Mark Yudof discusses his candidacy for University of Minnesota president

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Mark Yudof, current provost at University of Texas, and finalist for University of Minnesota president position, talks about his candidacy, the U of M’s issues, and its’ potential. Yudof also answers listener questions.

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Saint Cloud and like freezing rain is likely in South western and southern south central Minnesota high should range from the teens near Roseau to around 30 degrees in southern Minnesota currently in Saint Cloud. It's cloudy and 25 Duluth cloudy and 25 at Twin Cities that are Cloudy Skies. It's 26°. That's a look at the news in Kathleen 6 minutes now past 12 and welcome back to mid-day here on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary. I can reminder that programming of Minnesota Public Radio is supported by standard heating and air conditioning service in the Indoor. Comfort needs a Twin Cities home owners for 67 years.Alice Kathleen know that the Universe Minnesota could have a new president by the end of the week. The only finalist for the position University of Texas Provost Mark yudof is in Minnesota this week for a series of meetings and interviews and assuming all goes well University's Board of Regents could offer him the job on Friday. He would succeed Nails hustle know who is retiring next summer, or do you offer and both Bachelor and law degree from University of Pennsylvania before taking a teaching position of Texas in 1971. He worked his way up the ranks becoming the dean of the Texas law school for 10 years before being named Provost second highest position at the University of Texas. You got that job 2 years ago along the way. Mr. Uthoff has been a candidate for president at the University of Texas and two big ten schools or universities of Illinois and Iowa today. I mark it off has been visiting staff faculty and students of to out State University campuses in Crookston Inn Duluth, and he's been good enough to join us by phone from Duluth to talk about isTristan being president of the University of Minnesota and to take your question. So give us a call or Twin City area number if you'd like to speak with Mark yudof, Twin City area number is 227-6000. Side the Twin Cities one 800-242-2828 Mister uthoff. Welcome to Minnesota very much delighted to be here. You've already had a busy day Crookston Duluth coming out of the Twin Cities later this afternoon. Are you pooped out? Ya know? I'm still going strong. I bet a lot of interesting people andSeems some parts of the say that I've not seen before it's very interesting experience in a nutshell, sir. Why are you interested in becoming President of University, Minnesota? I think you're their number of reasons and I guess the reason that I always start with this is because I think it would be fun that this is a fine University and it's fundamentals are sound and I think that the two types of skills that I have that would enable me to bring improvements to this University make it even better. So I think it'd be a good job in that sense. I also am a great admirer of the Twin Cities think it's a good place to live and the third I guess that the university has many similarities to where I currently work. I mean the University of Texas has 48000 students on campus and a sort of balancing act to perform between access and the major research programs and so forth and it's it's a sort of environment that I'm quite accustomed to. There are a fair number of people around here who believe that the given the University of Minnesota's problems of late that the university now has a reputation have a bad reputation. Nationally. The things are really out of control here falling apart. Is that accurate? I mean is that the kind of reputation the University Minnesota actually has it snowed, this one person that will not before I even thought about this position. It's true that I was getting dozens of email messages just as Provost people were sending them to me from The Faculty hearing from other places around the country. So there is no doubt that the 10-year acrimony in particular had a had a negative impact Nationwide, but that the more I looked the more convinced I became to fees for surface blemishes that the again the fundamentals for sound and now my understanding is the matter has been largely put behind us. Tonight I think the rest of the country will understand that the important thing is for the University to pull itself together and all its constituencies together and go forth from here to think it's realistic to set as a goal making University of Minnesota the top university in the country. Should we be in the top 10 the top 100? What would be a goal in the National research council's the outfit that my judgment does the most reliable measures of quality if University is it puts a lot of emphasis on graduate education men on them search University of Minnesota was listed 23rd and that in that survey and a head of Minnesota Merced schools is Wisconsin, Texas, Michigan, Berkeley, Illinois. I suppose my feeling is that is that it is possible for Venus. Go to be among the top 5 public universities in the country certainly and then maybe even derives higher. I think Berkeley and is very well established would be difficult to dislodge as his University of California San Diego. I think it's very good place. I mean only 30 really great research universities in America and Minnesota 23rd, and I think it could move up Publix even higher than it is to be fully competitive certainly with the Michigan and Wisconsin and Illinois to Texas and University of Washington. That's where I see it at this point in the process. Of course, you've got a ways to go yet this week. But at this point in the process do you get the sense that the people who are interviewing, you know what they are looking for in the way of a president. Actually to another been some comments about the weather. There is some sort of coherence sense of purpose about all this and I think they do I think that there's been enough