Listen: 15291839_64

Jack Baker comments about similar goals of the state convention Women's Caucus and the Gay Rights Caucus. Baker states Women's Caucus is essentially tearing down and rejecting male chauvinism, and so is the Gay Rights Caucus.

The Gay Caucus demands that the state recognize gay relationships as equal to any other relationships. Baker sees the Gay Caucus is a one-issue caucus and as soon as gay liberation becomes less of a controversial issue throughout the country it will cease to exist.


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SPEAKER: We're both going after the elimination of the dominant, white male heterosexual. And I think the women are after that same thing. They no longer want to be subjugated and put into certain roles, and they want to enter into a relationship on an equal basis. And they're essentially tearing down and rejecting the male chauvinism. And of course, so is the Gay Rights Caucus.

We seek for everyone the right to love according to the needs of the individual. Unfortunately, the platform committee chose to emphasize the sexual side of same-sex love, which in our minds is less important than the free, open, and honest expression of emotions. So we take the gay rights plank directly to the floor.

We're talking about a contract between two individuals and a respect and dignity under the law. And we demand that the state recognize our relationships as equal to any other relationship. The Gay Caucus is a one-issue caucus. Just as soon as gay liberation becomes less of a controversial issue throughout the country or, as far as I'm concerned, Minnesota, when it comes less of a controversial issue, it will cease to exist.


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