in in the way it goes and I don't think that's all bad. It creates a hurdle for someone like me, but it's not a hurdle that can't be jumped if you can present your ideas and if you can communicate the people that's where the whole process of government takes place as in communicating ideas. You can do that. You can you can win elections. He mentioned before that. There is a certain apathy toward politics among a good many people especially if you're that Outsider I call myself the fourth candidate in a three-way race. The media doesn't even want to spend any time with you. So, you know, if you have this name recognition hurdle in the media doesn't want to spend any time with you. It's like a catch-22 year you're stuck in going nowhere. So we appreciate our campaign appreciate every opportunity like this, Carrie. Do you think people would be interested in hearing more on the radio and TV reading in the newspapers about people like yourself who probably don't have a great chance to win but I have some ideas. I absolutely year off of his business and said, you know, we're going to make a difference in in who's elected governor, and we wanted to be a small business person, you know, like the guy down the street and I think that would be a terribly good story to bring to to our state and I think it's a mistake on the media is part not to give as much play Robbie boost interest across-the-board. I suppose if you look at the media or minutes or seconds. You know, you can add them up it probably relates to you know, some of the amount of support that I've gotten, you know lack of media equals lack of support among Steven delegates. You know because there's that perception of media is not going to cover you. You can't get your name knowing you can't get elected so I can support you, you know, but I think you're a great candidate. You make a wonderful Governor that all seems kind of absurd doesn't it? We unfortunately represented in the process. I don't have a lot of time but what would the governor Burrell the first thing you do if you got elected what what's your what's your major concern the major thing make sure that we got a partial birth abortion ban and second. I would make it illegal for the legislature to pass an Omnibus spending bill that make him vote on every issue up and down. White wooden the whole process just bog down and so nothing would get accomplished. If there were last billion dollar bill there was about 200 different items if they had the vote on all 200 of them. I wonder how much money we would have spent because they have been accountable for that many more votes. Taxes, what about taxes taxes were over Pain by about 20% We're both third highest taxed in the country taxes have to be cut across the board. But the governor doesn't do that the legislature actually cuts the taxes and what I would look at doing as governor was is controlling the spending keeping the the Department's asking them to become more efficient. What I've asked for is a 2% a year reduction in real estate spending not in the increase 2% of your reduction in real estate spending over 5 years or 4 years don't save about 5 billion dollars. Are small businessman should government be helping business in in in one way or another providing subsidies? Some may be some general subsidies you get into the specifics like the tax increment financing. I'm thinking of that something the communities are doing. We were in a situation where it's competitive subsidies. And I think that's a bad situation. The market doesn't work very well when the governments involved. And whether that's a sports team or corn alcohol gasoline medicine you name it the free market works a lot better when when government gets out of the way. And then what I'd like to see is have government do more privatization of services. I think it would be a lot more efficient if it didn't have the bureaucracy behind it, mr. Burrell or out of time, but I really appreciate your joining us and good luck to you. Thank you, and I hope we'll see you around the convention. It's going to be a raucous good time you that long time to thanks a lot. Alright, thanks for joining us Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Burrell. One of the four people who will be seeking the Republican party's endorsement for governor of the convention gets underway at the Target Center tomorrow and our live coverage gets underway from the convention tomorrow as well. The big day, of course is Friday when the delegates will try to decide who if anybody they're going to endorse for governor. And of course, we'll be here. Hope you'll be able to join us right on through. That's it for our midday program today Gary I can hear thanks so much for tuning in and hope you'll be able to join us tomorrow.


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