acrimony. I think the first thing everyone wants the student Leaders The Board of Regents the political Business Leaders that the faculty and so forth is they want to pull themselves together and they want them to sort of move on to the next Plateau. So I think there's a lot of grief and I think if people would think it through carefully that the stool role of the university in terms of access and the terms of of excellence and research the universities has a role for a long time every every other one of the public universities of any stature as the same problem. I think of the University of Minnesota. How many people at first believe so I'm a very optimistic about that. I think some hard choices have to be made though University is so rich that can be outstanding at everything is a choice is need to be made there. But the way to think of this universe that I think is sort of us the National University of Minnesota. This University can't accomplish its National and international objective unless first it maintains its ties the people of Minnesota provides them with adequate opportunities that that's my view that's true of Texas. That's true of California. And I think that's the trick. Let's get to some phone calls. So I guess today is Mark yudof who is the finalist for the presidency of the University of Minnesota. He is in Minnesota this week to conduct a series of meetings and interviews. She is up at the University minnesota-duluth right now and he'll be coming down to the Twin Cities later today to meet with some some students from the Twin Cities campus in the meanwhile over the noon hour. He's been good enough. You want us to take your question? So give us a call. If you get a busy signal you might want to just drop these numbers down and try in a few minutes as our phone line start to clear Twin City area number is +22-762-270-6000. Side the Twin Cities one 802-422-8284 college from the University of Minnesota. I've been a civil service staff member for 12 years and I don't remember what my public reception was of the University before working here. But since it's been that we're constantly in the media and more often than not in a very negative light and I first I'd like to know Gary why is University of Minnesota such a huge topic us a station for the media and second the presidential candidate. How does he hope to keep us from being such a hot item in the news especially in light of scandals while I brief news attention is because it's so big and so important to the state of, Minnesota. Now I missed you. If you want to take your part of question, but I would have to agree with Shelly that this is goes. Well beyond anything I've seen in most other places. I think it reflects the love affair that the people of Minnesota have had with this University for almost a hundred and fifty years and they're just constantly fascinated by it in terms of her question. I'm really not sure. I think it will continue to be a media Fascination when you're as big as this University with a bunch of his large is it is it would be quite extraordinary if nothing ever went wrong and no one will ever accused of wrongdoing and I suppose all you can do is is work as hard as you can to get the story out I have to do to try to do the right things and make sure to the extent that you're able to do. So there's a little smoke that reflects the actual fires that are burning on the University. But I don't think it's an easy problem to solve. It's a problem of our major institutions. Whether it's Congress of the supreme court order legislature, whatever that is a lot of media scrutiny and there is a tendency sometimes dancercise the negative. That's bad. I think it's so, you know, it's not bad. I mean, I taught the First Amendment and constitutional law course, I believe in it and I think it's the hold your feet to the fire and causes institutions to review their practices discipline people and so forth. But if none of the good stuff comes through but of course it tends to build on itself in sand people begin to be down on the institution which may or may not be justified in St. Cloud mark. Thank you for taking my call particularly concerned about hiring a new football coach at a salary of somewhere near three-quarters of a million dollars to a million dollars and I'm quite concerned about such a salary for one individual and I'm wondering if you could comment on how does a position such as they have to fit into your Administration and where do you see? Where do you see football fitting? Into the future of the University. Well, I have to say that I do think Athletics are important. I don't think they're the only thing I think you're primarily an academic institution. And I also think they're more important things than winning such as making sure that the program has integrity and that the student-athletes graduate and so forth Mark and turn to your question. I would say that these are just the facts of life. If you are a big ten institution or Big 12 or pac-10 or the southeast conference and you want to be competitive you have to pay the salaries that the professional football coaches demand in the past hour. He's I see recently or in that five six $700,000 a year range. No Babe Ruth was once asked how he could justify being paid more than the president of the United States and the Babe said I had a better year. And it's a little bit like that here. If you know, it's I wish presidents were more expensive than they are but they're not and I think we should have a first-rate football team. And therefore it's going to have to pay a competitive salary even though for many people. It's something that is certified justifiable University of Texas. Of course at a long Lori's football tradition Canna fell on hard times for a little while. Now, you're back in the Fiesta Bowl. What are you paying your coach down there? And since I've never seen Texas win on the road, I stayed away from the Nebraska game and that seemed to work out just fine and I may have to enter into a similar promise hear that I'll go to all the home games but Minnesota plays away. I'll stay up stay away from those