Voices of Minnesota: A Special Moment

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Listen: 16853622_1997_2_4_anniversaryspot_64

A short reflection on Dan Olson’s Voices of Minnesota series, as part of Minnesota Public Radio's 30th Anniversary Celebration.


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SPEAKER 1: From Minnesota Public Radio, here's a special moment from our past 30 years. Each Monday, Dan Olson's Voices of Minnesota interview series introduces MPR listeners to Minnesotans making a difference.

SPEAKER 2: We were the lone rangers living in a cave, with no other help. It's just sheer nonsense. The naivety of it, I must say, just appalls me.

SPEAKER 3: There are other countries that are still operating like it was 1950 and 1960, and thinking of the rainforest as only something to harvest.

SPEAKER 4: The best of times and the worst of times was the depression. It left us with a great determination to achieve, and to make a difference in the lives of people.

SPEAKER 5: Kids are not bad, they are just kids. And the kids that come through my house, they don't have the problem. It's the parents in their life that have the problem that--

SPEAKER 1: Minnesota Public Radio. 30 years of great radio, thanks to you.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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