Listen: Jimmy Carter and Hubert H. Humphrey

President Jimmy Carter makes a stop in Minnesota to visit and celebrate Hubert H. Humphrey with a signing of bill that will name the newest building of the Health Education and Welfare Department after Senator Humphrey.

Segment also includes comments from Humphrey on bet he made with former President Gerald Ford on Minnesota vs.Michigan football game (the Gophers beat the undefeated Wolverines 16-0 on October 22, 1977).


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JOHN MERLI: In a scene reminiscent of the last time the president came to Minnesota during the presidential campaign, only this time arriving on Air Force One instead of Peanut One, Carter stepped off his plane to be greeted by Senator Wendell Anderson, governor Rudy Perpich, Attorney General Warren Spannaus, and other state officials. Carter spent several minutes shaking hands with some of the several hundred well-wishers who bundled up in a chilly wind to see him and then proceeded to a wing of the terminal where he met privately with the Humphrey family for about 20 minutes.

As Carter and Humphrey emerged from a terminal arm in arm, Humphrey, looking frail but rested, both men spoke to reporters. Carter calling Humphrey the greatest American he knows.

JIMMY CARTER: On the plane after we take off, I'm going to sign a bill that will name the newest building of a health education and welfare department after Senator Humphrey as a mayor of Minneapolis, as a senator from Minnesota, as a vice president, as a presidential nominee, and a great candidate, and now, as a US senator, I know no one who exemplifies what our nation stands for better than he.

If there's a retarded child in our country who hasn't been helped by Senator Humphrey, I don't know about it. Every elderly person in our nation, every poor person in our nation, every Black person in our nation, everyone who has come here from overseas who doesn't speak English well, everyone who lives in something of despair knows that they have one staunch and undying friend in Senator Hubert Humphrey.

And this naming of the building for him would be just a small gesture on the part of the House and the Senate to make sure that everyone in our country for this year and for many years to come will connect this building and the great work that he's done with this humanitarian efforts that's been typical of him. It's going to mean a great deal to our country to have him back where he belongs-- again, serving the American people.

Senator Humphrey, I'm glad you're going back to work. And I'm glad you've let me provide the taxi service to get you back where you belong. Congratulations to you, and congratulations to the Minnesota football team yesterday. That was great.


HUBERT HUMPHREY: Well, Mr. President, I know I speak on behalf of the almost 4 million people in this state when I say, thank you for stopping by on this Sunday to pay us a visit, to share with us your optimism, your confidence, your friendly smile, and above all, your love of people and country.

Yesterday, I was a little tired because I gave a good deal of my strength to the Gophers. And I'm going to let you in now on a high state secret. On Friday night, the former president of the United states, Mr. Ford, called me and he said, Hubert, I understand that the University of Michigan is coming to Minnesota. I said, yes. I said, please, just don't mention it, because Michigan, up to that time, was unbeaten.

And he said, well now, Hubert, don't you think we ought to have a little wager? I said, I think that's proper. He said, I'll give you 14 points. I said, that's Republican conservatism. I said, I demand three touchdowns-- 21.

And he said, well, how about 20? I said, that's a deal. And he said, what's the amount? I said, $5. Now, I hope that's legal. I'm not sure. If it isn't, I ask for forgiveness.

JIMMY CARTER: I'll pardon you on that.

HUBERT HUMPHREY: You'll pardon me on that, would you, Mr. President? Thank you. So yesterday, after the game, as soon as I could get the White House switchboard to help me, which they did readily, I got ahold of my old friend, President Ford. I said, Mr. President, send the check. And I gave him two or three addresses so that he couldn't possibly miss.

So if the IRS is here, we'll include it. I just wanted you to know that great developments have taken place within the last 24 hours. Thank you, and God bless you today. Thank you very much.


JOHN MERLI: Senator Hubert Humphrey preceded by President Carter. Less than five minutes later, Air Force One was, again, airborne and headed for Washington. Reporters were not allowed to question the president on any issues, and Humphrey uncharacteristically hesitated to talk about any national issues when he spoke briefly with reporters prior to Carter's arrival. But Humphrey did indicate he has a lot to discuss with Carter in the next several days. This is John Merli.

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