games just to include approve the team's record. You have been sighted appraised for your fundraising ability. Have you found? Set there there's that there's this theory that goes that if sports program at University of successful, it's much easier to raise money for other programs. Is that true? I mean, I was very successful to law school. Most of our graduates did not pay that much attention to football and the law school didn't have its own football team leave those to say but I think there's some truth to that particular in terms of annual giving that it's a source of Pride and a source of us are the broad sense of community. It does make things a little easier, but I've been basically I think you have a successful Capital campaign because you have something important to tell people about that you believe in what you're trying to sell the money is going to go and sensible places and you're persistent and you ask off at Old my development officers that the new one thing for sure. They were very like unlikely to bring in much. If they didn't ask people man. So what I think all those things are important football doesn't hurt but I wouldn't say it's the the major factor, I guess today is Mark yudof who joins us from the risk of Minnesota Duluth Street off is in Minnesota this week interviewing for the job of University of Minnesota president. And if you'd like to join our conversation, give us a call Twin City area number is 227-6002 276 thousand. I'll try the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free at one eight hundred to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828. Jim your question Place me to congratulate you in advance. And I think we have a governor who probably would have liked your last answer. He's a big back or a gopher athletic. So I'm sure he'll be happy with your answer. I wanted to ask about these thorny issue of college admissions. And of course, there's a lot of different facets is this as far as I know you want both a quality research institution plus access to it, which is you may know Universe, Minnesota has stiffened. Stomach standards undergraduate requirements to get into the university and seems to be trying to put forth the philosophy that the student will perhaps have easier access to one of the other state schools rather than University being so the research jamming and not being real exclusive it perhaps a little harder to get into I wondered if you'd compare that they're what's happened at the University of Texas and whether you support that that General philosophy and also need guards to there seems to be a conflict right now in many states about what should be the requirement is on the K to 12 level as whether or not standardized tests. You can either be used in weather credit hours should be used or whether a so-called broader gauge videos. So I wondered if you could that responded those Standards have gone up dramatically in this a large pool of applicants up, but I guess my philosophy is and partly and also in part in response to the word of action litigation in Texas. I have tended to Advocate a more holistic approach to admissions. That is I think numbers are important. I think Jeff the the grades and test scores matter, but we have tended also to add other factors in there such as a leadership and community service and so forth and I suppose I in my heart of hearts. I do favor that I wouldn't pretend to speak at this point for what the mission should be in the Twin Cities, but I like the idea of being less mechanical about admissions. I also think you are balancing. This is Jim said access with the Excellence and in a negative term some people say elitism in general. I think I'm quite satisfied with the measures that the the board is adopted where there's an improvement in the paper credentials of the student body at overall, but there's plenty of room left for Access and affirmative action and so forth that's about where I would come out on it. I think it is difficult to go exclusively one way or the other. I don't know enough about admissions here to really speak to the issue. But I I would my personal view would be that even with those are supposed to be the top quarter of a Class A lot of attention or to be paid to other characteristics that are important such as perseverance and Leadership you think there is a role for medial education at University, Minnesota. Well, I think there is and some of that is already going one least. That's what I understand. There's room at some of the other campuses that's questions very hard that answer in the abstract. Obviously, we prefer that the students come out better prepared from the high schools. But it there are circumstances in which I think the university is part of its access mission is going to be engaged in some remedial education. There's no way around it. Do you think that the University of Minnesota should be governed by the same body that governs the other state colleges and universities in the state of Minnesota right? Now University Minnesota is a separate entity in than all the other schools are are lumped together. There's some talk you know that if you put them all together you fish in sea. I think it's premature for me to really have a few I have distinct impression that the Minnesota alarms and other supporters were not too thrilled with the idea, but I haven't really looked at it. My experience is that you rarely came a whole lot of efficiency pie amalgamating is very large systems. If you've long since passed the efficiency threshold, but I really wouldn't want to comment any further than that. Okay? Oh, hello Professor you. I want to thank you very much for hanging in there as a candidate attitude and spend that the university certainly needs and deserves right now. I wonder how Professor if you haven't been here before what image of Minnesota you brought to the process. And also if you'd share your educational background expertise and area of research with us a positive attitude both for the University of Minnesota in the state of Minnesota and speaking of a can do attitude. That's what I associate with the state