August 11, 2006 - MPR’s Lorna Benson looks at the life of W. Harry Davis, Minneapolis civil rights activist and educator, who passed away on August 11th, 2006. Davis rose from humble beginnings in a poor, segregated north Minneapolis neighborhood to prominent business and civic leadership in the Twin Cities.
December 10, 2002 - MPR’s Cathy Wurzer interviews W. Harry Davis, prominent local civil rights activist and educator, about his autobiography, entitled "Overcoming." In it, he describes growing up in poverty, helping found the Minneapolis Urban Coalition, running a local Golden Gloves Boxing organization and serving on the Minneapolis School Board for 20 years.
November 7, 2001 - MPR’s Dan Olson takes a look at the eight year tenure of Sharon Sayles Belton, outgoing mayor Minneapolis. Highlighted accomplishments include crime reduction campaigns, downtown development, budget challenges, curtailing housing discrimination, community schools, and rise in property values.
June 8, 2001 - Walter Mondale's tribute to his mentor Hubert Humphrey from the ongoing 50 Years: Mondale Lectures on Public Service, held at the University of Minnesota. Program also includes speeches from Harry Davis, civil rights leader and former Minneapolis School Board member; and Norman Sherman, Hubert Humphrey’s former press secretary.
February 27, 1998 - Audio excerpts of Harry Davis recalling life in the Twin Cities. Davis eventually became chairman of the Minneapolis School Board. He grew up in Minneapolis during the Depression.
May 1, 1995 - On this Voices of Minnesota segment, an interview with W. Harry Davis, local civil rights activist and head of the Minneapolis School Board. Davis discusses his Twin Cities youth, family experience, and boxing.
May 1, 1995 - On this Voices of Minnesota segment, an interview with W. Harry Davis, local civil rights activist and head of the Minneapolis School Board. Davis discusses busing, mayoral run, curriculum, and concept of equality.
March 22, 1995 - MPR’s Mary Stucky reports on Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton’s views on neighborhood schools. Some in community see it as a return to segregation, others as a community focus to strengthening schools.
August 27, 1994 - On the passing of his friend Gleason Glover, Harry Davis reflects on the local civil rights activist and longtime head of the Minneapolis Urban League. Davis shares historical moments that Glover was a part of in the Twin Cities.
January 2, 1987 - Midday presents the Public Policy Unit documentary "Dropouts: Falling off the Bottom Rung." MPR’s Stephen Smith, Bill Catlin, and Dan Olson create a collaborative report on Minnesota high school dropouts.