and the civility which I think is very important that people be civilized even if they disagree and an unbelievable commitment to education. This is University that raises more money than the University of Texas and it has 1/4 the Texas it serves as my background. I've been involved in a number of areas. I was very active 1970s and public school Finance. I was a counsel for the plaintiff in the Rodriguez case the case before the United States Supreme Court dealing with financing of Elementary and secondary education or Britain lot of Articles. I've been on a couple of gubernatorial Task Force versus and really in some ways. My Outlook was very similar to Governor Anderson when he made some moves in the 1970s to deal with that issue. I've written a lot on educational policy in the law including everything from tenure and academic freedom. To Webb School desegregation and the student rights and so forth have a book on government expression in the First Amendment and I've talked contracts usually over the years been involved in some contracts litigation. And finally I have up to a passion for how children learn how their socialized and how we can improve the out the outlook for students of color and poor children and give them better shot of moving through the system so that those are the areas of concern myself with Mark yudof is our guest today. He is the finalists for the presidency of the University of Minnesota and as we've been good enough today to join us from the University minnesota-duluth where he's been in a meeting with administrators students in the like give us a call with your questions and comments to 276 thousands are Twin City area number 227-6000 I'll try the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free at 1 800-242-2828 Sandra your question, please. Graduate student at the University of Minnesota and I have a couple of related questions have Arisen in my stay there. And the first has to do with the what I would consider The Clash of cultures between foreign professors and students, especially from the state and it's been my observation that some of the attitudes that these people bring to their jobs, especially when they're in administrative positions tend to be on the elitist side and it 10 in my opinion to Clash on some level with the mission of the University of Minnesota, which is a land grant school and whose job it is to serve the people of Minnesota and related question has to do with admission of foreign students to the university. I suspect very strongly that this issue is not voiced Out Loud by a lot of Americans. Students but I hear a lot of grumbling especially among undergraduate American students and there's a there's a building resentment among the this pie is students it has to do with where it's difficult for them to to get financial aid because that's pretty much predicated on their financial situation and then they go to school they have to work. These people are working an average of 4045 hours a week and trying to take 12 credits and it's hard to keep your grades up when you're working that much and I know that from personal experience and NAC foreign or coming here and maybe having Financial backing from home and maybe some potential ate here and it's really creating a lot of resentment and then I take that and on some level people think will you know, what's happening to the mission of the University of Minnesota. You know, why why are they serving the foreigners and not taking care of the people of this state? I'll hang up. No, listen to your response. Well, I understand many of your concerns and this is a complicated the issue. I do think it's a I don't know the situation in Minnesota obviously having just arrived in the state yesterday. But I do think it's important that the university make extensive efforts to recruit The Graduate students from the state of Minnesota and from other parts of this country. And I agreed what we have seen in many of our graduate programs particular and engineering and science is that it seems to be the foreign students or invested in those programs and are the ones that are seeking degrees in those areas. So I do think it's probably is makes would make a lot of sense and for all I know the University's already doing this how to put particular emphasis on recruiting Americans for these graduate them. assistantships in the like in for the programs that haven't said that it simply is true that there are many foreign students from around the world who are vitally interested in quality programs and that they have outstanding credentials and it's also important to be fair to them in terms of financial aid again, I don't know the situation my suspicion is that that's at The Graduate students are not getting enough financial support their few universities where they are and that we should take a very careful. Look at increasing those graduate stipends even realizing for well though. This is a very expensive matter. I would hope that there was no policy to systematically favorite foreigners over American graduate students in the book into that. If I were to be appointed to this job as far as you can tell Sarah, which area will receive will require more attention immediately undergraduate education at the University, Minnesota to graduate to school a little bit premature. I do think the reforms that the present in the board of instituted in the undergraduate program were just outstanding in terms of advising. More of our students living on campus computer registration and so forth. So I think I would certainly continue to invest dollars they are and that's up first on the list as I've looked over the situation. I think faculty salaries, but that's another area but it seems like the salaries are suffering should have a campus-wide not in any particular college or School. Those are the things that I would have the third thing. I guess just a deferred maintenance which worries me a lot bigger. So I saw her over nine hundred million dollars, and that is a scary figure, but I don't I can't really say whether that would primarily benefit undergraduate or graduate education or their favours science over engineering or engineering over liberal arts. I just don't know yet last year question, please. Want to try to sing or the reverse, but the specific question has to do with the issue of the overall issue of the corporatization of the American University with faculty. Who were I guess it once considered colleagues of administration as sort of a middle manager types be now becoming line workers and the administration as worse than what the corporate CEOs with a distinct Authority line over what's happening on campus and specifically at the exemplified by the what's happening at the academic Health Center with a significant buildup of of top corporate Executives at the expense financially, obviously because it's supposed to be cost-neutral of the other health science. So are the academic Health Center Schools. I was just wondering what do you think of the trend toward this kind of thing and it specifically what's happening here at the University with the increasing very significant increase of budget and staff for the executive level of the uahc, Well, I have a couple Fields. I agree with that characterization of the Groucho Marx. You wouldn't want to be a member of any club. That would have him. I've had a number of opportunities to be president of other places on the same person. I was a month ago. I think you would look at the record and talk to people and make it a judgment. There are many reasons to people pull out with regard to the corporatization. I've actually taking a hard look at that. I wrote an article with a Collie from Texas recently and change magazine. And I guess what I would say is that there is not an easy translation from the corporate sector to the university in terms of government. There are things that can be borrowed like serving your customers customers being defined as different groups like students in some instances faculty and staff but we're not the profit maximizer. We do not meet all the demand that there is people are turned down come to the University universities public universities not just regulated. They are actually controlled by a publicly appointed bodies and legislators the whole panoply of reasons why I would be a mistake to Simply I take the culture of a of an automobile company and and the university. I don't have the specific knowledge in the area that you've spoken about. I do think that one of the historical advantages of university is it's rather flat management system. It is it has not been hierarchical in most good University a my view is that you have to delegate Authority and you have to have a flat management structure. That's the way you build great universities. I also think the people have to be held accountable if they don't get the job done that other people Services automobile paint to get that job done. So I can't comment on the specific facts, but I do think that the the historical situation of delegating Authority countability within highly highly rated is the way I would go and I think that also has the effect of reducing some of your overhead or administrative cost given what's happened up till now giving a history here at the Minnesota. What should the Border region? Do about tenure. Well, I was sort of hoping as little as possible of the next couple of years. I think that is an issue. We we should really should put behind us on my personal If U is for all it's worth is that the so-called Sullivan to plan is a perfectly reasonable plan at compromise of the whole array of conflicting in interest and receipt for the other issues. That would be the advice. I would give to the board if they were to ask me an answer your question for Mark yudof Place undergraduate education. What was most important about that experience to you and then to give us a little more idea about some of the things you think are most important in undergraduate education at the University of Minnesota and its constituent campuses. Okay, I was a liberal arts undergraduate major and probably Rush more than I should have went through in three years. So I was taking a lot of courses simultaneously. I think it's fair to say Nancy that I was a dilettante and that's what I like best about it. I took abnormal psychology. I took astronomy. I took Greek thought I took religion and majored in political science minor 10 economically. What I loved about it was the diversity of the program. I just wasn't ready to clear myself an anthropologist or even a budding lawyer. I just wanted to experience as many different fields as possible and my perception of the University of Minnesota. Is that still possible here? And that's that's great. And it's it's the it may be more of a problem of guiding students through all this knowledge and so many professors, but the idea that you can have a sort of cafeteria where you can taste different substance of areas is very appealing to me and always has been Keisha Knight it's not so much a substance of focus because I think the substance is there they're fine professors and they know how to teach I would have to size things. Like I'm making sure the undergraduates are exposed for 10 years and tenure-track professors that they had better advising that we need a sort of human mosaic if I can put it that way something that helps the students work their way through in an area where there are so many more things to be learned than any human being has pop time to learn. I think it's very important to try to cut down on the bureaucracy Syracuse University's that gives her bouncing back and forth because they can't get something stamped so they can't get somebody to approve something or the scholarship will be ready in three days later. We were big organizations and it's hard to do that, but I think every time you Turn your back on a student you think of someone who's potentially a great friend of the university and made them a lot less supportive. So I would concentrate on making it a user-friendly place with adequate advising and Anna and a high quality of campus life and and the substance of Lee I think Minnesota is relatively good shape how much importance would you place on a four-year graduation rate at the University of the last 3-4 years, but I think if you have a 6-year graduation rate, which I think it Minnesota is about the roughly 50% of the student body. It should be a lot better. Texas is slightly higher than that protects us all to be doing a lot better. I put a premium on getting a degree within a reasonable period of time say 6 years and don't think that because there are exceptions people have to work people have families people have illnesses that that should become the norm for everyone. So I would push hard to get that 6-year graduation rate up. I'd probably be a little less concerned about the 4-year graduation rate. I guess today is Mark yudof who is in Minnesota this week in ducting a series of meetings and interviews has the University of Minnesota Board of Regents tries to decide whether Mr. You. Should be the next president of the University of Minnesota. He is the only finalist for the position. He's been good enough to join us today from University minnesota-duluth where he's been meeting with the UMD officials and students, and if you'd like to join our conversation, if you got a question for Mark yudof, let me give me the phone number to call. Twin Cities, it would be 2276 thousand to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities. The number would be one 802-422-8282 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. Steve your question Place between graduate education in answering that perhaps you could relate a time in your past experience when you became aware of a student to his being sexually aroused by a faculty member and what you did personally to remedy that situation. Steve volume help draft the sexual harassment and really drafted the racial harassment code at the University of Texas. It's something that I am I feel very strongly with about and I guess my strongest feeling is that such as fractions will be punished swiftly and immediately and harshly. The other hand is a lawyer. I tell you that I need to observe to process procedures and that you need to make sure that you have made accurate facts of terminations and listen to all side of the story. what I was seeing if a law school I never had I guess I did I could think of a case where we had the series of sexual harassment complaints the system at the University of Texas was we had two sexual harassment officers one male one female and they were two to talk to the person who was the victim of the practices and a Texas the Stair step was that if it's cool could settle the matter to the satisfaction of the victim than it would otherwise, it would feel higher up into the it's the hierarchy of the punishments would be more severe and in that case under the particular circumstances of that case victim seemed satisfied with the disciplinary actions that I took and the other matter ended at that stage. You think that the schools in America universities in America at least to some degree debate on campuses has been stifled because of concerns of political correctness Well, I haven't seen that in recent years. I can think of departments around the country that probably was true. And I don't know exactly what one means but it means that says some Pete you're out of step with some people in your department and you feel a certain amount of peer pressure not to take particular position, but I think by the way, it's on all sides of the political Spectrum, but it's it's not something. I have a lot of concern about today. To be honest with you Susan your question for Market off place even what's the weather so soon? My question is having been a teaching assistant another graduate school out-of-state. I have a lot of interest in the uses and abuses of graduate students in faculty education faculty teaching. It seems to me that we often take underprepared undertrained with students with very little oversight and expect them to do superhuman work and for very little compensation and I'd really like to know your thoughts about how we should use graduate students in teaching what kind of oversight they should have. What kind of compensation should they should have just any issues around that particular subject. Thanks exactly. Right. Just a Minnesota, but across the country and that is a we're not compensating graduate students as well as we we should some universities and not getting an adequate adequate. Medical Care Health Insurance type packages we give them were close with your greater than they oughta be so I don't think you and I would differ 1iota on the on the problems that are present in that you should graduate students. The question is most of the major universities is how do you better support than where do you find the finances to do that? And unfortunately Nationwide legislative funding for public universities has been relatively flat since 1984 and situation which was already beginning to deteriorate has gotten worse piece of music graduate students. So I guess if you I consider that a high priority for the University of terms of private fundraising in terms of legislature, try to give the grad students more of a Shake Ya it more of a fair shake to give him up more of a living wage to cut back on the number of courses that the teaching so far the other side of that I should add is I think we need to do a better job of teaching them to be teachers and that's for two reasons one is to help the students of teaching at the University of Minnesota. And the other reason is to help those who will be in the classes of these graduate students when they become professors and many of them will not be teaching a big research universities. Those jobs are hard to find many of them will be spending many times the time in the classroom that they spending in the laboratory or writing books. So up. I think it's a national problem. Not sure I have any great Epiphany other than we need to find more resources to support the students. Next question is from Fred was calling for Minneapolis Craigslist. Hello, I don't want to ask about your perspective on and I'll try and tie them together for you here in my little introduction our computer networking technology and also getting a broadening participation of Minnesota citizens in the University learning process. I don't know if you saw the article are familiar with what's happened in the last year or so at Harvard Business School, but there was an article in yesterday's Star Tribune on the first page of business section about how they have overhauled their the business school in many ways including their use of technology and are much more using email and online forums and so on much more than they were previously in one thing that caught my attention is they have lifelong email addresses assigned to students. So you don't you don't disappear at the end of your four years, you're still around and they've had the email discussions or online discussions that incorporated alumni so that you could use real-world expertise and so on and with respect to broadening participation of Minnesota citizens of in the University process, it's it always I'm not an alumni this University but I've been on campus live a couple miles away and really to get a feel for what happened at the University it it's very helpful to be on campus, but it would seem like now with electronic communications that might be modified if there were a commitment to broader participation in Do universities ongoing discussions and so on and assuming that the electronic networking were adopted quite broadly. Well, I I agree with much of what you had to say. Yep. The possibilities are almost endless when you take into account the information revolution in the new technologies and computers. I guess what I would say is that it will happen and should happen that we can use some computers distance learning techniques to reach a much much broader audience than University of Minnesota is currently able to reach Do you think long-term that more and more people are going to be getting degrees via computer rather than actually going to the university. I think you will always be a place for the great residential universities and it's not the same thing to be hugging your computer is to sit in the seminar room and see real people and the to be able to enter activate you human level, but I do think that there are lots of people who are in rural areas for lots of people who have family responsibilities for have full-time jobs for whom it is not possible to be a residential student and for them the second best solution may be to receive an education through distance learning in a know another of these new technologies CD-ROM and so forth. I view the situation as the university in the Twin Cities. Should not only be doing some of the stuff on its own but we working with the Minnesota college and university system and another words in Cooperative relationships working. Do these community colleges and 4-year colleges I make available additional distance learning opportunities. So it's not just what university in the Twin Cities delivers itself. But also how it can facilitate the delivery of such services to other providers in the market. Shelia is on the line from Winona your question Place had a chance to visit Maurice yet. That's tomorrow. Oh well good. I my son is a freshman there and I was I was pleased to hear what you just made in terms of your comments about distance learning excetera. I I feel that that residential college experience at Morris provides is extremely valuable and an n i a little bit of irony. I'm involved with distance learning myself, but like they say when it's good enough for your own kids and you know, what's really good but I think your perspective it is is right on as far as that. They see kinds of ways the distance learning can help people but I guess I was I was somewhat anxious to hear your views about to a small campus like Maurice even though it is kind of a gym on the Prairie with its, you know, incredible post graduate acceptance rates at cetera and just to get your feel for that. And that's one of the background that I came from and I look at Morris and I haven't visited the airport from what I've read that this is a superb campus which is modest of Meaning it doesn't have huge numbers in the problems with that brings on Twin Cities campus does so I feel very good about it. I am anxious to go out there and take a look personally. John is calling from Duluth. So let's see. Mr. Eutaw option Duluth Johnsonville oath and the phone lines here in the Twin Cities. Let's get you two together. I really want to just describe a recent situation and depth if a comment is appropriate fine, otherwise, whatever that this recently been a terrible ethical problem in the Health Sciences and after a due process high-ranking Professor who had become a media, I was dismissed from the University and pressure came from certain parts of the faculty and a lot of pressure from politicians of the highest rank in the state of Minnesota president of the University stood firm. He didn't give an inch and many of us out here proud graduates of the University will never forget president has no more for his Integrity in this. Dandy took in the face of the greatest art of opposition on this and I just tell about this and if you'd like to make a comment fine, and if you don't I'll understand about the doctor John the gerion we are I think I better not make a comment and I do hope you understand the well, let's move along here. Next caller is from the University of Minnesota George a good day. And I wish you would have brought a little Texas Sunshine with you when you came up. I am a faculty member at the University of Minnesota and I've been here for about 20 years and I'm concerned that we no longer have a functional system of checks and balances between faculty and administration and I think that consequently collegiality is being destroyed and wondering if you favor a top-down administrative style and do you understand the situation here at the University if you don't understand it, I would hope that you would inquire about it in clear. I understand it before you head back south. Thanks a lot. Hey, I am a bit earlier My Philosophy is not a top-down management style text cuz I've been renowned for moving power into the hands of the faculty governance into the department Chairs into the dean's offices and I do insist upon a high level of accountability. We have shared goals I need to be accomplished is not everyone does whatever pleases them to do. But I feel the goals of a great University can be accomplished better through discretion exercised at the Grassroots and not in the president's office. I have some understanding of the A 10-year and other controversies at the University and I probably do have a lot to learn I am going to be on the Twin Cities campus this afternoon and tomorrow I'll be speaking with faculty leaders. If there are systemic problems. I can honestly say that I know but they are today but I very much hope I'll be able to find out about them in the next couple of days given what you've heard out and about around the country. Do you think it's going to be a problem attracting top-quality faculty to the University Minnesota over the next few years? Well, I don't think so. But I think it's going to be important that there be an ear of Good Feeling when the new president comes in and that the whole university rally together because I do think there are some residual negative feelings around the country. I don't think they're insurmountable, but I think he just wouldn't be accurate to say they don't exist at all, John you get the last question. Presidential Dollar General about about mission statement of in Yuba City that University is a public university supposed to Discovery. Not only for a faculty member and is based on my personal case what you want to do as a president if I would come to your office and Interstate 85 like this very briefly in the area of mathematical physics. I have credentials list of name of the first or even seen from seminar at University of Minnesota and I expected minimum that you would establish panelist Paso to to check if my claim is like what you do in that situation. I would refer to the the matter to the relevant Department. I can evaluate physics. I would leave it to the physicist to evaluate it and to advise me on it except a job. If it's offered you think we can talk of Citizen's duties is more important than fighting for human rights. I'm Mary Kay magstadt in Hong Kong. The government says inflation at the producer level Rose 4/10 of a percent in November. The labor department says a jumping Energy prices spark the inflation rise. The agency says without the volatile food and energy costs. The core rate of inflation was up. Just a tenth of a percent on Wall Street. The Dow Jones Industrials are down more than 89 points at 6384. This is NPR. The Oregon attorney general says Congressman Wes Cooley has been indicted on two counts of making a false statement in the Oregon voter guide one count alleges the Republican lied when he said in the March 1994 pamphlet, he had been a member of the army special forces in Korea the second count alleges. He lied again when he repeated the claim in August 1994 in a second guide. These guys were published by Oregon to help voters receive information about candidates in a separate investigation by Federal grand jury is hearing a case involving whether mrs. Cooley improperly took Veterans Affairs widow's benefits while living with Kool-Aid before their marriage AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and more than 300 union workers at Yale University were arrested last night during a protest in New Haven Connecticut need a Christian member station wshu reports Life after a warning police let demonstrators off the waiting school buses union workers that you don't have been working without a contract for over a year. Subcontracting is the major stumbling blocks. The union say Yale the Region's largest employer would use subcontracting rights to create a new Workforce of low-paid non-benefit jobs. You don't has offered a job and wage guarantees and promised to maintain 80% of current Staffing levels officials at the school said the demonstration would not Advanced negotiations AFL-CIO President John Sweeney a child against the Ivy League school by the National Labor Relations Board for National Public Radio MV de christe in New Haven Connecticut is finally flowing to Turkey today. The deal was approved by the United Nation so that Baghdad could buy food and medicine for a Rockies. They have been impoverished by economic sanctions imposed after Iraq invaded Kuwait 6 years ago. I'm Korva Coleman in Washington. Turn on WAMU in Washington. Welcome to the derrickman Getty show. If you watch your local news, you've almost certainly already noted that it's not unusual to have a crime story lead off the nightly newscast. Usually some sort of murder or bizarre robbery. The fact is though by Lynch Street crime fighting as it might be probably cannot hit your pocketbook is hard or as deeply as white-collar crime a growing epidemic that literally reaches into all facets of our society. We don't pay much attention to White Collar Crooks except in the most egregious of cases, but even the small fry robbing us a billions of dollars over time. Now, we know something about insurance or credit card fraud, but what about the millions of dollars being stolen from public education crooked lawyers stealing from us and their own firms and charitable organizations that exist just to make the directors which all of these are part of the disturbing tapestry of white collar crime is woven together and a brand new book called masters of deception the worldwide white collar crime. Prices in ways to protect yourself former State Department special agent Luis Mizell Jr. Is the author of the book He's published five books on personal protection including Street sense for parents and Street sense for seniors. You can join our conversation by dialing 202-885-8850 or toll-free from around the country. 800-433-8850 Luis Mizell Jr. Good to see you again. Thank you. I had to have you here last time you hear you talk about Street sense for women Street crime books. Obviously thought I mentioned


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